《My Innocent Flower ( Jasper Hale x Maleoc)》Chapter 29: Vacation


Jasper looked to Sammy and whispered something to him before getting up and walking to Alice.

"They're coming and we don't have much time." Alice said while walking up the stairs and packing up.

Knowing that they'll be gone for some time.

"I highly doubt that they bought my lie. I'll hold them off and you take Sammy."

Even though that was the plan already she just seems to be making sure with herself what it was.

But all that Jasper did was nod his head while taking things that Sammy is going to need for the 'vacation'

At least it sounds fun for Sammy.

Jasper came back down and saw that Sammy was still coloring with a happy look on his face. Not knowing what was going on around him.

"Little Flower we're going on a little trip, I've already packed some things." Jasper said while trying to look happy for him.

But in this situation it was hard.

But Sammy looked so happy, and that's all that matters.

He quickly got up and hold out his arms wanting to be held.

An so he did. He picked him up, the bags were already in the car.

Jasper and Sammy were in the car, driving to their 'vacation'

Sammy was singing random songs on the drive.

Though they had to stop as they were both getting hungry. But since Sammy can't go out they have packed some blood knowing this will happen.

Sammy looked to Jasper as he was sitting in the drivers seat. Sammy didn't want to sit down on his own seat. He wanted to sit with Jasper on his lap and drink his blood. Much like they always do when he eats.

So with as much (little) confidence he has he unbuckled his seat belt getting a look from Jasper. He moved closer to him.

"What are you doing?" Jasper asked trying to push him back to his seat to buckle him.

"Want to sit with you." Sammy said with a pout.


Jasper chuckled having a confused look.

"You are sitting with me Flower." Jasper said, while taking a glance at him. Before looking back at the road to not wanting to crash.

"Not like that Jaz!" Sammy whined trying to tell him but not wanting him to say no.

"Then what? Where do you want to sit with me?" Jasper looked at him.

Trying to figure out what it is that he wants, but then he remembered.

Jasper looked to Sammy knowing that it's dangerous to stop the car till they get to their 'vacation' spot. But he also knows that it's even more dangerous to let a vampire go hungry.

"I know you like to sit on my lap but... If you promise to be careful while I drive I'll let you in my lap." Jasper said while stopping for a second.

He moves the seat back some, so that Sammy can sit on his lap. He happily did so quickly, going to his lap and sitting there. More like laying, he then kissed Jasper on his cheek.

He knows it's dangerous to do this, but he's more dangerous while hungry. Plus if everything goes well, and he's driving at this rate.

They should be fine.

They will be there, they have each other. An they have a family, one that will make sure everything is okay.


Sammy was happy to be in Jaspers lap, just laying there as he drove.

Sammy snuggles up to Jasper and kissed him on his cheek happy that he's on his lap.

Jasper looked down to him and smiled happy as well. But he quickly looked back to the road so that they don't crash.

Of course they both know that it's dangerous what they're doing. But Sammy knows that Jasper is a safe driver. He's knows that he'd do anything, to make sure that he's okay.

Sammy didn't know how long they've been driving. But he can tell that they are no longer near the Cullen's. An at that thought he felt a little sad.


Sammy was looking out the window he can see his and Jaspers reflections. He can see his flower crown that never welts. His pretty blue dress that makes him look like a princess.

At that thought he couldn't help but giggle at it. He's glad at he looks like one. Jasper looks down happy that he's happy and giggling but he didn't know why.

"What's so funny little flower?" Jasper asks still looking out to the road.

"I'm a princess!"

Was the only thing that Sammy said.

While holding onto Jasper's shirt while looking up to him. Jasper to smiled at what Sammy said. He looked down for a quick second to see that he did look like princess.

Sammys multicolored rose flower crown that's always on his head.

His light blue dress that has tiny frills at the bottom, that isn't too long or short either.

But Sammy is better then any of those princesses, he may not talk to animals.

Or own an castle but to the nature that's around him that is his castle. And Jasper is happy to say that he's his little princesses king.

"Yeah your a princess. The fairest of them all." Jasper said while giving him a quick kiss.

Happy that no one else is on the road.

In a few more hours they'll be there at there destination. But who knows who else will be there with them.


Sammy was looking out the window at Jasper. As he was filling the tank of the car back up.

By this time, they've been on the road for days. At least that's what it felt like for Sammy.

He rolled down the window getting Jaspers attention and said.

"How much longer? We've been driving for years now."

Jasper couldn't help but laugh at him.

But it's true they've been driving for awhile now, and he's surprised that Sammy hadn't complained much earlier. Though it could have been because he manged to keep him entertained by talking to him.

"Don't worry we'll be there soon and the real vacation can start, just an hour away and we'll be there." Jasper said while kissing Sammy on his cheek.

"Woo hoo! Finally I thought for sure that we were lost!" Sammy said.

While leaning back into the seat happy that they were not lost.

Jasper on the other hand laughed at his antics and the thought that he thought that they were lost.

Once the tank was filled back up he got in. An waited for Sammy to crawl back into his lap. So that they could continue their journey to another place that they'll call home for a little while.

Jasper looks down at his mate and drove off and much like he said. An hour later, and they stopped at a place that they'll call vacation.

It was secluded and out of town so that no one was looking, or would see anything.

There was a little swing that was built into a tree, made for Sammy a while back.

There were also lots of flowers around the place also for Sammy. But there's also something for everyone.

Sammy looked up to Jasper and threw himself at him, much like he does a lot when he's happy about something.

"I love it! So how long are we staying for?" Sammy asked looking back up to him while climbing higher in him.

"For while flower. How about we get unpacked and rest for the rest of the day?"

Sammy nodded his head and climbed off grabbing his stuff and heading inside his vacation home.

'If only you knew.' Jasper thought while grabbing the rest of their things and headed inside. Just seeing how happy his mate is, and safe.

But how long will that last?

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