《The Goddess’ Chosen》The Five hunters


Before, I had no doubt about god almighty, our lord and savior. Now…. Now I find myself questioning everything I’ve come to know. The other world of Avalon, the faith in this opposing idol, the goddess of harmony. The strange creatures and adherent monsters of the devil that come to us.

I can feel the unease settling into my own knights as the kingdom is beset by creatures, leaving our homes defenseless to the invaders from across the sea. With no choice, we moved our court westward, relinquishing lands to the germanians.

I seek Merlin’s guidance, yet he thinks only of the demons that still plague the land. If not for Morgana, I feel as though our migration would have been nothing but a fool's errand.


Allisa’s head pounded as she arose. She thought she would have gotten used to them by now. Every dream she had now was just as vivid and was accompanied with a pounding headache. Yet every time she was surprised by how painful the next one was.

“How long am I gonna go through this?” Allisa asked out loud, resting a hand on the bars of her cage. Arthur’s memories were still as bizarre, lacking context and-

“Hm?” Slowly she looked to her right towards the long bars that held her.


Something roared and slammed into the cage beside her. Allisa reeled back in shock, seeing the slobbering face of a beast with massive teeth.

“Finally awake spy?”

“.... Berken?” Allisa looked up and saw Berken hanging from a collection of cables at the top of the cage. As she started to get her bearings more questions began to surface they were in a large, dimly lit metal room with ten cages- including the one she was in- filled with monsters, ranging from beasts like her neighbor, large warframes and even the fused she had contended with in the depths. “Wha- where are we?”

“If I had to guess…. I’d say we’ve been taken prisoner by the ravengers.” Berken said bluntly.

“Prisoner?” Allisa tried to get back to her feet. As more of her senses returned, she could feel an uncomfortable irritation on her neck. Putting her hand to it she felt a choker, one of metal scales like a snake that dug into her skin.

“Wh-what is this?”

“If I had to guess, I’d say it’s a suppressor for your eather. That’s how they captured you?”

“Suppressor?” She tried to summon Excalibur. Sparks appeared in her hands momentarily. There was a beep, then a painful shock. Allisa yelped, losing her balance as she wrestled with her neck, even after the shock subsided. “D-Damn this thing…” She snarled, trying in vain to wrench it from her neck to no avail.

“Damn it…” Frustrated, Allisa looked around her cage again, trying to find some conventional means to escape. Then, in the cage to her right she saw another human leaning against the bars dead to the world. “…. ION!!”

Allisa shot to her feet and rushed to the bars. It was indeed Ion who was still in the same deep sleep from the forest. “Ion! Ion it’s me! Come on, wake up!!”

There was no response.

“ION!!” Allisa smashed her fist against the bars.

“Save your energy. The ravengers may be scavengers but they know how to make stuff.” Berken said. “Simple force won’t be enough to break those.”

“Well do you have a better idea?” Allisa snapped back.

“In case you haven’t noticed. I. Can’t. MOOOOVVEEE!!” Berken snapped back, waving back and forth like a pendulum. “Damnit! This is all your fault spy!”


“How is this my fault?!”

“It’s cause you-!” Berken paused. “I-It just is! Letting the ravengers get the drop on you like that!”

“I didn’t notice you doing anything while I was doing all the fighting!”

“I was carrying Ion!”

Gritting her teeth, Allisa leaned against the bars, slumping down onto the floor. “…. What do you think they’ll do to us?”

“The’ll turn me into scrap for one,” Berken replied. “Donno what they plan to do with you. They don’t typically take prisoners as far as I’m aware.”


“It’s Ion I’m worried about! If they realize who she is-!”

“Which they will if you don’t lower your voice!”

The argument was interrupted when the door to the room opened. A group of five ravengers came in, moving along the metal railing inspecting the monsters. Allisa stood up, watching nervously as they looked over the captives like cattle.

Behind them was a large sabertooth tiger warframe- the same one Allisa had seen in the cragg. Behind that entered the krell. The way it presented itself, and the reverence the smaller ravengers showed indicated it was important among the clan.

The krell and the sabertooth came up to Allisa’s cage. The latter snarled, opening its mechanical jaw wide. The krell stopped it by running one of it’s slim fingers across its head as it came before Allisa. One ravenger rushed to the krells side, bowed and held up a small device. The krell took it and plugged it into the bottom of its helmet. There was distortion and audio interference. Then-


Allisa was surprised, hearing the ravenger speak to her directly in a mature, effeminate voice. The last one that spoke sounded more imposing.


The ravenger nodded, placing a hand on its chest. “My name. Thakreck.” It continued in a borken, single-syllable manner accompanied by hisses and clicks. “Matriarch. Clan Kolbelk.” It clicked three times. “You. Attack bridge. Kill. Destroy.”

