《New Beginning in the Magical World》Chapter 21: Changes within the City


Chapter 21: Changes within the City

Its been a month since Hugo came back in the territory after finishing his mission.

Hubert is currently in his office reading some official documents when Hugo suddenly paid him a visit to share some good news with him.

Hugo told him that Lisa might possibly be pregnant for their second child, and he is genuinely happy for his friend, since it is quite difficult for a knight to impregnate a woman.

The more powerful a knight is, the harder it is to have his own child. The same case also applies to wizards.

Hubert also decided to give Hugo a week of leave so that he can take care of his wife. He actually wanted to make it longer but there's so much work that needed to be done.

He also knows that Hugo wants to make it up for all the times he was away from his wife.

Hubert he also knows how hard it is, to be alone for a long time. As he also loved his wife more than anyone else and he would do everything to make her happy.

All the time that he has spent with her are all precious memories that he will truly cherish.

That's why when his wife died he never even bothered to look for another woman.

Although he knew that his wife died due to complications from giving birth to Lucas.

It never occurred to him to blame it all on his son. He knows better how much his wife loves their child. Although she died months after giving birth to their son, he was still glad because, in the short amount of time his wife managed to experience how to be a mother, which is one of her dreams.

Both of them were able to be happy because they experienced how to have their own family for a short duration and before his wife died she told him to always take care of their son.

She even gave him her blessing of finding another partner in life, since he was still too young to be alone and experience desolation for the rest of his remaining time on this land.

But even with her wife's blessings, and no matter how many people had tried to convince him to take another wife, he never gave in or even paid attention to another woman.

He spent most of his time managing his territory or looking for some clues that could help him cure the illness of his son.

He even tried to contact people who have a close relationship with individuals who suffers from the same illness in the hopes of finding any small clues or ideas, that even if it didn't cure the illness. He was hoping that it might help to prolong Lucas life.

Hubert knows the general information about this rare disease, and no matter how many people or specialists he consulted they always gave him the same advice.

It's difficult for anyone with this disease to survive to the age of 15.

No one really knows why and where it began, or what is the reason why people have this disease.

All Hubert knows in his heart is that it was not impossible to prolong someone's life or even survive from this ordeal.

He found his hopes from the clues he got from several old books, and archives of other kingdoms.

Even though the chances were slim as long as there was a chance, he was willing to take the risk and do anything in order to save his son from his doom.


He had spent countless nights viewing, reading, collecting, and searching for every possible clue that might help him save his son. No matter how small the possibility is, he was willing to spend his wealth in exchange for information.

This is also one of the reasons why the Beaufort treasury was almost emptied of gold coins.

He spent countless amounts of wealth that his ancestors had collected for hundreds of years in order to search for clues. Not just with the cure for Lucas, but also for the news and clues about his brother's missing partner.

Aside from this, he also helped a lot of people in their territory to pay their fees on time, so that no one would be sacrificed to be a slaves of other people.

This is also the reason why for a long time, no major changes happened in the city of Florentine.

Their economic progress has become stagnant, barely enough to keep them afloat and survive. But all of this have changed 3 months ago, after his son, Lucas, suffered from his recurring illness.

Suddenly, Lucas has changed for the better.

He became more active in involving himself in ruling and managing the city.

He also becomes more responsible towards his obligations, and because of this changes, people have started to respect him and accept him as the future lord of the territory.

He also didn't expect that Lucas himself would start to speak with him in order to ask for permission to start a project. Nevertheless, he was happy to see that his son had started associating himself with him and other people.

Although he strictly demanded Lucas to train hard in order to break through the limits of humanity and become an official knight.

In the hopes of that by breaking the limits of mortal before the age of 15 it would help him to prolong his life by years or even decades.

That's why when Lucas brought him the good news about him officially becoming a 5th tier Junior knight, his hope that Lucas would overcome his illness became stronger.

It is also the time that huge changes have happened in the city. He never expected that with Lucas initiative the entire Florentine city would flourish and become vibrant.

People are now filled with smiles as they wander around the city. Markets are once again full of clamoring merchants selling their wares and people looking for something to buy.

