《Behind the mask》A guy has to dream


Hiccup had persuaded a relatively unresisting Astrid to continue to blank him at School, not because he enjoyed being ignored but because he could see she was afraid of the fallout and especially bitchy Lilah and Savannah. But he did sit closer to her on the bus and once...by accident...he actually sat by her. They hadn't been able to talk on the journey but the tiny touch she made on his hand had made the entire awkward trip worth it.

At home, Astrid was completely...normal. She spoke to him like a real person, teased him and he felt confident enough to tease her back. He couldn't express his gratitude at her intervention in getting Gobber to forgive him and he made sure he offered her all the help she needed with her homework and any chores. And she happily made sure they walked the dogs together, watching them play and gambol without a care while the two teens shyly stood side by side and blushed.

Martin Hofferson had been impressed that Hiccup had a job but he had insisted on making sure the boy would be safe and not exploited. It had given Hiccup some pride to explain that Gobber was in fact his Godfather and that he had worked for him since he was fourteen...but Gobber had taught him to mend cars, forge metal and rewire the electrics when he was nine. Martin had been sceptical until Hiccup had confidently and expertly, popped the hood on Martin's car, cleaned the plugs and retuned the engine. The man had gaped as the boy had grinned and closed the hood with a slam, then started the engine and demonstrated the much smoother purr. Astrid's father had given Hiccup his blessing to start work and thanks for the retune.

Gobber had been immensely relieved to see Hiccup as he arrived on Saturday morning moments after the mechanic. Eret was late and scowled darkly to see Hiccup already there in his coveralls, his head under the hood of a Chevvy Convertible. Gobber was holding a mug and coffee and offering helpful advice.

"Have yer checked the fuse?"







"Do you wanna do it, you meatheaded lunatic?" Hiccup asked, lifting his head, an oil-smear on his cheek. "If it was that easy, you and Eret would have fixed it. Is this why you gave me my job back?"


"Well, yer are the best young mechanic in Berk by a country mile," Gobber conceded, taking another sip. "And yer makes the best coffee, laddie!"

"Oh, I am so glad to think my sparkling personality and rapier wit were missed," Hiccup grumped, grabbing a different socket and diving back into the engine. There was a clunk. "Owww!"

"Yer okay?" Gobber asked without concern.

"Some idiot has overtightened the pivot nut," Hiccup grumbled. "Ah-hah...the same idiot who attached the cabling to the wrong terminus...there's your problem, Gobber..." There was a pause and a grunt. "Try it now," he called, straightening up. There was a deep scratch on his left forearm and his hands were covered in grease. Gobber rolled his eyes and turned the key in the starter: the engine started instantly, smooth and even. The big mechanic cracked a grin.

"Yer done it, laddie!" the two-limbed mechanic said cheerfully. "I thought we'd ne'er get her right!"

"What is he doing here?" Eret asked, arriving and running his hand through his jet hair. Gobber cast him an irritated glance. There was no doubting Eret had a very high opinion of himself, his looks and his capabilities...but he was always late, not always reliable and nowhere near as skilled as he thought.

"Working," Gobber pointed out. "He's just fixed that car we've bin strugglin' with all week before yer even rocked up fer work, Eric." Eret scowled.

"We would've managed," he grumbled.

"Hiccup is a far better mechanic," Gobber told him bluntly. "Please can yer help him when he asks? I can see a customer at the desk..." Eret scowled and folded his arms as Hiccup straightened up and wiped his face.

"I don't know how you fooled him," Eret snarled, "But I won't let you exploit him! If you step out of line, I'll take great pleasure in throwing you out again!" Hiccup rolled his eyes.

"What's next on the day list?" he asked without answering. Eret scowled so Hiccup grabbed the list, checked off the Chevvy and saw the next job: routine service on an old Honda. He sighed and glanced at the taller boy. "Midgard to Eret? You able to work with me? Or d'you want to speak to Gobber? Because I've worked here since I was fourteen and known Gobber since I was a baby. I can strip down and rebuild any car here. If you can't work with me, you need to speak to him." Eret scowled and staled off to speak to Gobber. Hiccup watched the discussion with a sinking heart, because he could see the Football player arguing, shouting and finally storming out. Gobber scowled and then turned to Hiccup.


"He quit, didn't he?" Hiccup guessed at the scowl. He sighed. "What do you want me to do? Do you want me to quit so you can get him back?"

"What did you say to him?" Gobber growled.

"I asked him if he could work with me," Hiccup sighed. "He just threatened to throw me out again. He thinks I'll exploit you!" Gobber stared at him-and then burst out laughing.

"Has he nae seen the wages here?" he chuckled. "Ah think I'm the one doin' the exploitin'!" Hiccup grinned.

"Slave labour," he grumbled, grabbed some tools and headed for the next job.


Wages in his pocket, he left at closing time and headed for the Mall to catch the late-opening stores. Christmas-or Snoggletog, as his father would have it-was fast approaching and Hiccup knew he needed to buy gifts. He had his long-overdue wages from when Gobber had previously sacked him and from today and between them, he needed to get everything...

He sighed. He felt really unnerved because he was still separated from his family and was living with a family that he didn't know well. And he was still feeling guilty that he had lost Gobber his other helper, so he had volunteered to do a shift on Monday evening to help cover the gap. Gobber had been very grateful but Hiccup still worried how Eret would react back at school. He guessed it would just be one more person who was hostile to him.

He wandered slowly into the store and walked around thoughtfully, wondering what his Mom was doing. He missed her, a constant ache in his heart. Snoggletog was the only time of the year when he got to spend much time with her and every Snoggletog, when Alvin slipped into a drunken stupor, Hiccup had sat by her, snuggling against her and feeling part of a family. He blinked and frowned, carefully inspecting the goods. He sighed then headed determinedly on, buying gifts for Ingrid and Martin, a new cap and scarf for Gobber...and then there was Astrid. He sighed and headed to the jewellery section. He didn't have much money...but he saw something that caught his eye and he checked his pockets: just enough. He took a deep breath, made his decision and bought the gift. At least he had something for the girl he owed his home and his life to.

He blinked as he gripped his parcels tightly and headed back home, forcing himself to be honest with himself.

Sure, she was the girl he owed his home to-and probably his life, if he thought back to how cold and sick he had been when he came to stay with the Hoffersons. But there was something else. She was the girl he was sort of falling for. He gave a small smile and shook his head. She was Astrid Hofferson, for Thor's sake. She was smart and beautiful and confident and admired and athletic and popular and loved-basically everything he wasn't. Sure, she was a bit hot-tempered and quick to judge and was so insecure that she clung to popularity even at the cost of treating him badly and lying to her friends. She was afraid of disappointing her parents and lacking in the courage to stand up and fight for exactly what she wanted...but she had fought for him and shown him kindness and compassion and trust. He blinked. She trusted him, to protect her and not betray her secrets. And he would die before he did so. He shook his head. He was Hiccup Haddock-despised by the students and staff, disowned by his family and generally dismissed by everyone as a screw-up. He was a human being and he wasn't a coward but he had failed to protect his Mom from Alvin and had been made homeless and desperate. It would take some major realignment of all Nine Realms to allow him to actually go out with Astrid, to act on his developing feelings for her.

It was impossible, of course...but sometimes a guy had to dream

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