《Unkillable Will》Chapter 3 - Red dotted covers (Full Chapter)


Screams here, screams there, screams everywhere. Pain can be heard all over the place.

The hospital suddenly turned into hell’s nest. For every inch I go near that room the aroma of death gets stronger, but I keep pushing my wheelchair nearer, hoping to understand what is going on in the other side of these doors.

The door of which many patients come out of, it remains in front of me, and behind these doors a stench lingers, making the atmosphere like dense jello, almost impossible to breathe, only feeding into my curiosity.

And I could not stand it anymore, I open the doors. I push myself in the wheelchair inside .


Hanniel’s eyes see moving corpses. He doesn’t yet understand what lays resting in those covers.

Chaos is seen in this room. Nurses rushing around, doctors rushing the nurses, the desperate patients rushing the doctors, and the few shell shocked patients walking around the room, clueless of their situation.

Some patients in wheelchairs, many lay in beds resting or being moved around, most patients stand with bandages painted in crimson dots waiting for their turn to be taken care of impatiently. Few lay in beds covered with covers covering the entire bed, these few beds in crimson dotted covers are one by one being moved to a different section of the hospital.

Corpses rest in those beds covered in covers dotted in crimson red, but Hanniel feels something entirely different from those crimson doted white covers covered beds, thoughts and emotions, that is what he sees, and they are fading away in those cold covered crimson doted white covers covering the bed, the bodies slowly crying away. All the emotions scream, yet everyone else remains unmoved by the yells of the people in the white covers covered in red crimson dots in the covered beds .

Staying here becomes harder for Hanniel, and the screams filling the room become harder to bear every second more than the last.

From the distance he gets a glimpse of Dr.Park staying by the automatic doors from where people keep rushing in. For each patient that comes in he calmly analyzes how the patient is , and quickly tells the nurses, doctors, and staff where to bring them and what to do. Dr.Park looks so domineering on what he is doing and so very prepared. What Hanniel sees is something beyond his outside charade, a glimpse of something within Dr.Park not shown to anyone outside, only he can see, and it reveals itself to Hanniel. He can see the nervousness that lays hidden deep insides of Dr.Park, trying its best to remain there and not be shown, doing a good job at not being noticed, but to Hanniel it shows itself clearly.

Hanniel moves his focus to the room that is slowly becoming quiet to him. The noises of the room not becoming any quieter, but rather his focus moving on to something else, something beyond hearing, smelling, touching, tasting, or seeing. Something far different yet not unfamiliar. This one feeling is something he has been practicing with for the last couple of weeks while he was secluded away, and now he is putting it into practice here. It is a huge test for him. Hanniel closes his eyes and gets ready, his vision turning black and colors arising from all over in the darkness. Slowly these colors make their way into Hanniel, turning into feelings that crawl their way in to his heart. He will be able to understand these feelings eventually, but from afar he sees a golden color that remained unshaken. Unwilling to move. Hanniel pushes his wheelchair and moves towards where that color is coming from, his eyes still closed, hoping to find out why this color remains unmoved. He moves around the ocean of different colors who all seem like are busy with things to do, and places to get to, none paying attention to him.


Yet his path is undisturbed.

The waves of colors move like waves but none pushed him, like a moving rock in an ocean he walked forward, towards his goal. There in front of Hanniel laid a little girl on her mother’s arms without covers. She could not be more than 9 yet she remains still in her mother’s arms, no doctors helping her. The mother staring at the floor, a part of her visibly lifeless. Yet her mind functioning, and her heart still beating.

Hanniel puts his hand on top of the girl’s head. Hanniel’s hand hoping to feel the little girl’ warmth. After some time, from behind him someone’s grasp grabs him by the shoulder, its Dr.Park. Not too long ago he noticed Hanniel’s back and just now he finally approach him, seeing him pat the little girl showered in crimson dots, he got near her and began to call a nurse. Slowly, he reaches to get the little girl’s pulse, each fraction of a second waiting feels like heavy weights in Dr.Park’s chest. The more he looked at her the more his face continued to change. Once the nurse gets there the face of Dr.Park had completely changed, he moves away his hand from the little girl’s wrist, and he asks for a white covers.

