《Behind the mask》No Masks


Summer had been great, the release from school allowing everyone to finally relax. Hiccup had split his time between settling his Dad in a new home, working with Gobber and spending his time with Astrid, which was the high point of every day.

Stoick had been assessed by doctors and psychiatrists and they had determined that he had partial memory loss from the head injury he had sustained in the crash five years earlier and though he had recalled who his son was. he had lost a lot of the drive and initiative that had characterised his former personality. He got on well with Gobber, reminiscing, drinking and visiting various old haunts but the verdict had been that he would never be really able to resume his role as CEO of Dragon's Edge Travel. He was able to live in the neat house that Hiccup bought him and Gobber had moved in to be with his friend...much to the amusement and despair of Hiccup when he visited, finding the place decorated in Viking colours with beer cans all over the floor and a fridge stocked with slabs of meat and ale and mead. Hiccup's housewarming present had been a painting of younger Hiccup and his parents-the same image he gave his mother at Thanksgiving-which had pride of place over the fireplace and his eyes always lingered on the images of the little family: it was definitely his finest work, no matter what the State-wide Scholarship committee had said. But after he tripped over a beer can, he rolled his eyes had admitted defeat over the house: his Dad was home and his own man. He had to respect his choices.

Hiccup remained with the Hoffersons, because he didn't really want to leave Astrid and he would be moving out anyway when he left for Archipelago University in the Fall. A huge part of him never wanted to move away from the haven of safety he had found but he knew he would need to move on...and Astrid, who was also going to Archipelago U with him, was moving with him. She was working in the Meade Hall restaurant as a waitress a couple of evenings a week, despite Martin's initial objections, because both Astrid and Hiccup had argued that real world work experience was invaluable for Astrid...both as a means of earning money and as a way of exerting her independence.

In the last couple of weeks, Hiccup surprised Astrid and booked them into the Raven's Point Lodges, a series of individual chalet cottages in the secluded holiday park west of Berk. Astonished and delighted-Astrid had accepted and they had spent the days together, walking, swimming, playing ping-pong or sketching. Astrid had gone jogging and Hiccup had gamely followed, though she had easily outpaced him...but he had astonished her when they were swimming, for he was lithe, skilled and very fast. But swimming was almost the only time she saw him near-naked: his lean shape was lightly muscled but he was horribly conscious of his scars, especially over his back and arms. Astrid was a good swimmer as well and they played in the water for hours, splashing, floating or cuddling.

One night, just before the end of their break and after a very heated make-out session, Hiccup had pulled back from a very grasping and eager Astrid, knowing there was a real risk he wouldn't stop. Astrid lay back, breathing hard, her azure eyes dark with desire.

"Babe," she whined, "please..." He sat back, breathing hard and staring at her beautiful face. He knew he was flushed bright red and really really wanted to continue...but he actually loved Astrid and sometimes, that meant saying no.


"Milady, I think we both need to slow down," he said, breathing hard.

"Aww...we're both eighteen and graduated," she whined, staring up at him longingly. "We're old enough to drive and join the army. Please, babe...make love to me..." He caught her grasping hands and kissed them tenderly.

"You know...if we actually do make love...I will have to drive away and join the army to evade your father with a hunting rifle..and mine with an axe!" he told her with admirable sarcasm. She stared into his caring emerald eyes and huffed, slowly sitting up.

"Why is it the bad boy is the voice of reason...but Miss Perfect is the one wanting to misbehave...?" she sighed, running her fingers through her dishevelled golden hair. He smirked and kissed her tenderly on the lips.

"I'll give you a clue," he murmured. "I'm not as much of a bad boy as advertised. And I love you too much to ruin your life. Gods, I have ruined pretty much everything else in my life. So we need to wait until we're ready..." Astrid sighed and leaned against him.

"I know, babe," she sighed, "but I just really love you." He sighed and rose, getting them a drink and leading her out onto the balcony, overlooking the Raven's Point cliffs.

