《Behind the mask》Something in return


Ingrid's words rolled around Astrid's head for the whole weekend and she realised uncomfortably that her Mom was right. And though she reasoned that giving Hiccup a home was pretty generous, she had to admit that her parents had done that...and Hiccup had given up a lot to make sure Astrid wasn't really impacted in any way. She recalled how he left ten minutes before she did so he could make it to the next stop from her house, how he accepted being generally bad-mouthed and sneered at by the girls and had still continued to tutor her...and walk her home.

She smiled. In fact, the best part of the day was the quiet time when she could walk away from school, drop the act and meet Hiccup round the corner, walking alongside him and telling him about her day. And he had been calm, philosophical and sometimes very insightful when he had spoken. He was someone whose opinion she valued...just not enough to actually acknowledge he existed outside of the home. And then she groaned and ran her fingers through her hair. That sounded horrible.

It was horrible. And she was too much of a coward to change it.

But she did owe Hiccup...for getting her away from the fight, for landing him in trouble with everyone when she told Mr Treacher who had started the fight, for the party, for walking her home that night, for tutoring her, for saving her on Friday, for punishing Lilah and Savannah...

She worked steadily through her homework on Sunday, making sure Hiccup was okay because he had been badly beaten and he had been quiet and reserved. Something had altered and she wondered if the girls had said anything to upset him. But she knew he deserved better...and as she recalled his words, a plan began to form. There was something that she could do for him-and she could put it into action tomorrow.


Monday was cold and snowy, the wind icy and damp. Being Berk, everyone just got on with things, wrapped up warm and carried on with life as usual. Hiccup wrapped up warm and left before Astrid raced down for breakfast, walking slowly along the icy sidewalk. Astrid had been quiet all weekend and he wondered if she was embarrassed that her secret had gotten out. He hoped that wouldn't mean she would want him to leave...because she had heard the girls talk and knew that she was afraid for her popularity. He hunched his shoulders as he walked: it was a bitter morning and even his new coat wasn't keeping the cold out. But he quietly stood at the bus to and got on when the bus arrived, walking past Astrid to take a vacant seat at the back. He sighed. It was going to be another one week.


He was subject to more mutters and curious glances than he was comfortable with...but Dagur, Savage and Thuggory were as welcoming as ever and Hiccup was slammed aside, hissing as he hit the door of his locker.

"I hear you missed a chance to get Astrid laid!" Dagur hissed.

"What's it to you, Dag?" Hiccup snapped, his emerald eyes glittering. "You want Visithugs laughing at Berk? Coz I don't!" Dagur slammed him back again.

"What's so great about Berk?" he sneered and shoved the skinny boy back again, before sauntering away. Hiccup grimaced...and then found a hand offered the help him up. He glanced up...to see Tuffnut standing by him.

"You okay, man?" he asked and Hiccup grimaced.

"Just peachy," he said sarcastically but accepted the hand and allowed himself to be hauled up. "Thanks." Tuff gave him a thoughtful look.

"No sweat," he shrugged and wandered back to his locker. Hiccup stared after him and then headed for his first class. He needed to speak to Miss Sylvester-because he had an idea how to give Astrid something in return for her kindness. So he found the teacher preparing the lesson and he approached her hesitantly. What he was about to say was so outrageous and insane he couldn't see it working...but it was the only way-definitely the only way-to give Astrid what she needed. The teacher looked up and her eyes crinkled in a smile.

"You look very serious...and rumour has it you're a school hero?" she said gently. He blushed and shrugged.

"Um...I only did what needed to be done," he said self-consciously. "But...I came to see you about Astrid..." Miss Sylvester smiled.

"I am impressed," she commented. "Your tutoring has definitely improved her performance. She has moved from a solid C grade to a definite B." He sighed.

"She needs an A," he admitted. She inspected him and frowned, seeing the concern in his green eyes.

"Why?" she asked. "I mean, I have to agree with your earlier assessment-that she does need to learn that she can't be good at everything!" He rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Um...I have learned since then why she needs the A," he said and stared at the floor for a moment. "Please-this is confidential?" He met her kind eyes and she nodded.


"Of course," she said. Taking a breath, he explained the pressure she was under and also what she had done for him. The teacher's eyes widened and she stared at him in shock.

"You were homeless?" she gasped. He nodded.

"Astrid and her family took me in and have given me a home ever since," he said in an ashamed voice. "And I understand why she needs her grades. Without them, she won't be supported in going to college...and she deserves to."

"But she isn't good enough to get an A," Miss Sylvester pointed out gently and he nodded.

"I know," he said and took a deep breath. "But...um...I have a plan..." She raised an eyebrow. "Um...I hate to suggest this...but maybe...a Project?" Miss Sylvester frowned.

"You know I really don't like the concept..." she reminded him and he nodded. He sighed.

"But I want to give Astrid a chance of an A...and the only way I could do that is if we do a project...with her and me...and I can manage to get us a good enough mark to bring her up to an A..." Miss Sylvester inspected him closely and walked to rest a hand on his shoulder.

"You really want this, don't you?" she asked him and he nodded. "But what can she contribute?" He lifted his emerald eyes and gave a small smile.

"If you make it a project with research and interpretive elements as well as artistic..." he said. "Say...looking at a famous work of art, its history and importance and reimagining it in that context..." She stared at him and started laughing.

"Worthy of an Art teacher...or tutor!" she smiled. "You have been thinking about this!"

"She's done so much for me...and I really wanted to give her something in return," he admitted to her. "Please..." She patted his shoulder again and looked up as the door opened. The bell had rung while they were talking.

"I'll consider it, Hiccup," she said gently. "Now take your place. I'll let class know by the end of the lesson..."


Cheer Practice was cancelled that afternoon so Astrid texted Hiccup to let him know she was walking into town after school. Despite being in detention, he had texted back that if she let him know, he'd meet her on the way to walk her home. She smiled: she knew he was worried about Dagur's threats against her but she was with her friends as they walked into town, heading for a specific location she had checked and double-checked. Finally, they found it, tucked away in a side road. Heather stared up at the sign.

"The Forge," she read. "Are they for real?"

"This is the place he told me he used to work...run by a family friend who believes he's a bad guy," Astrid told her firmly, adjusting her woolly hat slightly.

"It's a car repair place!" Cami frowned. "Um...why would we actually want to go in here?"

"Fine. I'll go in and you can all wait outside!" Astrid snapped and pulled the door open, stalking in. She heard footsteps behind her and the other three walked in rapidly.

"We never said we weren't coming!" Ruff protested. "And it's cold outside..." So they all huddled round the small and not-very-efficient panel heater while Astrid walked a little further into the workshop.

"Hello?" she called and saw movement. She stopped and her eyes widened as a very solid and bulky man eased his ample frame up from the floor, his left hand replaced by a hook and his right lower leg also a prosthetic. His grimy coveralls strained over his ample middle and his bald head was concealed under a grimy cap, a long braided blonde moustache completing his appearance.

"Canna help yer, lass?" he asked, his thick Scottish brogue unfamiliar. She nodded.

"My name is Astrid Hofferson and I've come here because I have a problem," she said without hesitation. "I need to speak to you about Hiccup Haddock."

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