《Natasha Romanoff one-shots // Natasha x reader ;)》boss*


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u can be the boss daddy U can be the boss 🤨 (but it's not as hot as that sorry also Ik it's long it might aswell be a book but yes)


"Umm okay that's Wanda, if you need anything then you should probably ask her, or Pepper. Uh-" he paused as he scanned around the room.

"That's Maria, probably shouldn't mess with her or get her coffee wrong, or she'll take you to court for it...ummm-" he paused again as he stopped pointing at the brunette.

"Yeah and that's pretty much it." He concludes, placing a hand on his hip. I just nodded at him as I followed him towards an office room, bigger than the others with large glass walls.

"Okay, behind this door is your new boss. Whatever you do, don't forget that I'm the boss of your boss. Did I introduce myself? Well you probably know who I am, I'm Tony stark-" he went on.

Well I've definitely met someone with a bigger ego than mine. I mean, yes I know who you are, but take a brake man.

"I gathered." I chuckled nervously.

"Oh god are you nervous? Don't be nervous and get yourself together cause she'll sense if you're nervous and use it to pick you apart." I don't know who the hell my boss is, but so far she sounds like an ass.

"Oh god, okay-" I mumbled quietly as I exhaled a deep sigh. He gives me a nod as he opens the door for me.

I hesitantly step inside as he stood by the door. My eyes scan around the room till I caught a glimpse of this beautiful woman stood by a desk. Jesus.

She didn't look at me nor acknowledge me, just glared at Tony with a blank expression. "This is y/n, your new assistant." Tony tells her.

"Just leave her there." She replied blankly, as if I was an object, like a lamp, or maybe a chair. Last time I looked in the mirror I wasn't a lamp. Tony gave me a small smile as he left the room. Great, now I'm just stuck here alone to act like a nervous wreck.

I stood there and just watched as she sat down and picked some sheet of paper up from her desk. "Well get here then and sit." She orders harshly.

I paused, but did as told, walking towards her desk and sitting down. She sighed and finally looked at me. She looked me up and down and stared deeply into my eyes. She's till staring at me as if I'm a fucking object.


"Uh, y/n, y/n y/l/n." I answered.

She hummed and scanned through her papers. "Oh, you're the new assistant." She sighed disappointingly. Duh? I mean didn't she gather that or what? Jesus Christ. Did she forget?

She paused from her work and glared at me again. Literally why is she staring me down like that for no reason? She's genuinely judging me.

"That outfit isn't appropriate." She tells me, scribbling something on her sheet of paper. Isn't appropriate? I don't understand.

"Um, excuse me?" I questioned with confusion.

"Tell me y/n, is this an office, or a strip club?" She rhetorically asked as she tilted her head at me. Last time I checked it was an office. I don't know, the printers and coffee machines everywhere kinda gave it away.

"An office m'am-" I replied quietly.

"So then why are you dressed like a whore huh?" Is that a question I'm supposed to answer or what? I'm not even dressed as a whore, and trust me I can dress like a whore on a Friday night, but today? No, I'm literally dressed for work. An office, actually.


I didn't reply to her, just stared down at her desk. "If I wanted a fuck toy I would've hired one of those instead. Did I hire a sex toy y/n?"

Her attempts at belittling me are working. I'm feeling very very pathetic right now. "N-no, I don't think you did-" I replied.

"Sign this." She orders, sliding a pen and a sheet of paper my way. I did as told and signed the paper. Who knows what I'm signing for at this point, but hey, I'm getting payed at the end of the week so who cares?

"Get me my coffee, black, no sugar. Make sure it's hot." She orders. I paused and slowly got out my seat. I can tell this is going to be a long long week.

*.·:·.☾ ⧗ ☽.·:·.*

I've been here for three days now. I haven't spoken to the Romanoff woman since I gave her the coffee. I don't even know her name, but I do know she's a dirt eating bitch. And I think that's all that needs to be known.

All I've really done is help that Wanda chick out and give that Maria chick her coffee. Yes, she did in fact get angry at me for messing up her coffee. And yes, it was traumatising.

I was currently stood by my second home: the coffee machine. I should've just been a barista or something, but I guess being an assistant is more spice cause it pays more money.

