《Behind the mask》Don't let them kill my best friend



The word had left Astrid's throat as she was already racing towards the two dark shapes lying on the snow, her azure gaze flicking to the rapidly retreating SUV...

...glossy black, license BSK-101, two men in the front with reddish hair apparently high-fiving as they skidded round the corner and away from the horrific collision...

...and then she skidded to a halt by the boy, seeing the tousled auburn head lift and tilt to stare at the black shape lying a few feet away.

"T-Toothless?" he croaked, his voice hoarse with pain. Astrid grimaced, seeing his left foot at an angle that clearly wasn't natural. But the boy determinedly dragged himself over the snow, his breath hitching with pain as he jostled his shattered leg. "It's me, bud..."

The dog's chest was rising and falling and a green eye cracked open. He whined pitifully as Hiccup's shaking hand reached his head and pressed his wet nose against the scraped skin. "I'm here, bud," Hiccup gasped, head spinning with pain. "It's okay..."

"Hiccup...I'll get you help," Astrid gasped, sliding to her knees and tenderly cradling his head in her lap, a hand gently stroking his messy hair. His face scrunched in pain and hand still pressed against Toothless's muzzle. She felt him curl into her, trembling with pain as she raised the phone to her ear with a shaking hand. She dialled 9-1-1...and waited.

"Please-we need an ambulance and the police...urgently. There's been a hit and run on Nordstrom, by the junction with Oslo Avenue. A boy and a dog are badly hurt." She swallowed. "Yes, I'm staying with them. My name is Astrid Hofferson. Yes...five minutes...thank you..."

"I'm...sorry..." Hiccup whispered. "I should...should've been more careful..."

"No...he swerved to hit you and Toothless," Astrid told him, stroking his head softly. She felt him press against her hand, his breathing ragged with pain. Toothless was whimpering painfully, one of his back legs crushed and the snow red. Painfully, his hand slid into his pocket and he dragged out his phone.

"The code is my birthday...0-2-2-9..." he whispered. "Call-call Gobber...and...Mom?"

"As soon as you're on your way to the hospital," she reassured him, still stroking his head. He flinched and lifted his head, green eyes dark with pain as he lifted his bloodless face.


"T-Toothless is injured," he groaned. "He-he needs a Vet..." She nodded, her face paling as she saw the damage to the mutt.

"He's very badly injured," she said gently, seeing his hand ceaselessly stroking his best friend's muzzle. "Does he have a veterinarian?"

"He's not insured...but I have money...savings..." he groaned, his eyes pleading. "Please take him to your Vet. Please get him treated. I will pay whatever it takes..."

"It can be very expensive," she murmured, hearing the desperation in his voice. He swallowed, breathing painfully.

"I will pay whatever it costs," he gasped. "I...just please...don't let them kill my best friend..." She felt her heart break at the pain in his voice and leaned close.

"I-I promise," she whispered as the sirens began to close. "Just hang on, Hiccup. Hang on..."

"Okay...Milady," he groaned. "Don't let them kill my bud."


Astrid remained with Hiccup until her parents arrived as they were preparing to take him to the hospital. Ingrid immediately called their veterinarian for Toothless as the police stopped Astrid and asked her for a statement. She gazed in agony at her friend.

"I-I need to go with him," she protested.

"We could really use your statement, Miss, while it's still fresh," the sergeant said gently and she looked in agony at the ambulance.

"I'll go," Martin said firmly. "Go and do what you need to."


"We'll be at Berk General in the Emergency Department," the policeman told them. "You can join your friend soon enough..." Astrid nodded, watching the doors to the ambulance slam and pull away. "So tell me what happened..."

And for a moment she paused. She knew it had been Dagur and his crazy older brother...and everyone knew they were dangerous,,,but they had just tried to kill Hiccup...and it couldn't be allowed to continue. He was her friend and he deserved better. She nodded. She was a Hofferson...and they were all Fearless...

