《Behind the mask》Prom Night


The Prom had been magical and way beyond what Hiccup had imagined...though he wasn't sure what he had been expecting. Prom had never been something that had really featured on his radar because pretty much all of High School had been trying to avoid Alvin, messing around and planning how to escape and get his Mom away. He sighed: his Mom was free now, even though he had failed.

Astrid nudged him, her eyes concerned. "You okay, babe?" she murmured. "You looked zoned out." He gave a pained smile.

"Miles away, Milady," he admitted. "I...um...never really imagined I would come to Prom. I think I'd accepted being thrown out by now. And to actually be here with a date..."

"A date?" she asked teasingly.

"Okay, the most wonderful magical smart beautiful amazing..."

"Keep 'em coming!" she smirked. He leaned close to her.

"Girl I love," he murmured. "Thor, what am I actually supposed to do at a Prom anyway?" She grinned.

"Look good..."

"Not sure I can manage that," he muttered, gesturing self-deprecatingly. "Too much raw Vikingness...".

"Stick by me, dance with me, fetch me drinks..."

"Oh Thor, can I change my mind? This sounds like hard work!" he grumbled, though he was smiling. She kissed him.

"It's okay, Hiccup," she said as they emerged from the car and linked arms. "And too late anyway..." He gave a long-suffering look.

"Yes, Milady," he smiled as they walked into the gymnasium, greeted by Anna and Olaf who were manning the door. The others followed and Astrid's proud smile lit her face as she led them in. Music was already playing as the friends all looked around and laughed then headed for the drinks and-in Snotlout's case-the buffet.

Hiccup proved to be a reluctant but skilled dancer, light on his feet and agile. Astrid had grinned as his left hand had closed around hers and his right hand had gently grasped her waist. Her eyes widened as she gently rested her left hand on his shoulder and allowed him to swirl her around, guiding her gently and carefully as they swayed to the music. Ruff and Tuff bounced and head-banged wildly and Cami was also enthusiastic, dancing without abandon with Eret and Snotlout while Heather and Fishlegs danced sedately together, talking in a low voice. Astrid allowed herself to be spun again, the warm hand gently finding her waist, pulling her close and staring deeply into her wide eyes.

"You truly are the most beautiful woman here," he murmured and she smiled as the music slowed and they swayed to a halt. Hesitating, she lifted a hand to gently run her fingers through his almost neat auburn hair then rose on tiptoes and kissed him passionately. His arms wrapped tightly around her, his lips locked on her for an aeon...until the sounds of cheering and clapping broke into their private world. Astrid looked up as they broke apart and blushed, burying her face in his chest. He nuzzled into her golden hair for a moment and then looked up as pretty much all of the Senior Year were surrounding them, whooping and whistling. He looked up and grinned, emerald eyes sparkling with chagrin.

Ruff, Cami and Heather grabbed Astrid and dragged her away, giggling as Hiccup rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment and scooted towards the drinks table, getting himself and Astrid a non-alcoholic 'punch'. He drank his cup and refilled it, glancing across the table and seeing Eret hanging around the drinks.


"You look like you need something stronger," Hiccup commented. Eret lifted his honey-brown eyes and sighed.

"Don't suppose you've got anything?" he asked grimly. Hiccup frowned and moved closer to the tall, buff Footballer, then shrugged.

"Sorry... might have smuggled some bourbon in earlier on in the year but I'm kinda being a good boy now," he apologised. "But you don't look like you're having a good time, to be honest." Eret sighed.

"I'm not," he admitted, his eyes drifting over the twins, eyes lingering... Hiccup handed him a cup.

"Why did you come with Ruff?" Hiccup asked him evenly. "You've only gone and given her hope..." Eret shook his head, leaning a hand on the table and remained silent for a long time.

"She asked me," he sighed. "And I..." Hiccup walked to him and stared at the larger teen.

