《My Innocent Flower ( Jasper Hale x Maleoc)》Chapter 28: Day One: Plan


They made a plan, Emmet and Rosalie would go and find Rene since those two work best with each other.

While Esme and Carlisle separately go around and try to see just how many other vampires are around. An how many of those want Sammy.

So far nothing much had come up, Rosalie and Emmet hadn't found anything. But that couldn't be due to Rene traveling all the time her new husband.

Though this may have been a lot easier if Bella was here. She can easily help them. But most of the time she leaves for awhile.

Then she would drop by to see how we are.

Jasper has been trying to distract Sammy from everything. An making sure that he doesn't know what's going on. No one knows how he'll react and none of them, what do if he does.

"Jazzy where are the others? You said they went on a vacation. But how come we aren't with them?" Sammy said.

Pouting at the lack of family bonding, he takes family time very seriously.

"Well Alice is here, what are you talking about?" Jasper tried to joke.

An it worked, but for only a second before he came back to the subject. Jasper says the first thing that came to his mind.

"The vacation is because well they're all couples, and so they want some alone time with themselves because they're couples and...."

Jasper need to work on his lying skills. Even though it pains him every time he does it.

Sammy though bought it and giggled.

"Alone time like us?" He asked.

With adorable confused face, but knowing what he means.

Though Jasper nonetheless was glad that he bought yet another lie of his.

"Yeah like us; don't worry they'll come back soon enough and everything will back to normal well normal-ish." Jasper said.


While going and tickling his stomach and making sure that he's happy. All the while he was in the dark about everything.

They're doing the right thing right? lying to him, well mostly. It's just not telling him what's really going on. It's all in trying to figure out what's going on.

Hopefully they're right about this.

__Day 2__

Rosalie and Emmet couldn't believe it.

There they stood seeing Sammy's and Bella's mom laying on the floor dead.

She was pale and her eyes void of any emotion the once caring eyes of a mother was all gone.

Blood was pooling around her and her chlothes were all ripped up.

Rosalie and Emmet didn't know what to do, they know that they have to tell the others but what are they supposed to tell Sammy?

Rosalie saw Rene's phone on the ground. Seeing all the numbers from when Sammy was trying to get ahold of her.

Emmet was on the phone with Carlisle. Telling him what they have found and to know what to do next. All that Rosalie could was stare at her she didn't know what to do. She knows that she's suppose to look away out of respect but when it's someone that you know it's hard.

"He says to look for anything that might be useful then call the authorities." Said Emmet coming back to his wife.

Rosalie nodded her head, looking around trying to find something, anything. That could help them with what happened here. An hopefully why they would do this. Though they already have an answer to that question.

Rosalie looked around and saw something that looked to be a letter but it was ripped in half. She looked around to try and find the other half. Hoping that it was something that could help them.


"Hey, look at what I found!" Emmet said holding up the other half.

Rosalie quickly ran there and took it from his hands. An what she read, answers so many of there questions.

"They're not related."


Ring, Ring, Ring.

"They found it"


Meanwhile with Carlisle and Esme. They were trying to find anything on who is coming and when.

But so far they haven't found much or really anything at all.

Carlisle was asking old friends if they have heard or noticed anything suspicious. While Esme was looking at the women that attacked earlier. But nothing much was on her, but a strange looking tattoo on her wrist.

But other than that nothing.

Meanwhile Alice was at home with the boys. Though she does a perimeter check around the house, making sure that no one was coming. An if they are, then she'll hopefully won't lose. If a person or persons had come. Shell quickly warn Sammy and Jasper and then Alice will contact the others.

Though all was fine till Alice got stopped. It wasn't one not two, but three men that stopped her.

An she knows that she can't get away, not from three of them.

But she also knows that she can't fight three on one. Alice looks around hoping that she can use something around here but there isn't, there's only forest and trees.

"Tell ys where he is and no one will get hurt." The man in the middle said.

Alice looked at him.

"I'm afraid that I don't know what your talking about can you be more specific?" Alice said.

She won't say anything, she won't betray her family. Nor that boy.

They all looked at her stoned face. Then the one in the middle looked at the others they seemed to talk to each and nodded.

"Where is the boy. It's believed that he lives around here in the forest with other vampires. Now do you know?" The one in the middle said again.

Alice looked up pretending to think. When she saw a strange tattoo on the men's wrist it wasn't exactly hidden and she thought that she saw it before.

Alice looked back up at the men and said.

"I'm afraid that I still didn't know anything. Now if your done I need to get back." Alice says walking away but before she left she was stopped again.

"I should warn you about that boy. What he has is rare, and powerful. But it also isn't the most friendliest of things to be around so I'll watch out. Because at any moment he might betray you."

Alice only nodded her head and ran off. Taking a longer rout home just to make sure that no one was following her.

When she thought she was safe she went home and quickly went to Sammy and Jasper.

Sammy was on the floor coloring with the TV on a show. While Jasper watched him and occasionally looked up to the TV.

But once Jasper looked up and saw Alice he became tensed at seeing her. He knew that whatever happened wasn't good and what she said next confirmed it.

"It's time."

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