《The Strays of Dachaigh Gual》2. My Wish


“To serve the Prionnsa, that is my duty. To care for and protect her child, that is my wish.”

Using a shovel he procured from one of the many houses in the shadowy town, Feannag dug a deep hole a few meters south of the town and within it he dumped any rubbish he found.

Further to the west, between Dachaigh Gual and the pier next to the river Caoidh, was a trail of a strange black goo but Fea paid it no mind.

The sun had long since set, meaning he was working in complete darkness but he did not mind.

“Mine eyesight is beyond spectacular and not darkest of night nor brightest light could blind me!”

That’s what he thought as he worked away.

He marched back into Dachaigh Gual, passing through its tall, dark wooden gates in the process.

The was town filled with large, two storey buildings that were made from dark stone and equally dark woods.

According to what he managed to learn, it once served as a fortress in a forgotten war.

Knowing this was important as this place would soon serve as his home.

He needed to make sure it was safe enough for Dahlia to grown up in.

Fea had inspected the entire outer wall and made sure there were no holes or other such flaws in the structure.

He had also ensured that the town’s gate’s locking mechanism was still functional shortly their initial arrival.

He made his way to the town’s warehouse where countless supplies were stored. Many of the wheats and other grains had rotted meaning they had to be disposed of. There was also a clear lack of livestock and poultry, but that was an entirely different problem.

He moved around and organized the supplies to find that several bags of unspoiled oats, the butchery across the street had about two crates full of cured meats, the warehouse also had several bags of unspoiled beans, several bags of nuts, seeds and he had access to a few fresh vegetables from some gardens he found behind some of the houses.

This was good, but it could be better. He had to find a way to produce food and the seeds were the key to that.

Dachaigh Gual was located in the centre of a marshland meaning that growing anything wouldn’t be easy but Fea, if anything, was determined to try and try he would.

He left the warehouse and found himself in the town’s centre.

A circular stone paved area with a fountain at its centre.

He walked past the fountain and made his way into a one of the many building.

Based on the countless books and artefacts, he deduced that it was probably once the home of a scholar or someone who simply enjoyed reading and collecting artefacts.

This is the place he would have Dahlia conduct his research.

He cleaned the dusty old home and placed a large chair in front of the fireplace in the first floor.

He then rearranged the furniture and brought down several bookshelves.

After ensuring that everything was in its place, he exited the house to find that the sun was slowly rising, turning the sky grey.

He made his way towards what was once the mayor’s office.

A tall, grey building made from pale stone and dark wood. This made it stand out in the dark town.

He entered the building and made his way towards the main bedroom which was on the second floor where he gently knocked on the large white door.

After waiting for a moment, he opened the door and entered the room to find Àlainn and Dahlia peacefully sleeping.


He walked up to the bed and stared at the two as they slept.

Àlainn's thin brown hair messily covered her face which had a few lines here and there. Her skin, although smooth, was covered in a layer of dried mud.

“Àlainn.” He called. His voice a faint whisper.

“Yes?” Àlainn asked as she slowly sat up.

“I need your help with something.”

“Oh- alright.” Àlainn said as she quietly crawled out of bed.

She then got dressed, tied her hair into a messy bun and followed Fea out of the room.

He then led her downstairs where we entered what was once a dining room.

He had relocated most of the room’s furniture and placed a sewing marching and various other tools in the rooms corner.

He walked over to a nearby table where two daggers sat.

He grabbed them before showing them to Àlainn, who keenly watched his every move.

“My hands will often be occupied with many things from now on. I need you to craft a sheath that will allow me to work while also having clear access to these.”

Àlainn inspected the blades before looking at the many machines and materials Feannag had placed in the room.

“I’ll make you something as quickly as possible.” She said, but Fea shook his head.

“No need to rush.” He said before gesturing that Àlainn follow him out of the room.

She did and they quickly found ourselves in the kitchen were he helped her get seated before preparing breakfast.

“I think- I think I found a way to help him.” Àlainn suddenly said while he mixed the porridge.

