《New Beginning in the Magical World》Chapter 82


Chapter 82: Kiel’s Dilemma. "In times of doubt and uncertainty, it's important to remember that we all have a role to play and a contribution to make, no matter where we are or what our circumstances may be." – Kiel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Kiel watched the team ride off into the foggy forest, he couldn't help feeling a sense of responsibility wash over him. He had been tasked to look after Lucas, the son of the leader of the ten great pillars, and he knew that it was a big responsibility. “Sir Kiel, I heard that you are still in dilemma regarding of my father’s decision to exclude you from this mission?” Lucas asks as they approach the Knight sitting on the broken segment of their city wall. Gazing at the forest covered in a thick fog. Kiel sighed heavily as he turned to face Lucas. “I know that it is for my own good. I understand why he wants to exclude me from this trip. What he said is true, I’m the only knight among the ten great pillar that still haven’t had my own family. He just doesn’t want to cut our bloodline on me.” Kiel paused for a moment before continuing. "But at the same time, I can't help feeling left out. I've trained and worked just as hard as the rest of them, and I want to be able to contribute and make a difference on this mission. I know I haven't found a partner yet, but that doesn't mean I can't be a valuable member of the team." Lucas nodded and smiled at Kiel. "You are a valuable member of the team. We have great trust in you. I know you're disappointed about not being able to go on the mission, but the city needs you more, our situation is still not stable and your presence here can help us a lot to calm them down. With only a few knights left to guard the city many people are left disturbed by this event.” Kiel nodded, understanding the importance of his new task. "I understand, Lucas. And I'll do my best to keep the city calm and secure while the others are away. I know it's not the same as being on the mission with them, but I'll make sure to do my part here." After saying this, Kiel immediately went to work on his new task. He began by reviewing the city's security protocols and making any necessary adjustments to ensure that the city was as safe as possible. He also worked closely with Lucas and the others to address the concern of many people and soldiers. And yet, Kiel can’t deny the feeling of guilt growing inside his chest. Guilty of watching them deal with the danger and risk their lives while he was here safely doing his chores. Kiel sat in his barracks, feeling a mix of emotions as he thought about his lord's decision to venture into the enchanted forest. On one hand, he was proud of his lord for taking charge and trying to solve the problem that had been plaguing the city because this is now a rare thing among the low nobility. But on the other hand, he couldn't shake the feeling of being left behind and being useless. As a member of the ten pillar and as a knight, Kiel had always dreamed of going on adventures and serving his lord. But now, he was stuck in the city, feeling helpless as his lord and the other knights risked their lives in the forest. Just then, there was a knock on his door. Kiel stood up and opened it, revealing Michael standing on the other side. "Sir Kiel," Michael said. "I heard from our soldiers that you're feeling down about not being able to go with Lord Hubert on his mission. I just wanted to come and check on you." Kiel nodded, feeling a pang of guilt for feeling sorry for himself. "Yeah, I guess I just feel left out. I want to be able to help and make a difference, but I'm just stuck here." Michael put a comforting hand on Kiel's shoulder. "I know how you feel. I've been in your shoes before, feeling like I'm not good enough or useful. But you have to remember that there are other ways to make a difference, even if you're not on the front lines." Kiel sighed, feeling a little better. "I guess you're right. I'll try not to let my feelings get the best of me." "Good," Michael dazzlingly said with a smile. "Now, we have to go visit the citizens and make sure they're okay. They're probably worried about Lord Hubert and the others, so we need to do our best to calm their fears." Kiel nodded, standing up. "Yeah, you're right. Let's go do that." As Kiel and Michael walked through the streets of Florentine City, they were met with worried looks and anxious whispers from the citizens. It was clear that the recent monster siege and Hubert's mission had left them on edge, and Kiel knew that it was up to him and Michael to try and calm their fears. They stopped at various places throughout the city, speaking with the citizens and offering words of reassurance. Kiel was amazed by the way that Michael was able to charm and soothe the people, using his natural charisma and kindness to ease their anxiety. As Kiel and Michael walked through the streets of Florentine City, Kiel couldn't help but feel a sense of amazement for this man. Michael's natural charm and charisma had been instrumental in calming the fears of the citizens and bringing hope back to the city. “Thank you for your comforting words sir kiel and sir Michael. We all believe that our lord can solve this problem because he never failed to fulfill his promise with us.” Said by an old woman as she sweeps the dirt and dust in front of her house. “That’s right, Lord Hubert can definitely kill the culprit behind this chaos and I strongly believe that they will all come back to us safely.” The man replied as many people share the same sentiment as him. “We always win any challenges that comes on our way, and this is not any different from that. Lord Hubert is someone we can depend on in the times of need. A noble lord who doesn’t run away from his responsibilities.” A soldier said loudly that earn him the cheers of many people on the streets. This brought a