《Behind the mask》Out of time


He couldn't recall when he had last felt this...well, happy. Snoggletog had passed and he had spent time with Gobber as well as the Hoffersons. He couldn't express his gratitude for reuniting him with his sort-of-unofficial uncle and was feeling far more optimistic...though having Gobber round for the day after Snoggletog had proven interesting. The fact he had turned up in reindeer antlers and had proceeded to sing 'have a merry Snoggletog' at the top of his voice-which had set both Stormfly and Toothless howling-had Hiccup cringing and face-palming in turn. But Gobber was just happy to have company and once he settled, he was warm, cheery and inappropriately indiscreet.

"Yer landed on yer feet here!" he exclaimed loudly, clapping Hiccup on the back and knocking him clean out of his chair. The boy had groaned as he picked himself up, blushing with embarrassment.

"Gobber!" he hissed, unsure how Martin Hofferson would react.

"Look, laddie, it's the truth-and not a moment too soon!" the big mechanic had persisted, admiring the neat surroundings. "That Alvin was making yer life a livin' Hel!" Hiccup stared at the table and sighed.

"Yeah, it was a laugh a month," he muttered, the expression falling from his face. "I suppose it could've been worse..."

"How?" Gobber asked bluntly, swigging his mead. He'd brought a couple of large bottles of finest aged Berkian mead and he was downing it liberally. "You were starvin', beaten, bullied like Hel, thrown out ter freeze...what else could he do?"

"And there goes my self-respect!" Hiccup commented dryly. "At least I saw Mom." Gobber paused and stared.

"And yer havenae since?" he asked, shocked. Hiccup shrugged.

"I tried-and she told me to get lost," he admitted, toying with his glass of soda water. "I left her my phone number when I went at Thanksgiving but she hasn't called. I-I don't know how she is...and I miss her..." There was a pause...and then Gobber lunged forward, wrapping the tall, skinny shape in a powerful embrace, hugging him as the boy buried his face in the older man's chest for a moment before nodding.


"Laddie, I didnae know," Gobber said gently. "I-I misjudged ye badly. Yer know ye can have a home wi' me if yer want..." Hiccup sighed but Ingrid shook her head.

"I think he's better here," she said as Martin nodded in agreement.

"As I understand, you only have a one bedroom apartment and there wouldn't really be enough room for Hiccup or Toothless," he said thoughtfully. "I really think he would be better here." Hiccup lifted his head and stared at Martin. "I would like him to stay here..." The boy gaped at him in shock and Gobber read the expression.

"Are ye sure?" he asked. Martin nodded.

"I know you are his godfather...but I promise I will take care of him," he said firmly. "He's very little trouble and I think my daughter may kill me if I let him go..." There was a small smile on his face and both Hiccup and Astrid had blushed furiously. Gobber gave a broad grin.

"Heh! And the lad thinks I'm embarrassing!" he said smugly as both teens face-palmed.

But Gobber had made sure the Hoffersons had his contact number and Hiccup hugged his godfather firmly as he left. "Take care, lad," he murmured. "And don't worry-I always have a job fer yer. Come when yer want and I'll find something fer me best mechanic ter do!" Hiccup gave a wry grin.

"And I thought Eret was your new best friend...until he wilted before my magnificent physique and razor wit...not to mention Gods-given mechanical genius..." he pointed out as Gobber tousled his auburn hair affectionately.

"Sarcastic little bastard, aren't yer?" he grinned. "That's the boy I know! Now behave!"

"Um...I doubt Astrid would allow me not to," he muttered. Gobber grinned.

"Are you two...a thing, laddie?" he asked bluntly. Hiccup groaned.

"Um...I don't think so...but Astrid is definitely the boss," he admitted.

"Are yer whipped, boy?" he teased him and Hiccup gave a grin, his green eyes twinkling.


"For Thor's sake, keep it a secret, okay?" he hissed. Gobber gently patted his cheek.

"Good friends are hide to find," he advised Hiccup. "The best last a lifetime...so never turn down the chance when it arises, laddie. Grab her and hold on for all yer worth!" And then he had lumbered into the evening, starting to drunkenly sing 'I'm a Viking Through and Through'.

It was dark but the dogs were alert and needed a walk so the teens had volunteered to take them out once they had helped Ingrid tidy up. Wrapped up warm, they set out cheerfully, the dogs tugging at the leads as the two walked along the snowy streets. Hardly anyone was out, all enjoying the holiday and the aftermath of a good family meal and Hiccup sighed.

"Sorry about Gobber," Hiccup sighed. "I should have warned you he has no internal filter. None at all. Thinks it, says it. Yup. Sorry." She stole a glance at him: he was blushing slightly, his eyes inspecting the sidewalk as they trudged along.

"Did you want to live with Gobber?" she asked him and there was scarcely a pause before he shook his head urgently.

"Much as I love him-no," he admitted. "He's a lunatic and the last time I stayed, we were watching some insane Mexican wrestling until 3 am...and I couldn't get him to go to bed, which was a problem since I was sleeping on the couch..." He shrugged. "But I'm glad he's talking to me again...and I have you to thank for that..." She gave a small smile and her hand drifted to touch his.

"Well, I think I owe you several," she reminded him gently and his eyes flicked up. "You seem to have taken the role of my protector...and friend..." He gaped.

"Sorry...I was having an out of body experience..." he muttered. "Did Astrid Hofferson call me a friend?" There was a pause-and then he yelped as a fist met his shoulder.

"Has that brought you back to Midgard?" she asked him. He frowned and rubbed his shoulder.

"With a bang!" he complained.

"Yes, you are my friend," she reminded him and smiled. "The girls know it, Tuff and some of the team probably know it as well...and my family know it." He gave his lopsided grin and his hand found hers, just for a moment that zinged electricity up her arm.

"Thanks," he murmured. "I-I mean it. I couldn't be more grateful for everything you've done for me...Milady!" She blushed and stared at the ground...as Stormfly dragged her away, heading for the nearest gatepost to mark her passing.

"Sorry..." she said helplessly, his hand trailing away from his as her dog dragged her back. Toothless suddenly accelerated across the snowy road and Hiccup found himself dragged along. He rolled his eyes and stood self-consciously as his dog sniffed the sidewalk and raised his leg...


The black SUV rounded the corner, the two inhabitants passing a bottle of mead between them. Identical pale green eyes narrowed at the skinny shape...and the black dog by him. Hands tightened on the steering wheel.

"You were right. If we drove long enough, we'd find him."

"When have I ever let you down...brother?"

"Enough. Time to end the mutt...permanently!"

And the foot on the gas pedal slammed down...


Astrid had finally persuaded Stormfly to leave the gate post alone as Toothless saw them and bounded into the road towards his friend. Both teens heard the scream of tyres and Hiccup saw his dog turn and growl. Without thinking, he ran to grab the dog and hauled him towards the sidewalk...

...Astrid was screaming as the SUV roared by, tyres screaming as it skidded. There was a sickening thud, a yelp and a simultaneous scream...and the thud of two bodies hitting the ground and lying still...

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