《What the Green Bird Sees》Munificence


Munificence (noun): the quality of generosity

The god sighed wistfully as they drifted over the hospital for the third time that day.

A pair of twins were sobbing in one of the rooms. One twin was a healthy child, the other was near the verge of death from a terminal illness.

They were orphans. Already bound by the fate of loneliness, the healthy twin would be destined for eternal solitude when her sibling dies.

Which of them suffers more?

Although the god could not feel emotions, a tinge of the twin’s desperate sadness reached their heart.

The god was reminded of their own lack of company in this immortal life, the very emptiness that the healthy twin feared, and the god felt sad.

The sick twin stopped moving.

No. It cannot be this way.

In one powerful stroke, they breathed life back into the frail girl.

Immediately, their immortality vanished into thin air. An equal exchange.

With another cosmic force, the god purged the disease from her body.

Screams of joy and miracles erupted like a symphony from the hospital, the loudest from the other twin.

Ah. The god’s own life was disappearing, but the regret left with it.

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