positive change towards everyone who heard this words of comfort, despite of all the damages and destruction around them. "Michael, I have to ask," Kiel said. "Is it normal for you to be this charming? I've never met anyone who can so easily put people at ease like you do." Michael stopped for a moment, as he chuckled before he shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, I guess it's just in my nature. But Lord Hubert and Young master used to say that I have a way with people, and I've always been able to talk to anyone, no matter how nervous or anxious they may feel." He answered as he hide the truth regarding his ability as a half-succubus. Kiel nodded, impressed. "Well, whatever it is, it's a gift. You've been a huge help to us these past few months. I don't know what we would have done without you." "It's my pleasure to help," Michael said with a smile. "I'm just glad that I could be of some use. And besides, I consider all of you to be my family now. I'll do whatever it takes to protect and serve our city." Michael determinedly replied. Kiel nodded, feeling a sense of warmth and camaraderie between the two of them. He was grateful to have Michael by their side because, since the day their lord brought him back, their city has become a little more lively than before. A lot of people whatever their age or gender, flock to him most of the time and as he started to mature this charm has become stronger. Many addresses the alluring charm and captivating feeling they felt towards Michael on his looks. Which can even battle his own. But Kiel can’t still understand the reason why many ladies and women have rejected him for the past few years despite doing everything he can to impress them. He has the looks, the influence, and even the strength to shine among men but all those women he approaches rather choose a different man than him. This is the reason why Kiel is still single to this day. They all rejected him politely saying that they weren’t enough for someone as great as him. At first, he was still okay to receive this feedback but as time goes on his heart had already gone cold. Kiel only wishes to live an heir for his family before he died but even that seems difficult as he doesn’t have the guts to force a woman to bear his child. Now he only wishes for everything to return back to normal as he doesn’t want this feeling swelling up from his chest. Lucas POV. It's been two months since the fog appeared and surround our city, and two days since the siege of the mutated creatures happened, and it already feels like years to me. So many things have happened in just a short amount of time. And these two months have been a difficult and trying time for everyone in the city. The appearance of the fog and the sudden siege of the mutated creatures had thrown everyone into a state of panic and confusion. This past two months, we had been working tirelessly to try and restore some sense of order and stability. We had spent countless hours coordinating with all the knights and soldiers, trying to come up with a plan to defend against the mutated creatures and to protect the people. But despite our efforts, the situation seemed to be getting worse by the day. The fog was so thick that it was almost impossible to see more than a few feet in front of us, and finally, the mutated creatures had it’s courage to attack us directly. To make matters worse, we only had a limited supply of food and resources. Many of our farms and hunting grounds had been overrun or destroyed by the mutated creatures during the siege, leaving us with limited options for sourcing new supplies. It was a desperate and uncertain time, and I couldn't help feeling overwhelmed by the weight of responsibility that rested on my father’s shoulders. I knew that he had to stay strong and do everything he could do to keep all the people in the city safe. But that is still not enough to stop them from attacking us. That is why he was forced to venture outside the city together with the other knights in order to solve this problem, but they don’t even know what are they looking for inside of that place. We only knew that was where the fog first appeared but we haven’t even seen the main culprit behind this mist. So after my father’s departure, for the first time in the history of Florentine city, the forces guarding it have shrunk to a huge extent. With only 5 knights left to lead the soldiers and guard the city was made up of my cousin Michael, Kiel from the ten pillars, Captain Jack who have just been promoted to knighthood, Evan from the Stratnan family, and me. Out of all this people sir Kiel is the strongest one with a strength of a silver knight at the middle of Intermediate rank followed by Evan, Michael, Me, and jack who are all copper rank or rather a junior knight. So, its not surprising to hear a lot of negative talks around me as I walked through the streets of the city, I couldn't help but overhear the anxious conversations of the people around me. Many were worried about the safety of the city with so few knights remaining to protect them. In addition to my duties as a knight and the temporary leader, I also made it a point to spend some time with the people of the city, listening to their concerns and working to address their needs. I knew that the people were the foundation of the city, and I’m determined to do everything I could to support them. I’m just glad that I have the support of many people to help me in this life., and that helps me to love and adjust to my new life in this world. So, I won’t let anything bad happen to my loved ones in this life because of the promise I made to the original owner of this body. I have already made up my mind. Today I will go back to that cave to explore that place and investigate the broken glass tank containing that unknown creature with, or without the help of anyone.

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