《The Strays of Dachaigh Gual》1. Dachaigh Gual, Our Home


So cold. Àlainn thought as she gently placed her hand on Dahlia’s cheek.

She and the boy were covered in layers of old blankets, but they didn’t help warm him.

Àlainn quickly grew desperate and tried using her own body's heat, but even that proved futile.

She looked around at the large room she and Dahlia were in.

A lavish room decorated with large paintings, ornate furniture and flowery wallpapers. A large dark box also sat near the room’s only door.

Àlainn and Dahlia slept on a large bed which sat in front of a large window that allowed the grey morning light to bathe the room although it made everything feel colder.

She sighed before looking at Dahlia once more.

She playfully pulled at his beautiful dark red hair as he soundly slept in her embrace.

A knock then came from the door opposite the bed.

It slowly opened and the head of a rather handsome man peeked into the room.

His bright purple eyes scanned the room before he fully entered it.

He wore dark, old clothes that were torn here and there, but he retained a rather distinguished air around him.

“Good morning.” He greeted.

“Good morning, Fea.” Àlainn responded with a yawn.

“Breakfast is ready. Come on down.” Fea said before exiting the room.

She looked down at Dahlia and gently shook him awake.

He opened his big beautiful purple eyes and greeted Àlainn with the cutest noise.


“Fea made breakfast.” Àlainn whispered.

Dahlia nodded sleepily as he sat up, revealing his rather small frame.

He wore a thin nightgown that loosely hung from his body and he dragged it with him as he crawled off the bed.

Àlainn got up as well and she too wore a nightgown that was far too big for her.

She slipped out of it, exposing her body to the cold air of the room.

She then quickly wore her old dress. It was covered in dried mud and various other stains, much like Dahlia’s the clothes Dahlia wore.

The two exited the room and found themselves in a grand hallway which was lined with several doors. Thick, but faded carpets covered the floor and the walls were high.

They made their way towards a staircase to the left before making their way downstairs where they entered the kitchen which was to the left.

There, they found Fea, serving up three bowls of porridge.

The two sat on some chairs that were in front a large, marble kitchen table.

Fea then handed them their bowls and they promptly ate the plain oatmeal breakfast.

“I have gathered every supply in house and stored it safely in the storage room just next to the staircase. The things that could not fit are in the basement, along with a few other supplies for emergencies.” Fea said while staring at his spoon.

He then ate away at his porridge while sneaking glances at Dahlia, who silently ate. His brows low and his eyes half closed.

“Did you- did you find anything else?” He asked.

“Yes. Books, notes, various artefacts and more. I am actually going to do a quick search of the rest of the town later. Would you like to join me?” Fea asked and Dahlia simply nodded.


“Good. Àlainn, sift through the blankets and clothes. See if you can find anything warm for us to wear. We will be sure to look for sewing equipment.” Fea said and Àlainn curtly nodded.

She then noticed that Dahlia wasn’t eating much.

“If you don’t eat up it’ll get cold.” She said. Her voice weak.

The boy simply nodded as he slowly ate away.

Àlainn wanted to hold him again, but certain things needed to be done first.

Fea sighed as he collected everyone’s empty bowls which he promptly washed.

“Follow me.” Fea said before leading Àlainn and Dahlia into one of the many rooms on the building’s first floor.

It was a small room with a single bed. A closet and drawer could be seen and after parting the curtains, Fea and company rummaged through the furniture.

They found several clothes that looked like they once belonged to a small girl.

These would be of no use and so Àlainn simply tidied up while taking note of everything they found.

“Good. Now let’s check the other rooms.” Fea said.



“There.” Àlainn said while adjusting the jacket she’d found for Dahlia.

He was now fully dressed in thick clothes like herself.

Fea, on the other hand decided to wear something far less protected.

Simple dark brown pants, a cream shirt and a brown vest. He folded his shirt’s sleeves up to his elbows and wore a pair of dark leather gloves.

Fea and company had sorted every piece of clothing they found and placed what they could fit in the main bedroom upstairs.

They then made their way towards the study which was in a surprisingly orderly state.

Books were in their places and aside from the dust, everything was rather clean.

A table at the room’s furthest corner and it bathed in the grey light that came from the large window behind it.

Dahlia walked over to the bookshelves while Fea and Àlainn inspected the table which was littered with many things. Letters, maps and books.

Fea pulled the chair behind the table before taking a deep breath.


He opened his mouth to say, but he gave Àlainn peculiar look before speaking.

“Dahlia, what do we do now?”

The boy looked at the chair with an expressionless face. A face that made Àlainn’s chest ache.

He walked towards the large wooden chair and promptly sat on it before gesturing the Fea and Àlainn take the two opposite seats.

They did and patiently waited for Dahlia to speak.

“I… I want to find my father.”

Àlainn's eyes widened upon hearing the words.

“Oh?” Fea sounded as he crossed his arms.

“Just how do you plan on doing that and before that, just who is your father?” He asked.

“I… I’m not sure, but I have a few clues.” Dahlia said before lowering his head.

