《The Royal Contract || book one》𝐟 𝐨 𝐫 𝐭 𝐲 - 𝐨 𝐧 𝐞


edited and rewritten

Nikolai took me home and my parents didn't even realize I left. They fell asleep on the couch watching a funny movie. Nick and I stayed up the entire night discussing the organization and what we can do to take them down.

It's not just about Justina anymore, it's way bigger than that. There's an entire organization of people attempting to bring Nikolai down. Him being the most ruthless prince I know, it's shocking to know that people would try going after him.

I yawn and rub my eyes. "Maybe if we take a sixteen-hour nap, we'll figure out who the president is," I say.

Nikolai shakes his head as he continues walking around my room. His crushed white shirt rises as he runs his hand through his messy hair. His hair sticks out at random areas, showing how much he's manipulated it tonight. "No, imagine what they could do in the time we're asleep." He continues flipping through the papers.

A few hours ago, at around two in the morning, he was spiraling so I started writing down everything we knew on a piece of paper and one paper turned into seven.

I get up off my bed and I walk to him. I place a hand on his tense shoulder and he stops walking to look at me. "What?" He asks with hyperactive eyes.

My eyes blink as slowly as a sloth's. I'm so sleepy it's difficult to think. "Please, sleep."

He sighs, "I can't sleep, love, I'm too stressed but you sleep. I'm sorry for keeping you awake." He pats my hair then he kisses my forehead.

I lean into his touch but it leaves quickly. I don't know when he started acting so affectionate but it certainly has blurred the lines between real and fake. He'd usually do this when we're in public but when we're alone why do it? It's not as if anyone is watching us.

"Why do you do that?" I mumble sleepily through half-opened eyes. My head rests against his arm.

I hear him chuckle as he fondles my hair. "Do what? Kiss your forehead?"

I nod.

"Because you won't let me kiss your lips."

I smile a little, "Don't say those things, you don't mean it."

"I promise you, I do. Come, go to sleep." He says as he leads me to my bed. I lay in my bed then he brings my blankets up to my neck and I fall asleep instantly.


I'm shaken awake by Nikolai. "What do you want?" I wave him away.

"Is your homecoming dance tonight?"

I nod, "Why?"

"Your friend, Nyx, texted you asking if you were going. She said that she and her friends, including Justina, were going."

I open my eyes and I yawn as I sit up in my bed. I look out the window to see the sun slowly going down. It was just sunrise when I went to bed and now it's sunset.


"I don't understand what you're getting at, Nick."

"I mean, if we go to the dance we could find Justina and I could enthrall her into telling me who the president is." He says as if he's had a breakthrough.

I crease my brows, "You plan to use your vampire abilities on her?"

He nods, "You still have your tickets from when you and Via were going right?"

I let out a sigh then I make my way to my dresser. I open my jewelry box then I take out the two tickets. "Here. However, I don't have anything to wear."

He deadpans at me. "Really? You have a closet filled with clothes to wear. Pick one."

"Fine," I say then I rummage through my closet until I find a dress I like.

"I'll be back, I'm gonna get dressed. See you in three minutes." He says then he disappears.


We stand outside my school and loud music blares in my ears. If it's this loud outside then I can't imagine how it is inside. How are we as a generation not deaf yet?

The prince brushes down his black buttoned-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his forearm and matching black pants. Paired with his famous black boots he looks as if he's a part of the night itself.

"This was a bad idea." I second-guess myself and I bite my lip.

Nikolai turns to me, "Why?"

"Because I'm going to a school dance with my fiancé who's the prince. It screams that I'm a spoiled rich girl."

"But you are a spoiled rich girl. Own it, my love, and no one can touch you." He holds my hand and then he kisses the back of it.

I blush and I turn away from him. "Okay, let's go," I say then we push the doors open.

Walking in, blaring loud pop music fills our ears and the administrators stop us. One look at Nikolai and they're gaping. Many people within the gym who are dancing wildly to the music also stop once they see us.

"Your highness." They bow before him and the edge of his lips lifted a little. I've never witnessed the power he holds within a room before. Watching it is interesting yet uncomfortable at the same time. The moment he walks into a room he commands everything. It's frightening.

We hand them our tickets then they let us through into the dance. Most people go back to dancing but I don't miss their small glances at us as we make our way past them.

"Where do think Justina would be?" He leans over and whispers in my ear.

