《Hidden Fox》Five


Packing proved to be more difficult than I was initially expecting. It ended up taking me the entire week to get it done, checked, and double checked. It was a lot of scrambling trying to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything I needed. A big concern on my mind was what if I met him? What if I actually would need everything?

It was stressful. We were leaving tomorrow.

We had decided to make a whole family trip out of it, so I wasn't the only one scrambling around trying to pack my things. And when I wasn't working on my bags, I was across the bathroom in May's room helping her pack her suitcase.

At least May's stuff was easy, she only needed enough clothes to last her a week. I needed practically my whole closet.

That night, I said my goodbyes to my pack, which wasn't that heartfelt if I were being honest. The adults cared more than anyone around my age, but the adults were who had seen me grow up, who had adored me when I was a child. At least that meant it was fast.

Tuesday morning, we loaded Dad's pick-up with all our bags and hit the road.

It was long, and very monotonous — especially once we got out of the mountain roads and were just on the flat western plains that made it seem like there was no end. I passed the time by sleeping, playing road-trip games with May and August, and plainly listening to music while staring out the window. For a while, I chatted with Mom and Dad, each of us discussing theories and hopes for what my new life might be like out here.

I could tell it was hard for Dad, talking about me leaving (considering how quickly it all had come into place!). I was his first born, his heir, his oldest girl. As we were talking, I thought I caught moisture reflecting in his blue eyes through the mirror — eyes he gave to me, actually: crystal blue like the clearest area of the ocean mixing with the stretch of sky above it. Unfortunately I did not inherit his blonde hair with ends that naturally twisted into curls. I got my mom's cinnamon-brown hair that was straight as a pin and August ended up with my dad's hair and my mom's chocolaty eyes. It was like genetics flip-flopped from me to him.

May was special, she ended up being a complete perfect mix of our parents with her dirty blonde hair and eyes that seemed to hold every color of the rainbow in the irises. I just knew that she was going to be sought out by every boy when she hit her teen years.

After a total trip time of twenty-nine hours in the car — we drove through the night, switching between Dad, Mom, and myself at the wheel — we finally pulled off from the highway, driving down a series of small-town roads. We passed the campus I would be going to come Monday before the maps led us down a long dirt road, tangled through a large expanse of forestry. It reminded me of our territory, just without the mountain peaks stretching above the tree-tops. Finally, we were pulling onto a brick driveway that led to a large circular parking area.


The pack house in front of us was gorgeous, with a white stucco exterior lined with brown accents: the garage doors (there were several), the window framing, the roof, and the trim. A small fountain sat to the side, near the steps leading to a large wooden front door. The windows with lights on inside gave a warm glow to the white building making it even more magnificent looking.

Dad turned the car off and we all climbed out. Both May and August gasped when they got the full view of the house, even though we had grown up in a house just as big and beautiful, the design was slightly more appealing than ours back in Vernal.

The front door swung open suddenly and we all audibly snapped our hanging mouths closed and tried to look at least half-way presentable. Or at least as presentable as we could get after over a day in the car with hardly any stops.

We stayed by the car, letting the couple that had stepped out come towards us. As it was their territory and so it was the most polite and respectful thing to do. When they reached within ten feet of us, we dipped our head in a submissive greeting.

Mom, who had been born human and raised by humans — and sometimes forgot the laws of the werewolf culture — immediately crossed a few steps closer and stuck her hand out to shake.

"Hello!" She beamed at them and I wanted to shake my head with embarrassment.

Fortunately, the woman took her extended hand and gave it a firm shake, a smile gracing her face. "You must be the Rymers!"

"Yes! Our daughter, April, here will be attending James Madison University starting next week and has asked to join your pack for the time being."

The woman found my eyes and her grin stretched even wider. "That's right! We couldn't be happier for you to join us!"

I returned the smile, "thanks! It means a lot that you were willing to take me in for a little bit."

"Of course!" She placed a hand just under her neck, "I'm Emerald, by the way, and this is my mate, River."

"You're the Alpha pair, right?" I wanted to double check we weren't just discussing our arrival with wolves that weren't even in charge here.

She chuckled, "yes, we're the alphas. Welcome to the Crescent Moon Pack!"

Emerald gestured for us to follow her inside, and two omegas skittered past us, asking our permission to retrieve our bags. Dad gave it and they headed for our car while we stepped through the front door.

The main entrance was very grand, and very white. It was almost blindingly white, and it made me wonder how they could have any pups in this place in fear for the messes that always followed. A dark wood staircase immediately to our left curved up to the second floor. There didn't seem to be a third floor, at least not from this angle.

Past the foot of the stairs stood a large doorway opening to a wide corridor with several dark wood doors lining the walls. To the right of the foyer was an archway opening to a formal sitting room.


