《His Luh' Baby (Urban)》36•


Chapter 36

Rahmik Ford

"Your punk ass really think you tough huh!" My dad spat lookin' down at me as I held my white school shirt near my busted lip that he'd given me.

"Boy I promise you I'd bust the shit out of of o ever got go back up to that school and hear your name mention negatively again." He growled as I looked at him and saw nothing but hate.

I hated him.

"I get up at 5 a.m. Got nearly four businesses and a whole ton of investments to run. I take myself out there every damn day to provide." He started.

"Dealing with realtors other investments contracts to sign and to get a call from one of the top schools notifying me that my son thinks that he's on some grown shit." He snarled.

"Boy I promise. If you ever and I mean if you ever become the topic on a call coming from Leman that's concerning your shit ass behavior... I will make you fuckin' regret it." He said leaning over getting in my face.

I watch as his broad figure turned away leaving me in the garage alone.


"Yo' Rah."

"Rahmik!" I snapped back to the sound of my name by Pop.

"Whatchu on man." He asked as I shook my head and tan my hand over my face.

"Ain't nun." I spoke as he looked back at me confusingly.

"I'a boutta head out, imma see y'all." I spoke tryna take a gasp at what just happen and gathering myself.

"Yea." Pop answered.

"If you reach Loke first let him know wassup." I nodded before taking out my keys and headed to my whip.

Getting in I cranked up and heard my phone buzz up. Taking it out my back pocket I looked down at it.


🖤-Where are you?

- I need you to pick up a few things since the boats comin' in tomorrow. And I need it done no later than tonight

Scoffing to myself and shaking my head I shot Nia a text letting her know I was gone be a little late tonight.

Sighing I reversed out the driveway and headed over to my moms, getting there I was greated by him as I walked past and noticed only the living room light was on. I knew ma an'nem was already sleep.

"I een came for long or do much talking, where yo cargo at?" I asked turning towards him as dropped his head and nodded towards his office.

Garrett was like me, I handled my shit the same way. No matter who it was with.

Or I was like him...

We walked towards his office as he closed the doors behind him. He has papers scattered bout the desk which was really strange cause this nigga was an organized freak.

I sat down cause something in me had a feeling he was going to be a minute. Looking at my phone I realized I had gotten a message back.


Sighing I leaned back as my legs sat wide apart, only waiting on whatever this nigga had to write up.

I saw a few boxes in the corner and I figured it wasn't nothing I couldn't of handled. Considering the fact that he usually has loads for me to move.

"I always wanted what was best for you." I heard him say as my gaze went from the boxes to him quick.

"Growing up I had to instill in you what was instilled in me. I had to make you strong. I had to bring you up to be a man. I wasn't raising you to be no softy."


He spoke pouring himself some scotch as I grew confused.

"My daddy always told me wasn't no placed in this world for no soft man." He almost gritted.

Garrett never spoked bout his pops. Neither his childhood. Never.

"I grew up with that shit, I always had a chip on my shoulder. I always had to be responsible. I always had to be the one who made sure shit went accordingly."

I listened immensely to exactly what he was saying, or at least I tried to.

"Everything was on my back."

"Then with you coming along, first born and all. I felt like I had to you the same."

"I'd admit that I was hard on you, but that wasn't shit that I had to go through. You had lightweight compared to the shit I endured." He said as if that justified what he did to me.

"I don't ever want you to think that what I did wasn't cause I didn't love you. It was more so I loved you so much I don't think I could've ever stomach of having a failure as my offspring."


"Fuck allat." I laughed bitterly. I watched as he sat his glass down and shoved his hands into his front pockets.

"The shit I live- the shit you did to me. I'on wish that on nobody."

"You claim to be tryna 'build' or mold me, then only thing you ever did was destroy me. Break my ass down."

"It was like your mission was to make me feel like shit, or to make me feel like I wasn't deserving of nothing. You did just that." I chuckled shakin my head.

"You made sure to make me feel like I was less than. Cudos to you." I saluted.

"I'll never regret anything I did, look at you now. You got businesses throughout New York, you movin up, y-"

"And you'n realize how I look at that shit everyday and realize the pain I had to go through to get it. You'n get that shit. Youn'n get it cause it normal to you." I squinted my eyes looking at him.

"I can't explain to you how I lay next to my lady every night knowing she carrying my I can't imagine ever thinking before hand 'imma make him a man' or 'imma make him suffer to get where he need to be'."

"I could never and I heard you when you said you'n regret that. Ion expect you to. I'on expect nun from yo goofy ass."

"You better watch who you talking to." He poked.

"Or else what?" I said standing to my feet.

"You can't beat my ass now. I fuckin dare yo ass to try some shit like that now." I said getting loud.

"Rahmik I ain't gone tell you, we been down this road before. Let's not go there..." He spoke as I shook my head.

"Nigga fuck you." I spat heading towards his office door opening it and seeing my mother come down the stairs tying her robe.

"Rahmik what's going on?" She asked frantically as I started to storm out.

"I ain't boutta keep dealing with this. I'm done with that nigga."

"Rahmik." I heard her calling from behind.


I opened the front door walking out and shutting it behind me.

A man knowing he's wrong is something else, a man knowing he's wrong but can't take accountability is some youne wanna keep on fuckin with.


Chapter coming tn or tomorrow

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