《Badly Written Poetry From A Fucked Mind》You Aren't Her


("I'm not gonna disappear again" *continues to disappear for another week* Apologies for that, got a lot of things being thrown at me at the moment, and I'm just counting down the days until my winter break. I'll try and post a few times next week or at least before the end of the year. This one is quite short, been reworking this for a few days because my brain doesn't want to do words right now for some reason, it's more of a jumbled mess of words as well (again brain doesn't want to work). No tws this time, hope you enjoy!)

You've always been compared to her

Your grandmother

The littlest things you do can be put back to her

The way you look

The way you talk

The way you act


It is all brought back to her

But you aren't her

You'll never be her

And you don't want to be

You're tired of it

Tired of being told you're her

You're sick of it

You're not her

And it's okay

To you

To you it's fine

But to them

They need you to be her

They need a replacement

And they don't need you anyways

They don't want you

They want her

They want her back

Shes gone and they need her back

But you can't do that

You can bring her back

You can't do that for them

You can't be her

You aren't her

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