《hostage | all of us are dead》chapter 4



"call the police again" nayeon said to onjo

"i dropped the phone..." "how can you drop it?!" "stop fighting, this isn't the time for that" gyeongsu said

"gyeongsu's right" i said before nayeon could speak "besides, the police won't help us, hyeonju was the first zombie, so she went to the hospital, probably the worst place for a zombie to be, so if she bit people there, their priorities will be there"

"she's right" daesu agreed "the worst place for a zombie apocalypse to start has to be hospitals and schools, there's so many people"

onjo looked around, realizing the absence of a certain person

"guys..?" we looked to her "where's suhyeok?"

"he was right behind me..." cheongsan scratched his neck awkwardly

as they begin talking i walked to the door gyeongsu was at, there were still tons of zombies outside the windows that daesu and joonyeong were trying to cover

i looked out, seeing the rope onjo used to break the lock

i gestured to cheongsan behind me

"cheongsan" i whispered, since isak was alive, i thought we should get to the broadcasting room faster

"what?" he stood behind me "if we open the door just a little we can get that rope" "what for?" "we can use it to change rooms, the broadcasting room should be under us, we can throw it out the room and go down one by one" i looked over at him, he nodded

"sounds like a plan, here, ill do it" he moved me out the way, gesturing to gyeongsu to open the door slightly

i watched as he reached his arm out further & further, but the zombie kept hitting it farther away

i went inside the storage part of the room, grabbing the arm cheongsan used in the show, hearing the squeaking of a mouse, i looked towards it and stared into it's creepy little eyes for a second

"hey little mouse, don't bite me please" i waved at it and walked out, poking cheongsan with the arm

"wha- oh, thanks" he nodded as a "thanks" gesture, i looked around the room, taking in everything


i hope i can save them all, my mind wandered to heesu, if only I could've done something about her...

i left into the school's bathrooms after parting from y/n, feeling the sickest i ever been

i would've left to outside the school, but i felt like i couldn't hold it any longer

barging into the girls toilets i sat there, pains hitting me all over, i covered my mouth and bit down on my hand to silence my screams

if only those doctors accepted me, this wouldn't be happening, i wouldn't be giving birth to a fucking baby inside my school

i pushed and pushed, biting harder on my hand, enough to start bleeding

i whimpered, why did this happen to me?!

cheongsan got the rope shortly after, telling the others our plan, jimin and gyeongsu came to help us make knots for our feet

i felt someone's stare on me so i looked up, seeing wujin looking at me, i sent him a smile as he looked away, embarrassed of being caught

finally we're done, cheongsan wujin and gyeongsu go to the window and throw it down

"ill go down first and check if it's safe, if not ill come back" cheongsan said, he hesitated as he looked at me

"actually, gyeongsu, you go first" "what? why? did you see something?" "no, just go first" "why me? wujin? you want to go?" "no" "rock paper scissors?" "no"

i smiled at them and went to sit beside onjo and isak

onjo seemed awkward when i sat next to her, probably because I haven't answered to her confession

gyeongsu went down the rope with some difficultly, seeing ms park in the window as she opened it

he shouted to us that she was there, as cheongsan let the others go down, onjo went as soon as she could, likely to avoid the awkward silence we had been in

after everyone went down, it was only me and cheongsan, i looked behind us to see the zombies banging on the doors, slowly breaking the doors down

i looked to cheongsan as he had began going out, "I'll make sure you're safe when you climb down, okay?" i just nodded, though i wanted to go down first but I didn't say anything


i stood there ready to go down as soon as cheongsan was safe, i could hear the zombies groaning and the door breaking as i tried to keep my breathing steady

you looked down and cheongsan was in the room, but the zombies charged at you with way too much speed for dead things

without thinking i jumped down just as a zombie grabbed me, my heart was beating irregularly as i grabbed onto the rope quickly

as i tightly held onto the rope, i tried to ignore the zombie holding my ankle in favor of calming myself down

i panted with my eyes wide, holy fucking shit!

just then i could a faint voice, it was suhyeok

"what is she doing? y/n!" he shouted "there's a zombie!" "no shit!" i shouted back, moving my leg to try and get it off "kick it off! "what does it look like im doing?!" "wait right there! I'll come to you!"

he was going to jump on me just like cheongsan, oh gosh "don't move!" he shouted "how am i supposed to move like this? im stuck, idiot" suhyeok jumped towards me after a zombie almost fell on him

he held tightly around my chest and stomach as i felt him kick the zombie off of me

"are you okay?" his voice tickled my ears, i felt too flustered to respond "get down" i said, hoping to avoid this moment "what? do you like this? i bet you do" he smirked

the others looked up, noticing I hasn't climbed down yet to see the situation i was in, their hearts burned with jealousy

"this was so much funnier when it was cheongsan" i sighed "huh?"

suhyeok finally climbed down followed by me shortly after

onjo grabbed onto my hand as i climbed in, namra slightly glared at her before looking at me "are you okay?" she whispered "i was worried for you" i tiredly smiled at her "im okay, nothing I couldn't handle"

she nodded and examined my arm, it had hints of zombie blood on it "you don't have any open wounds, do you? i shook my head "i shouldn't" she walked away to a corner of the room

i stood next to jimin and hyoryung, as they took notice of the computer in the room and used Facebook to see the situation outside

but then the rope started hitting the window, meaning that the zombie was gonna be on it soon, i stared it until it broke the window and the zombie got stuck

some of the others went up to try and kick it off with a mop, suhyeok grabbed the mop from gyeongsu, i stood next to him and backed him away right before suhyeok could accidentally hit him in the face

he looked at me surprised when i took his hand, but looked away with faint redness on his ears

i let go and turned away, seeing nayeon in the corner with a frown

i go next to her and sit down and watched with her as suhyeok stabbed the zombie with the mop, but it wasn't letting up, so gyeongsu grabbed the computer and threw it at the zombie, watching as it crashed to the ground

i stared at the baby in my hands, i was done, finally, i wrapped it in a blanket i kept in my bag, about to place it on the floor when the bathroom doors slammed open, i could hear two people breathing heavily as they took shelter in a stall beside me

"what was that?!" a feminine voice said

"i don't know, are you okay? did they get you?" i couldn't see it but the girl nodded

"it hurts a little, they didn't get me deep, i think im okay"

silence took over, but a couple minutes later the door opened again

"fuck" i heard a voice call, "that was bullshit" the girl sighed and went into the other stall beside me

i stood still with the baby in my arms, what did they mean by "did they get you?" and why are they hiding?

now that it was quiet, and i wasn't focused on getting a baby out of me, i could hear faint screams, what was going on out there?


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