Dr.Park tells Hanniel to give him some space, he does, backing away from Dr.Park and the lady holding the little girl. The face of the lady twists, seeing the white cover. From lifeless into distress her face changes slowly, tears start ripping out of her, and her screams begins, more vivid from any of the ones around. The lady holds onto the girl ever more tightly than before, her screams horrifying, twisting the atmosphere and further filling the air with heaviness. Each patient’s feeling of hopelessness got visually heavier, and the shell choked patients who were walking around not yet fully understanding what has happened finally coming to their senses. With her scream, many others fallow. Every patient not in covers began crying and screaming. Tearing up after understanding what it was they had lost. The grip of the lady’s hold on the girl’s body loosens. Dr.Park gets a hold of the kid carrying her in his arms, the nurse to his side now ready with the cover , holding a tag on her right hand. Dr.Park carries the girl to a single empty thin medical bed, and covers her, soon, the crimson dots begin to appear in the covers. Along with him comes the lady, she stares into the bed not knowing what to do. She covers her face with her bloody hands, and keeps crying now silently in the chair next to the bed. Hanniel remains sitting in his wheelchair on the opposite side of the bed. He has not yet fully understood what has happened.

Dr.Park is about to walk away but he needed to first get Hanniel out of this place. He needed to call Karla or a nurse to get Hanniel out of here and to his designated room. He grabs onto the wheelchair’s handles. The sound of someone screaming in anger is heard by the door, a man forcing himself through some nurses who try to tell him he couldn’t enter. Dr.Park changes his gaze to the lady who’s sobbing stopped, and he notices she has become tense. Her eyes become even more afraid, and she looks in deep distress yet again, reliving that moment yet again. When she looks up, her eyes lock with the man’s. The man calms down partially, he runs next to her and checks her over making sure she is fine, he feels deep relief and is about to ask a question, but only a little while after he stops, and looks at her in the eyes, he notices her reaction, only then did he turn his gaze to the be. He sees the crimson dotted covers, and trembles, his knees weak and shacking, the tears that were previously of joy now becoming tears of despair, he sees the tag with a familiar name written. The daughter of the man lays in the bed with the crimson dotted covers, next to the other beds covered with crimson dots. The man’s legs break under the pressure turning into twigs, unable to stand the news. The man cracks, he grabs onto the bloodied blanket and starts sobbing while on his knees , and there he screamed,


“WHY IS IT MY DAUGHTER THAT DIED?, WHY IS MY DAUGHTER HERE MAYA!, WHY IS MY DAUGHTER IN COVERS?”, the lady could only cry in pain next to the man kneeling, his words stabbing into her heart, the wounds on the lady now starting to show, yet she remains sitting.

Hanniel after witnessing all of this grabs onto where the head of the girl is meant to be bellow the blankets. Once his hand falls on the little girl’s covered head, he feels the texture of the blanket, the head of the girl is directly bellow the covers where his hand now rests.

Hanniel closes his eyes, only seconds pass, and the previous colors that denied him begin to now flow into him from his palm, yet again tears start forming in his face, for the first time, the reason for his tears are emotions that weren’t his own.

Hanniel’s grip on the head becomes slightly tighter, with every passing moment the feelings coming from the girl in the covers become stronger, becoming almost overwhelming, like fighting an ocean of pressure which slowly kept absorbing Hanniel from his hand.

As the feeling begins to reach Hanniel’s breaking point, all of the sudden, the feelings stop. Hanniel moves his gaze again towards the girl, and he feels nothing. In his eyes there laid nothing, only a bed with covers.

Hanniel is confused, he has yet to understand what has just happened, but he will quickly realize it. He stands and moves his gaze to the entirety of the room. Dr.Park is by the side of the parents who laid in sorrow with a face of disgust. But Hanniel’s gaze keeps moving, reaching the other crimson dotted covers covered beds, only to feel them all exploding, before disappearing to never come back. A spark is born in his head, finally starting to comprehend what is happening. His gaze moves towards the parents of the little girl who were on their knees by the bed crying now in sorrow.

Hanniel’s face is solemn, and his emotions now show deep hallow. For once ever since he has woken from that bed, he saw a human’s body void of colors, there laid soulless covers. The thought slowly starting to take shape, like puzzle pieces coming together. He is beginning to remember what it means to die, the thought of it had never passed by his mind ever before, a person who can no longer feel happy, joyful or hopeful is no longer here. This person who laid in the bed will be gone forever, along with all the others who laid in covers. The coldness of the room begins to freeze Hanniel to stands by the bed with crimson dotted covers. The chill in the air from the empty corpses start to pierce him like needles.

Knowing he stands in a room with so many covers now awakens a urging feeling of dread , his stomach building up a knot and his back sweating. Hanniel looks at Dr.Park one last time, he sees him yelling at a group of nurses who all look miserably tired. Hanniel wants to talk to Karlin, but the more he looks around the room for her the more his stomach starts to build this feeling of hopelessness. As he looks around the room more and more, he sees a set of automatic doors that lead to the snow covered streets.

Hanniel can no longer stand the feeling, and runs toward the door, running away from the silence, running away from the hallow, running away from the covers.

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