《Chosen (Lloyd X Reader)》Connections


My eyes slowly adjust to the blinding light and I find myself back at the tea table surrounded by darkness. Seems like I'm back here again... Why does this keep happening?... Why do I keep on getting dragged here?... My hand instinctively reaches for the teacup, knowing that there's always one in front of me. I hold it up in front of me and examine it carefully, trying to figure out if this is a trap or not.

"Are you done studying that teacup?" A voice asks, interrupting my examination.

I look up from the teacup, finally noticing the same shadowy figure in front of me. The same one that somehow always meets me in this weird, eerie place. It's him again... He must be the reason why I always end up here... But, why bring me here in the first place?... It makes no sense. I have to get some answers.

I put down the teacup and look at the figure, with cautious eyes. "Why are you always bringing me here? Because I know you bring me here for some reason or another."

The shadowy figure shifts a bit before taking a sip of the tea in front of him. "You sure are sharp. I expect nothing less. But, are you done studying it? I promise I didn't put any poison in it."

"...Yes I am. So can you already answer the question? I need to know, it's kinda uh important to me."

"I know it is. So I suppose I can answer you that much. I keep on bringing you back here because your powers are becoming stronger, but your control over them isn't."

Don't like how he knows about my powers, but at least he's straightforward about my questions. A nice change from the answers I get from Sensei Wu. "Uh, alright thank you for answering... But, you seem like you know about my powers... Do you know what they are then?"

He chuckles lightly and places his teacup on the table in front of us. "I cannot say what they are. But, what I can say is that you're powers are becoming stronger. And soon, you will learn to control them. After all, it was impossible to contain all of that the first time. It's gonna come out any time."

My eyes widen a bit, hearing that. Contain?... What does he mean by that?... Did someone try to contain my powers?... How strong are they?... "You seem like you know me, or well, whatever I am really. Care to explain?"

Although his face is shrouded within clouds of darkness, a smirk is evident on his face. "I can't tell you that either. Or well, I would but it's not like I can right now. If I did, let's just say we would fast forward to something we're both not ready for."

I quickly stand up, knowing he knows more than he lets on. "Wait, what do you mean by that?! Why can't you tell me anything?! What's stopping you?!"


I try to reach out to the shadowy figure, but he disappears including the teacups, the tea table, and everything around me. The second the ground disappears, I begin to fall down into the dark abyss.

My eyes widen in horror, feeling the wind rush past me rapidly. I frantically try to grab anything that could save me from hitting the ground, but of course, there's nothing there. My breathing becomes rapid as fear begins to fill my entire body. I try to do something, anything that will save me from the ground as it approaches me rapidly, but nothing pops into my mind. Luckily, though, before I make it to the bottom, my eyes open up and wake me up from that dream.


I gasp for air as I sit up, holding my chest tightly. Once I manage to calm down, I brush my hair out of my face and look around the room Nya and I share, but Nya is nowhere to be found. "At least I'm back... Or is this another dream?..."

Can't be too safe...

I then proceed to punch myself in my stomach and pain immediately appears within the said place. "Ow! Tsk damn it... Guess I really am back in reality..."

Though before I get to process I'm back really,

But, before I manage to process everything that just happened in the dream, the door to the room is swung wide open and a certain blonde is standing there, panting heavily. He's still in his pajamas, and his blonde hair is all messed up but there he is, worried out of his mind. "Are you okay?! I heard you scream! I-"

"I-I'm okay! I'm okay... I just had a not-so-pleasant dream... and needed to confirm I was back in reality, " I say to him, interrupting him and giving him a smile. "Thank you though."

"O-Oh good then! I-I wanted to make sure my friend was okay and yeah. D-Don't think too much about it t-though!" He shouts to me.

Something about him saying I was his friend hurt my chest a bit but I decided to brush it off. "I promise I won't," I say with a smile then I look out my window, seeing the sun shining brightly. "What time is it anyway? It seems like it's way past morning."

He walks over to my window and looks outside at the sky. "Uh... Seems like it's almost noon."

"Wait noon?! How long did I sleep for?..."