"Look, I'm no one to give advice but I know that lying almost broke Astrid and me apart," he said evenly. "It caused...terrible pain. I thought I had lost her, that I couldn't trust her...because the lie got worse the longer it was kept. And one day, you will have to tell Ruff that you aren't interested. That you were never interested. And that is going to hurt her because I know she wants more and she thinks this is a sign that she has a chance."

"I know..."

"Eret...you need to tell her," Hiccup said, grabbing another drink for Astrid. "She'll be unhappy to start with...but then at least you can take off your mask and be yourself." He shrugged.

"I-I know you are right," Eret admitted. "But I..."

"Look-School is almost over," Hiccup told him. "You don't need to worry about popularity or anything like that. I can't tell you what to do, Eret but just...think about it, okay?" Eret nodded, then grabbed a drink and headed back to Ruff. Hiccup stared after him and sighed, heading back toward Astrid. "Please-do the right thing..." he murmured under his breath.

The evening carried on with more dancing and laughing and joking. Astrid and Hiccup danced again and again...between times sitting with their friends and laughing and joking. Astrid was voted Prom Queen and Snotlout Prom King-hardly unexpected-but Astrid had accepted the accolade and had her picture taken, though her eyes were on her boyfriend the whole time. He contentedly wrapped his arms around her and she swatted him on the shoulder.

"I'm a Queen, you know!" she reminded him smugly and he quirked an eyebrow.

"I apologise, Milady," he hummed and backed off, then gave a decorous bow, taking her hand and kissing it. She blushed as he looked up, emerald gaze cheeky. "Please don't send me to the dungeons..." She beckoned him closer.

"Come here, you scoundrel!" she commanded and he straightened up from his bow, eyes sparkling.

"Hmm...I like scoundrel...but it feels rather...undeserved..." he mused. "I may have to do something to earn being called a scoundrel..." Then she grabbed his shirt and pulled him close, kissing him gently and his eyes closed for s second. "Hmm...I could get used to it," he confessed.

"Ewww...get a room!" Cami groaned but Heather was just smiling, sitting in Fishlegs's lap. Anna and Olaf wandered up and joined the group, bringing a plate of snacks with them. Snotlout grabbed a handful, his eyes lighting.


"Astrid-well done...awesome Prom!" he mumbled, mouth full. The girl smiled and looked round.

"My whole team helped," she said graciously. "We all made it a success..."

"What are they doing here?" Ruff asked as Lilah and Savannah arrived, both in fabulous gowns and with dates that Snotlout and Tuffnut recognised as Meathead Footballers.

"More importantly, what are they doing here?" Snotlout growled, eyeing the Meatheads.

"Non-BH students aren't allowed," Astrid said, getting up and heading for Mr Johann, who was present as a chaperone and supervisor.

"And I thought they were still suspended," Ruff added, snuggling against Eret. Tuff scowled as he recognised one of the Running Backs from the losing Meathead Team.

"And they shouldn't be here at all..." he scowled. He patted Fishlegs's arm and Eret got up as well as Astrid reached the Principal. Lilah pointed a finger and screeched.

"You made her Prom Queen?" Everyone turned to glare at her. "What has she ever done for you?"

"Yeah, baby-you'd be much better..." he companion said. Snotlout rose and walked towards him.

"What're you doing here, Geir?" he growled. "This is for BH students only!"

"I'm Lilah's guest!" Geir snarked. Hiccup grinned.

"Well, she's suspended so not allowed here anyway," he commented. Geir instantly turned on him.

"Well, if it isn't Limpy the Viking!" he sneered. Hiccup rolled his eyes.

"You use a name one damned time..." he sighed. "Meathead Academy ban you from your own Prom for being a loser?" he sneered and glared at the much buffer and taller student.

"Who're you calling a loser?" Geir snarled, advancing on Hiccup. The emerald-eyed boy folded his arms and gave a cocky smile.

"Well, I'm not the one crashing another School's Prom," he snarked. "Wassamatter? No friends at your own to go with? Or maybe they don't want a LOSER there!"