Allisa remembered her intense battle at the bridge outpost where she narrowly escaped with Ion’s help, destroying the bridge in the process. “You’re cronies didn’t give me much of a choice.” She said abrasively. The ravenger at the krell’s side snarled, raising its spear. The krell waved its hand at the little one, snapping. The ravenger lowered its weapon.

“Thakreck. Approves.”

“….. Huh?”

“We. Kolbelk. Hunters. Warriors. Annually. Bravest. Strongest of warriors-” two clicks. “Engage in battle. Hunt!”

“H-Hunt…?” Allisa was struggling to follow what the ravenger was saying but had a very bad feeling nonetheless.

“Pray.” The krell waived it’s hands at the monsters locked in cages. “Dropped in. Arena. Strongest. Do battle. Claim trophy. Clam… HONOUR!” The last word was said loudly along with a series of clicks and hisses. The krell locked eyes with Allisa. “You. Strong. Worth a hundred. Warriors. Perfect. For the hunt.”

“I think they want you to be a part of this hunt.” Berken said.

“I got that!” Allisa snapped at Berken.

“You. Engage in battle. Fight. Die well. Great honor!”

“I won’t be part of your stupid festival- hunt- whatever!”

The krell extended a hand to the ravenger, who gave it the spear. “Then.” In a quick movement, the krell thrust the spear at Allisa, stopping short of her chest. Allisa backed away as she did, but kept her balance. “Kill you. Now.”

Allisa scowled at the krell. There was a hiss as the krell withdrew the spear and then moved to the right. “You. And.” It then thrust its spear at Ion.


“NO!” Allisa yelped. Her eyes were wide as the spear’s tip lay inches from Ion’s chest.

“Star singer.”

“Don’t you dare touch her!” Allisa shouted at the krell as it withdrew the spear and handed it back to the ravenger. This was bad. They knew who Ion was, and it was safe to assume this was one of the clans that didn’t like her much.

The krell threw up its arm. Sirens blared, defending Allisa and sending the other creatures into a frenzy. Then the floor below Allisa began to open, letting in a powerful gust through the gap. Allisa grabbed the bars and looked down, seeing a very steep drop directly below her to the ground. She looked up at the krell, fixing her another glare as it threw up it’s hand. One by one, the cages dropped down. Thrusters on the tops of the cages ignited as they fell, slowing the descent. All the cages were dropped, except for Allisa’s and Ion’s.

“Disappoint. Do not.”

The cage then dropped. Allisa found herself floating upwards by the momentum along with the still-coiled Berken before the thrusters kicked in. The sudden jolt slowed the cage down too fast, with Allisa slamming into the cage.

“Ow…” Groaning, Allisa looked up to what she had fallen out of. It was a large cruiser, one that looked like a giant fish then the sleek, imposing figure of the Sovereigns Hope. Ion’s cage didn’t drop from it as the ship pulled away.



Allisa and Berken cried out as the cage began to move on its own, keeping in formation with the other ships. Finally, outside Allisa could see she was no longer in the forest. Yet what she saw was a large collection of floating islands off in the distance. The ground before her seemed to have been broken, with landmasses raising upwards along the horizon.

“What the…?” Allisa was taken in awe, forgetting at that moment she was in the cage.

“Not how we planned but- welcome to the Peaks.” Berken said, his voice lacking the excitement Allisa had.

“So the peaks are… a bunch of floating islands?” Allisa continued to gawk at the sight, feeling like a little girl seeing New York City for the first time. It was only in her inner world she had seen such Aw inspiring vistas. Never had she expected to go to somewhere so outlandish as this.

“I’d explain more…. Buuuttt we’re still in trouble!!”

Berken’s exclamation and the sudden jolt of the cage reminded Allisa there was no time to take in the sights. They followed alongside the other cages, flanked with skidders each with armed ravengers watching for even the slightest trouble. To her left, Allisa saw the ravenger who had knocked her out. It simply stared at her, its weapon ready for even the slightest twitch. With the suppressor on her neck, Allisa felt completely powerless, lacking even a weapon to defend herself.

However, she wasn’t too scared. After all, if they wanted to kill her they would have done it by now. Her only concern was with Ion and what the krell wanted with her.

Looking ahead, Allisa saw what she assumed was the destination; one of the floating islands with thick foliage with various ships and what looked like stadium stands surrounding it. As they got closer, the cage jolted again, changing directions. Pulling up close to it, it was indeed what it looked like. Stands and ships lined the edge of the island in a semi-circle with thousands of ravengers lining the stands, hissing and crackling. Large monitors could be seen flying in the air above them. It seemed this hunt was some kind of sport to them, and she was one of the stars whether she wanted to or not.

