《A Fungal Dream》Chapter 67. Where it all began


“Captain, we have a problem.” The soldier saluted the man sitting in a high-tech chair that looked out into the vastness of space. He was a man in his thirties, with black hair and dark eyes with a nose so pointy that could cut paper. If not for his ears missing, only just being holes, he could have passed as a human. “Other than the mysterious monster that attacked our newest member?” “Y-Yes. Several unauthorized data downloads were noticed, coming from the sub-C infirmary. We tried to contact the resident medicine personnel of that area, but we haven’t received any answers yet.” “Have you blocked the download yet?” “Yes sir, but when we did it, there were already around 1 million Terabytes of information on his terminal.” “Sigh… all right, send the head chief of medicine there to talk with the guy. …Make sure to send a few guards with him. We don’t want that monster to kill our best doctor.” “Yes sir!” ***** “Incredible. Incredible!” The knowledge that I managed to gain was nothing more than amazing. Advanced biology, dimensional engineering, and so much more. This place… was a god’s gift. These were the building blocks of a utopia. The utopia of my race. Once I bring this back to my world, I could change everything. Maybe I could find a way for them to come here. Yes, with this technology I can do anything. With a crazy smile I was writing down the info using several pieces of paper, and since I couldn’t find any ink, I used my own blood. Well not my blood, it was my hosts. Turns out that the part of me slowly eroding my host didn’t change, I could see the fingers turning black as the veins slowly shifted green. If I had to guess, this meat puppet had about an hour before it decomposed completely. Well, it was not that I cared. I only needed him so that I could read these documents and write. “What is happening here?” I glanced at the door, seeing a group of people entering. Two of them were wearing the same military uniform that the last guys had. Between them stood a man with black skin that was shaved clean. He looked at me with wide eyes, his body shaking with fear. Slowly collected the papers in a pile, then I slowly stood up. “Stop!” The guards pointed their weapons at me, looking afraid. “Wait? Don’t shoot!” The man took a few steps toward me, his hands slightly raised in a non-aggressive way. “Robert? Are you still there? You look sick. We will take you to the infirmary and-“ “That won’t be necessary. Robert is no longer… at home. I am running the show now.” As I spoke, I made my skeletal face slightly appear from his head before returning it to his body. “W-What are you? Some sort of parasite? A higher dimensional lifeform?” “Heh, higher dimensional lifeform. HDL. Yes, I like it. It has a nice ring to it. Well, I loved chatting with you, but my time is precious, and I still have a few things to do. Don’t worry I will leave your friend with you, maybe you can even save him if you are lucky.” I slowly peeled myself off the body of the boy, letting him fall to the ground with a loud thud, the rot quickly overtaking his body. With a sigh, I turned invisible and picked up my research papers, not caring about the shouts of the people, whose language I couldn’t understand. When I had it all, I held it tight to my chest and fell through the ground, falling into a storage room that was filled with metallic crates. “Nice, Now I only need to-“ [Times up] [Ending Dimensional Dive] “Oh, come on!” My surroundings started to shift around me, finding myself back in the body of the dragon, laying in a bed of white flowers. [Dimensional Dive Complete] [Alert] [Unknown item been bought back while diving] [Analyzing] [Item has been identified as research papers.] [Calculating…] [Notes aren’t compatible with the user.] [To receive skill, collect more notes] “Fuckin damn it.” “My lord, please don’t curse when the children are around.” I turned around, facing the maid, who held the still sleeping kids in her arms. “…How long have I been out?” “About 2 hours. Do not worry, I caught the kids before you fell.” Two hours. Then that must mean. I connected to the senses of the dragon, realizing that we had already landed. “Sigh, all right. I will deal with this shit now.” I slowly stood up, realizing that I was still holding the crystal in my hand. “I will come back there later.” I put the crystal back in the box and with a deep breath, I faced one of the green walls of the dragon. “Open.” At my command, a hole formed that reached the outside. With confident steps, I went outside facing the… wasteland? “The fuck is this?” I remembered leaving this place in a hostile state, but this was too much. It was a carbon copy of the city that I just escaped, except for the meteorite that was still visible in the distance. “Father!” As I stepped onto the moldy ground, several monsters jumped before me, only to have them kneel down before me. “You… You are the first one. You have changed much since the last time we saw each other; I didn’t recognize you for a second.” The black knight, whose name I have completely forgotten, looked up to me, the green light in his eyes, going out for a second. “Father, I have let you down! We are unable to take back the book from the king. B-But we have this!” From whom knows where