《Behind the mask》Best friends last a lifetime


The day of the Prom dawned bright and sunny and Astrid just rolled over in bed and pulled the pillow over her head. The others were coming over to get ready but she was really minded to stop them...because she had decided she wasn't going. There was no way on Midgard that she was going to turn up to Senior Prom with no date, with no explanation and the pity of the entire year for poor Astrid. The thought of Lilah and Savannah and Raylee and Anna all looking at her like that...it just wasn't even worth thinking about. She wasn't going to do it.

She dragged herself up and had breakfast and a lazy shower, skimming her homework and recalling Hiccup's advice: if she got top grades, it gave her power. And, Gods above, he had been right. Her straight A average, despite everything, had her Dad listening to her, had him agreeing to her worries and promising to let her choose her own course at college. She suspected her Mom may have been behind it-especially after hearing about the attack by Dogsbreath. Perhaps some little good would come out of this horrible disaster...though she still felt like her heart was broken. They way he had pulled away from her, the expression on his face...the hurt in his voice...she had shattered whatever they had got and she guessed there was no way of sticking it back together...no matter how good or skilled he was at engineering.

Ingrid got her to help her prepare some snacks for when the girls arrived and after Astrid had managed to turn salsa into tar and over boil some lemonade, she had sat the girl down and stared into her face.

"Astrid, whether he comes back or not, you have to go on," she said sternly. "I raised my daughter to be brave and strong."

"But it hurts so much...here..." Astrid said wretchedly, her hand flat on her chest.

"And do you think he hurts any less, daughter?" she asked firmly. Astrid blinked, her eyes shining. She shook her head.

"But I hurt him..." she sighed. "I never realised how much damage I would do..." Ingrid stroked the bangs off her face and sighed again.

"I know," she admitted. "But you can't hide. Come Monday, everyone will know. So why not face it with your head held high and your friends at your side? At your age, relationships come and go. There are fights and misunderstandings. The good relationships endure despite those and those not meant to be burn bright then fade out like embers in a fire. I like Hiccup, Astrid. I think he will be a fine man...and I think he cares for you. But only he can decide what he wants. But be ready for him...just in case..."

"I supposed you're right, Mom," Astrid sighed and ran her hands through her hair. "So I guess I ought to start getting ready?"

"I believe your friends are coming over soon," Ingrid grinned. "And I still have some snacks to make!"

Astrid was partway through braiding her hair as the bell rang and she heard her Mom open the door...and then there was the thunder of the feet stampeding up the stairs. "AST!" Heather, Cami and Ruff screamed as one as they erupted into her room. She swung round, still braiding her hair and fashioned a wan smile.

"Hey, guys," she said tiredly.

"Oh, she looks rough," Cami commented immediately.


"What?" Ruff asked.

"Astrid looks really...not Astrid," Heather translated.

"Well, why did you say my name?" Ruff asked, confused.

"Your name isn't Ruff, Ruff, it's Raquel," Cami reminded her.

"It's not Ruff Ruff either-it's just Ruff," Ruff argued.

"So...Just Ruff now?" Heather smirked.

"Is that one word or hyphenated?" Cami sniggered. "Miss JustRuff Thorston..."

"What? No-it's not JustRuff, it's just Ruff!" Ruff protested.

"Girls...you carry on and her head will melt," Astrid commented dryly, braiding a handful of her hair snaking round the left side of her head to meet with the main braid.

"Oooh-I like that!" Heather said. "That is so cool!" Astrid smiled.

"I have been thinking about it since Hiccup asked me," she said without thinking...and then her face fell.

"Look, Ast...he's a smart guy...he'll come back," Cami told him firmly. But Astrid just stared in the mirror and sighed.

"Or maybe he's smart enough to realise I'm not worth it," she sighed. "I mean...he's hot, he's rich, he's gonna graduate...girls are falling over themselves to catch his eye now...when they would have spat on him in the street the week before!"