"Hiccup and Toothless-the dog-had crossed the road when the car came speeding at them. It had to swerve to the wrong side of the road to hit them..."


Martin Hofferson had sat by the boy in the ambulance, seeing the pallid face tight with pain and hearing him groan at every jolt on the way. Quietly, he had taken the hand and felt the boy's grip tighten in pain, the darkened green eyes swinging to him in gratitude.


"We'll be there soon," Martin had reassured him as they swerved and the boy's grip tightened astonishingly. Hiccup nodded wildly.

"Good..." he groaned. "Not that I'm not loving the ride...view's not up to much..."

They pulled up to the doors of the ER and Hiccup was swiftly wheeled in on a trolley as Martin followed, taking a seat while the doctors and nurses began to work on the boy. And for a moment, Martin was at a loss...because Hiccup was badly hurt and by all rights, his family should be with him...but he knew that the boy had been rejected by his Mother and her new husband...and his father was dead. His only family seemed to be... He fished out his phone and was about to call when one of the doctors emerged and stopped by him.

"You came in with Hiccup Haddock?" he asked, his scrubs crumpled. Martin shook his hand.

"Martin Hofferson. I'm his foster father," he said and realised it felt right as soon as he said the words. The doctor sighed.

"I'm Doctor Hammerstrom. And how long has he been with you?" he asked, his face grave. Martin felt a frisson of worry run through him.

"He came to live with us on October 23rd," he revealed.

"And what do you know about his home before he moved in with you?" the doctor asked. Martin frowned.

"I am aware it was abusive," he said, recalling the boy's terrified response that night he had found the two teens asleep on the couch. The image of the boy curling in on himself and trying to hide behind his arms was fixed in his memory. "His step-father really hates the boy, I think and he is estranged from his mother as a result. His father is dead. Why do you ask?" The doctor sighed and pulled Martin aside, his grey eyes sad.

"The boy has scars," he revealed and Martin's eyes widened. "Not self-harm, if that's what you think. But it's obvious he's been repeatedly burned by a cigar or cigarette. His fingers and ribs have been broken in the past-several breaks by the look of the X-rays. And there are faint scars across his back that suggest he's been quite badly beaten."

"Odin, I never realised it had been that bad," he murmured. "How is he?"

"That's the other problem..." Dr Hammerstrom began.


Ingrid had called the Vet and he had collected Toothless. Ingrid had taken Astrid home to collect their car so they could drive to the surgery while their family Veterinarian, Dr Boe, examined the dog. The moment they arrived at the neat building and walked in they knew it was bad news.

"The dog has been run over," he reported. He was a solid man with a balding grey head and piercing blue eyes. "His left back leg has been crushed and I don't know if he had any internal injuries. The leg can't be saved. Is he insured?"

Astrid shook her head.

"He's a mutt, a mongrel," Dr Boe sighed. "Any treatment would be expensive. I can euthanise him free of cost. It will be the kindest thing..." Astrid blinked and grabbed her mother's hand.

"No," she whispered.

"You heard the Vet," Ingrid said understandingly. "It would be the best thing..."

"No it wouldn't," Astrid argued. "It would be the cheapest! What if it was Stormfly?"

"She's insured and she's a very expensive purebred Berkhound!" Ingrid reminded her.

"Mom! That dog is Hiccup's best friend...for a long time, his only friend! And he would be broken if you put him to sleep without trying. He-he promised he would pay us for his treatment...he has some savings, he says..." Her eyes were pleading. "Don't let them kill his best friend. Don't give up on him without a fight!" Ingrid read the distress in her daughter's eyes and saw the Vet drawing up the syringe.

"WAIT!" she said. "Can-can you operate?" Dr Boe stared at her...then put the syringe aside.

"I can't save the leg," he said quietly. "It will have to be amputated. I don't know if he will survive the surgery..."

"Please, Mom," Astrid whispered.

"Give him the chance!" Ingrid said. "Do the operation. Give him the chance to fight for his life..."

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