《My Innocent Flower ( Jasper Hale x Maleoc)》Chapter 4: Knowing


Sammy went to bed because Rene told him too. After all, it was a long day of excitement. Rene went into the room where Sammy and her would be staying in.

She wasn't as tired but she does know that the Cullens may want to talk to her about Bella.

"Okay Sammy time for bed baby, you know the drill." Sammy went and sat on the bed knowing that his mother was going to change him like she always does.

And that's exactly what Rene did, she gently unzipped the dress and took it off. Helping him take off his shoes; she then went and grabbed his night gown that he likes to wear while sleeping.

Rene stayed in the room, till she was certain that he was asleep. Once she was, she went and got dressed for bed herself. Before she left she took out a little night light and plugged it into the wall and then left. Leaving the door open, just a little bit.

She went down the stairs and got herself a drink knowing that this will be a long night. Hoping though that it won't be too long.

Esme was the one though to approach her in the kitchen first.

"So did you like the wedding?" She asked trying to break the ice into that conversation.

"It was wonderful I'm truly happy for Bella to have found someone." Rene said truthfully.

Rene thought that she would just be out with it. Knowing that it might actually help her.

"I'm not sure why Bella acts the way she does with Sammy. From what I do remember Sammy was always nice to her. Sure he may act differently but I allow him to.

When I told Bella that I was pregnant with a child she was happy. But from the minute he was born she hated him." Though Rene does have a few thoughts. But she can't say anything, she doesn't have proof. But also knowing that no one can stop it.


"I'm truly sorry for that, I've never seen Bella act out like that." Esme thought to herself out loud.

"She only does that around Sammy, and seemingly when she thinks she's alone. Thinking that no one can hear her." Rene says knowing that she haves to tell them. Especially if she's going to leave him here with them.


As Jasper got back from 'eating out' he couldn't help but overhear their conversation. Not like it was hard to over hear them. Jasper and the others were glad though, that Sammy was staying here for longer than Sammy really thinks.

After Bella had left, they have all talked to Sammy and all have a sort of bond with him.

As Jasper was going to continue listening to the conversation. He heard some sort of soft whimper coming from the area, where Sammy's room was.

Jasper went to the room and opened the door some more. He sees Sammy softly crying, and his masked a little skewered from his face. It wasn't on his mounted on his nose.

Jasper being quick, moved to his side, to put the mask back and comfort him. He quickly went and adjusted him gently, and softly rubbed his arm to try and calm him while petting his hair liking the feeling of it.

Rosalie was walking past the door. Only to see them and lean against the door frame, and smile at them.

Knowing full well that the two were mates of course, it was Alice who told them in the beginning and they were ecstatic of course. But they didn't know about everything, nonetheless they were happy.

They can even see it in Jasper, though he's taking in slow, no one can blame him. The poor thing is still human and with the way he acts (not that anyone cares it's is cute after all) it's a little tricky to know how he will react.


"You know that if you keep staring there might be a chance that he'll wake up right?" Rosalie said knowing full well that it won't really happen.

"You know Rose I thought that you'll be against this I was terrified in a sense that you'll be like when Bella was Edwards bloodsinger."

"Well that's different that was a bloodsinger this is your mate and Bella is being a bitch to your mate. Without having any reason whatsoever." Rose said it was hard for her to watch and hear this.

Imagine how it is for Jasper.

"Trust me I know how you feel. Thanks again for everything." Jasper said.

"What do you mean?" Asked Rosalie.

"For accepting us. For watching him when I went out." Jasper said.

While stroking Sammys face and watching as he gave a smile and leaned into his much colder hand but seemingly noticing.

"Your welcome." She said and left to leave them alone. Fully trusting him that he won't do anything.

Knowing that he won't do anything.

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