《Sovereign Cipher: Overpowered Evolution (LitRPG)》Chapter 24: Taking Stock


Chapter 24: Taking Stock

Trint and Pneuma discussed their thoughts on strategy in the future. They decided it would be best for Trint to continue to operate as an individual fighter but allow Iliana to observe and support Trint as they went. They would finish leveling to i9 maximum and ascend as soon as possible. They guessed another day or two depending on whether they got the modifier options in the next instance. Everything was new to Trint, and much of what was happening was now new for Pneuma.

Iteration 8’s 100-year time limit would allow them to consider exploring Professions. Also, the instances would continue to increase in size and difficulty. They were still in the beginning stages of the iterations, i8 being the last of the Mortal Realms. With i7-i5 being the Spirit Realms and their lifespan increasing, the options and their needs will soon change by necessity. First, they had to finish i9.

Trint reviewed his Exp gains and realized he went from level 21 to level 26. Five levels, and he hadn’t even completed the instance or killed the bosses. But hundreds of enemies had been slain, so he could see the results in the staggering amount of Exp he got for fighting those above his level. So five more levels till they could go to i8.

“Sovereign, you will need to kill Sn5C43-87 to complete this instance. Please make the death quick and as painless as possible.” Iliana stated as a matter of fact.

“Well, that isn’t cool,” Trint balked. “And please call me Trint, not Sovereign. I can’t afford attention like that, and I want you to be less formal with me. As far as a quick death, I can do that even if I don’t like it.” He took a moment to gather his thoughts. “Ok, tell me when you are ready.”

Iliana and Sn5C43-87 embraced in a hug. One 15-feet tall monster reached down towards its leg, where a 5-and-a-half-foot tall woman squeezed the tree trunk-sized limb. Trint had previously given Iliana a pair of clothes meant as a pair of backups for himself upon her transformation to a human. After a short embrace, Sn5C43-87 stepped to the side, facing Trint, and knelt. He looked solemnly toward Trint.

“I am ready, Sov…, I mean Trint,” Sn5C43-87 said. “Thank you for what you will do for our clan and the Sect. I trust in you, despite not knowing you. Lead us well.” Sn5C43-87 said and then bowed its head.

Trint returned to his full-sized form, extending all of his extremities. Sn5C43-87, even kneeling, was still around 10 feet tall, and Trint lifted by his taloned lower extremities, lifting him, bringing his eyes up to about 12 feet. Now looking down, Trint considered how best to end its life quickly.

The next moment Ilian heard a ‘schlunk’ sound and turned to see Trint’s upper back extremities piercing deep into Sn5C43-87’s body.One in between the eyes and the other in the center of its chest. After a moment, its form sagged, and Trint retracted the blades as they transformed to have hands instead of the bladed ends. Trint used the long arms to catch Sn5C43-87 and simultaneously lowered his center of gravity.

He softly lowered Sn5C43-87’s considerable form onto the ground. Trint’s strength in this form and at his level was impressive, and he didn’t know how to compare it to before or how his stats impacted it in this form. It would take construction cranes and heavy earth machinery to move this mass. He had easily done it by using his other arms and bracing his frame with the more giant legs and tail against the ground. With its quick death, Sn5C43-87’s form began to dissolve, and the mist dispersed. Sn5C43-87 returned to the subsystem to share the news that a Sovereign had appeared. At the same time, Trint received the Exp still for the kill.


‘Something about getting Exp for that doesn’t sit well with me,’ Trint thought. ‘But I didn’t make the System.’ The Exp pushed him to level 27. He had managed to gain an unheard-of amount from one instance. Although Trint had the power of a higher iteration fighter, he was still gaining stats according to his level, not his power.

‘Pneuma, would you please evenly distribute my stats,’ Trint asked, not wanting to look at them for now.

“Thank you, Trint,” Ilian said. “I will have to adjust to this new form. I can move and think like before, but I have lost some of my skills, and of course, my size and weight are a fraction of what I am used to. I can use my telepathy, and I assume my mental attacks. But my level is limited to yours at 26. So my stats are now lower. I also have several options to change professions, realign my magic affinity to yours or retain my own. I must also choose a class. I have over a dozen choices like these, and I must decide them in about 39 days.”

“I didn’t even know I had a magic affinity,” Trint replied. “What are your options? Can you tell me my own?”

“Yes, Trint,” She began. “You are listed as having Air, Water, and Darkness. While my original was both Fire and Mind.”

“One moment,” Trint said. ‘Pneuma, did you know I had magic affinities?’

‘Trint, I have been aware, but there has not been a need to bring them up or train them. You already have to learn much more than I planned up to this point. The affinities you possess are essential, but in some ways, they have and will come to you naturally. You don’t yet need to focus on them.

Iliana cannot access all of your affinities since she didn’t mention Spirit or Soul. They are very rare, and I’m not surprised. You might also gain some proficiency in other affinities as they can be trained if not already assigned. You are full of surprises, so who knows what you might eventually have an affinity for.’