"Not sure, but maybe it's time for both of us to get changed and ready for the day. We were asleep for a long time heh."

"Heh yeah, that sounds good. We have a lot planned for today and well, I hate waking up late."

He nods, walking to the door, but stops and looks back at me. "Let's make sure today is a good day!"

And, with that, he leaves closing the door behind him and leaving me in my room alone. I smile softly at where he once stood. "He sure is sweet... I'm lucky to have him in my life... Anyway, it's best I get ready for the day. At least it's our day off."


I finish brushing my hair and fix my former bangs. Luckily, they managed to grow long enough to the point where I can reposition them into their former position before they got cut by Pythor. I look in the mirror, making sure my outfit is okay before smiling to myself. I do look good heh. It's nice wearing something other than my gi. Usually, our break days, it's filled with fighting unfortunately but not today. Although today, there might be some emotions spilled... it's a nice change of pace.

Once I finish making sure I'm okay, I grab a bag full of papers and I head out to the main room, though no one is there. I look around all around the apartment, hoping to find someone but all I see is Lloyd wearing his regular clothes, walking over to me, eating a sandwich in one hand and holding another in the other hand. "Uh, Lloyd, where is everyone?"

"They all headed to the Dojo since it's a bigger space to be in than here. They left a note for us to tell us that and these sandwiches too!" He says to me as he hands me one.


"Thanks," I say and begin to eat it. "They must really want to open up on my own terms then. Good choice to choose the Dojo. It is my happy place. What about Sensei? Where is he?"

Lloyd finishes his sandwich and looks at me. "Uncle went out to get some tea. Apparently, it's meant to help with healing injuries. He said it's a day trip and he'll be back soon."

"Huh didn't expect that, he usually tells me when he heads out..."

"I also read the note he left for us. Though, he didn't leave us anything to eat unlike the others," he says with a bit of disappointment.

I pat his back as I finish my sandwich. "It's okay, maybe we can get some candy later. But, we should head out to the Dojo. We shouldn't keep them waiting, especially since they have waited this long to hear me out."

"Sounds good to me! It'll be nice to both of us walk together through Ninjago... like last time when we were in that fancy apartment."

I smile upon hearing that and hold his hand. "It certainly will be."


While we ride the bus, we simply talk about everything that's been going on in our lives. All the craziness that has been in the last few weeks, especially with the fact that Garmadon has succeeded in combining all of the Golden Weapons together.

"I never knew my father was capable of doing all that... I wonder what my grandfather would think of all this."

"Who knows, I'm sure he would feel sad seeing his son so... corrupted by darkness but I'm sure he's very happy knowing that you're fighting for what he always wanted. Peace among Ninjago."

He sighs and looks outside the bus' window. "My mom used to tell me stories about my grandfather and my dad, how they were both caring, loving, and wonderful people..."

"Seems like Garmadon learned it from his father then and you learned it from him. After all, you embody a lot of those traits now. I would know heh."

"I guess but, I'm just happy that I'm not going through all this craziness alone because I'm going through this with you!"

"Heh, yeah you are! And I don't plan on leaving your side! Luckily, we have a lot of time before the final battle meaning we can enjoy ourselves before then," I say with a smile.

"As long as I know I'm not doing this whole Green Ninja stuff alone, I think I can handle anything with you."

That definitely made me blush brightly, not expecting him to say that. I quickly look away, hoping he didn't see me turn red. "R-Right! W-We can do this together! Yeah!"

Luckily for me, the bus stops in front of the Dojo meaning our trip is over and I don't have to worry about him seeing me red. "W-We're here! Seems like the trip got shorter heh."

Lloyd sighs in disappointment but shakes his head. "Well, at least they're finally going to help you! And I'm glad I was able to help you to open up to them."

I smile at that statement as we get up and walk off the bus together. "Thank you for that though. I appreciate that a lot honestly, and I'm lucky to have you here to support me."

This time, a blush forms on his face but I don't notice it. Why is there a warm feeling in my chest?...

He shakes his head shaking the feeling away and looks at the Dojo in front of him. "Yeah heh. Let's head inside!"