“I really don’t like the look of this…” Berken said looking around as the cages came to a stop a few feet from the trees below.

Allisa looked forwards and saw a large stand flying to the center. On it was ten krell in total, including the leader she spoke with. And on it was the cage that had Ion.

“Over there!” Allisa pointed out.

“ION!” Berken surged forwards, still tangled by the wires. Allisa kept her eye on Ion, glaring as the leader took a step forward with it’s four legs. Whatever this hunt was, it seemed it was about to begin.


“We are hunters!” Thakreck bellowed, her voice amplified by the modified vox in her mate. “Since time immemorial, we that Kolbelk strive to be the masters of nature. Only through the hunt we have endured. Even as our homeworld burnt in the calamity-” She extended her hand to her retainer, which stripped off a part of the plate revealing the flesh and metal beneath, “Even as our bodies decayed,” She flexed her four fingers, clenching it into a fist, “Our spirit, our souls, only grew!”

A loud applause and cries could be heard as her people cheered on her.

“Sora gave our race a second opportunity.” The retainer placed the plates back. “She gave us, the scorned and broken, strength and purpose once more. She gave us a new, powerful pray to test our strength. In this world, only strength matters, and strength is only attained through the conquest of the powerful!”

More cheers erupted.

“Before you-” She gestured. Five krell stepped forward. “-are the pride of Kolbelk. They have proven their strength and power. Time and time again, they have not found us wanting! Feklik! Golk! Shekakan! Ukrak! Ho’kja! You have proven worthy of our respect, through your strength, your trophies and your prowess!”

The respective Krell all hissed and cried, with the regs among them throwing their arms up as the crowd cried.

“And now the time has come to choose, our champion! Now is the time for THE FINAL HUNT!!

“Before you-” Thakreck pointed at the eight cages overhead. “Are pray worthy of the champion? It will be hard-fought, grueling, no doubt, some will not return. But it is the price we pay for strength! Those who bring the most heads of the pray will receive the title of champion of Kolbelk AND your heart's desire.”

As the krell hissed and cheered, Thakreck looked back at the pray held in the cages. Her gaze fell on the star singer’s guardian, feeling the intense stair, the hatred directed at her. No doubt, this one would make a challenging battle for her potential champions. But it would be a battle like no other, one worthy of their champion.

Then there came the matter of what to do with the Star Singer. Such a prize, present to witness the hunt, was unheard of. Still, hunts were all about luck and opportunity.

“My warriors! My hunters!” Thakreck raised her hands. The attendants rushed to the consoles. “The hunt….. BEGINS!!”


The floor suddenly opened. Allisa fell, along with the other monsters into the forest, hitting every branch and giant leaf on the way before slamming to the ground.



Berken landed right on her head as she struggled to her feet.

“Hey!” Allisa snapped as she rubbed her head.

“That one wasn’t intentional,” Berken said as he gained altitude.

Allisa was about to say something when a shock came from her chocker again. She yelped as she clutched the device. This time, however, the device came off. Now in full view, it looked like a metal snake. With it off, Allisa could feel her strength returning. Forcing herself to her feet once more she summoned Excalibur as a test. She had her power back at least.

“Least I can fight now,” She said to herself. She was still sour over the previous battle and the fall. Her cloaths were now beyond repair and she could feel damp patches from the grazes and cuts likely from the fall, adding to the already mostly collection on her clothes already.

“Alright spy. What’s the plan?” Berken asked floating to Allisa as she surveyed her surroundings. The forest seemed thicker than in the translucent woods- if that was possible. At least it looked like a forest and not the twisted fusion of nature and metal of the latter.

“We need to get to the platform to save Ion.” Allisa started taking a few steps forward.

“Right.” Berken followed. “…. How?”

“Uhhhhh…?” Truth be told, Allisa had no idea what to do. “S-Steal one of those boat things and… fly up.”

“…… You have no plan at all, don’t you.”

“I’m more focused on surviving this hunt!” Allisa snapped.

“Ba! It’s always about you, isn’t it? They’re way more important things than your worthless life, spy! Like getting the star singer as far from these monsters as possible!”

“How about I focus on how I am gonna live long enough to rescue her while you think of a way out of this mess!!”

“What do you think I’m doing?! If there was a way up to Ion I would have pointed it out by now!”

A howl off in the distance brought the argument to a halt. Allisa felt her hairs stand on end as her fight or flight instincts kicked in. “.... I wasn’t the only one dropped in here, wasn’t I?”

“Nope. There were nine cages in total- including ours. And before we were dropped, I saw five krell moving to a transport. If I were to guess, that krell are the hunters, and the objective is to take out as many of the ‘prey’ as possible- including you.”

“Geez, this feels like a movie I watched years ago…” Allisa gulped. “Wait… you said they were moving into a transport?”