‘Well, those affinities make some sense when I consider the things we have done together so far.’ Trint thought to Pneuma. ‘With each of those, I feel a connection but using them has not required additional effort or thought. That is just how my power and abilities have manifested. I think of something, and I either know it is possible, or it becomes clear as I form the ideas like the hands and blade and the liquid and mist. Or Air and Water, I suppose. I’m guessing you also have Darkness affinity since before I could control it myself, your form was nearly black?’

‘Yes, I have the Darkness affinity, and I believe our bonding allowed you to gain it, or you already possessed it.’ Pneuma confirmed. ‘Why don’t you learn a little more about Iliana and see if you can help with her time-sensitive decisions. Also, tell her my name, and you can introduce us later in your Spirit Scape.’

“Iliana, I already mentioned I have another Bond. I will introduce you later. But so you know, his name is Pneuma. He is unique and does not share the same type of Bond we do, and he is also who I’ve been silently consulting when I have asked for time to think. Anyway, for now, do you want to talk about what you are thinking concerning your choices for Profession and the rest?” Trint asked. “Oh, and do you still have skills or need to choose a class first or something?”


“Yes, I would like to work together in considering some of my choices,” Iliana agreed. “Although I want to have a say in them, if I can help you, I would be willing to consider making changes you suggest.”

“Great, so did you have thoughts or options on a Class?” Trint asked.

“Yes, I previously had two classes,” Iliana began.“A version of Mental Mage and also something a Subsystem entity can get focused on fighting with their body.Like using claws and teeth and other physical attacks. I was given the option of obtaining two classes total. The choices I’m leaning towards are Mental Mage and Blade Specialist.

From the descriptions, the Mind Flayer is similar to my former Magic use, and the name is not the same in translation; the magic appears the same. I want Blade Specialist because I think I will miss my slashing talons, and cutting into a foe is always so satisfying. I hope to find a fighting style that can blend the physical attacks and the Mental magic. What do you think of that? Do you want the list of available Classes I have access to?”

“That isn’t necessary,” Trint assured her. “If those two feel right to you, I am happy to see you pursue them. For now, I won’t ask you to engage in the fighting while I continue learning my way around the System and try to become more efficient in using my power.”

“I will plan to have you kill enemies in my times of need and anything that circles behind me unless I say otherwise,” Trint directed. “You will be my support and assist only when necessary in the fighting. I hope that doesn’t discourage you but gives you the chance to adjust to your new body and powers.”

“That will be fine with me,” Iliana agreed. “As far as my Profession then, I have the option to retain my former profession of a blacksmith, or I may choose to become a Prophet or Scholar. Do you have any recommendations? I would lean towards keeping my Profession. But according to my System descriptions, the Prophet and Scholar are tied to my former Sect and you as a Sovereign. At least, that is my assumption. They are not general professions but specific. Prophet of the Sovereign and Scholar of the Sovereign. Each has to do with telling others about or learning and studying the Sovereign. There isn’t much else the System provides.”

“Huh, so the last two options are tied to me. Or at least the Sovereign title.” Trint pondered. “Well, I don’t know much about being a Sovereign, so gaining information on it would be useful. But I am leaning towards you taking Blacksmith. You already have the experience from the Subsystem. Maybe that will translate into helping you now. However, I leave the choice to you. While you are with me, I don’t think we will have time for you to work towards progress in a profession like Blacksmith, at least for a while.”

“I would have been willing to give up my prior experience to take one of the two new ones, but I appreciate you not pushing the issue.” Iliana thanked Trint. “I do wish to remain a blacksmith. I am sure there will be differences this time, but I hope some of what I know will translate. I did not fight with blades in the iterations, but in the subsystem, I often used my creations.”

“Is there anything else important you want my help deciding?” Trint asked. “I feel you are making wise decisions, and I don’t want to micromanage your choice. You can ask for my assistance, but I will leave the rest for you to choose. Does that sound good to you?”

“Yes, Trint,” Iliana smiled and bowed her head. “I thank you for this freedom and responsibility.”

“That’s great, but please stop with all the bowing,” Trint pleaded. “I don’t want you to think of me as your master. You are my Bond according to the System. But I didn’t free you from the Subsystem only to enslave you to me. It would help if you considered me part of your fighting party. Maybe someday a friend. But friendship isn’t a title; you just get handed. It happens with time, shared experience, and actually enjoying spending time around a person. Wait, is there a system friendship designation? Like reputations?”

“I don’t know about the System,” Iliana said. “But the subsystem did not.”

‘No,’ Pneuma answered. ‘No reputation or allegiance designation. There is plenty of room to backstab, plot, and betray. You have to earn trust as your world did. Also, I do want you to introduce me, but I am eager to continue your leveling. There will be plenty of time to discuss this when we get to i8 and beyond. Unless it’s necessary, don’t introduce us officially till i8 or later, unless I say it is necessary. Let’s get to the next instance.’

Trint grabbed the instance rewards that became available after the former bosses were killed or bonded. Trint threw the rewards into his ring after confirming there wasn’t another blade, and he gave Iliana his sword. Then they exit the instance together.

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