Because of the new industry that Lucas has started, a lot of people are now employed under the Beaufort House and they earn a lot of money from it, more than enough to sustain themselves.

This new industry is the reason for the expansion of the farmland. In addition, the boom of different varieties of edible plants has helped a lot in the revival of the economy and trade of the city.

The businessmen and merchants from other neighboring cities had started to arrive in the hopes of procuring an exclusive contract for their most well-known product, which is powdered spice. But all of them were dismayed when they discovered that, the only one who controlled this new rising industry was the Beaufort family.

This people have tried to approach him as the lord of the territory to carry favors in exchange for more opportunities, but when he told them that Lucas is the one responsible for managing that family business, they immediately dispersed like flies.

He didn't know how Lucas handled those businessmen but he was awed, when he found out that all of them agreed to become the distributor of powdered spice in specific places as Lucas had made them bid and whoever has the highest price for bidding then they would get the exclusive contract for distributing the spice.


This bidding have brought huge amount of gold coins in to their treasury, and Lucas have taken a small part of it calling it as a commission which he doesn't mind.

Because of all of this commotion, after just a few months, the Florentine city has undergone a huge change. With huge amount of funds in their hands they were able to fund projects after projects.

Aside from the new massive field of crops that sprouted out around the place. He also saw how the former lifeless city has now become full of color, and the once lifeless city is now filled with the chaotic voices from people who have regained their hopes for a brighter future.

Hubert's thoughts were interrupted when his secretary, Sandra, suddenly spoke to him about the report of the financial income of the city.

"Lord Hubert, it seems like the plan of young Master Lucas is a huge success. Our tax collection for this month has exceeded our expected target. If this trend continues, we will be able to save a lot of money for the first time." Sandra said excitedly to Hubert as she read out the financial documents of the territory.

"It would be better that instead, of saving that excess money from our treasury, we could instead use it to build more establishments in our city. In that way we would be able to provide more jobs to people and at the same time we can improve the living environment within the territory." Hubert said seriously while looking at the view of the entire Florentine city in his window.

"I think Master Lucas would do the same thing, but I would remind you that once we did this, we won't have a lot of accessible funds in case of an emergency and that's not a good thing" Sandra said as she tried to dissuade Hubert from diverting all the funds into infrastructure development.

"But we won't achieve anything if we just let all those gold coins sit in one place. I've done this before. Even you Sandra, knows about it, and look at what happened to us. Nothing! After decades of guarding this place nothing has changed at all. I can't always be on the passive side, Sandra, as my secretary. You know how many sacrifices I have made for the past few years in order to keep all of this but, what happen? The kingdoms demand is getting bigger year by year. It's outrageous." Hubert said angrily while remembering all the past sacrifices he made.

Sandra stands there as she secretly gulps a few mouthfuls of her saliva before having the strength to talk back.

"I'm fully aware of that, my Lord. I know how many sacrifices we have made in the past years and how much they impacted us. That's why I strongly insist to always have enough funds as savings in our treasury incase that old senile man on the throne demands something more from us and, as long we keep this formality, we won't have any further problems with the entire nobility." Sandra said seriously while keeping herself calm the entire time.

"Sandra, as one of the personnel responsible for managing the territory. You should know how long I ignored all the ridicule that other people said about us and as the lord of the Florentine City, I now realize what my true roles are. Thanks to my son Lucas for opening my eyes. I guess it's time now for us to do something." Hubert said mysteriously to her.

"Do you have a plan my Lord? We know that our situation is getting better and it won't take long before the other nobles find out about this" Sandra said to Hubert.

"For the long years I have ruled this city, I have done nothing, but I do have a lot of plans in mind and, regarding those nobles, I know them and I'm sure they won't care about it no matter how popular spices have become." Hubert said as smiles spread from his face.

"How can you be so sure about that Lord Hubert? The income we get from selling the spices is far more bigger than our city's tax, and I'm sure people will hear about it soon. And once they found out how much profit we make in this business, I'm sure those guys would be greedy for it." Sandra said as she questioned him.