“..... Yes, but there’s no guarantee it’ll land in foliage as thick as this.”

There was a loud bang off in the distance. “... Got any other ideas?”

“.... I think there was a small clearing close to where that stand was. If- and I stress if- they have a skiff or some kinda transport still on this rock, that would be the likely place for them to land.”


“You wanted a plan, this is as best as I got.”

“.... Alright. Lead the way.”

Berken hesitated at first before puffing his chest out. “I’m only doing this cause Ion’s survival depends on you, spy.”



“Shit…” Ion was in view in the cage behind the krell Thakreck of Kolbelk. If there was ever a worse thing to possess Ion, it was certainly the queen of the hunt, the bain of the peaks. “Bek, if this was your plan then you really need a new brain.”

Lowering the monocular, the red-haired woman stood close to the edge of the terra overlooking the forest. The hune she spotted with Berken had fallen down there along with the hunters and the rest of the dangerous beasts. She wasn’t sure who she was, but she certainly didn’t look like Altosk. And if the Kolbelk brought her to the hunt then she must certainly be no slouch.

The woman raised two handguns from their holsters, twirling them in her hand. Then she vanished in a burst of light.

The hunt

Allisa kept up to pace with Berken as much as she could, keeping one eye over her shoulder in case her hunters were close. She was so on edge she jumped at every crack and brush that she heard.

“This tension is killing me…” Allisa muttered after the fifth jump.

“Well, you are being hunted by a dangerous group of krell after all,” Berken said.

“And you….”

“I’m fairly certain you’re the one they’re after. You did take out their bridge after all.”

“... Okay, point.”

More snaps and sounds caused Allisa to jump once more, readying her weapon. Still, there was nothing around them.

“If they’re coming after me, I wish they’d just show up already.” It was then the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. Looking back she caught something brustling in the bushes, a cold stair peering through the foliage. “I had to say it.”

Something burst from the bushes. Allisa teleported out of the way as the threat, turning to face it. It was a cat-like beast, possibly the size of a tiger with sabertooth jaws; the same kind as what had pounced at her in the cage next to hers. It circled around her, keeping its distance from Allisa, likely looking for an opening.

“It doesn’t look happy….” Berken commented. The creature barked and picked up the pace, pouncing on the nearby wood circling Allisa.

With Excalibur transforming into Aqua heart, Allisa kept her eye on the monster, trying her best to keep her footing as the beast picked up speed, leaving behind marks in the wood from its claws. Then finally, on its fifth lap it turned and pounced on Allisa. She stood ready, channeling her power over water to the souls of her feet to-


Something struck the beast, sending it flying and impaling it on a tree. Run through was a large stake that had pierced through it’s midsection, smoke raising from the tips.

“Wh-What…?” Allisa turned in the direction of the shot. A few miles away stood a scar krell with a massive gun, loading it from the barrel with a large stake. Its eye visor glared at Allisa as steam bellowed from the weapon.

“Not good, Not good!!” Berken exclaimed as Allisa stood ready. “And it’s standing between us and the opening!”

“… Then let’s go through!” Allisa charged forwards- ignoring the protests from Berken, teleporting out of the way as the krell fired at her. The stake shattered through a nearby tree as Allisa rematerialized, using her water jets to maneuver through the forest towards the krell as it loaded another round. As it took aim once more, Allisa whipped out her sword, the blade becoming a water whip that coiled around the gun, pulling it off course. The krell maintained its grip as Allisa covered the distance with a teleport, re-emerging a few feet from the krell. Using her momentum with her waterjets, Allisa shot past the enemy, slicing off its front right leg. The krell was off-balanced by the loss of one of its leg, leaning now to the front right as it attempted to regain its balance.

Allisa jumped, kicking off a nearby tree as flames coalesced over her sword, transforming it into Azure flame. With flames coating her weapon, Allisa spun clockwise as she descended on the vulnerable-


Berken’s warning came too late as a large sphere slammed into Allisa before she could even respond. She was sent flying, hitting a nearby tree hard enough to break the bark. With the air forced out of her lungs, Allisa slumped down on the ground groaning in pain. Her mana enhancements once again saved her from the worse of the damage, but not all. Allisa was certain she could feel something was broken, possibly one of her ribs. Her left arm was also in extreme pain whenever she attempted to move it.

Gritting her teeth, she looked forward to see what had hit her. Approaching her alongside her first enemy was a reg krell, dragging behind it a fail with a massive solid ball- likely what had hit her. The heavy object was held by a chain of tick metal while the creature held the weapon in both hands. It gave a sharp hiss at the other krell who didn’t seem at all pleased about the new arrival.

