《Tainted Heart | 被污染的心 (BL)》C H A P T E R 50


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Chapter 50

Little by little, the one sided battle between the demon king and the two started to turn tables. Lian Ren had found the technique, but unfortunately, he doesn't know how to use it. He never even knew that he and his Shizun had a childhood memory together, so it's expected that he had forgotten about the incomplete technique.

He always thought to himself, why such a beautiful and warm technique was dumped in the depths of his core and why it was incomplete? Could it be connected to his relationship with his Shizun? He really wanted to know.

Lian Ren glanced at Shao Ling, fatigue is starting to show on his expression as he maintained the barrier. Lian Ren then turned to the demon king who was about to strike his fiery whip. Lian Ren raised his hand, demonic qi slightly flowed out on the tip of his fingers as he summoned a thick ice wall to separate the demon king from them.

He then turned to his Shizun who collapsed on the floor, Shao Ling's face was starting to get red, his breathing was heavy and hot, as if his heat was starting to commence.

Lian Ren was about to carry him but his Shizun shook his head and lightly pushed him away.

Lian Ren heaved a heavy breath and frowned,

He doesn't even care when his Shizun responded with an angered expression. To Lian Ren, the mortals here, the people as well as the demon king are nothing but a subject of the dimension's particles. It's futile on feeling sentimental to them.

Lian Ren was taken aback when his Shizun spoke in a raged tone,

Shao Ling replied in a sigh.

Lian Rem insisted.

Lian Ren flinched when Shao Ling patted his head. His Shizun's lips curved into a small smile as he spoke soft words of encouragement,

As he turned around to his Shizun, the thick wall of ice was already melted by the blazing fire coming from the demon king. The demon's face was frustrated as he stomped towards Lian Ren's direction. Lian Ren stayed still in his position, remaining in front of his Shizun to keep him safe from the hooligan.

The demon king murmured in a deadly voice as soon as he stopped in front of Lian Ren.

Lian Ren replied in a shrugging tone.

The demon growled, followed by a claymore of fire striking from his hand. Lian Ren immediately summoned a sword made of ice to parry the attack, but the ice immediately melted from the heat of fire, leaving his hand to held onto the heat of the claymore's blade.

Shao Ling wanted to stand up and help his disciple, but the heat only made him worse and vulnerable. He tried to took out his nearly empty spiritual qi, but only a wisp of energy only flowed out of his palms. Shao Ling hurriedly opened his spatial ring, infused the last energy he had in the golden talismans and threw it on the demon king's direction.


The demon king screamed in agony from the golden talismans wrapping around his body. These talismans felt like a threat of fire slowly melting up his bones and flesh, giving him a tormenting pain.

Shao Ling turned to Lian Ren who was kneeling on the ground,

Lian Ren glanced at the struggling demon. He glanced down at his own hand, hesitantly widened up his palms to unleash the incomplete technique.

A flash of light emerged out of the center of his palms. Slowly, a luminous glowing white vine crawled out of his palms. The vines were crawling everywhere, discriminately healing anything it touched. Lian Ren was both shock and disappointed as he watched the vines crawl. He didn't knew that the technique was not offensive, rather, it was a support type technique that he learned, it was understandable that he dump it somewhere. Lian Ren prefer offensive technique rather than supportive ones.

But Lian Ren was somehow troubled. It doesn't seem that the incomplete technique was a support type. Rather, it was a peculiar technique that is like a barrier between yin and yang, the holder on a scale between right and wrong, as if it originated from the human realm that was between heaven and hell.

Lian Ren turned to Shao Ling, Before he knew it, the glowing white vines were also wrapped around his Shizun. Lian Ren cursed under his breath, he pulled his hand away for the vine to move away from Shao Ling but the vine was like an elastic glue that cannot be extracted anymore once it was stuck.

Lian Ren tried with all his might to deactivate the technique. Sweat started to drip down his forehead onto his neck as he struggled to remove the technique.

Lian Ren glanced at the demon king who was also stuck on the glowing white vine that was wrapped around him. Lian Ren started to hesitate whether if he will shut down the technique or not. If the demon king escaped, he might kill both of them but at the same time, his Shizun will get in trouble from the vine.

While Lian Ren was busy deciding to himself, the glowing white vine glowed even more, to the point that the dark blood red palace had a touch of a luminous white light. All of a sudden, the vines started to deteriorate. The things it healed instantly withered. Lian Ren had no time to decide to himself, he really need to deactivate the technique.