"Hiccup is smart enough to see through them," Heather reassured her. "You liked him, you went out with him and helped him when he had nothing, when he was nobody. He's not about to throw you over now he's had some good fortune. That's not who he is..."

"But the problem is, he doesn't know who I am...or who he thinks I am," she protested, reaching for her makeup bag. Ruff looked round the girls and they enclosed her in a huge hug.

"You're our bestie forever, Ast," the female twin said gently. "And you can always keep Tuff company...he hasn't got a date..."

"I cannot be your twin's date!" Astrid snapped, pulling a face. "Ewww-that would be like dating you..."

"Yeah, that would be creepy!" Heather agreed. "But go as a group, gang. Friends forever, okay?"

"YAY!" the others said.

"Now...do we want to be undressed when the guys arrive?" Cami asked and whacked Ruff who was pulling a thinking face. "JustRuff-the answer is NO, by the way..."

In the end, Ruff was in her off-the-shoulder pewter satin gown, Cami was in pale pink classic short-sleeved ballgown, Heather wore deep navy blue full-skirted dress and Astrid had a form-fitting azure silk gown. Her hair was elegantly braided over her left shoulder and Hiccup's little dragon pendant hung at her throat. Simple aquamarine studs were in her ears and her bag and shoes were gold. Martin and Ingrid gave the girls snacks and took photos to record the moment for posterity. Astrid nibbled a guacamole and prawn cracker while the others enjoyed cheese-tortilla salsa dips as they waited for the boys.

And then the bell rang. Ingrid gave the girls an excited thumbs-up before she owned the door...and stared.

"Astrid...I think you need to come here," she said in a shocked voice. With a sigh and roll of her eyes, Astrid put her snack down and stomped to the door, a scowl on her face. She arrived with a huff...and then she stopped and her eyes widened, sweeping over the tall shape facing her.

Hiccup was resplendent in fitted black tux and dress pants, black patent lace-up evening shoes on his feet. He had a white dress shirt, an emerald bow tie and a blue and green corsage in his hand. His hair had been combed and washed and looked almost-but not quite-neat, though the choppy style suited him well. There was a soft smile on his lips.


"Evening, Milady," he said gently. "I hope you're still free to go to the Prom?"

She stared at him and swallowed.

"I'm sorry I didn't call but I really needed to think about things and decide what mattered," he told her, staring into her astonished face. "Um...have I grown a second head?" He patted his shoulders with his free hand. "Nope, still okay. Can I come in? Astrid" Astrid?" He snapped his fingers in front of her face, waved his hand and glanced beyond her at the others. "Um...little help here?" he asked.

"Nope-you broke her, you fix her!" Cami chuckled at the motionless girl. The female twin was more practical.

"Just kiss her already!" Ruff said in an exasperated voice.

"If you insist," he shrugged, pulling Astrid close, tilting her head up and planting a very firm and passionate kiss on her mouth. There was a pause for a heartbeat..and then she finally responded, her hands sliding up his arms to his shoulders and his slid to her waist as they continued with no signs of stopping.

The click of a camera sounded.

"Gottit!" Martin said softly as they two finally broke apart, blushing.

"Dad!" The word was reproachful.

"Can we have a quiet word?" Hiccup asked her and she nodded, leading him gently into the kitchen. She silently closed the door and leaned against it as he laid the corsage down on the kitchen table. She looked worried.

"You came back," she whispered. He nodded.

"Um, yeah...I promised," he said quietly. She closed her eyes. So this was just duty, a promise, not because he really wanted to be with him. She felt her breath hitch and she felt her heart drop to the pit of her stomach.

"I...understand..." she said tonelessly. She sighed.

"Astrid, please look at me," Hiccup said and she took a breath, then opened her eyes. "What do you see?" She inspected him. What did she see? A tall, still lean young man with a messy auburn mop that had been partially tamed, sparkling emerald eyes, a gentle, hopeful face. A boy who had lost his parents far too young and endured abuse, homelessness and an attempt on his life. He had been threatened, beaten, ostracised and bullied. But he had survived, he had grown and he had become the amazing, smart, sarcastic, determined boy she loved. Sure, he had a troubled past and was probably still a bit of a bad boy...but she didn't want to be without him.

"Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third," she said honestly.

"You are one of about four people who know that...and it's only four if Gobber isn't drunk," he said. "But what do you see?"

"The man I love," she said simply. "But that's not enough, is it?"

"Can I tell you what I see?" he asked her gently, walking towards her. She nodded, though she was scared of the answer. "Are you afraid?" Mindful of her promise to be honest with him, she nodded. "Good. I wouldn't have believed anything else. I see a beautiful, smart, clever, brave, determined young woman. I see someone who bows to pressure to conform and be what she is expected to be...no matter what she has to do to achieve that. I see a girl who has struggled with the burden to meeting expectations. I see a young woman who took me in when I was in my direst danger and gave me a home ever since, helping me through my worst times. I see someone who withheld the truth from me when she should have told me...and told me when she didn't need to, because she didn't want to lie any more. because she wanted there to be no secrets with us, even knowing that it could be catastrophic."

Astrid sighed. This was it.

"Gobber told me that the best friends last a lifetime. He was thinking of my Dad. And Dad loved Mom and always called her his best friend. I think his loss broke her. You are my friend...and I love you. And I want to trust you because I truly believe you won't lie again to me. But if you love someone, you love all they are...including their flaws and their weaknesses. And I have plenty of those myself, Milady. And I would hope the woman who loves me would be understanding of a guy with world-class sarcasm, some trust issues and who still flinches when someone bigger than him makes any sort of move against him.

I love you, Astrid. You are my best human friend. So I am forgiving you. But please...never lie to me again. I'm not sure my heart could stand it..."

She stared at him in shock...then flung herself against him and buried her face in his chest. He hugged her close for a long moment, then offered her a piece of kitchen roll to wipe her eyes.

"You may have broken your mascara," he sighed.

"Panda eyes," she sighed. "I'll fix it in a second."

"I love you, Milady...Astrid..." he murmured and kissed her again.

"And I love you Mister Sarcastic Trust Issues," she replied, a tiny smile lifting her lips. "I love all of you and always will." He smiled and carefully fastened on her corsage. "It's beautiful," she smiled.

"Not even close to your beauty, Milady," he told her gallantly. "Shall we go back?" She nodded, opening the door and almost tripping over the group who were trying to listen at the door. She rolled her eyes and glanced at Hiccup.

"Really?" she asked as they all stumbled backwards and Heather gave a grin.

"Let me help fix your makeup..." she gabbled and dragged Astrid away. Hiccup stared at the others, all looking embarrassed.

"Um...how much did you hear?" he asked with a sigh.

"Pretty much all of the discussion..." Cami admitted and the boy looked up...to meet Martin's eyes. The man offered his hand.

"You know, I would have been proud to have you as a son," he said and Hiccup smiled self-consciously. He shook the hand.

"Maybe son-in-law...one day," he muttered and Martin grinned.

"Then I would know she would always be safe," he commented as Astrid returned and the doorbell rang.

"It's the others...and the limo!" Ruff yelled, peeking out the window. Gently, Hiccup took Astrid's hand and their fingers laced automatically.

"You ready, Milady?" he asked gently. She leaned up and kissed him.

"Always," she murmured.

"You know, I never thought I'd go to the Prom. Honest," he told her softly as the door opened and the others erupted into the room. "If anything, I'd be out with Dagur and his gang, probably getting into trouble...but instead, I'm going with the most beautiful and amazing girl in the year as my date-and girlfriend. This is a dream come true." She punched him in the shoulder. "Owww! Still with the violence!" he complained.

"Shut up, Prom Date and kiss me!" she said with a grin and he hastened to comply.

"Best. Dream. Ever," he murmured.

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