《Individuals Toxic Behaviors》♤♠︎Chapter 59♠︎♤{You're my addiction}
You're an addiction,
a cruel slow torture that pulls me in
and makes me wait,
and ,
you make me impatient.
•Chapter 59•
•Emma's Point Of View•
Leo was clearly drunk; his eyes had a red tint to them. Sadness was reflected in those dark eyes that casted down on me.
They looked dead. It was actually unnerving to see his usual gentle eyes look like that-not a single hint of life in them.
Before I could even apologize for bumping into him, he grabbed my hand in a tight, painful grip, making me wince at the pain that shot up my right arm as my heart started beating harshly in my chest.
He pulls me into a hug, keeping me closer to his body. This faint scent of alcohol has become stronger than before.
He said something under his breath. But unfortunately, I couldn't quite catch it with clarity because of the loud music booming throughout the enormous place as some sang their hearts out to the lyrics of the song while dancing to their hearts' content.
Not wanting him to punch anyone out of annoyance, I took him upstairs, seeing how disoriented he was with his surroundings and how agitated he was getting with the people around him when they bumped into him by mistake. It was making me quickly move him through the crowd, praying he wouldn't snap at anyone.
He followed me without objection, like a lost puppy following its owner.
It was best to get him away from all these people, knowing how violent he gets if something triggers him in this state. I don't know if I could stop the aftermath if it got out of hand.
Words wouldn't work on him; he'll just keep hitting until someone as strong as him can hold him back until the other person makes an attempt to escape far away from him if they will be able to without some assistance.
Of course, I was scared to be even close to him right now when he's like this. But leaving him there alone in a crowded room would be a disaster waiting to happen.
When we made it to an empty bedroom on the second floor at the end of the long corridor, the first thing I noticed was that it seemed to be a guest room.
I escorted him to the big mattress in the center of the dimly lit room.
To keep myself calm and safe, I left the door slightly open, ready to make a run for it and get help if he turned hostile.
He sat there quietly as his vivid, dark eyes followed my every movement as if he had to keep an eye on me or I'd vanish from his sight if he didn't.
Oddly, he wasn't showing any signs of aggression. He was being very obedient. When I told him to stay there and not move from that spot, Oddly, he stayed and obeyed.
What the hell did he take tonight to have him this calm and passive?
I quickly went into the bathroom that's connected to the bedroom to see if there was anything that could be placed on his irritated eyes, which looked so red.
If he gets home like this, he'll definitely get in trouble with Dad and his mother.
And the last thing I want is for him to get punished by his crazy, unhinged mother. Just remembering those scars he has makes me think she's the one who did those to him.
I still can't believe she locked them in dog cages. I can't even look at her without my mind imagining how terribly she treated them when they were young.
I knew, deep down, that I wasn't the only one who needed therapy in that house.
A bunch of clean, white, rolled hand towels sat nicely on a small, open black shelf.
I took one and soaked it in cold water. Then I squeezed it, leaving it slightly damp.
I quickly made my way out of the bathroom and into the bedroom again. As soon as my eyes landed on the spot, I left him at, my heart stopped for a second when I didn't find him where I left him.
Really, Leo? Didn't I tell you to stay?
Where the heck did he go?
I looked at the bedroom door, and it was still how I left it. Then I turned my head in the opposite direction, and I noticed the closet door was slightly ajar.
Is he hiding in there? No way. But I checked anyway, just to make sure.
And in fact, he was. He sat there with his eyes closed and his head leaning back on the wall. He seemed so tired of life right now.
This closet was too small for his enormous size. Doesn't he feel uncomfortable sitting in such a claustrophobic-inducing space?
"Hey, Leo, come out from there and lay on the bed instead. It's much more comfortable."
"...." No answer came out from him. He was ignoring my presence completely. What has gotten into him tonight?
"Did you hear me, Leo?"
