《Reborn as The Riser Phoenix》THE BATTLE OF KOUH


Riser was relaxing on his bed in the underworld enjoying his life with the most expensive drink in the underworld

when suddenly the notification appears in front of him informing him of supernatural activity in KOUH town

When riser arrived he saw that his sister's new peerage, rias and her old peerage was fighting against the people that came with Kokabiel and he was sitting on a throne in the sky

and Kiba was surrounded by blue energy.

Irina was unconscious and Xenovia was fighting against the Cerberus.

riser remained back and watched what was about to happen when suddenly Kiba raised his hand and yelled.

"I will create a new sword with the help of my comrades" Kiba said as a new looking sword which had both holy and demonic powers that appeared in his hand.

"This is called the sword of betrayer my balance barker" said Kiba ashe got in his fighting stance when Xenovia came to him and said "So tell me Devil knight are we still on the same team."

"I like to think we are" said Kiba as he pointed his sword at the exorcist who was wielding the mutated Excalibur while Xenovia chanted something and a portal appeared to her side with a swords hilt coming out of it.

"This here is called Durandal it can cut anything so it needs to be stored in an another dimension" said Xenovia.

And kiba grabs his sword in his hands and takes a fighting position along with Xenovia

As they both started attacking the Excalibur and they continued until the Excalibur broke into pieces and the exorcist was killed.

"Holy and devils powers mixed that means not only the original satan but also….." said Valper before being killed by Kokabiel.

"Valper you were talented but even you were not supposed to find that out" said Kokabiel as he dematerialized his throne and floated in air.


"What did he found out" asked Xenovia in her battle stance.

"That God is dead hahahahaha" replied Kokabiel as he burst into laughter which shocked everyone mostly Xenovia.

"No you are lying if god is dead who is operating heavens" asked Xenovia.

"Michael is doing a great job filling in for God" replied Kokabiel again laughing like a mad man.

"Now entertain me use that holy devil sword and Durandal to attack me" said Kokabiel as he narrowly dodged an energy blast.

As everybody looked at the direction they saw Riser standing there while smirking. As they saw him everyone was relieved also the exorcist but they hate to show it or admit it .

"Now who are you?" asked Kokabiel as he looked at Riser.

"The one who is going to kick your ass" said Riser with a smirk.

"Know your place devil" said Kokabiel as he prepared a light spear and threw towards riser which he easily dodged.

"Is that all you got I'm very disappointed I expected more from you KOKABIEL the angle of the star's " taunted riser as he disappeared and appeared in front of Kokabiel and punched him in the gut with so much force that made him cough out blood.

"That's it broken already" said riser with a disappointed look as he punched Kokabiel again sending him towards the ground creating a crater on impact.

"You filthy devil I'm going to make you pay for this" said Kokabiel as he created many light spears and send them towards Riser who just douge them at the end moment

Everyone was worried as they saw the light spears almost hit Riser

"Hahahaha that's what you get for underestimating…." Said Kokabiel but was silenced when he saw only his burned cloths were there and he was standing next to them he had no scratches on him.


Everyone could see the developed muscles and all the girls blushed except Rias at the sight of him.

"Still weak now it time to end you I guess" said Riser as he descended towards Kokabiel with high speed and landed on him with dust flew everywhere blocking the view of everyone.

After the dust settled everyone could see riser standing on Kokabiel's back with one of his wings in hand.

"After you have fallen this much I don't think you need these wings" said riser as he ripped off one of his wings and Kokabiel screamed as his blood spread on riser who had a sadistic smile on his face.

"Scream more I love to hear you screams" said riser as he ripped another wing off. Everyone was terrified by his sadistic side while Akeno was turned on by this.

At the same time the barrier around the school was shattered and a light came inside when the light settled down everyone could see a man in a white scale armor.

As issei saw him he felt hatred towards the person and wanted to kill him.

"I'm the white dragon emperor and I'm here for Kokabiel" said the figure as he looked around he saw riser standing on Kokkabiel's back.

{Albion we finally meet again} said Ddraig from Issei gauntlet shocking everyone.

[Ddraig so this is your host he doesn't look that powerful] said Albion from the wings on the figures back.

{My host can defeat you host without even using his full power} replied Ddraig boastfully.

[My host is the strongest white dragon emperor in the history] said Albion in a proud tone.

{We'll see who is strong} said Ddraig in a challenging tone.

"I don't have time for this so just give me Kokabiel so I can leave" said the figure.

"Why he is the one who attacked my town and hurt my people so he must die" riser said as he was about to finish the job but was stopped when he saw the figure had grabbed his arm.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that" said the figure as he punched Riser sending him across the ground and into the building







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