“I have the clues, but I feel as though pursuing my father, pursuing the truth, will take more than the answers will offer. I mean, we could live here, together, for the rest of our days. The plague of beasts has probably receded and with enough work, we could make this place our home.” He said before looking at Fea and Àlainn.


“Dahlia, regardless of which path you choose to take, I will always stand by your side.” She said while tightly clasping her hands on her lap.

Fea must have noticed how nervous she was because he gently placed his hand on hers, while looking at Dahlia.

“I will do the same. If finding your father is what you want to do, then I shall do everything within my power to help aid you on your journey.” Fea said. His brows furrowed and his jaws clenched.

Àlainn returned her gaze to Dahlia and saw that he had the same determined expressing as Fea.

“Thank you. I do still plan on turning this place into our home. I’ll gather what knowledge I can in this place before venturing beyond Dachaigh Gual’s walls.” Dahlia said to which Fea and Àlainn nodded.

“Good. Oh- where are mom and Jean’s things?” Dahlia asked with a pained expression.

“I placed them in a box in the main bedroom.” Fea said.

“Alright. Follow me.” Dahlia said before leading everyone all the way back to the bedroom where he opened the large dark box to find three weapons placed on top of a dark cloth.

One claymore and two robust daggers.

With trembling hands, Dahlia grabbed the two daggers and offered them to Fea.

“Here.” Dahlia said with quaking eyes.

Fea extended his hands to accept the daggers, but hesitated.

“Don’t worry, I feel like they would have wanted you to have them.” Dahlia said.

Fea nodded before graciously accepting the daggers.

Dahlia then looked down at the claymore.

He reached out to grab it and Àlainn watched in agony as he wrapped his slender fingers around the claymore’s leather bound hilt.

He then lifted the claymore as high as he could, but the weapon proved far too heavy for him and so he slowly placed it back where it once rested.

Àlainn then realized that he was crying and so she rushed to his side and gently wrapped her arms around him.

“Don’t worry. I- I’m fine.” He said while messily wiping his tears.

Àlainn slowly turned him around and saw that his face was completely drenched in tears. His expression was one of a deep agony.

She pulled his head close and placed it on her bosom where he continued to cry.

She didn’t know what to say to lessen the pain and so she simply held him.

Fea, on the other hand, left the room, leaving the two in silence.



Àlainn gently rocked herself back and forth while Dahlia rested his head on her lap. They had moved to the bed where she allowed Dahlia all the silence he needed.

The sun was setting and so deep orange light illuminated the room.

A knock came from the door, which slowly opened revealing a rather scruffy looking Fea.

“Dinner is ready.” He said before leaving.

Dahlia and Àlainn promptly got off the bed and followed him back to the kitchen where they were greeted by rich aromas.

The two sat by the table as Fea served us what looked like potato stew.

Burning eerily behind and all around him were the purple flames of the stove and candles.

“Our work will begin in earnest tomorrow. We will scour all of Dachaigh Gual for supplies and books all while cleaning this forsaken town. Àlainn, you will stay here. I want you to make me a few things.” Fea said, to which Àlainn nodded.

Everyone eventually finished eating and although she wanted to help Fea wash the dishes, he told her to tend to Dahlia instead.

She looked at the now sleepy boy and decided to follow Fea’s instruction, but something else troubled her.

“You should come sleep with us as soon as you’re done. It’s getting pretty cold, you know.” She said while Fea tidied up the kitchen.

“Bah. Worry not for me. Go on to sleep, I will sleep in one of the many guest rooms when I inevitably drop from exhaustion.” Fea said with a chuckle.

Part of Àlainn wanted to insist that he sleep with them, but even though Fea wasn’t facing her, she knew that he had made up his mind and so she took Dahlia back to the bedroom and after changing into their nightgowns, they crawled into the blankets where they eventually fell asleep.



A low droned shook Àlainn’s entire body forcing her eyes open.

She looked around to find herself in a dark garden with tall stone walls covered in vegetation. On each wall was a door, all of which were open and above each door was a rune she couldn’t read. Flooding in from beyond the garden was a bright light that hid whatever was on the other side.

At the garden’s centre was a fountain, but her attention quickly shifted to what loomed above.

A gigantic being with dark, almost scaly, skin stood above the garden with its many muscular limbs.

It’s head was like a large hole riddled boulder within which countless eyes could be seen.

On its back were massive tentacles that reached out towards the moonless, star littered sky.

[Hello, my dear.]

A voice said from within deep in Àlainn’s mind.

She slowly stood up from the grassy floor and walked her naked self towards the fountain where she sat on its rim.

“Hello.” She said while looking at the open door in front of her.

She couldn’t see what was on the other side because of the bright white light that blared out from wherever the door led.

[You so desperately want to serve him… To help him.]

The voice said as a high pitched squeal filled the air briefly.

“I do, but… I just don’t know how... He is wounded in a place I cannot nurse.” Àlainn said while staring into the blinding while light.

Another low drone filled the air and like before, it shook her to her core.

[Mmm… the path he treads is one fraught with peril and, in time, he will shed his testa, that which his mother clung to. That being said, there is a way to keep him from truly ever leaving.]


[Yes. You will have to give him that which he will not be able to easily abandon.]

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