When we walk into the Dojo, there's a bunch of flowers everywhere the eye can see. My eyes widen in awe as I look at it. "This is... amazing."

That's when my eyes land on the four older boys and Nya sitting there, waiting for me. "Guys... You shouldn't have."

Kai smiles, looking at us. "Actually, it was Lloyd's idea. He thought it would be best to have you in a comforting area to open up and stuff."

They all nod as my eyes widen and I turn to look at Lloyd as he looks away in embarrassment. "Lloyd..."

I quickly hug him tightly, taking him by surprise. His eyes widen brightly, not knowing what to do, and looks at our older brothers for help. Cole motions for him to hug me back which he does. Though, while we hug, Jay stares at us, trying to hide his smirk.

Eventually, we let go and I look back at the others. "Thank you all for this... For letting to learn to open up on my own terms and at my own pace. I appreciate that a lot."

Nya smiles, motioning for us to sit down. "We're just glad to help in any way possible. After all, it must be confusing not knowing how things might turn out or who you are exactly so we're here for you."

We sit down and I smile. "Thanks... So where do you guys want to start?"

"Wherever you're comfortable Y/n. Possibly where you are having the most trouble with. That way we can figure out something from there," Zane says with a comforting smile.

I stare at them all and sigh, pulling out some papers. "Well... Firstly, all of these papers have every question I've ever had about me, which ones had been answered, and the connections I've made ever since I started having these... flashes. I guess we can start with that. Well, try to figure out something you know?"

Kai nods and grabs the papers from me and hands them out to the others as they begin reading each paper carefully. Zane looks at them before looking at me, "This entire page is just multiple questions and each one doesn't have an answer..."

Before I get to say anything, Jay waves around his own page. "This one is just filled with random lines to bubbles and there's a weird drawing in the corner that I think is you that is punching Pythor in the face..."

"Heh, my favorite drawing."

Lloyd looks at me in concern before shaking his head and continues reading his own piece of paper. Jay looks at a piece of paper as Cole takes a peak at it before Jay throws it to the side. Cole shakes his head and looks at me. "There's so much... I'm surprised you haven't snapped yet. I mean, I guess you did at us but this... This is different."

I sigh and look at them. "I know. I-I've tried figuring them all out but I can only figure out one thing at a time. The one question I sorta had answered was who I am but even then that's not clear. It's just so frustrating because I practically don't know who I am or how I'm connected to everything and I'm just... tired of everything."

Kai sighs and walks over to me, placing his hand on my shoulder. "I know it can be tiring but we're here for you. Maybe we can help you to figure out everything."

"Right..." I sigh. "Ugh... I have so many questions and it's difficult getting them answered when I barely know anything. Sensei Wu won't tell me about this "prophecy" I'm in and it doesn't help I'm not in your guy's one... It's weird I-I guess knowing that I've been here helping you all get to where you are now and I'm not going to be a part of what destiny has in store for all of you..."

"Y/n... Is that where it all started off? When I found the Prophecy of the Green Ninja?" Kai asks, looking at me in concern.

I look away, giving him a slight nod as tears form on my face, though I quickly wipe them away.

Cole looks at me and then at one of the papers. "She's right... The Prophecy didn't have her in it. But, didn't Sensei say you are in a different prophecy and that it's intertwined with ours?"

I sigh, pushing my hair back. "Y-Yeah he did. But, I don't even know what this Prophecy is or what I'm supposed to do really to make sure this prophecy is completed. Sensei won't even tell me because apparently, it could affect Destiny and we can't mess with it because it could affect our future terribly."

"He's not wrong. Destiny is strange and if we do something to upset it... I'm sure things would go wrong," Zane adds on, reading more of the papers.

"I know, but I hate not knowing what could be happening to me..."

Lloyd holds my hand, doing his best to comfort me. I smile at the action before turning back to my older siblings. "It doesn't help my powers don't make any sense either... They don't seem connected to the First Spinjitzu Master... And it doesn't help that I can't control them..."

Jay scratches the back of his neck, reading his piece of paper. "Man, you really are confusing Y/n. And here I was thinking you were just some random twelve-year-old that Sensei Wu took in and taught Spinjitzu to. Guess I was wrong, especially since uh... yeah, you know what I mean."

