《Garden of Thorns *Lit RPG*》V2 Chapter 44: The proposal, an annoyance and some more annoyances.


A proposal by Silas to Bellwitch was to create a safe place for the inhabitants of the world. Bellwitch's Apostle was a smith by skills but profession-wise, the Apostle was an architect. Silas was now in a dungeon, hunting with Zerx, Zyx, and Yrvad.Readying a dagger, trying to replicate Madsen's technique. Imbuing the essence from the Stygian Emissary, Silas went ahead as he went close range to the powered ghouls nearby.

Powered ghouls were different from the usual ghouls,they had intelligence and beast-like instincts. As a result of combining ghouls with other creatures, Silas was trying his luck. His timing was off as he sent flying, whereby Zerx caught him.

Fighting without his Avatar of Season's abilities and stats was refreshing. It just meant that Silas had more room to grow this time. Charging in with the blade in hand, dodging blows. He was getting the hang of this sensation. The powered ghoul went for fast jabs, and Silas weaved through the flurry of attacks as he went for a blow to the neck.

Right hand wielding the Silenced Thorn, pulling the trigger. Destroying the heart and slicing off the head.

Zerx went into the fight with his axe while Zyx leaped in with the sword. The Shadow and the Harrow complimented each other beautifully, seeing Zyx would leave lacerating cuts to the joints while Zerx would deliver the killing blows. It gave Silas some food for thought. He had a bit of experience gained from all of his actions.

Silas Glenn

Class : Stygian Emissary

Age : 19.

Level : 40

Occupation: Student at Richmond University. First Year


HP 500 MP 300 STRength 90 VITality 50 AGIlity 100 DEXterity 70 INTelligence 50 WILLpower 90

Silas was looking at his equipment, Midnight Squall where he looked at the spheres on the skull, seeing all 10 being full. It'll be something he can use later on. Since he was done with the training here, he could go elsewhere. Leaving the dungeon to find the other students who were outside.

151 turned to Silas. Jenny, Nora, and Caroline were present as leaders of the respective teams. Xiao came back from another part of the dungeon.

"Taken care of it, Silas?"A nod to 151 who began to give orders on their next phases. Silas took a moment as a constellation alert popped up.

'Your Apostle Madsen has granted offerings. 10 cups of tea and a Blazium Crystal.' Blazium Crystal? Raizel appeared before Silas to show its property. It was essentially a piece of crystal that would passively create flames to coat whatever material that would be using it.

'He has gained 7500 petals. Madsen has decided to buy the ability of ruin's Glare. An ability that will stun enemies when given the glare. Consumes 10 MP. Enemies of the same level will have a 75% chance to be stunned, it will decrease according to enemy levels.' Madsen has also purchased the skill book 'Garden Blade Volume 1: Basics' which grants Madsen a mana restorative ability by attacking enemies. He can now store charges into the blade and use them for offensive or restoring his mana during combat.' 'Various Constellations were able to find Players that suit their natures as a result of your actions. The Constellation's Apostle selection will be done in a few hours. Your Apostle Madsen has met up with players Van and Jin Lee. Joining their camp as they figure out how to keep people safe. Currently, various Players are trying to find details regarding Constellation Calm Ruin's legend. The other Constellations are also requesting more information on your deeds. Due to your ability 'Supreme Rule' your stats cannot be seen by those lower than you nor can they see your deeds unless you disclose it yourself.'


Silas paused as he looked at the timer. It was going to be at least 5 hours before this would happen.

The pop-ups would continue as players and constellations would begin to dive deep into various sources to find out about Calm Ruin's objective. Players were skeptical while the Constellations remained cautious. Whereby Silas could see a few passive abilities that were manifesting.

The Pride of Lions

The Apostle's will inherit the bravery of the Constellation.

Not succumbing to fear unless the enemy is at Constellation Ranked.

The Cobalt Streaks.

When in combat, the Apostle's eyes will glow blue. Leaving streaks with every movement.

The Suffering's Witness.

The Constellation, Calm Ruin is the one who has seen what suffering has done to everyone and everything before his eyes.

The Suffering's Witness, the Calm Ruin's power to not be struck by mental damages as a result of seeing a massacre. Only to give a prayer for them.