"I'm sure, because Lucas already had his own plan before he even started all of this. At the very start of his project, I had already figured out what he wanted to do, even though he didn't tell me anything about it. He wants to have a total control of the supply of the powdered spices and he would have all the advantages he need if he had a cheap and stable supply of it. Since he can set his price on his own without any worry and with the fertile land around us, it's assured that we will have a bounty harvest every season." Hubert said proudly.

"I still don't get it my Lord, how and what's the connection of it at all?" Sandra ask.

"Sometimes all we have to do is to put a façade to mask our true intention. Even though Lucas sells those spices as dirt cheap if the volume is large enough. Then we can also earn a lot from it. That's why when Lucas sold it for 1 copper coin per spoonful, those nobles wouldn't care at all. They won't do any business that they can't sell for gold coins. The only exceptions are the merchants. Those people know that at a cheap price, It would be much easier to sell it to ordinary people, and with the promise that this spice can make your food tastier than before, of course, people would flock on them. The farther they go, the more business they can do, and as long as they are the only one who have this product in that area, then they can increase the price as much as they want." Hubert calmly explained to Sandra.

"But isn't this bad if those merchants could increase the price as much as they want, then it wouldn't be possible if they raised it to a gold coin and that would attract the attention of other nobles." Sandra said worriedly.

"That would not happen if they had a lot of competition. The more people know about this, then the more people will enter this field of business in that way. The price of this spice, no matter how great it can improve the taste of our food. Its price is nailed and would remain stable on the market." Hubert said confidently.

"But even if what you said is true, my lord We don't have absolute control over all of this and I'm sure that some people would take advantage of it."

"That is also one of the main reasons why Lucas sold it for a cheap price. So it can immediately spread far and wide. No matter how much they want to control the news about it, people would eventually found the truth, and once it happens they would lose all their control of it." Said by Hubert as he pours his selves some wine.

"That's actually a good tactic. At first I was baffled on why are we willing to trade those spice for such a low price, but if this went well, then I can say that Master Lucas is now a qualified leader. Without him, all of this wouldn't be possible. It would take someone with a great mind to do all of this. At the same time, I'm sure you are proud of this achievement my lord." Sandra said happily to Hubert as she praised Lucas with his tactics.

"Time flies so fast, I can still remember the past when Lucas was still a kid playing in the mansion's garden, but look at him now. My son Lucas, has grown up into an outstanding man. With all the things he has shown me in the past month, I am confident that he can lead the Florentine city into a much better and brighter future even if I'm gone." Hubert said sadly while looking at their family paintings.

The huge painting shows a family of three with Hubert dressed in his armor while standing beside a woman wearing a black and white dress sitting on a golden chair while holding a young baby with silver hair and red eyes.

Sandra watched his lord as he gazed sadly at the last portrait reminding them of his late wife.

"I'm sure Lady Lenissia would be happy to see how young master Lucas have grown to." Sandra said respectably.

"Indeed she would be." Hubert said in a low voice.

"I'll report back if there's anything important, Master Hubert but for now I'll take my leave." She said as she slightly bowed her head.

Sandra exited the room because she wants his Master to have some time to be alone. Since she also knows that today's date is special as it was the anniversary of lady Lenissia's death.

Ever since she died, her master, Hubert, has spent most of his time working and only takes a rest once in a while.

That includes the date today. Since Florentine city has become lively, a lot of work has been added to her job. This also keeps her busy for a long time, and because of this she almost forgets the date today. Fortunately, she immediately remembers it after seeing that portrait of her.

Sandra also knows that Lucas likes to spend his entire day inside of his room when this special date has come.

That's why she knows that today is the day that she will need to spend extra hours on her work to cover the absence of the two most important people on the Florentine.

She didn't hate this job. In fact, it was because of lady Lenissia that she was able to pursue her career and dreams about magical formation. With her help, she overcame all the odds and got her certificate as one of the best in this field.

That's why Sandra was also devastated when Lady Lenissia died, aside from her being a kind person. Lenissia also treats her as her best friend. That's why on her death she lost two important people on that day, her good friend and her young lady, but she knows that for the Beaufort family their loss is unbearable.

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