《Blue Road》Episode 16 (Part 4)


Ken, Richard, and Fawn followed the coordinates from the GPS and ended up finding a small and abandoned shack. The three got out of the car and crept toward the entrance to peek at who was inside. There, Howler sat on a rusty chair and talked with someone on the computer. The person on the other side appeared to be a shadowy figure and had a distorted voice. The inside of the place had dirty purple walls, wooden flooring with a torn-up carpet, and antiques scattered across the area.

“So, you mean to tell me you guys got caught?” The shadowy figure questioned.

“Well, yeah...” Howler replied while scratching the back of his head. “But I still escaped.”

“Consider yourself lucky. Could you imagine what would’ve happened if you had lost the contents?”

“I know, but I feel like someone’s onto us, and it’s not just from Ken and The Crimson Cross.”

“Is that so? Very well then, I’ll be sure to let—” The figure looked up and noticed familiar faces watching over them. “What?”

Ken slammed the doors open and stormed over to Howler and the computer. Richard and Fawn stayed close behind and followed him inside.

Howler’s eyes darted across the area, his body froze. “H-How did you guys get here?”

“We had resources to help track you down,” Ken explained. “So, we followed you all the way here.”

“You let them over here?” The shadowy figure inquired.

Howler shook his head and got up from his seat. “No way!”

Richard walked closer and crossed his arms. “Do you know what I am?” He asked with a grimace.

“Y-Yeah, but I don’t know who—”

“Then tell me, what’s up with that binary passcode? Like the one scientist had back at the Immunogenetics Lab?”


“I...” Howler looked away. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Liar!” Richard thundered, getting up and close to his face. “You have connections with those scientists, the ones that turned me into this abomination! I’m willing to bet that guy over there is the one responsible and in charge!” He pointed at the person on the computer.

“Believe it if you must.” They said in a mocking tone.

Howler took steps back and opened the drawers to take out a megaphone. He placed it beside his mouth and screamed through it, causing Richard to fall backward. He and Ken covered their ears and crouched down, grinding their teeth.

Fawn watched the commotion unfold and gave Howler a nasty glare. She used her power to take control of the megaphone and levitate it away from him. With his back turned, Richard got up and pinned the man against the wall.

“Now, tell me how I can change back, permanently,” Richard warned him.

“I don’t know!” Howler cried out, trying to escape. “Even if I wanted to, it’s too late for that.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“The clues, we’ve already shipped them out to another—”

“You mean these?” Mindy’s voice spoke from outside the shack. She showed up with a container in her hand. “Don’t need to worry about these anymore.”

Richard dropped Howler and walked over to check on the container. “Whoa, nice work!”

“How did this happen?” Howler asked himself, rubbing his head. “I had everything all planned out, so why..?”

“I can’t believe you.” The shadowy figure said. “You’ve disappointed us for the last time.”

“No, wait, what about our plan?”

“Don’t worry, we’ll handle the rest of the plans without you interfering.”


“That’s not for you to decide!”

“No, I’ll let the Master know. Consider yourself lucky that they won’t find out until later. Otherwise, you’d end up like the other failed assistants.”

Howler fell on his knees, his hands planted on the ground. Richard marched over to the computer and slammed on the keyboard.

“Hold up, who are you? And where’s this master of yours?” He inquired.

The figure snickered. “That’s for me to know, and you to find out.” He signed out as the screen went blank.

“I can’t believe this is happening...” Howler muttered.

Ken stomped over, clenching his fists. He punched the guy in the face, knocking him over the walls. Howler rubbed his head as he writhed on the floor. Bits of blood splattered across the wall.

“What did you think would happen?” Ken thundered. “That’s what you get for betraying us.” He lowered his head. “Richard, Mindy, can you leave us be for a little while?”

Richard and Mindy nodded as they left him alone in the shack, with Fawn following suit.


The group headed out towards the abandoned truck, which contained the other capsules.

“That was pretty intense.” Richard wiped the sweat from his forehead. “So, what now? We weren’t able to figure out who’s responsible, and we didn’t find Carlos.”

“No, but we got the capsules,” Mindy mentioned. “Thanks for the help tonight.”

“Um, no offense, but how’s that a good thing?”

“This is one of our final pieces of the puzzle that’ll give us all the answers we both need. We got good materials for this.”

“So, it’ll help both of us? But, what’s so special about that?”

“Don’t you see?” Mindy asked, showing him the container. “These contain something extraordinary. But I’ll need to analyze this carefully first, so you’ll have to wait until tomorrow for the results.”

“Really? After all that, I have to wait another day?” Richard complained.

“Look on the bright side, at least you’re not fired anymore.”

“Oh yeah, that’s true. So, I’m done for the day?”



Once he got back inside the motel, Richard fell onto the bed. Fawn floated by and rested on the couch. Richard felt like his limbs were going to fall from all the running. He suggested sleeping in all morning, but Fawn reminded him that he went through so much to keep his job and shouldn’t ruin his chances again. He agreed, but something else still bothered his mind, which she took notice of.

“I still can’t believe her.” Richard groaned. “Should I be concerned about what her potential motives could be?”

“She could have similar problems as you.” Fawn brought up the possibility. “I mean, if you two have the same enemies, then I think working together makes sense. That’d also explain why she went to you for help.”

“Guess that makes sense. I hope she isn’t lying to me.”

“I don’t see why she would. What would Mindy gain from that? Besides, I’m sure her motives are reasonable, just like yours.”

“Well, guess I can worry about that tomorrow when she finishes analyzing those capsules.” Richard stretched his arms and yawned.

“Exactly.” Fawn agreed with a surefire nod. “We’re getting closer to solving these mysteries. Hopefully, we find this criminal mastermind, and put a stop to their plans.”

“Yeah, hopefully. Have a good night.”

“Good night.”

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