Silas could not help but think of Suffering's Witness. An ironic part of him, for he witnessed Joshua's life from its start to finish. He was the witness. Putting the pop-ups aside, Silas followed 151. Where they went deeper into the dungeon, finding themselves in a forest.

"Who dares to come here!?" They heard voices from the front. Elves wielding bows and swords glare into their eyes. The Hunters readied their weapons, but 151 raised his hand. A signal to lower their weapons as he scanned the area.

"We're surrounded," Xiao remarked as he shouldered the Reaver rifle.

"As expected of a Reaver. Your senses are as sharp as your masters."

"Thank you, Commander." 151 chuckled as he turned to Xiao, patting his shoulders.

"You'll grow a fine Reaver." 151 spoke as the elves launched their arrows. The arrows were struck down by the purple lightning.

"What?! How could a human do that?! The Purple Lightning!?" Xiao was gritting his teeth as he grit his teeth. Unleashing the elements while grabbing the stock of his rifle.

"Xiao. Stand down. It seems we have a quest."

The Elven Empire of Rasaka is under attack.

This is a special dungeon that will allow for Hunters to leave and enter as they please.

Currently their home the forest is under siege.

Lend them your aid!

"Elves. Your home is under siege. Allow us to lend our aid." 151 said, where the elves turned one another.

"How can you all fall for such a trick! They will kill us from behind!" The leading elf woman spoke as she drew her blade, charging at 151. 151 stopped her blade with his fingers.

"Caution is healthy. Xiao. Head there first. Use your roar, get their attention off the elves. I've already marked the target location for you. Warriors ready your blades, follow Xiao. Magicians, rangers and other long ranged users. Follow me. I will set up a location. Silas." 151 turned his head to Silas's direction.

"Yes, 151?"

"You're on support." Silas nodded as he went ahead with Xiao.

"Wait! Stop them!" The elf spoke up, but the others felt the blood lust from 151. The intensity of his presence was akin to an order for them to not stop the Hunters from proceeding ahead. 151 let go off the blade as he lead the others.

Xiao reached first, seeing the humans who were attacking the elven fortress. The gates had been breached, Xiao leaped into the air as he unleashed his roar. A roar that pushed the attacking humans back in an instant.

"A human?!" Xiao grabbed his rifle's stock, using the blade form as the vibration of the chainsaw teeth cried out. Silas fired a few shots to cover Xiao from the archers lying in wait. Xiao did not hesitate to swing his weapon. Separating the torsos and waists of the humans that began the attack. That lack of hesitation was good, Silas was firing his Gates Magnums to keep stacking the weapon charges of Midnight Squall. The coffin appeared in front of Silas where he kicked it forward. Forming as a makeshift cover as arrows were flying over.


Tapping the back as they see the sides open up, creating a barrier of sorts.

"Pull yourselves together! You need to protect your civilians! What are you doing?!" Silas shouted as the elven soldiers got back on their feet, rescuing their people to a safe location while Silas kept the barrier up. Jenny and the others arrived. Silas let them go through the barrier as it ran out of charges, Caroline began with her singing for the buffs. 151 gave the orders for the warriors to fight on the frontlines. Jenny was slicing a soldier down, then using her sheathe to parry an incoming attack.

A kick to the ribs, as she sliced the human head off. Blood splashing over her cheeks, but that hesitation? It's gone. Silas could see the changes like night and day. It seems the fight with Mizerka had changed their perspective and made them want to fight at a higher level than before. Caroline kept on singing despite the chaos, while Nora's use of her spells had been much more aggressive than before.

Nora's offensive spells were basic but using Fluffy on her head increased her speed. Gradually shifting her role as a witch to be able to be an aggressive front line attacker using hit and run strategies. Silas was staying at the back while firing his guns.

"Do you have a rifle that I can use?" 151 asked, where Silas pulled out a rifle that was similar to what the Suicide Division had used. Seeing 151 work the bolt, and loading the magazines. 151 took aim, firing off a few shots. Blowing holes through the helmets and face plates. His stance was an old one but it is tried and true. Yet, Silas observed how fast 151 worked the rifle. The reloads were precise while keeping his eyes on target. The gun was not lowered at any given time. Always on target. Silas put the Gates Magnums into Midnight Squall as a section of the weapon coffin popped out with a Glock based pistol. A red dot sight and a 33 round magazine. Laser sight beneath the barrel with a suppressor.

