《The Little Frost Giant》Blue


It was a long day for Astrid, so many questions and so much walking. Loki and Astrid practiced everyone's names, so she would know them my morning, they were practicing until 10, which is pretty late for her. When It came time for her to sleep, she was scared to sleep in a different room, away from her dad. Loki read to her, until she fell asleep. He slowly closed her door, and walked into the room with everyone else. "Wow, who would've thought, Loki, being gentle with a child!" Tony remarked. Loki just went to his room, it was to late to make a scene.

I was just laying on my bed looking at the ceiling thinking about today, I should've said more when they continued to ask Astrid so many questions. Maybe I should've kept Astrid on Asgard. I know Astrid didn't like touring the compound with Steve, It looked like she liked the Compound but didn't trust anyone. I think she got that from me.

I woke up, I didn't remember were I was, until I heard Tony. I'm glad dad and I learned everyone's names, when I got up I saw Wanda, and Tony. Tony asked me, "Do you want to watch a Disney movie?" "What is a 'Disney movie' I know what a movie is, but what is Disney?" Probably a weird Midgardian thing. Wanda suggested the movie Frozen, It's about to sisters but one has ice powers. I was sad when Elsa didn't turn blue when using her powers like dad and I do. When I told Tony and Wanda he backed away from me, I wonder why? I saw that Steve was awake, he asked why I turn blue, that was a funny question, It was a simple answer " Dad adopted me when I was little, but I'm from Jotunheim, home of the Frost Giants, I will show you!" Then I showed them and they all backed away, I was confused, why were they scared I would never hurt anyone on purpose. Then Peter Parker walked in and said "Who's the blue monster?" Was I a monster, is that why my biological parents left me, Is that why grandpa doesn't like me? I just ran into my room.


Loki woke up to the avengers talking over each other, he woke up to see what was going on. As he listened from afar, and only made out 4 words, Astrid, Frost Giant, Monster, and Blue. Loki stormed into the room. "WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO!?" Everyone tried explaining at the same time. "WANDA, WHAT HAPPEND?" "Astrid was watching frozen and she told Tony that she was sad 'Elsa didn't turn blue when she used her ice powers', then she explained how you adopted her and how she's from Jotunheim and a Frost Giant." "She decided to show us when peter walked in and asked who the monster." Peter added "I promise I didn't know it was Astrid, if I did I would have never said that!" Loki just looked at everyone, shocked at there actions.

Loki ran to Astrid's room and busted through the door, he saw her in her Frost Giant form looking in the mirror and crying. Normally she would be smiling and trying on different outfits, but now she's in tears. Loki went over to her but she just shouted at him, "GO AWAY I DONT WANT TO HURT YOU, I'M A MONSTER!" Loki's heart broke when she called her self a monster. Loki tried to dry her tears, but she just moved away. Loki sat on her bed but she shouted at him again, "GET OUT I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU, PLEASE LEAVE!" Heartbroken, Loki left her room.

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