"I know- Wait what do you mean by "some random twelve-year-old"?!"

But, luckily for Jay, Zane manages to interrupt my anger when he grabs a piece of paper that Cole handed him. "Y/n, this paper... It's newly taken. Was this all written down after our battle with the pirates?"

I turn to him and nod. "Yeah. I had a lot of questions after Captain Soto practically said I looked like this "Megami" person from a portrait but I'm not sure what that means. And just who is this "Megami" person really? I have never heard of that name before nor have I read that name anywhere in the scrolls or books Sensei has given me."

Cole thinks for a moment then looks at Zane: "The name "Megami" starts with an "M" right?"

The white-haired boy looks down at the paper to confirm then looks back up at Cole. "It does."

Nya starts to catch onto what Cole is saying and picks up the paper that Jay threw away "I see what you're saying, Cole. On this paper that Jay discarded too quickly, there's something about the letter "M" and its significance."

Jay's eyes widen and turns red out of embarrassment. "I just thought it was random stuff scribbled onto a paper! After all, there are random drawings all over the paper and just thought it was useless!

"Well when I took a glance at that paper, there was a question that talked about it because apparently, they were on your fans. The letter "M' I mean."

I look at Cole, confused when he said that. "That was just a throw-away question though. I already know what they mean and I was just throwing out anything onto those papers so maybe I could've figured out an answer."

Nya walks over to me and pulls out my fans from my pockets as she examines the letters engraved at the bottom of them. "So what do they mean then Y/n?"

"They're apparently the initials of the blacksmith who made them. Not like I know who said blacksmith is though."

She studies them for a moment then looks at us. "These initials... Y/f/i. M., do you realize that the first initial also matches yours right?"

I sigh, shaking my head. "Yes, I do know that. I'm sure it's just a coincidence though since names are everywhere and people do tend to share the same name."

Jay looks up from his paper, realizing something. "What if it's not a coincidence though? The "M" initial... What if it's the first initial for "Megami"?"

Cole smiles at Jay. "That's what I was thinking too. Sometimes in the past, people would refer to people by their last names instead of their first. Maybe the actual name on your fans is your full, real name. Y/n Megami."

My eyes widen at that realization. "But, that can't be possible though. In none of my flashes, my- her- whatever person's name was only Y/n. No one ever said what the last name was. How could my last name be Megami?..."

"Probably because it wasn't given to you yet. Like how you gave the name Sann to the First Spinjitzu Master," Kai says looking at me, figuring out what the others are saying.

"If that's true... Then seems like I was pretty important if pirates knew about my past life. They did say there was a portrait of uh Megami and it seemed important. And... that would mean that these fans belonged to me in my past uh... life. No wonder I felt a connection with them."

Lloyd smiles, seeing a growing smile form on my face. "Seems like things are starting to click heh."

"Yeah... they are. Hmm... If I was important enough to have a portrait of myself, then why wasn't I mentioned as the First Spinjitzu Master was?..."

"Perhaps something happened that caused the info on you to be destroyed," Zane says to me and continues reading some papers.

Jay looks at us, concerned. "Let's just keep these findings to us for now. We can't ask Sensei yet or else who knows how he might react."

"You're right. Let's keep this a secret for now."


After the talk with everyone, we decided it was best we leave the dojo since Dareth has a class to teach there. The real question that should be answered is how he got any students in the first place. But, anyway, while we walk down the streets of Ninjago City, Lloyd sees a familiar candy shop up ahead. His eyes widen in joy and looks at me with sparkles in his eyes, "Y/n! Let's get some candy! We need to get some before we head back to the apartment!"

Though, before I get to say anything, Jay puts me on his shoulders and looks at the young boy. "Sorry Lloyd, I have to talk to this one. But, get as much candy as you want! It's on me heh."

Jay pulls out some coins and hands them to Lloyd. I see his green eyes widen with joy, but when he looks at me saddened, not want to leave me alone. "Are you sure, Y/n?... I don't wanna leave you alone."

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