the knight lifted a black book over his hand as if he was holding a sword. I immediately recognized the object. It was the book that allowed me to go into the steampunk world. Heh, I completely forgot about it. Will go back there, once all this shit is taken care of. “My son, this is enough for you to prove your worth as my general. Keep it for the time, as a mark of trust I have in you.” I had shit to do in this place, I had no desire to go there right now. Not when I have this shit to deal with. “Ye-Yes, Father. Please, your journey must have been long. We prepared a throne made just for you!” With a sign of his hands, something big towards me. The thing was grotesque, with only the contour of a chair, mowing with six arms growing out on its end, with a screaming face located where my feats should be dangling. “…Thank you.” Slowly I sat into the monstrosity and when I connected to it, I quickly started to reshape it into a more appreciative form. I made the face disappear, its outline smoother, and using some of the metal mold that made up my skeleton, I made several upgrades. I even bought back those extendable arms that grew out from the back of my chair, but now they looked like the ones a certain supervillain scientist would use in the comics. “This should do it for now. My General, I have a new task for you. It is something that I can only entrust to my most loyal and devoted soldier. Are you up to the task?” “Ye-Yes, my father! I will devote flesh and soul for you and the just cause you serve!” Smiling, I pointed one of the arms at Tables and the sleeping children in her arms. “This woman and the children with her must be placed in the safest place possible. Do not allow even a single scratch to happen on their bodies. Is that clear?” “Yes!” The general walked away with them, accompanied by several other knights. When they were gone, I turned to the shabby bunch of monsters that called themselves, my knights. “This won’t do. You all need a makeover.” As I was reaching out to the nearby soldiers, ready to start their upgrades, I looked at the meteorite in the distance. I am coming, king. This time, I will make sure to finish the job. And to be sure… Still working on my new soldiers, I connected to the mold and called for it. It obeyed, by detaching itself from the walls and ground moving to a singular point. Behind me, the dragon got embedded in a mountain of green tentacles as its shape was slowly reforming, into something else. From the things holes, a green flame started to appear as a bumming female voice started to speak. “I AM THE VOICE IN THE PAST THAT WILL ALWAYS BE. I AM THE VOICE OF HUNGER AND PAIN. I AM THE VOICE OF THE FUTURE. I AM THE VOICE OF DECAY.” ***** ??? POV: “My king, we have located the head of the resistance. Shall we send our troops out so that we may crush these fools?” “No. Let them prepare. Let us give them false hope for victory. Instead, gather all the troops we have scattered around the city. This is going to be the final war between the both of us, and we need to be ready to accept their attack.” “At your command. “ The stone knight bowed as it walked away, leaving the king looking down at his stone kingdom. With his purple eyes, he could see and feel the mold moving, concentrating on a single point, exactly where that thing landed. Behind him, the shadow formed and started to whisper in her ear. ‘Do it. You want to.’ “Yes. I need to.” She lifted the book before her face and opened it. The pages of the book shined in purple light, as she read out an incantation that was in a whole different language. When the last words left her lips, the entire city started to shake. The nearest buildings crumbled together with the stone people, rearranging themselves into new stone knights. “This is my army! The army that shall conquer the world! With it, nothing shall stand in my way!” * * * [ Name: Darwin Tim Right 'Plague Father' Race: [ True Kayeri (Mechanically Augmented)] LV: 1/10 000 (1/10 000) Main Class: [Dark Apostle of Putrefaction] Sub Class: [Father of Biopunk] MP: 60 000/60 000 Blessings: [Blessing of Nergal] [Blessing of Airmed] Active Skills: [Basic Steady Hand] [[Hive control] [Hive Absorption] [Hive Repulsion] [Mold Field] [Basic Spirit Voice] [Aether Vision] [Steam Engineering [Mold Manipulation] [Fly manipulation] [ Decomposing touch] [Rot Embodiment] [Inorganic conversion] [Plague Mist] [Face Switch] [Organic Matter Comprehension] [Organic Matter Manipulation] [Cellular Mutation Inducement] Passive Skills: [Body Knowledge] [ Plant Knowledge] [Medicine Knowledge] [Stamina Enhancement] [ Movement Enhancement] [ Reflex Enhancement.] [Superior Sponge Mind] [Perfect Stomach] [Hive Mind] [Music Instrument Knowledge] [Healing Hands] [Medical Senses] [Medical Mind] [Surgical Precision] [Mechanical Skeleton] [Toxic Air] [ High Regeneration] [Organic Clockwork] [Demon’s Presence] [Sight of Blood] Affinities: [Basic Farming Affinity] [Basic War Affinity] [Basic Pestilence Affinity][ Basic Fire Affinity.] [Basic Life Affinity] [Basic Death Affinity] Titles: [The One Who Saw a Thousand Worlds] [Knowledge Driven] [Chosen by Flies] [Medicine Pioneer] [Hive Master] [Giver of Life] [The 13th Dark Apostle] [Father of New Race] [Exclusive Class Holder] ]

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