《Bangtan's Whore [COMPLETE•BTS OT7]》Chapter 18


Jin's POV


"Don't think I won't!"

At that moment, I knew we had fucked up. I saw the hurt in her eyes as she looked at all of us before she yelled to be killed and I knew she had no intention whatsoever to kill any of us.

We got it all wrong.

The fact she was crying too just cemented the fact we got it wrong. The Siren would never cry. Not unless she was really hurt.

Just then Jungkook growled and stepped away from Siri in frustration, causing her to drop to the floor and rub her neck to breathe.

JK: "I can't fucking do it! Someone else do it!"

Figures. He loves her too much and doesn't want to hurt her.

Yoongi went to step in and aimed his gun at her, although he was slightly hesitant too. She sat up, back against the wall, her hand still on her neck and she looked at him with a blank expression as a single tear slid down her cheek. The light in her eyes was gone. All emotion gone.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

All our heads snapped towards the sound and we saw smoke coming from the kitchen.

RM: "Shit! Someone check it out!"

I watched as Hobi and Taehyung ran into the kitchen to see what happened. I then turned back and noticed Siri was gone. All that was left in her place was Jungkook's shirt that she was wearing.

JM: "She's getting away!"

All of us (except Hobi and Tae in the kitchen) ran outside and watched as Siri was on her motorbike speeding away in just her bra and underwear.

Namjoon started shooting at her which made me and the others widen our eyes in shock. I quickly pulled his arm down so he was shooting at the ground.

"Namjoon! No! Stop!" I shouted.

RM: "She's getting away!"

Jin: "We're wrong about her!"

RM: "She was going to kill us!"

Jin: "No she wasn't! Did you see her face?! Her eyes?! She was hurt and had no idea what was going on! She was crying for fucksake! Have you ever heard or seen the Siren crying?!"


That immediately shut Namjoon up while the others watched us. They all knew I had a point.

JH: "Guys! You might wanna come see this!"

3rd Person POV

All the members stamped back into their house and into the kitchen and dining area. What they saw had them confused and amazed.

There was a bunch of food laid out on the dining table, all wrapped in clingfilm. A bit of everyone's favourite dish could be seen. On the kitchen island was a cake that looked like it still needed to be frosted and on the stove was a burnt lasagne dish- the cause of the smoke and fire alarm going off.

BTS were stunned after looking around.

V: "Noona did all of this for us..." he said as he grabbed the cake and pouted.

JH: "This doesn't look like someone who had plans to kill us..." he said with a guilty look on his face.

Y: "She could be trying to poison us?"

Jin: "Oh come on! Look! Do you really think she would've gone to all this effort to kill us?! She cooked each of us our favourite dish and baked a fucking cake for us! And I thought you said she was going to put bullets in us?!"

The members were silent.

JM: "Guys! Come here!"

Jimin was in the lounge, looking at the pile of wrapped up gifts on the coffee table. He had a card in his hand and opened it up, reading it out loud for everyone.

"To my special Bangtan Boys,

Today marks 100 days together"

All the members' eyes widened in realisation. This was why she planned things for today...

"100 days of you all accepting me and making me the happiest woman in the world.

Thank you for trusting me and giving me a family I never thought I'd have again. You all are my heroes."

Some of the members gulped and guilt filled their chest. They didn't trust her in the end...

"I didn't know whether to tell you all separately or individually... but I thought writing it down in this card would be easier so you all can read it.


I'm in love with all seven of you and I know it's not the norm for one person to date and love seven people but... I'd like to be all of yours... if you all will be mine?

Lots and lots of love,

Your Siren xoxo"

Jimin looked sad as he looked at the gifts on the coffee table. He looked through the gifts and found one with his name on it. Namjoon took the card from Jimin and read it to himself.

Jungkook helped Jimin hand out the gifts and they started unwrapping them.

Gasps and swearing under their breath was all that could be heard in the lounge. They were all speechless. All staring at the wooden box in their hands that had their code-names engraved on the top. They started opening the box and all saw a beautiful golden desert eagle gun, sitting snugly in purple silk with 10 golden bullets sitting just under it.

JK: "Holy shit. She engraved our code-names on the gun!"

Y: "I have to admit... This is the best gift I've ever received..."

Jin: "This is what she was talking about... the wooden box, purple silk, the engravings, the bullets..."

JH: "She never planned on killing us at all..."

JM: "We were very, very wrong about her..."

All the members felt like shit and felt immense guilt. Especially Namjoon, Yoongi and Jungkook.


Everyone looked up to see Taehyung was really upset, crying almost. He punched Jungkook in the face as he was closest and Jimin came up to try calm him down.

V: "YOU THREE RUINED EVERYTHING!" Taehyung glared at Jungkook, Yoongi and Namjoon.

"I knew Noona wouldn't hurt us! I fucking LOVED her!"

Y: "I loved her too! But what the hell were we supposed to think after hearing all that?! You would've thought the same too!"

V: "I would've asked her what she was upto!"

Y: "She's an assassin! She can easily lie!"

V: "HONESTY AND TRUST!" He yelled out.

That immediately shut Yoongi up.

Of course... honesty and trust... the words Serena lives by.

How could any of the members forget?

V: "She would've said something like 'it's a surprise' or 'it's a gift'. Might not be much for us to go on but she probably would've said we will all love the surprise or we'll make good use of our gift. And at least that would've calmed our nerves! Then we wouldn't have been betraying her behind her back! Instead, we could have been looking forward to today rather than planning to kill her!"

Jin: "I knew my instincts were right about her. I hate to say I told you so Namjoon..."

All this time Namjoon was quiet. He hadn't said a word since being outside after trying to shoot Serena as she rode off on her bike.

He sat there just looking at the golden gun in its case on his lap. His 'RIP Monster' name blatantly in front of him.

Namjoon was silently scolding himself and wondering where he went wrong. How could he have been so wrong about her? He also didn't want to admit to himself that he too had fallen for her. And now that he knows that the Siren actually loved them, all of them, made him feel the most guilty out of everyone.

JM: "We should try call her. Tell her we're sorry."

JK: "How? She didn't take anything with her. She took off my shirt and literally left in her underwear."

JH: "Maybe she'll come back? All her clothes and things are here..." he said, all hopeful.

RM: "We broke her heart." He finally spoke up. "Would you come back to us if you were her?"

Hoseok's face dropped then he pouted while shaking his head no.

RM: "Exactly. Let's just hope she doesn't want to kill us after today." He said getting up and heading to his room to put his new golden gun away.

The other members had sullen looks on their faces and also went to put their gifts in their room.

They all came back into the dining room without a word to one another and started dishing up the food their Siren cooked for them.

Regret, guilt and sorrow was all the members felt as they silently ate their food.


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