《Behind the mask》Spiked


It had been another successful game for the Berk Vikings: a handsome win over the Visithugs Thunder in front of half the town and now the post match celebration was progressing in true Berk fashion with a large bonfire, barbecue and drinks. Music was playing and the players, cheerleaders and supporters were all mingling with good natured banter and lots of showing off.

Hiccup watched guardedly. Alvin was on the prowl, which automatically had him on edge: he knew the Principal wouldn't to anything with so many people around, but the knowledge the man could pop up at any moment put a damper on the event. The fact most of the school still treated him like an outcast meant he wasn't enjoying the celebration that much...but he still cast around to check Astrid was alright. His promise to Ingrid was still fresh in his mind and he took a sip from his fruit punch: non-alcoholic because there all underage. And then he frowned.

She was sitting on a bench by the opposing Quarterback, a huge buff guy called Jason who was laughing and joking with her. And then he frowned: Astrid was giggling, her head drooping and she was leaning towards Jason...who was pretty obviously feeling her up. He took a small step closer, his brows dipping in concern. Astrid's movements were very uncoordinated, her smile almost...drunk. And then he paused and stared accusingly at his punch, taking a small sip and grimacing. Spiked. And Astrid was completely drunk...

He cast around for her friends-and located Cami and Heather not far away, chatting with two other cheerleaders. He cast a small worried look at Astrid, who was leaning towards Jason, giggling as his hand slid up her leg....then marched determinedly over to the girls. Both Heather and Cami, unsurprisingly, scowled and glared at him. He rolled his eyes.

"Don't drink the punch," he said shortly. "It's spiked." They stared at him in shock and then accusingly. "And it wasn't me before you ask!"

"Never even considered that," Cami lied. Hiccup rolled his eyes.

"Look-I can tell-and if you don't believe me, look at Astrid. She's off her head!" Cami frowned and was about to open her mouth but Heather swatted her arm and pointed.

"You sure?" she asked. "She could just be into him..."

"Really really into him," Cami murmured, seeing the girl giggling and resting against him.

"Look, you know her better than I do but that doesn't look like Astrid Hofferson," Hiccup said urgently. "And I can tell you now-that guy is into her...and is going to take it further..." They glared at him. "What? I'm a guy. We're all bastards, right?" He threw his paper cup to the floor. "Warn the others not to drink the punch and get the players. I'll stop him doing anything to her." Cami frowned.

"What do you think you're..." she began but Hiccup turned to Heather.

"Look-do you want anything to happen to her?" he asked pointedly. "'Coz it's going to if no one does anything!" And then he turned away and marched towards Astrid. She was giggling and leaning towards Jason, his hands all over her. There were most of the Visithug team nearby and no sign of the Berk team...so Hiccup guessed he was probably on his own.


Nothing new there, he thought grimly.

In fact, the Quarterback seemed to be on the verge on standing up, suggesting Astrid came with him somewhere more private...and Hiccup realised that the guy knew she was drunk. He was probably in on it, he guessed. And that got him to speed up, his tall shape accelerating forward and grabbing Astrid's arm.

"There you are, Milady," he said pleasantly. "I was wondering where you'd got to. Time to go, I think!" Her dazed blue eyes swung up and she giggled.

"Hiccup!" she giggled. "I'm fine..." He gave a small smile.

"Not quite, Milady," he said gently. "The girls are looking for you..."

"Back off, toothpick!" Jason growled, glaring at him. "Can't you see the lady wants to be with me?" Hiccup gave a small smile.

"Not sure she wants to do anything at the moment," he told the bigger boy. "She's very drunk and I think it's time she went home."

"The lady wants to stay!" Jason growled, rising to his feet. Hiccup pulled Astrid towards him, his gentle grasp steadying her.

"Cami and Heather are worried about you," he said gently. "You need to get back, Astrid..."

"But I'm having fun..." she whined.

"Not with him," he said softly. "I don't think you really want this..."

Not now. Not this way.

"I think the lady has made her decision!" Jason growled as Hiccup pulled Astrid up and away from him.

"I know her better than you," he said softly. "Was it you spiked the punch or your team-mates?" Jason's big fists bunched and he loomed over Hiccup. Just his luck: the guy was a couple of inches taller but three times as wide as he was. Automatically, he pushed Astrid behind him, backing her away a step. She was unsteady on her feet, still giggling and gripping at him.

"I didn't know you had it in you!" she giggled. "My hero!"

"Walk away!" Jason growled. Hiccup shook his head, his green eyes darting to find someone-anyone-who could help. And it looked like he was alone, with only Visithugs surrounding him.

"Can't do that," he said. "I mean, are you so hopeless you have to drug girls to get them to talk to you? I knew Visithugs were lame but this is totally pathetic!"

The punch that crashed into his face had him staggering back, stumbling but he managed to keep on his feet and remain between Jason and Astrid.

"How's that for pathetic?" the Quarterback sneered.

"I've had better," Hiccup managed thickly. "Gods-no wonder you guys were whipped! You punch like a girl!"

The second punch did knock him to the ground and Astrid collapsed behind him, disorientated and mumbling. It was pretty obvious she was out of it and though his head was spinning, he stumbled up, grabbing her and pulling her away from the raging football player.

