《The Little Frost Giant》Visitors


Loki started screaming at the Avengers, "HOW COULD YOU GUYS DO THIS!" "SHE IS IN HER ROOM CRYING, AND CALLING HERSELF A MONSTER!" "I KNEW BRINGING HER HERE WAS A MISTAKE!" "WE ARE GOING BACK TO ASGAR-" Astrid started yelling for help, then silence Everyone ran into her room, she wasn't there, it looked liked she was never there, everyone searched until Thor found something, it was red and had a octopus type shape. Steve and Bucky knew what it was. "It's hydra."

Fear came over Loki, he ran out the door in panic! Thor suggested to him to go back to Asgard to find out if Heimdall can see her. Loki was in complete shock he didn't say anything. "J.A.R.V.I.S. Open outside security footage." Tony looked at the footage, he saw the Hydra agents coming up to the window of her room. They used tec that not even Tony had seen before. Tony told Peter "Get Loki, I hate to say it, but we need him to work with us."

Steve asked all the questions, "Bucky, have you seen that tec before?"

"Yes, Hydra was planning to use it to get more agents easily, and to eliminate targets with less witnesses. I don't know how it works."

"Loki, did Astrid have any ability that could make her a Hydra target?"

"She knows a little magic, and as you guys know, her Frost Giant abilities"

Loki asked, "How do they know about Astrid, she's never been to Midgard."

No one knew.

Steve broke the silence " We will start a search, it's still early so we have more time to find her before it gets dark." "Until then we cant do much, she could be anywhere there are hundreds of Hydra base's."


Natasha added, "So we are just going to sit around while a 9 year old is captured, she's not even from around here!" "I think we should have some of the team out undercover, to cover more ground."

Loki Agreed.

Steve responded with a plan, "Okay, Loki, Clint, Wanda, and Natasha, you will be undercover. Sam is our eyes in the sky, Bruce and Tony Figure out what the heck Hydras new tec can do. Bucky and I will figure out how Hydra found out about Astrid. Thor, go find out if Heimdall can see Astrid. Remember, don't let the past get in the way of this.

Peter asked, "uhhh cap, what am I doing?"

"I don't think Astrid likes you very much, but if can let us know of any important updates of the undercover people that would be great!" Steve responded.

I was sitting on my bed when my window looked like someone splatted paint at it. then someone walked in. I screamed for Dad, or anyone at that point. Then nothing, I was passed out.

I woke up in a cell type thing, The walls were concrete, the bed felt like bricks. I haven't even tried the food yet... I just yelled hoping someone would bring me back home. Someone finally came! But they just put me into a room with some other girl. But she started fighting me. I had no armor, I didn't have very many fighting skills, I was better with my magic, but for some reason I couldn't use it. I lost the fight, but instead of going to my 'new room' I got new cloths! They were grey, they looked dirty. They put me in hand cuffs. But they were to tight, My skin was breaking.

The It was lunch time, The food looked and tasted like barf. I wanted to go home, I wanted to see grandma, or even grandpa. I wanted my dad! The rest of the day I was just in my cell. I was talking to my self, I've never done that! I saw people come in and out of there cells, than come back from a room with nothing in there eyes, fully blank. I kept hearing the same 2 words over and over again. "Hail Hydra." What is Hydra! It that were I am!? Sounds like a water bottle company not going to lie. I almost said that out loud when I heard someone, they were saying "Put the new blue agent in the injection room in the morning." What's the injection room? My mind was racing all day.

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