“Oh?” Fea sounded as he turned to face Àlainn, but he quickly noticed that her expression was rather serious.

“Mmm… It seems as though you have given this much thought. Keep it to yourself until Dahlia needs it the most. I quiver with curiosity, but I feel as though what you end up doing will be worth all the anxiety. So work hard for his sake.”

Àlainn nodded.

“Good. Now, go fetch him. Breakfast is almost ready.”

Àlainn got up and promptly left the kitchen while Fea dished out three servings of porridge.

Fea then plopped onto a nearby chair where he allowed his thoughts to wonder.

In the coming days he would need to room increase his knowledge on everything.

Dachaigh Gual was a town, which was part of a greater nation.

He needed to know where it was relative to other locations. He wanted to know their histories and how they were affected by that cursed night.

Àlainn and Dahlia eventually arrived and Fea served them their porridge.

He saw that Dahlia’s mood hadn’t particularly improved, but not much could be done about that at the moment.

“Um... you searched the town today, right? Did you find anything?” Dahlia asked as his weary eyes peered into Fea’s.

“Why yes, I did. There is a house filled to the brim with books and various other wonders. Actually, I was planning on showing you that place shortly after you finished eating.” Fea said with a smile, but Dahlia lowered his head even further.

“Could you also… teach me how to use her claymore?”

“Dahlia!” Àlainn gasped.

“Hold on, Àlainn. Let the boy speak his mind.” Fea said while keeping his eyes on Dahlia, who had not raised his head.

“I cannot speak on her behalf, but I personally never want to see you fight anyone or anything. Tell me, what drove you to asking me that?” He asked with narrowed eyes.


“I… the beasts aren’t all gone, right? You’ll have to fight them again, right? I want to help.” Dahlia said and this time, his head was raised.

“Mmm… I will teach you what I can, but you will not wield her weapon. Not until I deem you ready.” Fea said with crossed arms.

“That being said, you will not train until after you have have helped with house keeping duties and after you have done some reading.” He added with a raised nose.

“What?” Dahlia asked with a frown.

“Yes and if I find that you are under performing in either your work here or you are not reading enough, we will not train. Is that understood?”

“Y- yes.” Dahlia said.

Fea quickly realized that his posture had improved somewhat and a faint spark could be seen in his eyes.

Everyone eventually finished eating and while Fea washed the dishes, Àlainn stood to leave, but she said something before she left.

“May I have a word before you and Dahlia leave?”

Fea gave her a quick nod before she left the room.

He tidied up the kitchen and made his way to the dining room where Àlainn inspected the various tools and materials that littered the place.

“What was I supposed to say-“

“No. You were supposed to tell him that we would protect him and he wouldn’t have to fight.” Àlainn said without turning to look at Fea.

He took a single deep breath before walking towards Àlainn.

He then gently placed my hands on her shoulders before nudging her to turn.

She did so and he saw that she had a pained expression.

“What would he do then if we were not there to protect him?”

Àlainn gasped, but she quickly lowered her head as his words echoed in the large room.

“My wings are broken and my bones are brittle. I will not be able to protect him forever. He will need to protect himself at some point in his life and I am glad that he asked that I teach him.”

“It’s not that I don’t understand his or your reasoning. I just don’t want to see him raise a weapon.”

“And I do not want him to get hurt.” Fea said softly.

Àlainn deeply sighed before tightly clasping Fea’s hand.

“Alright, teach him what you will.” She said before walking out of Fea’s embrace.

She then sat behind one of the many machines in there room and after ensuring she was warm, Fea left and made his way back the kitchen where Dahlia still sat.

“Luckily for you, I already cleaned everything so let us make our way to our new library.” Fea said and Dahlia energetically followed him out of the house.

The two then crossed the town’s centre and entered their new library and after showing Dahlia around, Fea gestured that he sit on the largest, most comfortable sofa. Fea then covered him in a thick blanket before handing him a few books that he thought Dahlia would be interested in.

“Alright, I am off to do some work. If you need anything either head back home or stand by the fountain. That is the first place I will look in case of emergencies.” Fea said and Dahlia nodded.

