《Behind the mask》'Twas the night before Snoggletog


School had finally broken for the midwinter holidays- Christmas or Snoggletog, dependent on upbringing, though Snoggletog tended to predominate in Berk-and Hiccup was enjoying a well-earned lie-in. He had worked a couple of extra evenings and Astrid had brought herself to the Forge once Practice was over so he could walk her home. Despite her independence and general ferocity, she was aware of Dagur and his friends and was wary to walk home alone.

Gobber, of course, imagined it was some sort of a date and ribbed Hiccup mercilessly-though he allowed the boy to make his friend a warm drink and sit by the good heater as she started on her homework. Hiccup had just been as sarcastic as he could at the older man's presumptions...mainly because they had been far too close to home.

But it was now Snoggletog Eve and Astrid was bouncing on his bed, moaning at him to get up and help them decorate the tree. He had cracked his emerald eyes open and sighed: he could still recall the happy times when it had been the three of them-Dad, Mom and Hiccup-with his Dad, a huge man of six ten and four hundred pounds of muscle and sinew, lifting the runt younger Hiccup had been to place the dragon on top of the tree.

"C'mon! It'll be fun!" Astrid whined and he groaned. He recalled how determined she had been in persuading Gobber to give him a chance and he wearily sat up, realising he could never hope to win.

"If you say so," he murmured. "It's kind of a family thing, isn't it?"

"And you're part of my family now!" Astrid said easily, dragging at his covers. He grabbed them urgently and gave a small scream.

"Getting up!" he yelped. "Please let me get dressed first!" She grinned, pointing to the cup of coffee she had left by the bed.

"Don't let it go cold!" she smiled and sauntered out.

After a very fast shower and dressing in his favourite green long-sleeved T-shirt as well as an older pair of baggy jeans and black socks, he had sped downstairs to find the whole family assembled by a naked Snoggletog tree, all dressed in their finest. He had almost cringed, feeling underdressed as he compared his outfit with Martin's festive reindeer jumper and Ingrid's tinsel shrouded top. He managed a very small wave.

"Um...hi..." he mumbled, blushing. "What do you want me to do?" Astrid handed him a red bauble.

"You're the guest," she said. "You can put on the first decoration!" He looked at her and his jaw dropped.

"Um...are you sure? I might ruin it or break it..." he said, turning the glass orb over in his hands: it had holly painted on it. Astrid gave a strained smile.

"Put it on the tree, already!" she growled through her teeth. Hiccup stared at her then hesitantly attached the bauble to the nearest branch. Astrid stiffened and he realised with amusement that she had planned some other decoration for there and was itching to move it... And then he met Ingrid's amused smile and realised she had guessed the same. Both burst out laughing. Astrid huffed and glared at Hiccup and for a moment, he wondered if he'd overstepped the bounds of his welcome...but Ingrid caught his arm and smiled.


"I'm afraid my daughter is an absolute perfectionist when it comes to the Snoggletog tree," she admitted. "I'm not even allowed to touch it..."

"Nor me," Martin murmured as Astrid fished decoration after decoration from the box and swiftly and accurately hung them from the tree. The girl looked up, her azure eyes sparkling with annoyance at being teased and blonde brows furrowed with concentration.

"That's because you have no sense of style, Dad," she told him firmly. "Hiccup, could you help please?" His emerald eyes widened and he picked up the box as directed, handing over baubles and decorations as instructed.

"Hmm...you may not be too bad at this, Hiccup," she commented as she fixed the last few decorations.

"Yes, Milady...and I sound so whipped!" he protested. She gave a smug smile.

"Best helper I've ever had!" she told him and he groaned.

"And the remains of my reputation bite the dust," he sighed as she stood back...and the scowled. There was one decoration left-the little dragon for the top of the tree and she was far too short to reach the topmost branch. In a flash, Hiccup handed her the decoration and smiled. "You wanna put it up yourself?" he asked. She nodded. "You gotta promise not to kill me, okay?" She frowned.

"Hiccup, what are you planning?" she asked suspiciously. He gave a wide grin.

"Just hold still, Milady!" he said with a cheeky grin. "And hang on!"

"To what!" she asked as he ducked behind her, half-crouched...then wrapped his arms round her waist and lifted her up so her feet were a good two feet off the ground. She screamed as he staggered forward and got her in reach of the top branch.

"Dragon..." he grunted, trying not to think that he had a probably angry Astrid Hofferson in his arms and that she was pressed very close to him. He could smell her mango and banana body wash and was inspecting her azure silk flower-patterned blouse from a distance of about one inch. "Can't hold you forever..," he added as she finally reached out to put the dragon where it belonged. And then she leaned back to inspect it...then forward to adjust it again. "If you could maybe...stop wiggling...?" he asked, his voice strained.

"Hiccup-if you drop me, I will kill you!" she said sternly.

"Hey...you promised!" he protested. She smirked.