Silas took it, as he went to work. Snap shots at the humans coming through the area. Keeping track of his shots. Left hand grabbing an extra magazine as he shot off the last bullet. Release the magazine, slapping the new one in. Thumb flicking the slide release as Silas was ready to continue shooting.

Minimal muzzle rise meant that the pistol would be on target much quicker. 151 took a magazine, slapping it in. Right hand racking the bolt back as he affixed the bayonets. Cavalry troops were pouring in from the front where 151 fired off shots at the horses, crumbling the fierce formation. The ones that got through were met with more gunfire and when the rifle ran dry, 151 would use the bayonet of the rifle to pierce the chest armor. Brute forcing his way as the cavalary trooper fell, crushing the head with his boot. Loading another magazine as he continued.

Xiao was roaring again. Letting the enemies be focused on him as he continued his rampage. Crushing heads with his bare hands, chopping a dozen soldiers with his rifle. Jenny joined to support him from behind, using her long sword techniques she had learned from Lopt and Serena to the best. A technique designed to increase lethality with up close situations. Hardin? Hardin was on the front line pushing with his teammates. Seemed as if they were granted a blessing by a certain Ancient. The Ancient of the Weak Minded. Hardin was fighting his best, something that Silas had never seen before.

Hardin wasn't acting timid, he took a blow to the face from a club. He swung his mace to break the bones of the soldier that did it. Spitting out a bit of blood as he continued the fight. The soldiers soon began their retreat, where 151 began distributing mana potions for the Hunters. Prioritizing the ones with healing abilities to help others. Silas walked over to the rubble that was in front of the gates, seeing the hand of a child that was atop of it. Nothing was there, not a shred of life. Hearing the screams of the elves who were searching through the area for their family members.

As they began clearing their deceased kin, Silas would only let out a sigh as he could only watch in his state.Numb to the chaos, the misery and the deaths he had seen. The Suffering's Witness. Fitting even for the current him without his Avatar of Season's powers. Jensen, Ye Qiu, Bigby and Alex were investigating into cases of possible Garden re-entry into the country. So far there was nothing but with the 13 Seraphs on patrol. That would be a blessing in terms of their aide. Yet, he wasn't able to stop this thing from happening.

"To those of you that need a break or rest. You may exit the dungeon if needed. I will remain here to plan our counter attack and figure out our plans from here." 151 said as a portal appeared where some of the Hunters left. Silas remained, helping with the rubble. 151 called in a few Orions and Gladiators to help with the heavy lifting, the rescuing and medical teams of HDF and the Suicide Division making their way to provide first aid. The Goliaths were there to help where the Gladiator's machinery didn't have enough flexibility to deal with it.

Silas went away, he needed time to be alone. He needed time to process all of this. The emotions that had been building up. The anger, the hate towards those who harm others for their own greed and lust for power. Just what could he do? Lighting the cigarette, clenching his fists and gritting his teeth. Luckily for him, the cigarettes are just that durable. If it was a plain old cigarette, Silas would have bit off the filter part of the cigarette.

Xiao, Nora, Jenny, Caroline and Hardin's team had remained inside. They were working under 151's commands to help everyone else. Silas needed the time alone, as the others went to help. Silas found a notification.

The Constellation 'Vengeful Tempest' has descended into the field against your Apostle.

Madsen is currently trying to fend them off.

Other Constellations await your reaction.

The Descent was not properly sanctioned but the GM has been told to wait for your reaction.

"GM. Is it possible for me to descend as well?"

Your Apostle is facing against the Constellation. Vengeful Tempest is a Constellation that had acted that way due to Madsen protecting Van and Jin Lee.

You may descend due to your nature.

"151. I'll be back in a bit." Silas used telepathy as he stretched his neck. Looking at the situation of Madsen who was bleeding out badly, while Van and Jin Lee aided Madsen to the best of their abilities. Vengeful Tempest was a large dragon. The largest Silas has ever seen. Even Bayran would look small when compared to by size. Silas went down to descend, whereby they see flowers blooming all around the area.