He gave the boy a gentle smile before exiting the house and making his way towards the stables where Dachaigh Gual’s residents once kept their horses.

It was a large and open structure that was fairly clean considering that animals once stayed there.


What am I then?

I am not fully a man nor am I a simple beast.

Ah! Of course!

The answer is clear!

I am Feannag McAllister!”

Fea cleared out all of the hay and feeding pens before sweeping away the dirt and manure that littered the floor.

He then spend the next few hours relocating other, much larger items away from the stable.



Fea looked around at the now hollow stable and gave it all a quick nod before exiting the building and making my way back home where he entered the dining room to find Àlainn hard at work.

He quietly approached her and looked around for a certain pair of daggers. He found them sitting on a nearby table after grabbing them, he promptly left the room before returning to the stable where he removed his vest.

Dark, nightmarish visions flooded his mind as he raised the daggers.

He then swung them wildly in an attempt to replicate that which he had done not so long before.

Every fight from before was one for survival.

“How can I replicate that and worse, how can I teach Dahlia any of what I know?”

Perhaps he was not the best teacher, but they were short on options and he needed Dahlia to become a man capable of defending himself and those he cared for.



Fea wiped his hands using an old cloth and dusted off his shoes before entering the library.

He then quietly made his way to where he had left Dahlia and like he expected, the lad had fallen asleep.

It was rather dark and quite cold so he had to wake Dahlia up and take him back to his room.

Fea gently brushed aside his growing red hair and called out his name.


“Mmm?” The boy sounded sweetly.

“Come. You will have to continue reading tomorrow. We have candles, but I think they should only be used in the main house. You can grab a book if you want.” Fea said, but Dahlia then made a pained face that almost made Fea audibly gasp because it was far too cute.

“What? Is something wrong?”

“I can’t read.”

Oh. Fea sounded internally.

“Oh! I completely forgot. Why did you not think to bring that up earlier?” Fea asked even though it was his fault for not remembering.

“I thought that I’d be able to learn as I read.” Dahlia said.

“Daft child. Fold your blankets. I will teach you what I know after dinner.”

“Umm… who taught you how to read?”

“Err… I actually do not know. I just can.” Fea said and this made him wonder if this was somehow connected to his ability to speak.

“Anyway, come on.” Fea said before helping Dahlia fold his blankets.

The two then exited the library and made their way back into the main house.

Fea then left Dahlia in the kitchen before entering the dining room where Àlainn was hard at work.

He quietly approached her and sat against a nearby table.

Àlainn did not even raise her head as she worked, but he did not particularly mind.

“How are you feeling?” Fea asked.

“I’m fine, I suppose.”

“Alright. Tell me if you need anything.” He said before turning to leave.

He then returned to the kitchen where Dahlia fiddled with his neck long red hair.

Fea had not realized it had gotten so long.

He grabbed several vegetables from a box next to the large iron stove.

He then diced them all up before throwing them into a large iron pot.

He had cleaned every pot, every piece of cutlery and utensil after arriving in Dachaigh Gual. Dahlia would be helping him keep them clean soon.



Dinner came and went peacefully.

Fea accompanied Àlainn and Dahlia to large bathroom where he had prepared some water in a bucket that he had gotten from a well just next to the mayoral office.

They all got undressed and promptly bathed, although Àlainn helped wash Dahlia’s Hair.

Fea watched with a stiff face as the two washed the blood and mud from their skin.

Everyone eventually got dried and they made their way to the master bedroom where Fea watched over Àlainn and Dahlia as they slept.

He then returned to the kitchen where he washed the dishes they’d used before exiting the house and making his way to the stable where he raised his daggers once more.

He tightly gripped their leather hilts and felt a stinging sensation in his chest when he glanced at their scarred sides.

He swung the blades violently as he had done not too long before but with each strike, he reigned in his movements, gaining more control with each movement.

It was going to take some time but Feannag was determined to master his dual daggers and he was determined to teach Dahlia everything he learnt.

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