As I was waiting for the coffee machine to do what it does best, I felt like I was being watched. I hate that feeling. It's so irritating cause I know someone somewhere is staring at me for some reason.

I turn around and scan the room, but no one was staring at me here. I then turned towards the glass office that was next to me.

Yep I'm being watched. I met eyes with the red head, but quickly looked away. Fucking hell. From that two second eye contact we just had I could tell she was angry at me for existing.

I rushed the rest of the coffee and scurried over to wandas desk. I can't bare that woman, she really makes me nervous. So nervous I can't cope.

"Here's your coffee-" I say, placing it on her desk. She flashed me a smile. "Thanks. Hey, can you go and give these files to Natasha for me please?"

I paused as I was about to walk away. Who the fuck is Natasha. "Natasha?" I question, furrowing, my brows.

"Yeah, Romanoff, she asked for these yesterday but I forgot-" she shrugs, handing me a file. Well now I know her name.

I gave her a nod as I hesitantly walked towards the angry red heads office. I gave her door a knock. I don't even know if I'm supposed to knock?

"What!?" I took that as my que to enter. I stood by the door nervsouly, before taking a step inside and placing the files onto her desk.

"Wanda told me to hand these to you." I explained.

She didn't say anything at first, didn't glance at the file or nothing, just stared at me as if I had offended her.

"I asked for these yesterday." She replied blankly. Ok? Is that my problem tho?

"Oh- well I think Wanda must've-".

"Don't you blame Wanda for your own slack." She snaps. Excuse me, what? "I asked for these yesterday, that's your job." She added with a grumble.


"Well I'm sorry but I-"

I was halted by her hand smacking against the table angrily. I flinched and stared down at the table nervously. "If you aren't going to apologise properly then shut your stupid mouth."

Literally what? Like I was literally apologising why is she degrading the shit out of me?

"I also see you're still dressed inappropriately." She adds, standing up and scanning her eyes over my body. I feel a little violated. Why don't you just take my will to live while you're at it. Maybe take my clothes off since your already tearing me apart with your eyes.

"Well I'm sorry but-"

"I shouldn't be seeing your ass when you walk around." She interrupts. Can I not form a sentence without her cutting across me? It's fucking infuriating.

"You don't though." I replied bravely. "Oh I don't?" She scoffed. She pushed me over her desk, bending me over slightly.

"No? Because I can see your slutty underwear right now." Well maybe because you bent me over you daft little shit.

I didn't reply, just leant against her table as her front pressed against my ass. Jesus. "And don't get me started on that pathetic shirt." She laughed.

"Well maybe it's cause youre bending me over, obviously you're going to-"

And again, she cuts me off. "Are you trying to talk back to me or what?"

"I don't like it when you try and do that to me y/n, makes you look like a dumb bitch. Do it again and I'll punish you." I froze as she moved away from me, letting me stand upright again.

I turned to face her as my back leant against her desk. She's practically cornering me right now by the way she's towering over me.


"Yes I understand." I replied quietly. This height difference is bothering me so much. I literally have to lift my head up to look at her, which is hard to do itself.

She then pulled me by the collar of my shirt, making me gasp a little. Before I could question anything, she started buttoning up my shirt.

"Quit acting like a little tease and cover your damn chest." She says, pushing me away once she was done.

I stood there taken back as she casually sat back down in her chair. "Are you going to continue to waste my time or what? There's the door, don't tell me you're too dumb to use it. And get me a coffee."

What a cunt, I thought, as I left her office. So demanding for no reason. As I was about to make the motherfucker her coffee, Wanda waves at me to go over to her.

I sigh and walk towards her desk. "Did she say anything about the files?" She questioned.

As I was about to answer, she went on. "Cause I have this other thing I need you to look up for me. I've emailed you the details, so if you could just contact the names on the email that would be great-" she chanted, practically in one breath.

"Oh yeah sur-"

Again, I was cut off. "Oh and there's this-" she paused as she picked up a hefty box full of papers. "Could you take these to Maria for me? Tell her that they're-"

As Wanda was going on, my name was being absolutely screamed.


I froze and quickly turned around. Literally what did I even do wrong? This job is a joke right now. One minute I'll be sitting around doing nothing, and then the next everyone will me on my dick and up my ass trying to get me to do things for them.