"Hmm? What are these vines?!" The Vengeful Tempest roared as the roses that bloomed. Madsen's wounds began to heal, Van and Jin Lee could see the vines bringing people to safety. Placing them in a cage as Silas walked in front of them. Stretching his neck out of boredom.

"Hm... A human constellation. You truly think you can beat me?!" Vengeful Tempest unleashed its flaming breath which Silas held a white rose. Transferring all of that black flame into the rose in his hand. Throwing it into the air, where the petals scattered like blades seeking for targets. Piercing a wyvern's body, then setting it ablaze.

"Who.. Who are you?" Jin Lee asked.

"The Calm Ruin. I'm here to beat an annoying lizard that tried to bother my Apostle over something so petty."

"Petty!? They have killed my wyverns! They have freed the lowly humans I needed for my sacrifice! You dare call it petty?!" Silas ate the black rose in his hand. Tightening the gloves to make sure the fit was snug.

"Madsen, Van, Jin Lee. Good work in holding him off. Just let me handle this reptile."

"You dare!" Vengeful Tempest swung its claws at Silas. Seeing it be blocked by a single katana, a bit of force was all Silas needed to push Vengeful Tempest back. Lifting the mask up for a bit as he stretched his neck.

"My children! Come! Kill this man!" Silas put a cigarette to his lips as he could see the dragons flying above him, descending by the dozens with their mouths open. Readying their attacks. Smiting Silas in one full blow. Vengeful Tempest began to laugh.

"A human constellation? Do you truly think that you could protect them!?"

"I do." Silas said as they see the dragons falling from the skies, with Silas walking through the area as he cracked his fingers.

"How!? How!?"

"I've killed a few thousand dragons. But nothing as interesting as you." Silas said as his other hand wielded Brilliant Ash, which transfigured to Ashen Sirius. The sheathe faded away as Silas wielded the two of them at once, taking a deep breath as he charged straight at Vengeful Tempest. That single blow, was enough to send the Vengeful Tempest back at least 50 blocks away.

"How!? How could a mere human do this much damage!?"

Flaming Hell : I almost feel sorry for Vengeful Tempest.

Black War : Damn. I knew that Calm Ruin was strong.. But was he really this powerful?

Herald of Light : So he really does want to protect humanity... because he was a human too.

Gloomy Predictor : This does not seem good for the dragon. He's up against a Dragon Slayer.

Angry Skeleton : All that power was not for show then.

White Wall : A dragon slayer? Then what was his deeds?! He must have been that powerful to the point that he received that title!

The other Constellations are enjoying the view.

"Heh, I got that from slaughtering enough dragons to make me sick of it." Silas said as he gave chase, Vengeful Tempest immediately changed to a humanoid form. Racing against Silas with the spear. A piercing attack. Merely grazing Silas's right arm. Silas was bleeding. It was a pulsating sensation of fire by his limbs.

"So I can actually feel the burns." Silas remarked as he just patted the flames away from his body.

"I will burn you from the inside out!" Vengeful Tempest went after Silas, only to have his wings clipped. The speed had caused Vengeful Tempest to crash in front of Madsen, Jin Lee and Van. When Vengeful Tempest took the chance to grab Jin Lee as a hostage.

"Hah! Now what!? I have this human hostage! You cannot do anything or she will die!" Silas was chuckling. The whole scenario was really straight out of a comic book. The villain grabs the hostage, now trying to use the hostage as a bargaining chip.

"You do realize. That you're standing in a field of flowers, don't you?" Silas asked, whereby the realization had hit Vengeful Tempest when vines pulled him back. Jin Lee was released, where she fell into Silas's arms.


"You alright?" She nodded, as she got back on her feet.

"How!? How could these vines restrain me!?" The vines launched Vengeful Tempest away, while Silas turned to the three before him.

"I've witnessed the struggles of my predecessor. Who had lost everything and fell into despair. As long as you three keep fighting to protect what matters to you. I promise you. That I will grant you the power to protect it. Ideals are words, but power with ideals is far greater than this." Silas stated as Vengeful Tempest went after Silas.

