《Badly Written Poetry From A Fucked Mind》Problems


(Hey so, heh, sorry for disappearing, um holidays are a shit time to be around my family and I'm out here stressing about my life and future because if I don't worry about it who will. So I solemnly swear that I won't disappear again, hopefully. And a little question for you guys what is your favorite holiday tradition (if you have any) I'm curious, mine is making this thing called monkey bread on Christmas morning, litterally the tastiest thing I've ever had. Anyway with that out of the way, no TW this time and stay safe!)

Pushing problems away has always been a skill

Not a good one

But a skill none the less

And a skill you have mastered

If a problem is happening you ignore it

Not because you don't won't to solve it

You'd like to solve all problems

But because you've been solving problems forever

Every issue that hit you

You solved right away

Because the less problems there are the less there is to deal with

But now

Now you're just done

Because it's not just your problems

It never really was

But now, especially now

It's everything all at once

Your brother is going through a break up and he tells you it all

His ex still talks to you

So every side is being told

And the fixer in you wants to solve this

So you give out advice

And you give out advice

And some more advice

But every time it always causes something new

And every time you need to fix it

Your mother tells you everything happening at work

So you listen

And you of course want to fix it

So you give her advice

But this time it's an argument

You don't understand why

But it's an argument

And every time these things backfire you just want to fix them more

And now you're so tired of it all

You could care less

But everyone else needs someone to listen

So when you push their problems away

It's just more problems

And god you just can't handle this shit anymore

You have your own issues

Your own problems that need solving

But of course the fixer in you doesn't want to do that

They're done helping

Done solving

Done trying to keep it all together

So you push them away

Push all your problems away

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