“Spy! Get up spy!” Berken yelled as Allisa groaned back to her feet after considerable effort. The krell that hit her chuckled (or something that resembled chuckling through the hisses), lightly tapping the weapon on the ground. Jagged spikes shot out from the smooth surface, pulsing with sparks of electricity. The krell gave the weapon a few swings as a show of force.

“Good thing he didn’t hit me with that…” Allisa muttered as she took a step back. Her weapon was still at hand but the pain in her right shoulder and her right side made any resistance she put up difficult. Her rapid healing certainly didn’t work that fast.

“I recommend you retreat,” Berken said floating directly behind Allisa. “It certainly wouldn’t help Ion if these two killed you now.”

“I seriously doubt they’ll just let me walk away.”

As though to answer, the krell took a big step forwards, throwing all its weight behind its imposing weapon. Allisa teleported back, avoiding the swing but nearly lost her balance when she rematerialized. The ball hit and shattered through a nearby tree. Allisa felt a sting of pain once she materialized on her side. The krell wrenched the weapon out of the tree, swinging it over its head before continuing the attack.

Allisa could only dodge, narrowly avoiding the furious swings of the krell, it’s ball destroying all in its path as it increased its pace.

After its fifth swing that fell an entire tree, Allisa managed to teleport back a safe distance, coalescing flame into her blade as she turned to fight.

“No no no! Don’t stop you idiot!”

“Vermilion-” Allisa raised her blade overhead. “St-” The pain in her left arm threw her aim off completely, sending a torrent of flame burning through the forest to the right of her intended target.

“D-Damnit!” Allisa gritted her teeth as she gripped her left arm. Using her weapon two-handed seemed to be too much to handle at the moment. With what sounded like a chuckle (a series of clicks and wheezes) the krell advanced, taking another swing at Allisa. Allisa teleported back again as the weapon smashed through the bark, losing her footing and falling on her back. The krell loomed over her, swinging his weapon preparing to send it crashing down on her.

Suddenly, something pounced out from the undergrowth- a large warframe snake with a head resembling a leaf cutter- and latched onto the krell, wrapping itself around its midsection and crushing one of its arms. Dropping its weapon, the krell wrestled with the new threat as it began to drill through its chest, sparks erupting from the chest plate.

“I suggest we use this opportunity to escape,” Berken said as Allisa got back to her feet.

Without arguing, Allisa turned and left the krell as it struggled against the warframe snake. A projectile was shot at Allisa’s direction, who narrowly missed her. She had forgotten about the other krell and its fearsome weapon that would easily blow a hole into her or nail her to a tree.

“Watch out for the drop!”

“Huh?” Allisa skidded down a small slope, losing her footing and toppling into a small stream, soaking herself from head to toe.

“Told you to watch out!” Berken snapped as Allisa got back to her feet.

“... Least we lost them,” Allisa said as she waided through the water. “Come on, lets go before-”

Something then struck nearby, smashing through a tree with enough force to break it. Allisa was forced to teleport out of the way as the wood collapsed. Berken scattered, floating alongside the prone Allisa as she tried to get back to her feet.

“What now…?”

Looking at the source of the devastation, Allisa saw a reg krell, one different from the previous two, drawing a long spear from the corpse of a dead fused beast. Dangling from its waist was the bloodied head of what looked like a baboon back in her world. Unfortunately for Allisa, the new threat had noticed her as it twirled its long spear, letting out a few cackles as it leaped from its elevated position.

“The ekon really isn’t with you,” Berken commented as Allisa readied her weapon. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted the two other krell had caught up, standing on the ledge looking down on the battle with weapons at the ready. The krell with the mace was badly damaged from the previous battle, missing its bottom left arm. The krell with the spear noticed the other two but hissed at the two before returning to Allisa. Despite some muffled hisses, the krell lowered their weapons.

Looks like they aren’t that interested in helping one another. Allisa thought. This clearly worked to her advantage. If all they cared about was personal glory in this ‘hunt’ then Allisa could fight one by one.

But she wasn’t Max, Yuki, or even Cliff. Fighting so many battles back to back since the forest was taking its toll, her left arm was still in pain and she could still feel one of her broken ribs.

The krell, sensing her weakness, howled before taking a step forwards, twirling its spear, crackling with energy. Allisa transformed her weapon into aqua heart- which didn’t need her left arm- and parried a lunge from the krell. Despite its size, the creature was fast and relentless, lunging it’s spear at Allisa again and again, keeping up with her footwork, using all four of its arms. Sparks flew from each hit.

Allisa teleported back, using her water skid to increase her speed trying to catch it off guard. At the very least she force it on the defensive but the enemy had a counter for each one of her attacks. Her fourth strike pushed Allisa back, who coiled her water whip around the spear. She recovered her footing and tried to pull the weapon away. The krell simply released its weapon, which was now flying towards Allisa tip first. Allisa disengaged her weapon and dropped to the ground as the weapon flew past her, smashing through a nearby tree. The weapon then retracted, flying back to its owner who grabbed it with its tip right arm, swinging it as it stood at ease.