"Never said the words!" she pointed out as he staggered. She leaned forward and he had to grab her tighter not to drop her, stumbling backwards. Automatically, she leaned back to try to restore equilibrium...and then he toppled backwards. He hit the floor with a slam, his arms wrapped protectively around her as she squashed him. He grimaced, then collapsed back, Astrid draped over him.

"Hmm...I can now go to Valhalla a happy man," he mumbled and she rolled and scrambled off him, carefully levering herself off him.


"You DROPPED me!" Astrid accused him fiercely and he winced. "What were you thinking?" His arm shot out, a finger pointing in the direction of the tree.

"At least the dragon is in place!" he protested, still lying flat on the floor. "Please don't kill me!" Astrid scowled before stealing a glance at the tree, with the little black dragon perched happily on the highest branch. Astrid turned back to him...then punched him in the shoulder. He whined.

"Owww!" he protested. "What was that for?" She sat back on her heels and stared down on the sprawled boy.

"That was for dropping me!" she told him sharply. Then she paused and swiped the bangs out of her left eye. Then she lunged forward and kissed him on the cheek. "And that's for everything else!" He stared at her in shock as she clambered off and walked into the kitchen. Hiccup stared after her, mouth agape...and then he looked at her parents. Ingrid was smiling but Martin was looking thoughtful.

"Hey-she kissed me!" he protested. Martin looked at him and gave a small nod.

"Yes," he said in a very distracted voice. "She did."


For Snoggletog Eve, Ingrid had cooked a turkey with all the trimmings-though they had a traditional yak joint ready for roasting for the day itself. Hiccup had stood awkwardly as Martin said the traditional prayer at the start of the meal.

"Lord Odin...we thank you for the year that has passed," he began. "For our health and welfare, for Astrid's success at school, for friendship, for hard work, for our family." He paused. "And we thank you for the new addition to our family, for Hiccup who has had a hard time but who is already part of the Hofferson family. And though we know he would wish to live with his Mother, he is welcome here as long as he wants. May the coming year grant us all health, success and happiness."

Hiccup had mumbled 'amen' at the end and sat down to the meal, shocked at the response. The family had embraced him and he had been totally touched by Martin's words. He had eaten the excellent meal and made conversation, though he had been thinking carefully throughout. Finally, at the end of the meal, he had stood up self-consciously and faced the family.

"Um...I wanted to say something, if I may?" he asked self-consciously. Martin nodded and Ingrid smiled encouragingly. "I really cannot tell you how grateful I am to be here. Two months ago, when I was thrown out of my home, I really couldn't see any future at all. But you gave me and Toothless a home and...even more...you gave me hope. You have made me welcome and given me a Snoggletog like nothing I've had since Dad died." He sighed. "And though I miss Mom...and even though I would go back, no matter what my step-dad did to me, because I would be with her...it's actually much better here. So thank you."

Ingrid looked sad at his words but Martin gave him a reassuring smile. Astrid looked proud of him. Then he fetched a small pile of parcels.

"I know that tradition has it that presents are handed over on Snoggletog day when Odin has delivered them, but at home, we always knew Dad put the presents out...well, he was a huge guy and he didn't do quiet...so I wanted to give your presents now...as a thanks..."

"Oh, Hiccup-you shouldn't have," Ingrid said gently, knowing how little he actually had to call his own. He gave a small smile...and handed over a neatly wrapped parcel. He handed another to Martin and two to Astrid-a simply wrapped parcel and a small box, wrapped in gold paper with a lovely bow on top. He gestured and they opened their gifts. Martin received a detailing and valeting kit for his car-which Hiccup offered to help him with. Ingrid had been given a new knitting bag and a book of traditional Berkian Viking patterns, since he had noticed she spent most evenings knitting and loved traditional patterns. Astrid frowned as she opened her parcel...and found a selection of dog chews and snacks.

"For Stormfly..." he admitted and she smiled in relief and delight. "Um...your present is in the box..." She smiled and inspected the beautiful box...then she carefully ripped the paper to reveal small jewellery box. Her eyes widening, she flipped it open...to find a small gold dragon on a chain, its eyes made of sparkling aquamarines. She gave a huge smile and showed her Mom.

"It...beautiful..." she whispered. He rubbed the back of his neck, looking very self-conscious.

"Um...it's a Deadly Nadder, the most beautiful dragon...also brave and fierce and smart and strong and fast and...um...I really thought of you when I saw it...I hope it's okay because...well...yeah..." Astrid looked up at him, his cheeks vaguely flushed and she carefully put the little pendant on...then rose and walked towards him. He backed off a step and swallowed nervously. Astrid was smiling and she pushed him back until he was standing under the mistletoe, hanging in the hall. Her hand curled tightly round his T-shirt and hauled him forward, kissing him full on the mouth. Shocked but not stupid, he kissed her back for the few brief seconds of the kiss...and when they pulled apart, both their eyes fluttered open.

"Thank you, Milady," he murmured. She stared up into his smouldering emerald green eyes topping a slightly goofy smile and smiled.

"Merry Snoggletog, Hiccup," she smiled.

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