"You're gonna pay for that!" Gear shouted and threw himself at Hiccup...but he dived aside and the twins popped up, flinging the remaining food at the intruders...while Cami flung the whole fruit salad at Lilah. The girl shrieked as slices of peach, mango and pineapple clung to her shimmering deep sapphire gown and piled in her hair. Savannah howled, grabbed a handful of pizza and flung it back before she was hit in the face with a plate of tortilla chips. Hiccup backed away, seeing Snotlout and Eret leap onto the Meatheads. Immediately, a brawl broke out as a couple more Meatheads entered. The rest of the team flew in and Ruff and Cami pounced on Savannah and Raylee.

A hand grabbed Hiccup and he spun, his eyes wide and fist rising to protect himself...but Astrid hauled him out of the way of the fight as the remaining food began to fly.

"Hands down, mister!" she snapped. "You are not getting into any brawls!" He shrugged.

"Not my thing, to be honest," he admitted, ducking back behind the Principal. "Allergic to being hit, Milady!" Mr Johann rolled his eyes.

"I think...I may have to call it a night,' he sighed. "Go home, Miss Hofferson, Mister Haddock...I think the Prom is over!" Hiccup grabbed Astrid's hand and nodded to Johann.

"Thank you, sir-I'll get her home safely!" he grinned and pulled her past the brawl, seeing Snotlout and Geir slugging it out. They had almost made the door when someone grabbed Astrid's free hand...

It was Lilah...soaked, her dress ruined, fruit in her expensively-styled hair and mascara trailed down her furious face.

"Where do you think you're going, bitch?" she hissed. Astrid turned to face her.

"Home with my boyfriend," she sneered.

"That....worthless treacherous little rat!" Lilah spat.

"Hey...you were happy to chase me when you thought there was something in it for you!" Hiccup put in.

"Hey! No one insults my boyfriend except me!" Astrid growled, her fists clenched.

"Well, that makes me feel so much better!" Hiccup added.

"You're welcome to him...because my boyfriend can beat his ass into a pulp!" Lilah shouted.

"Not a mental image I ever wanted really..." Hiccup grumbled.

"Well, you think you can take me, skank?" Astrid challenged Lilah and the girl screamed and threw herself forward, her fists swinging. Astrid ducked and Hiccup found a glancing blow catch him on the chin. He stumbled back as Astrid caught Lilah's wrist, snapped it back and as the girl was shrieking bloody murder, Astrid punched her full in the face.

Lilah stared at her, then collapsed back, senseless. Hiccup's eyes popped wide.

"Remind me not to annoy you, Milady!" he said and ducked as a chair flew overhead. "Um...we may need to leave now before the cops arrive..." Astrid stared at him.

"Why would the cops arrive, Hiccup?" she demanded. He pointed.

"Because the Gym is on fire?" he suggested, then walked to the fire alarm, smashed the glass and pressed the button. "And they always come for fires at public schools..."

"Thorstons..." Astrid growled as Hiccup hauled her through the door. There was a stampede of students heading their way and he dragged her towards the road, laughing as she whined at the discomfort of her heels as they dashed out of the front gate. She stared at him...and then burst out laughing. He grinned at her, his hair tousled and chin lightly marked by Lilah's punch.

"What?" he asked. She hugged him and stared up into his confused face.

"Babe-is it always going to be like this? Running away from every party we go to together?" she teased him. He shrugged.

"Hey...not my fault Lilah decided to crash the Prom!" he protested.

"But you had to call them losers!" she pointed out. He smirked.

"Takes one to know one!" he pointed out with a grin. She shivered and he immediately stripped off his tux, draping it chivalrously round her shoulders and pulling her close. "Shall we go home, Milady?" he asked her gently. She leaned against him, her hand finding his, fingers entwining with his and she sighed happily.

"There's no one I'd rather go home with," she grinned as they headed down the road, heading along the familiar route home.

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