Gritting her teeth, Allisa stood at the ready again. This was likely to prove a long and grueling fight.


All Ion could see in her dreams was a single bright light, the shining beacon of the Ekon that blessed Sterlitzia so long ago. It was through those dreams she was discovered as the next Star Singer when she was but an infant. There were of course other tests, but for Ion, it was that single bright light that herald the coming of her destiny.

Whether it was a blessing or a curse, Ion was still not sure. Her energy was slowly returning as she could once again feel her fingers brushing against a cold surface.

Allisa and Berken must be worried.

She had to be careful about how to word what happened to Allisa. Then again, how to explain her deep slumber without arousing suspicion?

Her vision slowly returned, and very soon Ion realized she was in a cage. She awoke suddenly, banging her back on the cage in surprise. She could now take stock in where she was, and it wasn’t the Translucent woods. It seemed in her slumber they had been taken somewhere close to the peaks and were now surrounded by airships.

“Star singer… awaken…” Someone spoke to her. Ion looked forwards and saw a krell approaching her, flanked by a massive warframe- a Saber if she remembered her terminology. It was the same pair she saw at the outpost before the translucent woods. “Thakreck… matriarch of Clan Kolbelk…. Honour…” The krell, Thakreck lowered herself in a courteous bow. “Apoligies for… containment…” She continued, brushing one of her fingers on the cage. “Hunt concluded… will release… return to… Altosk… Peace offering… to Figmar’s…”

Ion scowled back. She didn’t care about the politics between this clan and Altosk (even though going back was not what she wanted). There was only one thing on her mind. “Where are my friends!” She demanded, finding the energy to stand once more. “The hune and my ASD.”

Thakreck moved to once side, gesturing to a large monitor that floated before the stands. Ion looked, and to her horror saw Allisa, fighting desperately against a krell twice her size.

“Allisa!!” Ion slammed herself against the bars, eyes glued to the monitor.

“Honour… this is. Guardian… contestant… in our sacred hunt…”

“Release her right now!”

Thakreck chuckled in response. “No position… to demand…”

“Release her at once! Or I’ll- I’ll-”

The krell lowered herself to Ion’s level. “No position… powerless…” A single finger ran along the bars to Ion’s right hand. “Thakreck see… You’re weak… Cannot sing… without…” Her voice clicked three times. “Consequence…” followed by a long hiss.

Ion glared back.

“Brave.” Thakreck chuckled again as she moved away. “But nïeve… Cannot threaten… with what you… lack…”

Ion sulked back from the bars biting her lip.

“Thakreck… mean no harm…” Thakreck pulled away from the bars, running one of her long fingers across the head of her pet. “Honoured guest…(five clicks followed before the krell continued) Few hune… witness the hunt.” She gestured the monitor, which had changed over to another krell fighting a large warframe. “Take heart… your guardian… Strong…. will die… with honour…”

The monitor flipped back to Allisa. She was still struggling against her opponent, seemingly forced back onto the defensive.

Allisa…. Ion took a step away from the bars, her eyes fixed on the monitor watching Allisa’s battle. “… She will win.” She said defiantly. “And she will save me!”

With two amused clicks, Thakreck lowered herself to Ion’s level, moving close to the bar. “We shall see…”

Ion slumped back into the cage, sitting crosslegged at the base. Allisa… Berken…

She looked back to the monitor which was fixed on Allisa and the krell she was fighting. All she could hear was the roars and hisses of the ravengers watching, lined in the floating stands and the skiffs that floated around the forest. Even if she could sing, there was little it would actually do given the situation. Even if she teleported, Ion would collapse and fall into a deep slumber before she could get clear of the ravengers, and they were certain to detect her and capture her before long.

All she could do was put her hands together and pray, pray for a miracle.


Her prays were disturbed when an explosion occurred close by. Ion opened her eyes and saw Thakreck startled as the krell guards moved in front of her weapons ready. She looked to her right, seeing the traces of an explosion in the air and smoke rising from the forest. Whatever happened, it seemed to have caught the ravengers unaware. The krell in front of her spoke to the leader (using their own manner of speaking) which seemed to be getting heated. Whatever they were discussing, Thakreck walked away, reluctantly by her body language. A skiff floated towards her, lowering a ramp. Two other krell were onboard, awaiting Thakreck to board. Before that, the krell matriarch turned to her pet Saber, petting it before moving up without it. The warframe turned to Ion and growled, moving towards her cage as the skiff began to fly away.