"Yesss." He slightly opened his eyes to look at me. A hint of irritation was reflected in those dark, tinted eyes.
This is the first time he ever looked at me this way, it honestly took me by surprise.
"Would you come out from there, please?" This time my tone was softer, the same tone I use when Ares won't come out from under my bed when he gets mad when I don't let him play with Aphrodite the whole night.
"No." He closes his eyes again, shutting me out completely. Wow, he really wasn't in the mood to do anything right now.
At least he wasn't being violent. I just hope he stays like that for the rest of the night until I can get a ride home and take him with me.
Maybe I should go find his brother, but that idea quickly vanished, remembering that he was entertaining some pretty girl. Again, this stupid, ugly feeling appeared in my chest as my brows furrowed a little.
What the hell? This is not the time to be feeling like this... I refocused solely on Leo again. Evaporating those uncomfortable feelings in my chest
So I folded the damp hand towel and gently placed it over his closed eyes.
He takes it off right after I place it over his closed eyes. He was acting like Aphrodite when she got annoyed with me when I wrapped her in a soft pink blanket to keep her warm at night.
"You have to keep it on. Your eyes are too red, Leo. It would make it better." I took it from his hands and placed it right back on his closed eyelids. Those eyes need to be less agitated before I call a cab and take him back home with me.
"Fine." He gave up, not wanting to argue with me anymore.
A ping sound makes me check my smartphone, which has lit up. A message pops up clearly on my screen.
(Romania-I found the three idiots. I'm coming to get you. So don't move from your spot. Please.)
When I was about to go and sit on the bed for a bit and sent her a quick text explaining to her that I'm not there anymore.
And then quickly get him something cold to drink to flush out whatever toxic drink flowed through this guy's bloodstream.
Leo grabs me by my jeans' front left pocket and yanks me down to his lap harshly, quickly diminishing my plans, causing a little surprise squeal to escape my lips. Good thing my jeans didn't break from the harsh pull they received. Or maybe it did?
"Where do you think you're going? Leaving me already? My Angel. " He wrapped one arm around my waist rather tightly. The damp hand towel drops from his face as he glares at me with tired red eyes. Right now, I was sitting sideways on his lap.
Fear builds up in my chest not because he had me where he wanted me but because of what my left hand was feeling up against. A cold steel item was poking out of the waistband of his dark jeans.
Is that a gun?
Why does he have that here?
Is he insane?
Why does he even need one here, to begin with?
I was starting to think that he and Kevin were up to no good. If they own such a thing. Were they in a gang? Maybe, they are in one, and they're just good at hiding it from everyone.
My anxiety, which was slightly buried under the sand a few seconds ago, resurfaced as my eyes connected with his irritated ones.
"To get you something cold to drink. Leo. So we could go back home." I quickly responded, making his tight hold on my body loosen a bit, decreasing my anxiety a bit.
"I don't need anything to drink. All I need right now is for you to be here with me. Keeping me company and away"-he sighs-"away from my bad thoughts that don't leave me alone." His words came out a bit slurred.
He seemed a bit uneasy-Maybe it is the effect of whatever he took is having its effect now.
It was hard to predict his next move, when he was in this intoxicated state. Just simply guessing what was on his mind was hard to figure out. This guy was a mystery box. One that needs multiple keys to open.
He buried his face in the crook of my neck as he hugged me closer to his warm body.
His finger dug into my skin, and I know for sure that tomorrow there will be little bruises there. "Do you know how much I wanted to hug you like this?"
He sighs out again as he buries his face deeper into the crook of my neck, breathing me in. The warmth of his breath on my skin makes my nerves tingle as my focus on his body against mine intensifies. As he continues " Be with you like this.
To have you all to myself. My pretty Angel?"
I stayed calm, not knowing what to say to such words. As silly as it sounds, it made my heart flutter at his bold words. Yet my mind reminded me that whatever he says, he won't remember a thing tomorrow morning.