Lian Ren let out a loud growl as he compressed his demonic qi to suppress the technique that was in havoc. The white vine started to become slow, the white glow slowly faded as it crawled back to Lian Ren.

Lian Ren heaved a breath of relief, The vine that was about to crawl back to his palm started to wrap around him. This time, the snake was starting to bare its fangs at its master.


Shao Ling tried to stand up but he immediately fell onto the ground the moment he gathered strength to his knees.

The demon king also broke free from the golden talismans. He walked to Shao Ling's direction and grabbed Shao Ling's arm as he murmured,

Shao Ling struggled as he continuously punched the demon.

However, Lian Ren was not responding. His eyes was starting to radiate a white glow as the vines covered his entirety. Little by little, the fragments of memories that he left behind started to walk back at him.

It was another winter. The last time, the snow feels fluffy and the sun feels somehow warm. But this time, there were blizzards all over the Yun Sect, the snow was so sturdy that it felt like ice, and there were no heat of sun from the cloudy sky.

Lian Ren found himself standing in beside the frozen cart. He tried to touch the cart but his hand only passed through, as if he was a ghost himself.

A sound of heavy footsteps resonated throughout the Yun Sect. Lian Ren saw himself walking towards a large spike of ice. The other "Lian Ren" was deeply frowning, his lips were completely shut and his eyes seemed as if the whole world turned its back at him. The other "Lian Ren" widened up his palms. Lian Ren was shocked when he saw the glowing white vine that he was using just recently.

However, the white vine seemed to be more tamed from the other "Lian Ren's" hand. It was calm, just simply wriggling and glowing in front of it's master. Lian Ren heard his other self murmur to himself,

The glowing white vine disappeared on the other "Lian Ren's" hand. He closed his eyes and leaned his back on the spike of ice, he doesn't even care even if his back was slowly freezing.

Lian Ren found himself in another place. It was a simple pavilion with a few bamboo furniture. He wouldn't forget this familiar place, it was none other than his Shizun's Azure Cloud Pavilion. He found his Shizun sitting on the side of his bed, staring at the pot where there is a white vine planted on it. The vine was neither glowing nor growing, it just seemed like a dead decoration that only pollutes the soil.

His Shizun heaved a heavy breath and slightly sobbed. Lian Ren wanted to hug him as his Shizun whispered to himself,

The vine instantly withered. It's ashes fell down the soil like a burned wood. Lian Ren saw his Shizun lie down the bed and silently cried. Liam Ren felt his heart throbbing. The sight of his Shizun crying felt like torture to him, especially since he's the one who made him cry.

Lian Ren kneeled down to his crying Shizun. His hand passed through his Shizun's body as he tried to wipe Shao Ling's tears that was flowing down his cheeks. Lian Ren rarely saw his Shizun cry, he was always used to seeing him dignified and peerless in the eyes of all.

Lian Ren immediately stood up when his Shizun suddenly radiated a white glow. The glowing white vine gently wrapped around his Shizun, slightly flickering as it spread all over the pavilion. Lian Ren frowned, it was as if the white vine was comforting Shao Ling.

All of a sudden, the white vine radiated a bright glow to the point that it blinded Lian Ren. After the light disappeared he found himself standing in front of the plum blossom tree.

The plum blossom tree was now different. It's wood was painted in white and the plum blossom petals around the branches were glowing in pink. For some reason, Lian Ren started to understand what was going on.

The white vine not a technique, but rather, a spirit that he and Shao Ling created themselves. The white vine was a spirit that represents their connection from each other. When they feel happy, the white vine heals everything on its path. However, if their emotions are the opposite, the white vines withers, destroying everything it touches.

When the two of them were in so much grief, the white vine spirit killed itself. It removed both of their memories that was connected to it and hid itself deep in their spiritual core.

Lian Ren lowered his gaze and sighed. All of a sudden, the plum blossom tree moved. It's glowing pink petals floated and spin around the branches of the tree, until a bright light appeared that blinded Lian Ren. After the blinding light dissipated, a little girl appeared in front of him, she was painted in all white, with long white hair, white pellucid wings and she wears a white limpid dress with a white flute on her hand.

( Spirit of Purity )

The little girl tilted her head. After staring at Lian Ren for a while, the girl's lips curved into a sweet smile as she spoke in a small voice,

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