Ion didn’t know what was going on, but if the matriarch is leaving, it can only mean something has attacked them. The question was whether they were friends or foe- whether it was a brave or foolish soul, another ravenger clan, or Altosk.


The spear type smashed through the bark of a nearby tree with little resistance. The Krell wenched it horizontally, aiming for the still recovering Allisa who managed to parry it, putting some distance between her and her opponent, resting her back against a tree.

Gritting her teeth, she teleported as the spear smashed through the bark. Repairing by her now disarmed opponent, Allisa took a swing with her standard blade, hoping to land a hit before the spear retracted. The creature- paying little heed to her, simply moved it's bottom left arm to block, taking Allisa’s blow on the thick metal platting that coated the thin limb. Her weapon sliced through both the armour and limb with ease. Clearly startled, the krell leaped back. Allisa was going to go in for another attack when the spear flew past her, returning to its master. The weapons once more clashed, grinding against each other as they locked, bringing Allisa face to helmet with her opponent. Once the weapons broke away, another flurry of strikes was exchanged with Allisa being put more at a disadvantage due to her single arm.

“You can do it spy!” Berken cheered her on from the safety of the bustles. “I have total confidence you won’t wind up a bloodied corpse before we rescue Ion!”

“COULD YOU GIVE ME A HAND FOR ONCE?!!” Allisa snapped as she teleported away from her opponent.

“Ba! Do I look like a combat bot- WHAA!!” Berken was interrupted as a bolt screamed past him, shattering the branches of the trees. The two other krell still leaked behind the battle with the skar reloading its weapon with another stake.

The shot was a not-so-welcome reminder that Allisa still had two more to contend with after this one. Her momentary distraction allowed her opponent to catch her off-guard, a low swing that she only just blocked, shattering her guard in the process, leaving her open for the krell to lung its empty top left arm at her. A four-fingered hand slammed against Allisa’s throat, nearly crushing her windpipe with its ferocity. Allisa grappled with the limb as it pulled her in the air. She teleported out of the grasp, collapsing on the ground sputtering before a foot slammed against her chest, sending her flying. When she landed in a coil of roots, the krell approached her, weapon at hand hoping to finally end the battle.

The two krell watched, hissing with envy. Something then landed between them with a loud thud. Both looked down, and right by their feet was a small round sphere that was blinking with a single red light. They both knew exactly what it was; a grenade.


The fiery blast sends a shockwave through the nearby area. The spear krell turned around to see what had happened. Allisa, still struggling with her recent beating, saw the traces of an explosion and flames…. And a silhouette of someone standing before it. The krell hissed and pulled its spear back ready to throw it. A blue beam suddenly struck its weapon arm, knocking it out of its hand, landing bade first in the wood. A flurry of blue beams struck the krell’s chest plate, burning holes through it. The krell raised its three arms out and hissed loudly. Then, in a flash, someone appeared right before it, leg’s spread on the top limbs and two large hand cannon’s aimed at the helmet, point blank range. The next thing Allisa knew, there was a burst of blue light before the figure vanished. The krell fell backward, landing at Allisa’s feet. The helmet had been practically melted in the center, smoke still rising from it.

“Whew. Talk about a close call. Second later and you may’ve been dead.”

Allisa looked to her right to her savior. Looking down at her was a woman with bright red hair tied into a small ponytail and goggles resting on her forehead. She wore a back top with a cracked white circle on it, a red half coat that stopped at her waist, shorts with looping white cables at the sides, dark thigh long socks, and shoes.

“I guess I cut it pretty close huh. You hanging in there?” She said with a smile, resting one of her guns on her shoulder.

“Uh… Who are you?” Was all Allisa could say, still bewildered as to what had just happened.

The woman’s smile disappeared as she looked behind her. She then vanished suddenly in a puff of blue light, just as a stake shot through the spot where she stood. Startled, Allisa looked forwards and saw the two krells approaching, armor damaged from the blast but still in one piece.

A hand then grabbed Allisa’s left shoulder and pulled her to her feet.

“What’s say we leave intro for later,” The woman released her and walked past. With one gun holstered, the woman drew out a green capsule from her belt and threw it at Allisa before she could react. A green mist covered Allisa who choked and coughed.

“H-Hey! What’s the big-” She then noticed the pain she was feeling in her left arm and rib had subsided. In fact, some of her aces and pains were fading away.

“Take it you can still fight?” The woman asked drawing her other pistol, resting one on her shoulder.

Seeing the krell getting closer, Allisa took her stance, readying Excalibar. With a toothy grin, the woman twirled her pistols in hand as she took a stance, lossening her body.

“You take out the skar. I got the reg.”