"Sit with me," he murmured, his lopsided smile sending a thrill through her chest. The day had been hot but there was a slight breeze and the temperature was dropping a little as the evening progressed. The sun was gleaming over the sea as it dipped lower in the west. Hiccup smiled, his face more freckled than usual and lightly sun-kissed, his dark auburn hair tousled with a couple of small braids behind his right ear that Astrid had put in. He was relaxed in knee-length red and forest green tartan swimming shorts with a deep red T-shirt while Astrid was sitting in an azure bikini with a cobalt blue sarong wound around her waist. She smiled as well as she sat beside him on the wicker love-seat.

"You know, this is perfect," she admitted. "I really never imagined this when I thought about what I was doing after school."

"Me neither...because I knew what would happen," he told her gently. "The day I graduated, I was going to be out on the streets, thrown out by Alvin...but it all happened so much sooner...and my life changed so much those two days I was homeless..." He sighed. "But it brought me to you."

"Thank the Gods my father insisted I did Art," she sighed. "If he hadn't..."

They both fell silent, knowing the end would have been the tragedy that Hiccup just avoided. "You know I love you," he told her and she gave a soft smile, her eyes softening at the words. He never hesitated to say them, never took them for granted...and she knew he only ever said what he meant. She nodded.

"I love you too," she sighed. "And I actually don't want anyone else. You're not perfect...but you are smart and brave and caring and so damned hot..." He gave a self-conscious smile.

"While you are the brilliant, beautiful and ferocious Astrid Hofferson," he said in wonder. "And I cannot believe that you are my girlfriend. Gods, I have bruises from where I have to pinch myself to check I'm not dreaming..."

"I can always punch you..." she offered with a grin.


"What is it with you and violence, Milady?" he asked seriously. She pecked a kiss on his cheek.

"Oh, I have to keep my men in line," she said smugly. A flash of uncertainty flickered in his emerald gaze and he looked worried.

"Men? Plural? Oh Gods, she's about to..." he said in a panicked voice, only half-joking.

"You are more than man enough for me now...and always," she purred, nuzzling against him and he wrapped an arm around her, pressing his lips to her forehead and relaxing a little.

"Thank Thor," he sighed. "Because I wanted to give you something and it wouldn't really have worked if you were about to dump me..."She punched his shoulder hard and he yelped, but his emerald eyes were twinkling with humour.

"You are never getting away from me," she told him firmly.

"Oh-kay...scary stalker girlfriend on the loose again..." he said with a grin then fished in his pocket and pulled out a box.Her azure eyes widened.

"Babe?" she asked in a shaky voice. He turned to face her and dropped to a knee.

"Astrid-you are the most amazing and beautiful person I know," he said sincerely. "You hid it behind your mask of being Miss Perfect but when you let yourself be you, you are the most caring and smart and decisive and...and wonderful woman. And I know I have a troubled past, I know I have a lot of issues to work past...but I will never love anyone like you, even if I searched for a thousand years."

He opened the box to reveal a ring with an azure blue stone on a white metal band. Mouth opening in a soundless 'oh' and eyes growing round, she stared at the ring then back into his gentle emerald gaze.

"Of course, I'm never going to be buff or brash but I will always love you, Milady...Astrid..." he began.

"Yes," she murmured.

"And of course, this isn't a proper engagement because I haven't got the courage up to ask your Dad...and I do know he has a hunting rifle because I've seen it...but this is a promise that we will get engaged, that I want to marry you with everything I am and everything I have." He looked deep into her eyes. "Will you, Milady?"

She nodded, tears in her eyes.

"Y-yes..." she whispered. "Gods, yes!" She could barely contain herself as he slid the ring onto her hand, then flung herself onto him, kissing him passionately, hands roaming all over him. Breathing hard, she nuzzled against him. "Are you sure this isn't some master plan to get me into the sack?" she murmured.

