《The Strays of Dachaigh Gual》3. Tears


Fea let out several deep breaths as he stood shirtless in the stable.

He had been practicing for weeks and the fruits of his labour’s were beginning to ripen.

He raised his daggers and struck the air with a swiftness that wasted no energy nor time.

Vertical, horizontal and diagonal swings were ingrained in his very muscles meaning he could perform those movements with great speed and force.

His body had also changed to reflect his training.

He was still rather slim, but his muscles had grown somewhat.

Their striated forms visible beneath Fea’s pale skin.

His hair had also grown and had to be tied in a bun.

Fea let out a deep sigh before slipping his daggers into the sheathes attached to his belt.

He then wore his dirty work shirt and exited the stable where the morning sun gently lit the town.

Fea made his way to the library where he dusted off his shoes before entering the living room where a wide eyed Dahlia sat with a book in his hands.

Fea leaned against the all and watched over the boy with narrowed eyes.

“State the capital city of Cridhe Iarainn.”

“Anvil.” Dahlia promptly answered.

“And the name of the neighbouring country to the east?”

“Tir Obeithion.”

“Good. What is the name of the body has governed over Cridhe Iarainn since the Old King's death?” Fea asked.

“The Imperial Guard.”

“And who oversees the economic, political and judicial ongoing of the kingdom?”

“The High Court which is made of Lords and judges who oversee various parts of the country. Umm… what do you think happened to the Lords who watched over places like Sùith?” Dahlia asked.

“I cannot say for sure, but there is a chance they all fled to the capital once things got bad. Then again, they might all have died before they even knew what was going on.” Fea said.

“Mmm…” Dahlia droned before suddenly staring at Fea.

“Hey! I’ve done all my chores and I answered every question correctly. Let’s go train!” He yelled.

Fea sighed before standing upright.

“Fine. Go get changed and meet me in the stable.”

“Okay!” Dahlia said as he stormed out of the building.

Fea returned to the stable with lowered shoulders before being joined by Dahlia who wore a pair of shorts and a vest, revealing his small limbs.

Fea’s face twisted but Dahlia walked up to him and lightly tapped his chest.

“Hey. I asked for this.” He said softly.

Fea nodded before crossing his arms and composing himself.

“Alright, you know the routine.”

Dahlia nodded before placing his hands on the ground and doing some push-ups. His small arms trembled each time he pushed himself upward.

Fea let out a low drone as he watched Dahlia.

He had a question in mind regarding the form which Dahlia took, but bringing it up here could potentially lead to a conversation where Dahlia would have to recall his nightmarish experiences and so Fea remained silent.

He then watched as Dahlia completed his other exercises and it seemed as though the boy’s hair was glowing, but Fea assumed it was merely an optical illusion caused by the afternoon sunlight as it bathed his body.

“And… done.” Dahlia wheezed as he completed his last exercise.


“Good. Let’s go wash up.”

Dahlia nodded before following Fea out of the stable.

The two then made their way into their new home where they entered the bathroom.

Fea had gotten some water from the nearby well and so, after getting undressed alongside Dahlia, he bathed.

“Mmm…” The boy droned as he washed his long red hair.

“What?” Fea asked.

“I… I have a selfish request.”

“Go on.”

“I would like to see my brother.”

Fea’s eyes widened.

“Mmm… the one in the mountain?”

“Yes. And I know that we got into a lot of trouble with the Awnings, but…” Dahlia’s voice trailed away as he spoke.

“Worry not, my boy. I will take you wherever you need to go. All you need do is ask. Now, finish up so that we may discuss this further with Àlainn.”

Dahlia nodded and it wasn’t long before he and Fea were done.

They changed into a set of fresh cloths, although Fea still wore the belt which carried his daggers.

They then made their way to the dining room where Àlainn tirelessly worked away.

“Dahlia has something he wants to say.” Fea said prompting Àlainn to distance her hands from the sowing machine.

She turned to face Dahlia and Fea, who were dimly illuminated by the handful of lanterns that littered the room.

“What is it?” She asked.

“I… I want to see my brother. The one in the Dubhar mountains.”

Àlainn’s eyes widened.

She turned to Fea, but he simply crossed his arms in response.

“I-I see no problem with that, but-but… are you going to just leave me here?” She asked with a pained expression.

“No. I would never do such a cruel thing.” Dahlia said as he offered her his hands.

Àlainn hurriedly accepted them and she pulled Dahlia into her embrace as she stood up.

“We’ll go together. Like always.” Dahlia said. His voice muffled by Àlainn’s bosom.

“A-alright.” She said while staring at Fea.

She offered him her arm and he accepted it before joining the two in a big warm hug.

Àlainn eventually let go before sitting down again.

“When will we leave?” She asked.

“Tomorrow morning. I will see if my wings have healed tonight-“

“Ooh! Can I watch?” Dahlia asked with widened eyes.

Fea chuckled lightly before gently patting Dahlia’s head.

“Alright. But for now, I will return to the kitchen. Dinner will not miraculously prepare itself, you know.” Fea said before leaving the room. Dressing his face wad the warmest of smiles.

Dahlia nodded before sitting next to Àlainn as she worked.

She had made a lot of things ever since they arrived in Dachaigh Gual and her current project was a special large sheath.

“Is that for the claymore?” Dahlia asked.

“Yes.” Àlainn said softly.

“I don’t know how big you’ll be when you are able to carry it, so I’m making a sheath that you’ll be able to place anywhere you like.”

