《My Innocent Flower ( Jasper Hale x Maleoc)》Chapter 30: Best Mate


Sammy was on Jasper's lap as he was sitting on the couch watching TV. Sammy was drinking from his bottle, and Jasper joined. While they have the rest of the day to relax, like Jasper promised.

Jasper wanted to check up with the others, wanting to make sure that everything was okay. But should he really?

He doesn't want to call and mess something up. It might be better to wait until they call. Jasper was fighting with himself wanting to call to make sure that there okay. But also wanting to wait and let them call.

Sammy looked at Jasper and sat up in to his lap. Jasper didn't even seem to notice that the TV was long forgotten now. An now it was just noise.

Sammy wanted to make him feel better. So he leaned down, and put his head in the crook of Jasper's neck. Snuggling up into him.

Jasper did indeed feel better with his mate. He looked down seeing that Sammy's face was tucked away in his neck.

Jasper wrapped his arms around him, and moved his head a little. So that there were more room for him. .

Jasper kissed his head and rubbed his back, happy that he has a mate like him. One that would do anything to try and make him happy again.

"Thank you Flower, there's just a lot on my mind at the moment. Don't worry about it. Come on, let's play a game." Jasper said while standing up, with Sammy still clinging onto him.

Jasper could feel him smile against his skin.


Jasper hears his tiny voice say

"You feel better now? I don't want you to feel sad on our vacation." Sammy said.

Jasper almost forgot about that. That Sammy thinks that this all just a vacation for him. An that's why he isn't nervous about anything.


Why he's once again happy. An that now, more than anything, he doesn't know.

"Thanks, I was just thinking about something's. Like what I should get a certain somebody for being the best mate ever." Jasper said hoping that he would distract him.

An luckily it did.

"Really! Well you should get something for being the best mate to me!" Sammy said with a bright smile.

Wanting Jasper to get something as well. Wanting him to know as well that he's a good mate, just like him in every way.

Jasper and Sammy did a lot of things together mostly to get Jasper's mind off of the thought. Of either calling them or letting them call him. An it indeed worked that is, until he got a call, one that no one wants.

"We need your help."


Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie and Emmet tried to make it back to Alice as fast as they all could. As soon as they made it some sooner then the others. They all saw Alice as she was waiting for them.

"They were three of them, they were all looking for Sammy. I tried to play it off but I don't know if they bought it." Alice said while walking back and forth, almost in a panic like state.

Trying to think of what else she could tell them.

But then she remember the tattoo the same one as the girl. She had one on his wrist, same as his.

"The tattoo! They had a tattoo like the girl form earlier. This has to be something. What if they're all working together or something?" Alice said.

They all were off, now trying to find something that could help them. Now knowing more about it.

Luckily Carlisle had somehow remembered what exactly the girl had on her wrist. An was now looking through the book.


All the while the others were making sure that no one was around. Or was in hearing range so they couldn't hear what they have found.

Wondering how or why they were all working together just to get one boy.

"I think I found something. But if this is true then we may be in more trouble then we originally thought." Carlisle said while showing them there book page.

An what they read made them scared if this is true then they already know where Sammy and Jasper are. But that also means then, that they both had to come back.

They have to get them because, there is no way that they can fight them without all of them.

That even means somehow getting Bella and Edward on this.

Alice called Jasper and said the one thing that they a dreaded to say.

"We need you back."

"If it's this is bad we may even need Sammy to fight them." Said Carlisle.

Already knowing the reaction that he's going to get from them.

"He can't! He doesn't know how to control it. What if they get to him. He doesn't even know what's happening what happens when he finds out?"

There was more questions then answers. But one thing is certain, is that they need them both.

They need them both in order to protect Sammy.

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