《Friendly Sex {{ GeorgeNotFound }}》THIRTY-EIGHT: irl


"Okay plan time" Tommy spoke to his chat, jumping around the small arena

Astrid could hardly concentrate.

All the other teams that didn't make it to the final round stood around them, different coloured foam fingers on their arms, jumping up and down.

It wasn't really split equally, most of them dressed in red for the other team, less than half in yellow for themselves.

"The new rules kinda fucked it up, but we'll be fine" Dream continued, muffling out Tommy's incessant talking, "funnel them to me, then Tommy, then Wil-uhh" he paused.

It seemed his mind was whizzing, but Astrid knew what about.

It was clear he wanted to win, he was competitive at the best of times but against his two best friends he was in overdrive. But, at the same time, he didn't want to upset the girl.

By putting her in last place he was basically calling her the worst on the team, after spending so long telling her she was just as equal as them.

It would usually hurt her ego, but she wanted to win just as much.

"Funnel to Wilbur before me" she decided, nodding quickly to herself as they split up, Dream made an agreeable noise.

They jumped back and forth, just like they practised.

The first two games went quickly, each team winning one each, equalling the score.

The next game was longer, Sapnap shot Wilbur and George shot her, Dream managed to shoot two of their team but in the end, the red rabbits won.

They'd have the win the next round or the other team would win altogether.

It started off well, Dream taking out one of them, in return Sapnap took out Wilbur and Tommy. Not really what they needed, but they still had a chance.

Dream got the arrows, shooting them off quickly, hitting George.


"Yes!" Tommy screamed down his mic, "you can do this big D!"

Sapnap got the arrow, standing for a few minutes as the two jumped around.

"Just keep dodging, don't group with me," Dream told her, hast in his voice but she knew he wasn't angry.

Sapnap took his first shot, missing both of them.

He reloaded.

The arrow threw out on their side, left in the middle as the two kept dodging and weaving, he shot again.

Astrids player exploded.

"Fuck!" She slammed her hand down, running over to view Dream and Sapnap with the others.

Dream had both arrows now, shooting them in quick succession, surprising Sapanp and taking him out.

Screams erupted in the call.

"We're still in this!" Tommy celebrated, "we can do it!"

Astrids heart was rapid, taking a shaky breath as she steadied her hands, jumping around as she had done before.

First out was Wilbur, Sapnap really was a good shot after all, but Dream was just as good, taking out Bad and Fundy - their other two team members.

"Okay, okay we're good, we've got this" Tommy spoke, more to himself than to the group.

Sapnap had the arrows again, throwing one to George so that they could both shoot.

"Tommy they're aiming at you" Dream informed him.

Astrid looked at them whilst running around, surprised to see that, whilst Sapnap was indeed aiming for Tommy, George's bow was trained on her.

It'd make the most sense for them to gang up on Tommy, unless this was a strategy to get them both out.

That or George was trying to prove some kind of point.

They both shot, Tommy exploding whilst Astrid was still in, by pixels most likely.

"Two verses two" Wilbur called out, Dream and herself in concentrated silence.


Dream picked up both arrows as Astrid kept jumping, shooting one.

Sapnap exploded.

"Woooo!" Wilbur screamed in excitement, a smile coming to Astrids face.

"He has an arrow," Dream spoke slowly, reminding her.

She nodded, silently jumping around, though he didn't seem to be aiming for her.

Astrid hadn't even noticed he'd shot until she heard Dream swear loudly, slamming his hand on the table.

Dream was out.

It was her versed George.

She had two arrows.

Two tries to win the game.

If she lost she'd never hear the end of it, not only from social media but in her own mind.

She needed this for herself just as much as the team.

"You've got this Astrid" Dream spoke lowly, "take your time, he's got no arrows"

She nodded, eyes focusing as she pulled back the bow, following George's movements with her curser.

The call was almost silent as she shot, a small curse as she missed.

Astrid had expected George to jump at the arrow, but he hadn't, he'd left it floating, almost like a taunt.

The bow pulled back again, he kept jumping.

Until, for a split second, he stopped.

His player was facing hers, looking at her, unmoving for at least three seconds before she shot, as she did he moved again.

But it was too late, he'd already exploded into a burst of red.

And her team were already screaming down her headphones as she sat back, mouth open in shock as they reloaded onto a stage.

Crowns on their head.


Written: 18th December 2022

Published: 19th December 2022

Awww George lost :/// and he definitely didn't mean to do that :)))

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