“Amazing!” Dahlia commented. His eyes wide and teeming with anticipation and maybe even determination.



Dinner came and went and while Dahlia tidied up the kitchen, Àlainn and Fea exited the house and stood in near the fountain at the centre of town.


Their bodies were clearly illuminated by the light of the waxing moon.

“Mmm…” Fea droned as he backed away from the fountain, which Àlainn sat on.

He then removed his vest and shirt, revealing a folded set of black wings on his back.

Àlainn winced as Fea’s large wings spread, covering a distance twice as wide as both of his arms.

He flapped them playfully before blowing some air to Àlainn who laughed lightly.

“How are they?” She asked as he folded them once more.

“They have completely healed.” He said as Dahlia rushed out of the house.

“Oi! Close the door as you leave!”

Dahlia groaned before turning back and closing the door.

He then rushed to Àlainn’s side and she gently wrapped her arm around him as Fea paced around.

He then stood still for a moment while looking up into the night sky.

He spread his wings and flapped them as hard as he could and with each flap, he rose from ground a bit.

He eventually rose to a point above all of Dachaigh Gual and with a smile he rose further into the sky.

He looked out towards the stars and reached out to her, but this only filled his chest with pain and so he looked down instead.

He looked at Dachaigh Gual and focused on Dahlia and Àlainn. He looked into their eyes and this filled him with the determination to soar.

“Amazing!” Dahlia said as tears filled his eyes.

“Truly.” Àlainn said as she rubbed the boy’s shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.

Fea eventually landed in front of them and he promptly folded his wings and wore his clothes.

“Alright. I am as ready as ever. You two head on back in. I will prepare everything-“

“Umm… could you… fly with me?” Dahlia asked prompting Fea to turn his widened eyes to Àlainn who slowly shook her head.

“Sure!” Fea croaked.

“Yey!” Dahlia cried before crashing into Fea’s arms.

Fea picked the boy up and began flapping his wings all while avoiding eye contact with Àlainn.

He gained some altitude although Dahlia’s weight was throwing him off a bit.

He quickly returned to the ground and placed the boy on the ground only for him to dash to Àlainn’s side.

“Now you try!” He giggled while pulling on her finger.

“I really shouldn’t.” She said but Fea walked up to her and offered her his hand which she unthinkingly held.

“Worry not. Even if I cannot lift you, I will simply use my wings to hold you.” He said with a gentle smile.

Àlainn glanced at Dahlia with a trembling heart but the boy simply grinned at her.

She sighed before allowing Fea to pick her up.

“I’m not too heavy, am I?” She asked, her voice shaking.

“N-not at all!” Fea said through gnashed teeth.

He then flapped his wings but only managed to fly about ten centimetres into the air before suddenly falling.

He quickly wrapped his wings around Àlainn before either of them struck the ground and while Àlainn looked at Fea with horrified eyes, all he did was laugh.

“Are you hurt?” She asked while he laughed away

“I am ecstatic! Now, go on inside. I have much work to do.” He said as Àlainn sat up.

“Oh, alright.”

Àlainn and Dahlia then returned home all while Fea sat on the damp ground with his wings folded.

He let out a light chuckle which turned to full laughter, laughter which turned to sobbing.

He looked up at the starry sky and wept softly but, although his face was drenched in tears, a feint smile could be seen on his lips.



The next day arrived energetically.

Everyone got dressed and grabbed bags that were half full of supplies.

Fea was clad in rugged leather clothing. Some of which he found in the barracks. His feet were protected by a heavy pair of leather boots and his chest was covered in a leather jacket that Àlainn had fashioned into a vest.

Sitting at his lower back was the special sheath Àlainn had made for his daggers.

It was technically a belt but regardless, Fea wore it with pride.

As for Àlainn herself, she wore a pair of sturdy shoes, some dark brown pants and a thick woolly coat. She also wore a little peach hat that served absolutely no purpose apart from making her adorable. It was covered in blue frills and it’s front was far wider than its back, meaning it sat upwards, further reducing its effectiveness as a shield against the sun.

Dahlia simply wore some shorts, a shirt and a leather jacket which was one size too big for him.

Fea led Àlainn and Dahlia out of Dachaigh Gual after closing its large gates.

He then turned to the northwest and eyed the distant Dubhar mountains which hid behind the fog which rose as the sun rose.

“Come.” He said before walking out into the marshlands that made up Dachaigh Gual.

He led them into the town that sat next to the pier and led them to a spot where a small boat was docked. It

Fea hopped onto the small vessel and helped Àlainn into it as well.

He then reached out to help Dahlia, but the boy simply stood on the dock and stared to the north.

“Hey. Come on. I would prefer it if we finished our business up there before nightfall.”

Dahlia nodded slightly before joining Fea and Àlainn on the boat.

The three sailed to the other side of the river where they docked.

Fea then helped Àlainn and Dahlia onto the riverbank before pulling the boat further up to a spot where it would not be touched by rising waters.

“Why do you want to see him again?” Àlainn asked as she and Dahlia followed Fea into the dimly lit forest.

“Well, it’s clear that I’m not normal. I’d like to see exactly what I am. On the outside, I’m human, like you, Jean and mom. But on the inside…”

“You are exactly the same.” Fea said without turning to face Dahlia who glanced at Àlainn.

“He’s right. Both here and the Reverie Plane you appear the same. You appear perfect. Perfect to me, at least.” She said while offering him her hand.

Dahlia accepted it before continuing to follow Fea into the forest deep.

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