《Behind the mask》Be Thankful


The tests were in full swing, deliberately set to test the students ferociously. Even Astrid, the top-ranked student in the Senior Year, was stressed and struggling. Ruff was contemplating quitting school and signing up for the Loki Mission in Antarctica while Cami's hair looked wilder than ever after every lesson and Heather was in a permanent bad mood. Hiccup kept to himself, generally ignored by the students, picked on by the teachers and menaced by Dagur and his Crew. Even Snotlout, who had very little insight, was worrying his marks may be so appalling he may fail to graduate and lose his Scholarship.

Head buzzing, Astrid headed to the Library, her books on Advanced Calculus and Algebra clutched in her arms and hoping she could get a quiet hour away from the other students. She had to put a good face on, even when she was feeling down and really pessimistic about her results...and Math was next. Mr Mildew had been gloating all week at the severity of the test he had set them. Shaking her head at the man's attitude, she wove her way through the stacks until she reached the furthest corner of the Library, the dusty section for Viking Lore and Mythology...and then almost growled in irritation as she found someone already there.

An auburn head lifted and Hiccup smiled at her. "Looking for the quietest place to hide away?" he asked her with a smirk. She dumped her books on the table and slumped into the old leather chair.

"What're you doing here?" she huffed. He twirled his pencil in his left hand, cocking an eyebrow.

"Getting a break from tests and stressed students," he told her, leaning over his sketch pad and swiftly sketching again.

"Ugh! They just expect me to be so calm and cheerful...but these tests are so hard! I think the teachers want us all to fail!"

"Wouldn't put it past them," he muttered, his hand flying across the sheet of paper.

"And these tests are so important! I mean, if I don't get straight As, Dad won't fund me going to College..." she sighed.

"If I go...and that's a huge if...I'll have to fund myself," Hiccup told her, pausing for a moment. She frowned. "Well, Mum doesn't have any money and it'll be Ragnarok before my step-dad would spend a cent on me!" He turned back to his sketch.

"What would you do if you went?" she asked him. He paused and shaded a corner thoughtfully.

"Engineering," he said. "I mean, my heart says Art but the rest of me-which has a tad of common sense-says do something using my drafting and mechanical skills." She stared at him and nodded.

"You'd be good," she said thoughtfully. "I mean...how did you...Lilah...?" He gave a small smirk.


"Those lockers aren't very secure," he admitted. "And...well, I just had to think what Lilah wouldn't like. Losing her dignity in front of the whole year would do it." She smiled at the memory.

"It was very mean," she told him but her eyes twinkled with approval. "Though nothing she didn't deserve..." He nodded and turned the pad round to show a sketch of Astrid slumped in the chair. She gaped. "You did that just now?" He nodded.

"I find drawing relaxing...and Mildew won't let me pass anyway!" he shrugged. She scooted over to sit by him and peeped at the image.

"That's...superb," she murmured.

"Thanks," he said softly. "Got a good subject." He tore it out and handed it to her. "So it doesn't infringe your image rights, Milady," he teased her and she blushed, recalling how stupid she had been.

"Thanks," she murmured and tucked the picture carefully away. Then she sighed. "I just can't get those last equations we learned...and we know Mildew will put them in because we've had almost no work on them."

"Of course," Hiccup admitted. He gave a one-shouldered shrug. "Look, they seem complicated but they aren't. You just need to think of them like those abstract quadratics we did at the beginning of the semester." He beckoned her closer and demonstrated and she frowned. Patiently, he explained again and there was a pause before her face brightened.

"I...understand..." she said in surprise. "How is it a teacher can't make me understand how these work but it took you about two minutes?" He gave a small smile.

"Um...you're already good at Math...I only had to point you in the right direction," he said with a small blush...that warmed to beet red as she leaned forward and pecked a kiss on his cheek. She gave a small smile.

"Thanks, Hiccup!" she said as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassed.

"Um...you're welcome..." he mumbled...as steps closed. He glanced up and pointed urgently behind the stack on 'Ragnarok'. Astrid grabbed her books and scuttled out of sight as the powerful, bald Librarian, 'Silent' Sven Bagall, loomed over the boy. Hiccup looked up with a smile, his cheeks still hot with embarrassment.

"You've been talking in the Library!" Sven said in his high-pitched voice. Hiccup stared at him and shook his head urgently. "Is there someone else here." He nodded. "Who?

Hiccup pointed at Sven with a grin. The man's face fell into a furious scowl and grabbed Hiccup by the collar, hauling him from his seat and hardly granting him any time to grab his bag and books before he was hauled from the Library. Astrid paused, then peered out from her hiding place. His sketch book had fallen to the floor, along with his favourite pencil and she swiftly stowed them in her bag then headed for Math.


