《Badly Written Poetry From A Fucked Mind》The Silent House


(*taps mic* I'm sorry I keep disappearing umm, my life is in shambles and I don't quite know how to put it into words. My brother is dating a new girl so, expect a poem about that, hopefully, tomorrow because I just met her, and boy it is awkward. Also, I just got really gross gummy worms as an early Christmas present and had to eat one in front of her and now I want to puke. Enjoy this poem that is, again, probably jibberish. Imma take a nap because my head hurts *literally just falls*)

Loneliness is something you feel often

The feeling that you have no one

That there isn't anyone that would want you

Or need you

The crushing feeling of despair and anguish

As you wake to an empty house

Full of nothing but the aching silence as always

You wish it was different

That your family surrounded you

That you could wake to your parents at the table

Talking and laughing

Like they used to

Now they're busy

Your father has always worked

Now it's your mother too

And your brother recently followed

But as you wish they stayed

That they stuck around with you

You're now used to the silence

To the quiet and mute of the house

You don't think you could handle them now

Not anymore

They were once tolerable

They heard you

They liked you

But now

Even with them you're still lonely

Still drowning in despair

Because although you're with them

You're ignored

Pushed away

Yelled at to leave

So now you prefer the quiet to the fights

The despair to the blaming

The loneliness to the tears

So you continue to wake up in that quiet house

To that quiet silent house

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