《Behind the mask》Worth it


There was a tense wait as the girls settled and hung around until Hiccup arrived. Gobber had brewed them all some really dreadful coffee which they had politely tried to drink but Ruff had made some choking noises and she and Cami had started a coffee fight. Astrid had been shown the back of the shop, where the lockers were and she gazed at the cold and grubby space where her friend had been forced to sleep. Gobber saw her face.

"Yer does care fer the lad," he said and she nodded.

"He's not like anyone I know..." she admitted. "He's just...kind and thoughtful and smart and brave and..."

"Yer know, it takes a good friend tae come and argue fer him like yer've done!" Gobber told her. She glanced away, embarrassed.

"I'm not a good friend," she mumbled. "I'm a horrible selfish person and I don't treat him how he deserves..." The big mechanic grinned.

"Meks two of us," he admitted as Astrid's phone buzzed. She peered at the screen.


She sighed and texted him back. NEARLY. COME INSIDE.

I'M GOOD was the stubborn reply. She glared at her phone and huffed.

"He's refusing to come in," she explained heading for the front of the shop. Gobber looked suddenly shifty.

"Lass-I can't blame him," he muttered. "Last time he were here, ah had him thrown out!" Astrid stared at him in shock.

"And you couldn't mention that earlier?" she snapped, speeding up towards the front door. "Come with me!" she called him as she walked out onto the icy street. The sun had set and the wind was like an icy slap in the face as she spun around and saw the tall shape standing hunched on the corner of the street. "Hiccup!" she called and he turned, his emerald eyes wary as he saw her...and the bulky shape behind her.

"What're you doing here?" he asked her shortly, his face falling into a scowl. His bruises looked worse in the streetlights and she paused a few feet shy of him.

"I came to help," she told him and he stared at her in shock.

"How?" he asked directly. "Poking into my life? Finding out how my own godfather disowned me for being...well a traitor? Not what he thought I was? A criminal? Take your pick!" His tone had turned hard and bitter, his eyes glittering with anger.

"Cool yer jets, laddie! The lass here is tryin' ter speak up on her behalf!" Gobber said, limping out onto the street and folding his arms. Hiccup glared at him.

"And why do I need her to do that?" he spat. "Because I'm so Gods-damned pathetic? Because I have no one else who cares for me? Because everyone I loved or should rely on has let me down? My Dad died. My Mom married an utter slime who wanted her but not me-and eventually got her to cast me aside. My godfather rejected me when I desperately needed him. Why do I want or need any of you?"


"Hiccup?" Astrid said softly, shocked at his sudden anger. He glared at her, backing up a pace.

"I don't need your help, Astrid!" he snarled. "I don't need him. I don't need any of them...Please...just leave me alone..."

And though she was hurt and angry at his tone, there was a voice in her mind telling her not to respond, to push through the red haze and see what wasn't obvious. That Hiccup wasn't a bad guy...and this wasn't aggression but defence. He had been hurt by pretty much everyone who should've had his back...and facing this was tearing open a still-raw wound.

"Laddie...yer don't mean that," Gobber said. "Yer father would be ashamed of how yer've spoken to this wee lass who has come here to persuade me how much I've wronged yer..."

"He's be more ashamed at you!" Hiccup shouted. "His best friend, who promised to always look out for me, to always be there for me...I heard you promise him when I was seven, Gobber! But then, I'm surprised you lasted as long as you did because everyone else had already left me..."

"Aye, I'm a fool," Gobber told him gruffly. "Too angry at seeing Bertha, Yvonne and Sadie, mah best tools all banged up and scattered that I forgot yer saved the rest o'me business! That yer had called me desperate because he had thrown yer out. That yer warned me...because yer said he would burn the Forge down..."

"He wanted to kill Toothless as well!" Hiccup said angrily. "I-I tried to warn you...but all I got was...being handed over to the cops. And no one believed me..." He turned away bitterly. "Why should I trust you again, Gobber? I really don't want to have anyone to betray me again..."

"Laddie, yer father wouldnae ha' given up so easily..."

"EASILY?" Hiccup shouted, storming forward to glare into Gobber's big face. "Gobber-I have no family, no proper friends, I live with Astrid through the kindness of her heart but she won't even talk to me outside the house, my so-called friends seem Hell-bent on making my life utterly miserable...I sometimes wonder if it would be better all round if I just walked into the road or lay down in the park at night and let the cold take me to join Dad. And the only-the ONLY thing that stops me is Toothless...because he wouldn't understand where I went and why I had abandoned him...even though I know Astrid would look after him..."

Astrid's mouth fell open and she stared at the boy in utter horror, his eyes wild and the defiant look on his face suddenly switching to a broken one. Gobber wrapped his arms around the boy.

"I'm here," he said gruffly as Hiccup remained still for a long moment, burying his face in Gobber's shoulder. Silent sobs shook him. "Yer Dad wouldnae wanna see yer like that, Hiccup," he added, awkwardly trying to pat the boy's back gently with his flesh hand.


"Can't want anything because he's dead," Hiccup mumbled, sniffing. Astrid hesitantly walked forward and gently laid a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered. "You deserve so much more. You're worth it, Hiccup. Never believe otherwise..."

