《Blue Road》Episode 17 (Part 3)


Richard and Mindy sighed in relief and relaxed their muscles before going back to their conversation. He asked her what the next plan was, as she explained that they’ll need some backup help for this. Mindy walked over to find Kelly and Ken in their workstations respectively to talk to them. The group met in the lounge to discuss something crucial.

“So, what’s going on here?” Ken inquired as he crossed his arms.

“We’re going to break into the B.E.E.S. corporation,” Mindy replied, holding her head high.

“Are you out of your mind? Have you not learned your lesson?” Kelly questioned. “It’s a high-security place. What if we get caught?”

Mindy chuckled. “Not to worry, it’ll be easier for us to break in...” She pulled out a fancy-looking flyer from her pockets and showed it off to the rest of the group. “With this!”

It read that a formal dinner party would take place at the B.E.E.S. later tonight. All employees and guests were welcomed, so long as they behaved themselves.

“Where did you get that?” Ken scratched his chin, examining the paper up close.

“I found it the other day,” Mindy replied and put the flyer away with gusto. “If we just put on disguises, we can get by no problem. And when everyone is at the party, we can sneak over to the higher floors and steal the capsules back.”

When asked about it, Mindy explained her new and cunning plan. Kelly and Ken would distract Lily and the other authorities in case they grow suspicious, while she snuck over to investigate the missing container, and Richard would stand on guard and give her a signal if anyone came close to spotting them. Mindy asked for any objections to the plan when Richard raised his hand.


“Is something wrong?” Mindy asked. “Do you not want to go along with this?”

“No, I will.” Richard corrected her. “I have just one request. I want to do the distraction.

This took aback Mindy, but after much consideration, she accepted the offer.

“Alright, fine. Anyone else?”

“Yeah.” Ken also raised his hand. “I can be on lookout duty in his place, if that’s alright.”

“And I could examine the building from afar and hack its data mines using my computer skills to find the capsule faster.”

Mindy nodded in approval, impressed with their brainstorming, and agreed that the plan can work if they pull it off.

The team split off to get disguises. They agreed to meet back at the lobby of W.A.S.P. plaza before night fell. The group also decided to not tell Charlie about this plan, for he wouldn’t approve of it. Not to mention, none of them considered him trustworthy enough to discuss the capsules. Not yet, anyways

Fawn watched over them, seeing what they planned to do for the rest of the day. Fawn figured that she’d leave Richard alone, for now, seeing that he’d be busy. As her back turned, she picked up a scent from afar. The girl searched for the source and went to follow it.

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