Hiccup arrived fifteen minutes into the test, escorted in by Alvin, hunched and moving gingerly. He was shoved into a seat, handed the test paper and motioned to get on with it. Wincing, he fished out a pen and began on the difficult test, despite his shortened time. Astrid peered up between questions and saw his pen flying over the paper, his head bent over and face scrunched in concentration. She knew he understood the Math but even she was surprised at the determination in his face. When time was called, he had completed the last question-just-and looked up defiantly as his paper was collected. Mildew stared at him.

"Yer know, I don't see why I should mark this as yer came in late," he said, then ripped the paper in half. "Yer score is zero!" Hiccup lurched to his feet.

"That is unfair!" he protested through his teeth. "I was detained by the Principal who knew I had to be in this test. I was allowed to take the test. I completed it, despite having less time. You have to mark it!"

"I do not!" Mildew's face was twisted in a cruel smile. Hiccup walked round and grabbed the torn halves of his paper. He shoved them in Mildew's face.

"Mark it, you miserable old bastard!" he snarled. "Otherwise, what is the point of you?" Mildew gave a triumphant sneer.

"Get out!" he snapped. "Yer outta me class-permanently." Hiccup grabbed his bag and walked from the class, slamming the door. They heard the incoherent scream of rage and frustration through the door. Astrid stared after him and felt her stomach drop. The bell rang and the students filed out...but she paused and picked up the discarded pieces of Hiccup's test. Mildew scowled.

"Sir, I need to request that his paper is marked," she said. He opened his mouth but she was quicker. "Sir, you let him take the test. You didn't refuse him permission to sit the test for arriving late. The student council has to support his right to have his work marked. I'm sorry, Mr Mildew." He scowled at her but accepted the pieces of the test, casting her unfriendly glances. She guessed he knew he had overstepped the bounds of his authority and he nodded.

"He's still expelled from my class," he growled.

"Of course, sir," she said. "But the test will grant him his final mark at least." Mildew scowled at her and then reluctantly nodded. She gave a bright smile and walked out, breathing hard...and then looking around for Hiccup...but there was no sign of him. With a shrug, she headed for the door. There was no practice because of the tests and she was exhausted: she was looking forward to going home and hoped Hiccup wouldn't be late.

In Alvin's Office, Hiccup was sitting stock-still in the chair as Alvin prowled around him. The big man closed his hand fiercely over the boy's skinny shoulder and exerted a ferocious pressure. "Where are stayin', boy?" he growled.

"Somewhere warm," Hiccup replied tightly, grimacing. The pressure was very painful.


"Lemme see...Berk?" Hiccup replied. Alvin increased the pressure and Hiccup gasped.

"Yer really should be thankful I let yer stay in the School!" Alvin growled. "I should've expelled you."

"Why haven't you?" Hiccup grunted in pain. The big man leaned close, his beard tickling Hiccup's cheek.

"I'm not tellin' yer mother I kicked yer out," he sneered. "Yer have ter quit!"

"Never happening!" Hiccup groaned, feeling his arm grow numb. Alvin stared into the pain-filed face and grinned...and then let the boy go.

"It will," he growled. "I may ask Mildew will tek yer back...because I enjoy the pair of yer bein' miserable!"

"You're a cruel man, you know that?" Hiccup asked, rubbing his shoulder. He doubted the ornery old man would reverse his decision. Alvin grinned yellowly.

"In two days, I'll be sitting at home with me wife, eatin' a grand turkey," he growled, "but yer...well, I doesn't care where yer is. Yer not welcome, boy...and if yer turn up, I'll set Screamer on yer. I won't have yer back in the house again, boy-I'm well shot of yer!"

"What about Mom?" Hiccup asked softly.

"She don't wanna see yer," Alvin told him crushingly. "I don't wanna see yer. Be thankful I ain't got family services to tek yer away!"

"We both know why that won't happen, Al," Hiccup said, forcing himself to his feet. "Too many marks on me now for them to ignore. Try to get me locked away and I'll return the favour!" Alvin's fist slammed across his face and he spun as he collapsed to the ground.

"Get up and get out!" Alvin shouted. "And be thankful I'm goin' gently on yer!" Stumbling up, his head spinning, Hiccup cast him a pained look.

"There'n nothing to be thankful for," he replied. "Being thrown out of my home, separated from my mother, treated like dirt at school...yeah, why wouldn't I want to have more of that?" Alvin growled and he backed away, diving for the door before the man could change his mind. It was dark outside and very cold, he had missed the buses and there was a long walk ahead of him.

"What have I got to be thankful for?" he muttered.

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