《My Innocent Flower ( Jasper Hale x Maleoc)》Chapter 27: Bloody Pills


As soon as they came out of the bath Jasper immediately started drying off Sammy.

Loving the giggles that came out of him. Jasper was glad that he was feeling better but that soon didn't last. Sammy looked down at the ground not giggling anymore as Jasper was drying his hair.

As he was done with the drying he walked over to the cabinets. In the bathroom and took out the medicine that would hopefully work fast enough. But as soon as Sammy saw it he quickly shook his head while looking away. Hoping that it would disappear.

Jasper sighed and kneeled down informs of him.

"You know flower that if you take them the pain would go away a lot quicker." Jasper tried.

But knows that it won't work and indeed he was right. As all that he got was another head shake from

the younger.

Jasper stood up from his kneeling position and looked around. Trying to think of another way to get him to take it. Jasper saw Sammy's baby bottle of blood, and he knew that it would work now.

Jasper walked over to it trying to not make Sammy suspicious. He crushed the pills and quickly put them into the blood, he then shook it and walk back over to him.

"Okay fine don't take it, but at least drink this." Jasper said giving him the baby bottle of blood.

Sammy was happy for not taking the gross medicine, and for getting his yummy bloody drink.

Sammy made grabby hands at him indicating that he wants to be picked up and wanting the drink. Jasper was more then happy to carry him. Once he was holding him in a comfortable spot on his hip.

He walked them over to his T.V. and set them down in front of it. Watching a random cartoon while Sammy drinks the bloody Pills.



Sammy and Jasper were on the couch downstairs, Sammy on Jasper's lap as they were watching T.V.

Sammy thought that it would be better to be downstairs. Considering that he hasn't been down there for awhile now.

Though the only thought on Jasper's mind was lost. As someone threw something at his head. He looks up only to see that it was Alice. He saw the other sock that she had in her hand indicating that she threw the other one.

Jasper knew that the others and him had to talk. There's a lot that they have to figure out. Like what other people are coming, who was that person on the phone, and what exactly happened to Sammy's and Bella's mom.

Jasper gently moved Sammy to the couch knowing though that there's going to be conflict with it. An indeed there was, because Sammy whined and moved back to Jaspers lap. Looking up at him and giving him a rather cute glare.

"Flower I have something to do. Can you please let me up? As soon as I'm done I'll come back I promise."

Sammy looked up to him and thought about it. After some thinking, Sammy held out his pinky and had a pout on himself face.

"Promise?" Sammy whispered out. Jasper held in his smirk and put his pinky out.

"I promise Flower."

Sammy somewhat satisfied slowly moved to the couch and watched as Jasper left out of the view.

As Jasper made it to the kitchen. An knows that, for sure that Sammy wouldn't hear they started their talk.

"Okay so what exactly are we going to do?" Alice said seeing that Jasper was there.

"One or more of us has to see if anything is wrong with Rene. Then the others have to see what we can do about the others that's coming." Carlisle said looking at the others.


"But what about the man on the phone? He's the one that set that fire and nearly killed Sammy, we can't let near him anywhere us." Rosalie pointed out.

Jasper would've said the same thing if Rosalie hadn't got there first. But nonetheless everyone knows and agrees about what they can only do.

Carlisle and the others looked to the living room seeing Sammy. Seeing him still there watching the T.V.

While the flowers caress him from time to time.

"What Now?"

"Now? Now we fight back and make sure that nothing happens."

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