We turned to the left, not climbing the stairs, but passing right in front of them and going through a door that swung back and forth on its hinges. It didn't have a latch at all and led to a large open dining area.

"We'll just let the cooks know to start making an early dinner for us, as I'm sure you are all tired and hungry after the trip out." Emerald explained as she walked. She stopped by a window that opened to a separate room and made the request. A "you got it, Luna," was the reply.

"River will show you your rooms, which are located just down the hall while I take April to her room upstairs."

I questioned this with a look. Why was I upstairs while they were downstairs?

As she guided me back out the swinging door and to the stairs, she explained. "Our guest rooms are on the main floor with some pack members', but the higher-ranking wolves have rooms on the second. Since you'll be staying with us longer than your family is, it seemed suitable to give you a room up here with us." She seemed genuinely excited that I was here in her pack, and that eased my social nerves a bit.

We climbed the stairs and walked down the hallway to the right until we came to a dark oak door that matched all the others. She turned the knob and opened it for me, letting me pass her on the way in.

It was smaller than my room at home, but I immediately felt guilty for comparing it to that one. It was still cozy and beautiful, with a large bed, a walk-in closet, and an adjoined bathroom. A TV hung on the wall opposite of the bed. I noticed my bags and boxes had already been brought up here. That was fast.

"Thank you again for letting me come live here." I told her.

The Luna beamed, "of course! What are you studying at the university?"

My shrug was sheepish. "Honestly, I don't know. Probably will end up being nothing. I needed an excuse to leave home, start a new adventure somewhere without my parents breathing down my neck about taking the Alpha title."

"I completely understand. My mom gave me a hard time about finding a mate in a similar manner! I'm assuming you're also out here looking for your mate?"

I hesitated. "Yes, but my situation is complicated."

"Complicated? How so?"

"I'm sure my parents will help explain everything. We have to be cautious, but you and the Alpha will need to know if I'm going to be here."

A thousand questions ran behind her piercing green eyes, but thankfully she didn't push it. "Well, I hope you're doing okay, but I do look forward to hearing more about this at dinner. I'll leave you to get cleaned up and whenever you're ready, just head back down to the dining room."

She left me after that, closing the door behind her on the way out.

I couldn't read her tone. I hoped she didn't change her mind about me staying, or think I'm dangerous or anything. I just didn't think I could explain everything without Mom and Dad's presence to help word everything right.

After I showered and changed into something nicer (a dress that was still casual, but much more appropriate than the sweats I had been wearing from the car ride). I fixed up my hair, braiding it down the center and pulling out tendrils too small to reach well but long enough to place a frame to my face. Freshening my makeup and giving myself a once-over, I determined that it would do and headed for the stairs.

The intoxicating scent of the freshly prepared meal drew me forward as I swung the door open to the kitchen. Spotting my parents instantly — they had also freshened up — I made my way over to them, claiming the empty seat to my dad's left. Across from them, the Crescent Moon alpha pair were happily chatting with my mom, and occasionally my dad would pipe in.

The door swung again and I peered over my shoulder to see who was joining us. I was expecting my siblings, but instead two little kids had darted into the room and were running over to the alphas' side of the table.

"Oh, perfect timing!" Emerald exclaimed, opening her arms as the little girl climbed into them, positioning herself on the Luna's lap. The boy settled into his own seat next to the Alpha.

"Sorry!" A third person called as they entered the room after the kids. "They were begging to come home and slipped from sight before I could even process it all!"

I glanced behind me again to see the owner of this voice was a fifty- or sixty-something year old woman. Her thin blond hair — streaked with several fading strands — swished behind her as she rushed over, the ends grazing her lower spine. She was thin and short for a werewolf, but maybe I was too quick to judge, for she could be a human like Mom. And while her body looked to be aging, her blue eyes were bright with spirit as if she could chase those two kids all day if she needed to.

Emerald chuckled. "Don't worry, Mom, this is fine, I was hoping you'd bring them back for dinner anyways." She squeezed the child's shoulders before lifting her hand to gesture across the table at us. "Mom, these are our guests for the week, the Rymers. April here will actually be staying with us a while while she attends school in town!"

Again, she seemed way to hyper about this fact, but seeing her hands on the child in her lap, I didn't think I was far off assuming these were the Alpha's children. The girl shared several striking features with the Luna — the blonde hair, the green eyes, delicate nose — and the boy with the Alpha — tanned skin, dark tousled hair, deep eyes. If these were her only kids, I could see her excitement at having a teenager around for once. I just hoped she wasn't using me to an advantage of an extra babysitter.

Emerald moved her gaze from us to her fore mentioned mother. "This is Eirenae Anderson, former Luna of the Shining Moon Pack."

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