《'My Lavender' (On-going)》RockLav Moments



(This took place before the 'day of names')

The kids were having a movie night and after 2 movies Jeffrey and Michael were already out on the ground

"Wanna get some ice cream?" Sam asked Ellianna who was focused on watching the movie

"..no, I'm good" she said in a quiet voice, eyes still on the tv

Sam chuckled and got up to get himself ice-cream

Moments later, he comes back from the kitchen and sees Ellianna focused on her lecture book

"Oh, I thought you were interested in the movie?" he asked as he sat down

"Nahh, it got boring" she replied, eyes still on her book

He keeps watching while she keeps reading

After a few minutes, he stares at her and takes a scoop of the ice cream he's eating

"Here, eat" he said as he brought the spoon near her lips

"Hmm! *tsk* it's cold!" she complained

He sighed and put the ice-cream tub on the floor

She flinched when she felt an arm landing on her shoulder

"Lia, please eat the ice-cream" he tried to feed her again

Seeing that it did not work, Sam decided that he will try the airplane trick

"brrrr brrrr brrrr" he spun the spoon around

"say 'ahhhhh' " he said bringing her out of her blushing state

She laughed

He laughed

"Heyyy, what are you doing???" she said while still laughing

"Oh, you didn't wanna eat it when I gave it to you normally, so I decided to do this!" he explained laughing as well

"just eat itttt, i'm starting to look like an idiot here" he said which made her laugh more but not loudly

She stopped laughing and finally ate the melting ice-cream that was on the spoon

This made Samuel smile and he scooped more ice-cream out of the tub and made it 'fly' like an airplane


Ellianna laughed once more and lightly hit him with her book

They stopped when they heard a camera snap and turned around to see Jeffrey with a phone, standing there shocked also

Samuel quickly ate the ice-cream off the spoon, gave it to Ellianna and began chasing Jeffrey around the house

Ellianna giggled and ate one more scoop of ice-cream from the tub and woke Michael up

"Come on Mickey Mouse, time to go to bed" she said while guiding him to stand up

After she had put Michael to bed, she went down the stairs and saw the boys fake fighting

She grabbed the ice-cream tub and grabbed another spoon

She walked towards the boys and stopped the 'fight'

"STOP" she whisper-yelled and slapped the boys on the shoulder after she put the ice-cream on the table

She grabbed the tub and scooped out some ice-cream and fed it to Samuel

"You want some?" She asked Jeffrey

"Yes, but eww no, I am not sharing the same spoon wit-" he stopped talking as he felt coldness hit his mouth

"I knew you'd say that, so I got an extra spoon for you." she said as she stood with a smile

"You, get off of him." she pointed to Sam

He obliged since he knows if he doesn't, he will get a 30 minute lecture from her and it's already late

She smiled and grabbed another spoonful of ice-cream for Jeffrey and fed him

She switched the spoons and gave one last bite for Sam

She closed the tub and put it back inside the freezer

She opened the fridge and pulled out a jar of water and grabbed 2 glasses and gave it to the boys

"Now, let's brush our teeth and go to sleep" she pushed the boys out the kitchen


As they were walking towards the stairs, a sleepy yet hungry Michael walked down

"Did you guys just have ice-cream without me?" he asked squinting his eyes

They laughed nervously

"You did." he said as he walked to the kitchen

"You guys go upstairs and I'll deal with him" she whispered, and the two older Douglas boys ran up the stairs

"Hehe, Mick?" she walked near him

"don't talk." he said while eating out of the ice-cream tub

She made a 'zip' action

She sat on the counter while waiting for him to finish

He put the ice-cream back in the freezer {tip-toeing a bit} and started walking out the kitchen

She followed him to their room and watch him go into the bathroom

She let out a breath that she didn't even know she was holding

"What'd he say?" Jeffrey asked

"It was weird, he didn't talk.." She answered

"Isn't that better?" Sam chimed

"Not at all. He made the vibe so scary" She said, having shivers run down her spine

Not long, Michael went out of the bathroom and laid down on his bed while speaking to nobody

"See, I told you" Ellianna whispered

No one spoke, feeling Michael's coldness roam the room

"Goodnight" She said, closing her eyes

She heard two goodnights before completely going into her dreamland


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