"Not official yet," he mumbled, breathing hard. "Still the voice of reason...just..."

She burst out laughing, kissing him lightly and rising. "Come on, lover boy...we need to get showered before we head out for supper." He stared after her as she sashayed back into the chalet and sighed.

"Thor, what have I gotten myself into?" he grinned and scrambled after her.


The leaves were turning and the temperature already dropping when the new year started at Archipelago University. The campus on Dragon Isle was packed with Freshmen, milling around, finding their rooms and locating classes. The gang from Berk High were all going, with Heather and Fishlegs, Ruff and Tuff, Eret, Cami and Snotlout all registered for courses...along with Astrid on her Physical Therapy course and Hiccup doing Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Art.

After settling in, most of the gang headed down to the main canteen for the Freshman 'Meet and Greet' social, meeting other students from their courses as they arrived and grinning in welcome to new friends and old. Snotlout was already bonding with the other Football players and flirting with the giggling girls when the doors opened and two final figures entered.

One was a tall, lean young man with tousled auburn hair, two small braids sticking out from behind his ear and emerald eyes sparkling with happiness. His lightly freckled face was open and hopeful, his hand twined with that of the beautiful blonde young woman at his side, her bright azure eyes filled with determination. She moved with confidence, the ring on her left hand worn with pride as she snuggled up to the young man at with her, a proud smile on her face as the others introduced themselves to the two newcomers. The young man wrapped his arm around her protectively and she smiled contentedly.

"Hi," she introduced herself when it was her turn, snuggling into his leather jacket. "I'm Astrid Hofferson and this is my boyfriend Hiccup Haddock!" Hiccup gave a wide, lopsided grin, seeing his friends .

"Hi," he said cheerfully. "I'm glad to be here. Really. Because last year I was nobody and nothing with a group of friends who just wanted to cause trouble and almost no home to speak of and now...because of Astrid...I have the best girlfriend ever, great friends and family and a future with the woman I love." She smiled and gazed up at him.

"And I am only here because Hiccup made me realise that if I wanted to be happy, I had to be myself and stand up for myself, not simply hide behind the mask of the perfect daughter my parents wanted," she added. "I owe him everything." The two sat down by their friends, snuggling together affectionately as the group chatted and caught up with their summers. It was obvious from the way Ruff was checking the male company on offer and the attentive way Eret and Tuff were talking that the big Footballer had finally got the nerve up to have the difficult conversations with both the twins. Astrid knew that Ruff had been hurt and embarrassed initially...and finally philosophical.

"Who knew I'd be beaten to the man of my dreams by my brother," she had sighed...and then she had brightened up. "Still...there are all those dreamy College Football players..."

A gentle kiss from her boyfriend drew Astrid back to the present. Martin had finally accepted that she wanted to try the degree of her choice and had supported her anyway...though she intended to work as well...just in case. Now she was growing up, Astrid wanted to plan her own life, to make her own mistakes...and her own friends. Including one very special auburn-haired guy who was leaning very close to her, his lips curved in a gentle smile.

"You okay, Milady?" he murmured. She nodded.

"I just realised hardly anyone knows me," she said. "No pressure, no expectation, no image..." He grinned and shook his head slightly.

"This time, no masks, no pretence," Hiccup said gently. "Sarcasm is still allowed, of course-or I may implode-but be yourselves." He nodded at Eret, who was sitting by Tuff, sharing a joke and Ruff and Cami, who were eyeing up the other Freshmen in the room, looking at the possibilities and comparing notes.

"Well said, cuz," Snotlout said cheerfully, eyes fixed on the keg of beer. "Now let's get out there and enjoy this!" Hiccup glanced into Astrid's eyes as they rose to go with their friends.

"You okay, babe?" she murmured. "You know I'm ridiculously proud, right?"

"Of course, my love," he smiled, taking her hand. "Let's go, Milady. the future awaits-together."

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