Before Allisa could even speak, the woman charged forward with her two guns at her side. The reg shrieked as it twirled its chained flail in its hand, the electric spikes cackling before throwing it forwards. The woman vanished again before the object struck, repairing at the reg’s left side firing her weapons nonstop. Unfazed, the reg swung the ball towards her, but the woman vanished again, this time appearing to the right upside down, firing again nonstop. This time, the damage was more prevalent, the armor bursting under the shots, staggering the krell. With a furious roar, it lifted the weapon. On her knees, the woman aimed both guns and fired at the chain, freeing it from its grasp while it was midair, directly above the krell. It slammed into its back with a burst of energy.

With the krell immobilized by its own weapon, it tried desperately to crawl out from its predicament, the weapon digging into his armor. The woman slowly approached it and fired point black into its helmet with both weapons.

Allisa meanwhile, charged towards the three leged krell as it fired at her once more. She teleported to avoid the stakes which burrowed deep into the earth and wood. Using Aqua Heart, Allisa skidded across the ground as she approached, leaping into the air from the front moments before the krell fired, performing a front flip with trickles of enchanted water still tricking from her weapon and feet as flames began to coalesce around Excalibar. Straightening herself up, Allisa raised Excalibar into the air with flames coalesced across the weapon. With no one to save it this time, Allisa’s super-heated blade dug into the armor, cutting through it as easily as a knife through butter, flames and sparks erupting from the affected area. She landed in a crouch, slowly standing up as the krell moved backward, dropping its weapon as a flurry of sparks and smoke jettisoned from the destroyed armor before collapsing on the ground.

As Allisa stood up, she heard a whistle behind her.

“Not bad. That’s quite the earther gear ya got there,” The red-haired woman approached, holstering both her weapons. “Takes a lot to survive an onslaught like this unscathed,” She touched her chin as she leaned closer to Allisa, who stepped back feeling uncomfortable. “Uhh… probably not unscathed by the looks of it.”

“Uh, th-thanks for the help,” Allisa said. “And uh… who-?”


Allisa’s brow furrowed as Berken emerged from the upper branches.

“Nice going. Looks like you pulled through after all.”

“Yeah, no thanks to you.” Allisa snapped. “Why didn’t you help me back there?!”

“Me? Help you?” Berken snorted. “Why would I bother to help an Altosk spy?”

“Cause I’m the only one who can rescue Ion and keep these things from turning you into scrap metal!”

“As If they’d turn me into scrap metal. And I am perfectly capable of rescuing Ion on my own even if you were turned into a bloody pulp by the ravengers.”

“Haha! I bet.” The woman laughed. “Somethings never change, huh Berken.”

Berken turned to the women and froze. “R-R-Rika?!”


“Yo,” The woman gave a two-finger salute off her head. It took Allisa a few seconds to recall the name.

“Wait… Ion’s friend? She’s Rika?!” Allisa pointed at her.

“That’s me,” The woman, Rika said with a wide grin. “Nice to meet you uh… spy?”

“Uh, H-Hi. Wait, no! Nononno! My name’s Allisa! Not spy!”

“Haha! Just joking. Berken rakes me out all the time.”

“Ba! Ion’s the only reason why I tolerate you and your shenanigans! I’m surprised Altosk hasn’t arrested you yet!” Berken huffed.

“See,” Rika smiled pointing to Berken. All Allisa could do was sigh. Strangely she felt better knowing she wasn’t the only one Berken snapped at. “Besides, I know an Altosk agent when I see one and you’re definitely not it.”

“Th-Thanks…?” Allisa nodded, unsure whether to take the compliment.

“As much as I like to know what brings you and Ion together, it’s fair to say now’s not the time,” Rika said, her smile dispersing.

“Huh? Oh crap, Ion!” Allisa was so focused on the recent fights for her life she forgot the ravengers still had Ion in their custody. Seeing her coming to the realization, Rika pointed upwards.

“They’re keeping her on the central platform above us. Know this is a lot to ask given what you’ve been through but-”

“Don’t. I’m going too.” Allisa interrupted Rika. “I’m not leaving Ion with those things.”

“Ha, think I’m starting to like you.” Rika extended her fist towards Allisa. Allisa, while unsure, returned a fist bump.

“I’m all for it…” Berken interrupted with his usual pessimism. “But you seem to be forgetting that the platform is flying above us and is surrounded by ravengers, and guarded by the matriarch of this clan.”

“Uh… Good point,” Allisa lowered her head. The krell Thakreck would certainly be waiting for them to come.

“Took care of the second problem already,” Rika said optimistic. “As for getting us up there, I got a plan.”

“... That does not fill me with confidence in the slightest,” Berken said as Rika drew her weapons. Allisa was also feeling a pang of dread as to what she’ll be made to do.

“I’ll explain along the way. There’s two more krell down with us so it’s best not to stick around.”

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