"You used to call me worthless..." he muttered, palming his face.

"Not for a long time, since I realised there is more to you than meets the eye. I'm sorry," she murmured and backed away as he lifted his head, his cheeks wet and eyes shining. He stared into Gobber's face.

"I think she's worth keeping," the mechanic mumbled. Hiccup wiped his nose on his sleeve.

"Yeah...like I need relationship advice from an utter meathead!" he grumbled. Gobber smiled and gently patted Hiccup's bruised cheek.

"There's meh best mechanic," he said cheerily. "Sarcastic little sod! I'm sorry, lad. I should've trusted yer. I-I..." He paused and fumbled for the words. Hiccup sighed, seeing the apology in his face and feeling the weight of anger and desolation ease from his chest a little. He had missed Gobber, missed the sarcasm and camaraderie and the link to his lost father...but he wasn't about to let him off scot-free.

"You're forgiven...if you promise NEVER to doubt me again," he said firmly. "I am your friend and I would never let anyone damage your business. Ever." Gobber looked ashamed.

"Um...I dinnae s'pose yer'd be willin' ter come back?" he asked urgently. "That lad in yer place, Eric...he's handsome and confident but he's got as much mechanical ability in his whole body as yer have in yer little finger!" Hiccup gave a small smile.

"Can't keep up with the orders?"

"Always at Football practice or something," Gobber grumbled.

"Are you saying I'm a total loser?" Hiccup asked him dryly.

"Yer don't need ter kick a ball ter be a good mechanic...but yer do need ter be here!" Gobber told him frankly. "Will yer come back?

Hiccup made a show of considering it, though his face gave his answer away.

"Yeah," he said as if reluctantly...and then he hugged the big mechanic. "Missed you, Gobber." Gobber hugged him back.

"Missed yer too, laddie," he admitted. "And I think ah have yer last wages as well..." He dug in his pocket and pulled out a few folded dollar bills. Hiccup stared then took them with a small smile.

"Thanks," he said roughly. Then he looked up at Astrid, who was standing quietly a few paces back, watching him thoughtfully. "Um...I think I owe you an apology, Astrid," he said self-consciously. "I...um...I owe you so much for this...I can never repay you..." His voice was rough with emotion and she smiled, then walked forward and punched him in the arm. "Owww!" he yelped, clutching the point of impact. "I-I guess I deserved that..."

"That's for being stubborn and idiotic!" she told him sternly. He gave a small smile in acknowledgement, then leaned forward and pecked a very gentle, very brief kiss on her cheek.

"Thank you," he murmured, then blushed. She smiled, then turned to her friends, who were hanging out the door, watching the show on the snowy sidewalk.

"Show's over, girls!" she told them firmly. "Time to go home!"

"He kissed you!" Ruff announced. "That's it..."

"Remember what we discussed?" Heather asked her.


"We're Ast's friends...so we keep this quiet as long as she wants," Cami reminded her. Astrid stared at them.

"You...I...what?" she managed dumbly.

"You like him...and he likes you," Cami said simply.

"So we respect your wishes," Heather said with a grin. "But it may take us a bit longer to explain that to Ruff so...see you in the morning...!" And they steered the female twin away, still trying to stop her protesting. Astrid stared after them, shaking her head. Gobber stamped his feet-real and prosthetic and grinned.

"So yer coming tomorrow?" he asked. Hiccup stared at Astrid.

"I walk her home each day," he said. "Saturday?"

"Yer on!" Gobber grinned and walked back into the Forge. Then Hiccup looked into Astrid's eyes and looked worried.

"Um...I guess you're going to ask me to leave now I have somewhere to go," he said softly. "Especially after I shouted at you..." She gave a small smile.

"Are you kidding? Gobber's a lunatic! I wouldn't want you to have to live with him!" she said. "I did this to try to repay some of what you've done for me! Hiccup, you've been my knight in shining armour so many times and I-I want you to stay. Please stay..." He blinked and his emerald eyes widened in surprise at the sincerity in her voice.

"Um...wow..." he murmured. "Um...okay...but it would be kind of nice if you could speak to me once in a while..." She sidled over to him and took his hand in her mittened hand.

"You hand is freezing!" she complained as his long fingers closed around her hand. "I guess this Project we have in Art would be an excuse...for a start..."

"Yes, Milady," he murmured, leaning close. "Thank you, Astrid. I mean it." She turned to face him, her eyes locked fiercely on his.

"You have me!" she said urgently. "Don't ever think about giving up! Don't believe you're alone...or worthless. You are worth everything, Hiccup. And I will fight to get you all the things you are owed!" He paused and then leaned forward, pressing the briefest of kisses on her lips. Her eyelids fluttered and she stared at him in shock and then she grinned. "Wow..." she breathed.

"Just don't tell your Dad, please?" he murmured. "Or I'll be out on the streets in a heartbeat..."

"Better walk me home safely," she grinned, snuggling against him. "C'mon...Mom and Dad will be waiting."

"Yes, Milady," he smiled.

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