I shouldn't let his words fool me or my heart. Yet, my mind and heart seem to not understand that his words are not real.
He probably thinks that the one on top of him right now is his ex-girlfriend.
The breakup with his girlfriend is really taking a huge toll on him.
This unpleasant, heavy, burning sensation fills my chest up again. What is wrong with me today? Am I coming down with a cold? Maybe I am.
When I was going to tell him that I wasn't his girlfriend. He cuts me off clean.
"Of course, you don't." My body froze when I felt a tear slide down from my jawline to my collarbone.
Was he crying? His whole body tensed as he pulled me closer, almost as if he wanted us to merge into one person.
He stayed silent for a while, making me grow worried. I stayed there in silence, letting him let out his feelings that seemed to have reached their boiling point.
When he calmed down, I softly said, "What's wrong?" I leaned more into him trying very hard to catch his attention that was trapped in his own little world.
He was dozing off again, as his eyes grew painfully sad, making me feel useless right now, that I can't be of any help.
"I won't judge." This time he looks at me, debating whether he should let out what has him like this.
He placed his forehead against mine, his dark eyes locking with mine as he proceeded to say this in a hurt tone: "Before you came crashing into my life-I was going to end it all." My eyes slightly went wide, not expecting those words to come out from his lips.
This time my eyes were searching his dark ones, seeing if he was joking around, but there was no humor in those empty eyes.
"A bullet was going to do the trick; it was easy, quick, and painless."
What?! Now bold red siren lights were flashing crazily inside my head.
When he says that, my heart compresses into a tight ball. A wave of sadness and pity fills my chest at such a confession, knowing that at some point I also wanted to do the same when I found no way out to end my misery.
But... What is causing him so much pain to think like this now? Now I was curious and worried. Does Ms. Nancy still hurt them? Is that why he has a gun? Does she threaten to kill them? At this point, I believe anything is possible.
Who the hell did my dad remarry?
Ms. Nancy's secretive, odd behavior lets me know that I'm dealing with somebody worse than my mother. She was good at fooling people and masking her true nature. And that only made her scarier than my mother.
At least my mother showed that she was a monster who lost her mind-but Ms. Nancy was a monster that was good at hiding behind fine clothes and warm fake smiles
A monster in plain sight.
Could that be why Kevin hates her guts so openly? Does she still hurt him too when nobody's looking?
Is that why he's always trying to get on her nerves? to see if her mask slipped off? Is that why he's using me?
"You're the only person that matters to me." He broke me out of my train of thought, making me refocus on him.
"You are the only person that needs me." He hugged me closer as he continued," I think you don't understand how much you mean to me.
I would kill for you if you ever asked me to. I'm not joking. Angel. "
I'm sure he would kill for his ex, and that in itself was dangerous.
The way his eyes held so much determination in keeping that promise he made to her made me a little envious of her.
I wish I had someone who loved me as much as he crazily loves and needs her.
With my free hand, my fingers comb through his soft, light hair, trying to calm him down a bit. Hoping that he would ease up on the tight hug he had me in.
His emotions were a mess. I really wished to know what got him to this breaking point in his life. To know if Ms. Nancy is still harming him.
And if she is, will my father believe me if I tell him? Or will he dismiss me and pretend that I never said anything?
This is the second time Leo has shown such vulnerability in front of me. And for some weird reason, it makes me feel bad inside.
Every time he breaks down, I can't help but break down with him. Out of all the people I have met, he was the one that seemed to have his life together, even though sometimes he does some questionable things.
What happened to him that's causing him to resort to trying to end it all before his girlfriend even came into his life? How badly does Ms. Nancy treat them when my father isn't there to watch them?
I could already imagine how she treated them before she even met my father.
It makes so much sense to me now- all the old videos that I and my father saw - the guys always were happier to be around my father than with their own mother.
My father is basically their temporary safe haven from their mom's craziness.