"Get in my office." The red head orders from across the rooms as she disappears again. I paused and sighed.

"Oh god- it's fine don't worry about it for now, you should go and see what she wants first-" Wanda tells me, as if it wasn't obvious.

I gave her a nod as I turned away and rolled my eyes. I walk into her office again and stand there impatiently.

"Where's my coffee huh?"

"I was just about to make it, I was just talking to Wanda about-"

"Exactly. Too busy talking to Wanda yeh? Too busy flirting with your colleagues." She scoffs. Am I missing something? Baffled. I'm absolutely baffled. I practically have no words.


"You think I'm blind or what? I ask you to do me a simple task, yet you would rather flirt around and waste my godamn time!" She complains, her voice raising an octave.

"Look I'm sorry but-"

"Are you talking back to me again?" She questions harshly. I honestly have no words. The word 'sorry' slipped out of my mouth as if it meant dog shit to her. Is she deaf? Can she not fucking hear me apologise or what?

"I ASKED YOU A GODDAMN QUESTION YOU STUPID BITCH!" She screams, storming over to me and getting incredibly close to my face. I don't think I have the patience for this shit.

"No, I was just explaining myself-" I mumbled quietly. I then watched as she threw everything off the desk with anger, papers flying everywhere and her lamp dripping with a thump. I practically saw my will to live flying too. It's always the hot ones that are manic in the head.

I made eye contact with Wanda through the glass wall. She looked equally concerned. Natasha noticed and quickly shut the blinds to her office.

"That's it. I'm firing you." She finalised, shaking her head at me. Well that's just unfair. It's unfair for me, and most definitely unfair for whoever has to deal with her bullshit next.

"What?! I didn't even do anything wrong?!" I exclaimed .

"Don't act all innocent now, you're getting on my last nerve. If you can't prove yourself useful then get the fuck out of my building!" Well that's it for me, I'm basically fired now so you best believe I'm going to give her a piece of my damn mind!

"It's not your building, it's Tony Stark's building." I commented smugly. I'm practically smiling at how I've rigged her.

"Oh so you're going to speak smart to me now are you? Didn't know you spoke that fucking language."

"Didn't know you forgot who your boss is." I smirked. Just as she raised her brow, about to run her mouth and scream bloody murder again, I went on.

"I mean, after all, you're nothing compared to him."

She then literally pushed me against the wall with so much force as if I was a spider on her wall or something. "Look at yourself. At least I'm someone. Once I fire you, you'll be nothing again."

"Fire me for what? Doing my job?" I chuckled.

"I don't like your fucking tone. Better watch that mouth sweetheart." She warns. Why does she care?

"Oh come on, you know I'm good at this job. Who else is gonna be able to keep up with your shitty attitude huh?" I laughed.

She pushes me towards the wall again to shut me up. Which worked like a damn charm.

"Prove yourself useful or you're gone."

I hummed at her as she stared me down. "Useful huh?" I questioned, looking up into her eyes and chuckling.

"Yes. Any old whore can do it, surely you're not too dumb, hm?" Suddenly I genuinely felt stupid. Like literally, she was correct. Her hand was leant by my face as she towered over me.

And then, her knee hitches upward, inching and inching closer towards my heat. The action caused me to exhale a suffering whine. Oh god.

"What's the matter huh? Tell me." She teased. I groaned as her knee started grinding beneath my pussy. Just that simple touch can make me lose my self respect. God damn.

All I could do was whine. She knew damn well what she was doing to me. Suddenly her knee stops moving and stays there between my thighs.

"I'm giving you two options here..." she whispered.

"One, I fire you, and you'll be nothing again. Or two, I can up your pay if you're willing to do something for me. For the both of us actually, by the looks of it." She added in the same tone.

"To do what?" I questioned, even though I already sensed what the fuck she was on about.

"I think you know the answer to that question, don't you?" She husked, tracing her hands over my chest slightly.

"So what's it gonna be hm?"

I stood there and thought about it. Number one would be stupid. I'd be jobless and broke. But number two...

Number two is hard because right now she's tempting me by touching me like that. And also...a pay rise...