I shrug, "I don't know, but I'm sure that if we find someone a part of Nyx's clique then she shouldn't be too far off."


He nods and we wade our way through the crowds of dancing people. I hold onto Nikolai's hand and I dance a little to the music. "I didn't know you could dance." He smiles.

I roll my eyes, "It's less suspicious if we're dancing instead of walking through like we're on a mission."

I bump into a girl and I quickly apologize, "I'm so sorry–wait, Valerie?"

Valerie, the girl whose signature color is black, stands before me in a purple dress with her hair up in a ponytail. If I didn't know any better, I'd think she's a peppy cheerleader. However, her black lipstick keeps some of her aurae.

"I know," she says in her monotone voice, "They dressed me, said they wanted to 'color coordinate'" Her voice raises at 'color coordinate'.

I nod, "Hey, do know where the girls are? I want to introduce them to him." I point to Nick and she doesn't give a reaction.

"Nyx went to the bathroom with Sage and Eloise. Via and Justina went off to Art Class to look at something or whatever." She says.

"Oh, okay, well we'll be right back," I say then we walk off to the Art room.

Nick and I walk into the main school building and darkness surrounds us. "I don't think there's anyone who's supposed to be in here." He whispers.

I nod, "I know but if Justina's in here then so do we." We continue walking in the direction of the Art class. We dodge different teachers and administrators on our way.

I turn the corner and Nikolai pulls me back by my shoulder as two police officers appear. I mouth 'thank you to him and he nods, tight-lipped. We wait until the officers walk away then we run down to the Art room.

"It's the last door on the right, here," I say then we peer inside.

Where are they? I ask myself as we look inside.

"Over there, look." He says as we spot a flashlight and sure enough they're in there. Justina and Via walk around the room, looking at different artworks. Why are they doing that?

Footsteps reach my ears and I look out into the hallway. Nick does so also and he pulls me closer to him. "You sure they're back here?" I hear Nyx's voice.

"Yeah, Justina wanted to check on her artwork and Via followed her," Sage says.

My eyes widen as I hear their voices getting closer and closer. "Where do we go?" I whisper as I start freaking out.

Nick looks around then out of nowhere he grabs my waist and pulls me even closer to him. "Well, this is happening." He says then just as the girls appear in front of us, he pushes me against the wall and kisses me.

My eyes grow wide then I force them to shut. His body presses against mine and his hands squeeze my waist. My hands make their way into his hair and tangle themselves in it. His tongue swipes across my lips and I allow him access. Instead of fireworks and butterflies, a heart lights itself within me and I press myself against him even more. I've never felt more safe or content in my life. As if I'm right where I'm to be.

The girls' flashlight appears on us. "Holy—" Nyx says.

Eloise squeaks and Sage chuckles. "Well lookie here," Sage says, putting her hands on her hips.

Nick and I break apart as if we never expected them to be there. Justina and Via come out of the classroom with their eyes glued to us. Justina squints her eyes at us and she crosses her arms.

Right, she's still putting up the pregnancy act. Yeah, well we know you're faking it. I resist the urge to roll my eyes. I've never fought anyone before but I feel that urge very strongly. She's helping her parents and this 'president' person frames him for something he didn't do.

"Sorry, we didn't know anyone was in here," Nick says as he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly.

Sage blushes and looks away. "It's fine, you guys. We just came to check on them. How'd you know they were back here?" Nyx asks as she looks at us with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Valerie told us but we didn't see anyone in there and well. . ." I say.

The girls nod. In the silence of everything a guy almost as tall as Nick appears behind Eloise and hugs her from behind. "Hey, is everything okay? I've been looking for you, sugar bug." He whispers the last part in her ear and kisses her forehead.

She giggles and her face turns beet red. My brows crease and confusion fills me, "Who's this?" I ask and I try not to be rude but I'm sure it came out that way.

"He's Emerson, Eloise's boyfriend. Turns out she wasn't delusional. She has a boyfriend." Sage rolls her eyes and Eloise sticks her tongue out at her.

I nod, trying to grasp everything. "Well, sorry, we should get going." I take Nick's hand and we start walking off but Nyx stops us.

"We were gonna head out and go to Via's house to hang out on our own if you guys wanna join. We could get to know your fiancé better." Nyx says.

I look at Nick.

Who knows? We could find out something about the 'president'. I agree with him.

"Sure, why not?"

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