Does his brother know about Leo's low mental state? Maybe not, seeing how he always tries to annoy him the majority of the time too.
"Do you still have those thoughts?" I asked softly so as not to startle him. He closed his eyes, and he leaned more into my hand which was playing with his soft hair.
He reopens his eyes lazily and lifts up his gaze, connecting with mine. It's like he sobered up a bit as his intense eyes burned holes into me.
Trying to see if he trusts me enough to spill his worries to me.
He softly frowned, averting my eyes. "No, not when you are with me, my pretty Angel."
When he said that, my hand that was playing with his soft hair paused as my eyes searched his dark one, seeing if he recognized who he was saying those words to.
"Why have you been avoiding me lately?" His tone was sadder now, making me breathe in a short breath as he looked at me again, not knowing how to answer that without fucking things up.
His eyes fixed on my lips, those eyes burning with something that couldn't be described by words. Making my heart beat hard against my rib cage, almost like it was trying to break free from its tight confinement that got tighter by the second.
"I wasn't." That was a straight-up lie, I just don't want to destroy the image of him that I created in my head. I didn't want to find hints that he is really so different from the perfect image that he painted himself out to be for me from the very beginning.
I want to trust him blindly, not caring if a warning sound was echoing in my head annoyedly, whenever he seemed different from the perfect image that was permanently engraved into my head.
"They are soft." His thumb skimmed my lips, making my cheeks warm. His gaze turned heavy. The more he stared at them, the more my heart went crazy.
My heart at this point was going to burst out of my chest if I don't get out of here. What wasn't I doing, anything to stop him? Why was I frozen like an idiot?
But oddly, my body didn't want to move away, curious about what he was going to do. Waiting to see if he dared to actually do what he was thinking of doing.
He hesitated at first as he looked into my eyes, debating whether he should kiss me or not.
Seeing if I wasn't objecting to his advances.
And seeing that I wasn't-he brushed his soft, plump lips softly against mine, making my lips tingle and my body feel hot, causing butterflies to accumulate in my gut by the thousands.
This was wrong... It wasn't the time to be doing this, especially when he was like this, all moody and in a really dark place.
I stop the kiss as I let out, "I don't think this is the right time to do this. You're not thinking straight?" The last thing I want is for things to become awkward between us.
I tried to get up, but he held on to my waist and said, in a desperate tone, "Please, stay."
And like an idiot, I stayed.
He planted his soft lips against mine again then retracted them to see for any objection from me. All that caused was to make me blush harder. Leaning more onto his chest too embarrassed with myself to move away from him or look at him.
I'm the worst person alive right now... I feel like I'm taking advantage of his deteriorated state. I deserve to be shot in the head with this very gun.
When he didn't see me objecting to his advances, he tagged on my ponytail to make me look up at him, and he instantly connected our lips once again.
At first, it was gentle, as if he were testing the waters. Then it got more possessive and needy.
He made me straddle him, so he can control the kiss better to his advantage without breaking the kiss.
The way he bit my bottom lip to let me catch a breath just to reconnect again with them when my lungs got the needed oxygen was making my mind sink into a whirlpool of boiling desire that had been accumulated secretly in my chest for weeks.
His lips were so soft and addicting.
It formed into a soft smile when my fingers pulled him closer to me by his soft hair.
His firm hands slid down to my hips, tightening his grip on them, and he began to guide me to move my hips back and forth to the rhythm he wanted.
His length hardened under me the more my hips moved, making me gasp when he lightly pushed me down onto his long, thick length." Fuck," he groans out against my lips when I go with the flow, which we both prefer.
He kissed down my neck as he guided my hips' movement to fasten, making me whimper at the feeling his length was causing my sensitive center to feel so good.
The friction becomes too suffocating to ignore, intensifying the more my hips moved back and forth, feeling his length thick hardness between my thighs.
"Why did you have to put on jeans today?" He rasped out, clearly disapproving of my choice of clothes for tonight.
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