"How much would my pay rise be?" I questioned as she started slowly and teasingly unbuttoning my shirt.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." She smirks. Well now she's just being a tease.

"So number two then yeh? You're willing to be mine? My assistant, one that'll do whatever I say and when?"

Well Jesus. Why don't you just buy me a collar and engrave you're name on it while you're at it. I mean, I'm kidding, but wow.

I nodded in reply and watched as she undid the final button. She hummed and traced her fingers over my chest.

"And when I'm feeling nice, I'll reward you. What do you say, you want a test run?" She questions, already unzipping my skirt.

I nodded in reply again, watching her eyes that never left mine.

She nodded as she pulled my skirt down, finally pulling her eyes away from mine to scan my body. "Good choice..."

"Lie down on the table." She orders. I obeyed, slowly moving away from the wall and making my way over to her table.

She snickered and gave my ass a playful smack as I walked. She then stood between my legs and completely pushed my body down.

"And you'll behave. You won't ever disobey me, or trust me it won't be good for you." She tells me sternly.

"Understand?" She questions, gently rubbing my thigh.

"I understand..." I whispered. She hummed as she slowly pulled down my panties. She then chuckled to herself as she felt how wet I was. Just the simple touch made me lose my damn mind.

"Someone's a little excited huh?" She snickered. I whined in reply, quickly replaced by a moan as she rubbed my clit with her thumb.

"One more thing, you better keep quiet, or else everyone in this building will hear your slutty little moans." She warns.

Her fingers traced over my folds and then back over my clit, collecting all my juices and rubbing them to create friction. Fucking hell I can't cope.

I need to moan. I need to scream. I need to everything.

"Fuck-" I whispered, tensing my stomach to try to stabilise myself a little. No fucking use.

She then slowly started inserting her digits into my core, slowly dipping inside and then slowly pushing them deeper.

"Mmm you take me well-" she praised, moving a little faster, quickly going knuckle deep inside of me. I'm seriously such a mess already it's insane.

Trying to suppress my moans is impossible. I'm already sweating and grasping onto the sides of the table for an ounce of help.

"Natasha-" I whined, shutting my eyes as her fingers began to curl up inside of me.

"Mmm, that's my name-" she husks. Once her other hand started pulling my thighs further apart and toying with my clit I lost it.

Like my moans might as well be screams. I can't even hold them anymore, it's impossible.

"That's right, keep moaning like that baby, let everyone know you're being fucked by your own boss." She teased.

I whined as her fingers began to move faster, hitting my spot.

"FUCK!" I almost cried. I felt like I was going to faint, I was groaning, my nails digging into the table and marking it, my back starting to arch as my stomach began to ache and blister.

"Mmm, you think you deserve to cum?" She chuckles, slowing down but not enough to slack.

"Y-yeah, please!" I practically begged. She hummed and thought about it.

"Not yet, I don't think you deserve that..." she laughed, pulling her fingers away from me. I could've cried. I whined and shut my legs closed tightly.

"Please!" I whined.

She smirked down at me and casually went to sit down by her desk, right between my thighs. All she did was stare at me proudly.

I sat upright and frowned at her. "Please..."

"Say it again."

"Please." I replied quietly.

She shook her head. "Not good enough."


She just kept staring at me with this smirk on her face, as if she was waiting for more. I'm saying goodbye to all my pride for this woman right now, and I don't care.

"Please Natasha!" I went on again. Still nothing.

"Please Natasha let me cum,

Please!" I begged, staring at her innocently.

She then smiled a little and tapped her leg. "Come sit on my lap." I did as told and sat there, facing her.

She pulled her skirt up higher as if it wasn't short enough and positioned me over her thigh. I could see her underwear now and that was enough for me to go absolutely feral again.

She reached behind my back and unclasped my bra, letting my breast sit freely as she stared at me proudly.

"If you wanna cum then you'll fuck yourself on my thigh. Grind on me and use me till you're done, and all I'm going to do is watch you." She told me.

I slowly nodded at her as her hands leant by my hips, dragging them slightly and guiding me. "Mmm..." she mumbled, watching me lean my hands by her shoulders as I slowly used her to get off.

"Natasha-" I whined, grinding faster. She licked her lips and watched me as my chest started to bounce and my head leant back.

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