"I have you now hu-" Silas slashed the Vengeful Tempest into mince meat. Whereby the Vengeful Tempest was regenerating slowly. Silas put the katanas aside, as he grabbed the Vengeful Tempest's horn. Slamming it to the ground, the flowers reacted by turning into blue flames that began to eat up the mana from the dragon. Snapping the horn off as they heard Vengeful Tempest's scream. Silas took out a butter knife.

"What... What are you doing!?"

"Skinning you." Silas began force his way through Vengeful Tempest's hide, seeing the prideful dragon squirming and writhing in pain. Screaming many things. Cursing Silas in every sentence. Silas kept on skinning the hide, throwing it aside as Vengeful Tempest's body begins to regenerate.

"You think you can kill me?!"

"You seem to mistaken something. I know the rules. We can't kill each other. But that doesn't mean I can't hurt you until submission. Let's see how long you last." Silas said as he began pulling out the teeth from Vengeful Tempest. Then, he would proceed to rip the limbs off with his bare hands. When the wings were restored, he'd rip them off. He'd continue it, brutalizing the Vengeful Tempest. The curses turned into pleas of mercy.

The other Constellations are beginning to squirm at your cruelty.

Black War : Ho... I can see why he's neutral alligned.

Herald of Light : Hey... Calm Ruin. Isn't that too much?

Angry Skeleton : That's... That's actually an interesting torture technique.

The Judgement of Hell : Calm Ruin. Mind if I take notes when people do that in my domain?

Brutalizing the Vengeful Tempest until the Vengeful Tempest passed out.

"That's still being nice, Herald of Light. Yes, Judgement of Hell. Feel free to take notes. I am neutral alligned because I believe in brutalizing my enemies if they choose to use underhanded tactics. But Herald. You don't have to be like me. I lost everything and prior to this. I just found the limb of a child attacked by other creatures. Couldn't save the child. Makes me feel angry at my own weakness." Silas turned to his apostle and the two who have earned his favor.

"GM. Are there any more Constellations that have descended?"

Quite a number of them.

10 of them are nearby.

Do you wish to handle them yourself?

10 of them do not have sanctions but we cannot stop them due to them being high ranked.

"Yeah, I'm already here. So I was wondering if you can sanction me to help this situation a little?"

Black War : Hey I might want to come down and play too.

Herald of Light : I suppose I will have to do it as well. Though I am not as strong as the 10 that are causing a ruckus.

The Giant Builder : I will join too.

Constellations are in agreement for Calm Ruin, Black War, The Giant Builder and Herald of Light to appear.

Silas turned to the right seeing Black War in his full armor, wielding a dane axe. While Herald of Light wore armor that suited the name, elegant and enscribed with holy magic. Wielding a long sword while the last Constellation. The 5th Bellwitch was standing as tall as the buildings. The 5th Bellwitch was wearing his horned helmet. Right hand wielding an axe.

"Bellwitch. I didn't expect you to come."

"Two of the constellations are giants. Best it'd be handled by a giant like myself. Besides, your blade will only piss those two off."

"Do you know them?"

"My idiot older brothers. Seems like they got bored and decided to jump in for a fight." Bellwitch then looked at Herald of Light and Black War's armor.

"Ah. So weapons made by my predecessor. Avatar, may I use your materials to sharpen their weapons?" Silas gave a nod as Herald of Light and Black War watched the ores turned into liquid, with the flowers and leaves becoming inscriptions of runes into the their armors and weapons.

"Bellwitch.. Then you must be.." Herald of Light paused, realizing what that meant.

"I am the 5th Bellwitch. Those armors and weapons were made by master's master. The 3rd Bellwitch. So I greet a former Avatar of Peace and an Orc Warchief. One who has accompanied many Avatars." the 5th Bellwitch said as he put leaves into his axe. Specifically the little head where he took a moment it began to light itself up.

"You bring that to battle?" Silas asked.

"Of course. It is the first weapon I made as a Bellwitch. An axe with a place to smoke. I could carry my pipe, but I don't see the point of bringing that to battle. An axe is all that I need."

"Thank you, Bellwitch." Herald of Light spoke with a deep bow.

"Don't thank me yet. Let's just hope those humans can hold until we arrive."

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