"Get away from my girl!" Jason snapped.

"Really?" Hiccup managed. "Your girl? If she was yours, she'd be protesting...but as she's stoned by whatever you put in that drink, she can't say anything! Doesn't that ring any alarm bells?"


"She's really into me...and I'm happy to take what consolation I can get..."

"Astrid isn't second prize!" Hiccup snapped, his eyes glittering in anger at the attitude and he threw a punch of his own, the hit snapping Jason's head back and not really not much else. "Oops," he mouthed.

"That...was a mistake!" Jason growled and signalled to his friends. Hiccup staggered back, pushing Astrid away from the quarterback before two players grabbed his arms and he struggled. Jason swaggered up. "And I'll enjoy making you pay for it..."

"Um...kinda broke now...maybe if you come back in the Spring?" Hiccup suggested, watching the man pull back his fist-and he lashed out with his leg, catching the other boy in the midriff. Jason groaned, his eyes crossing and he staggered back, before stumbling up, his face scarlet with rage. The punch that slammed into Hiccup's face had his vision smeared with stars and the second slammed him to the floor. A couple of fierce kicks to his chest were accompanied by audible cracks and suddenly there was horrible pain on breathing. The boot that slammed into his back actually lifted him a couple of feet off the ground. Then someone grabbed a handful of hair and he was dragged up, a fist to the face swiftly dumping him back on the ground. He rolled, staring at the blinking Astrid.

"Go!" he groaned as she frowned, shaking her head: she still seemed disorientated. There was a blur and with relief, he saw Cami, Heather and Ruff grab her and drag her away. But that didn't solve his problem as two of the Visithugs dragged him up again for Jason to continue battering his sagging shape. He sagged, blood dripping from his nose and as his head was dragged up again, he blinked and realised he was on his own...

...and then there were shouts and he saw movement. The grips on his arms vanished and the ground loomed up to meet him. He collapsed and saw legs around him, heard the sounds of shouts and punches...and then hands grabbed him again. He cringed, flinching as he saw movement...until he realised he was being held up by Snotlout and Tuffnut. The Visithugs were backing away, insults being traded between the two teams as Hiccup felt himself pulled back. Cami was screaming abuse and half the junior team were in support of the whole senior team-except Dagur and Savage, who had bailed earlier. Blearily, he lifted his head.

"I was jus' wearing his fists out wi' my face before making my move..." he mumbled. Snotlout peered at the auburn-haired boy, watching his legs buckle and taking his weight.

"Sure," he said.

"Why'd you tackle him alone, man?" Tuff nut asked him pointedly. "It took three of us to bring him down on the field!"

"Boy...wish I'd been paying attention..." Hiccup grumbled. "Wasn't really watching...but would've taken too long for-for Astrid..." Snotlout looked at him.

"I owe you one...for saving my Princess," he said brashly.

"Not y'r Princess," Hiccup mumbled as Alvin stormed up, seeing the two teams squaring up to one another.

"WHAT IS GIONG ON HERE?" he bellowed. Then his gaze fell on Hiccup and his face hardened. "I might've know you would be in the middle of any trouble, boy..." he sneered. There was a pause and the Football Team stared at him in surprise.

"Sir...the punch was spiked..." Heather began and Alvin lunged forward, grabbing Hiccup by the arm.

"You little bastard!" he roared. "How dare you..." The boy cringed, his battered face twisting in a whine of pain.

"I-I didn't Al...but glad you thought of me..." he mumbled weakly.

"I'll expel you for this," he shouted, shaking the boy viciously but Fishlegs shook his head.

"Sir-Hiccup was not to blame," he protested clearly. "Gustav saw the Visithug Running Back Norbert pouring vodka in the fruit punch. A lot of vodka. Hiccup was just the first one to realise and warn us..."

"And he stepped up to get Astrid back before something happened to her," Ruff added, seeing the Principal's face twist in a look of hatred as he inspected the skinny auburn-haired boy. He paused...then shoved the boy back against the Football players and stormed away, going off to harangue the opposing team's coach. Eret stared after him...then at the sagging shape.

"He really doesn't like you," he commented. Hiccup managed the faintest hint of a smile.

"Nah...he loves me really," he mumbled. "Just...can't bring himself to show it..." He tried to take a step and his legs completely collapsed. "Wow...why's the world spinning?" he groaned, blinking blearily. Snotlout sighed and dragged him to his feet.

"Where can we take you?" he asked with a sigh. The mood had kind of gone and the knowledge the other team had been trying to get their Cheerleaders drunk had put them all on edge. Hiccup winced.


"My home," Astrid slurred, blinking drunkenly. "My Mom knows his...she'll get him home..." Heather stared at her suspiciously but Astrid just burst into laughter and hung onto her helplessly as Hiccup almost had to be dragged to Snotlout's SUV. The boy sighed.

"I don't suppose you wanna stay with me, Princess?" he offered and almost melted under the ferocious glare the other girls gave him. Astrid just giggled.

"Oh Snotface," she laughed with drunken tactlessness. "You know I can't stand you! I've got my hero right here..." And she pointed shakily at Hiccup...then passed out. Snotlout half-dragged the beaten boy back to his car and sighed, seeing his eyes flutter closed as well.

"Some hero,"

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