《Behind the mask》Covert Friend


Astrid found it hard to concentrate on her homework as her mind kept drifting back to Hiccup's words. She couldn't understand why he had become so angry at her for wanting to remain popular. Of course, she could understand the sense in his words but her position in Senior Year depended on her being popular and cool. Surely even Hiccup Haddock could understand that... and then she kicked herself. He understood too well but he had learned that doing things just for popularity which you hated ultimately wasn't worth it.

She sighed and reread the page. Tests were coming up and nothing seemed to stick: she was concentrating too much on Hiccup and not enough on Viking history. So she was relieved when she heard footsteps and saw Hiccup walk swiftly past, his head down and shoulders slumped. She heard his door slam and laid her pen down. She knew from her mother that she had fallen asleep on Hiccup while watching the movie...and Ingrid had told her that her Dad had been furious to find the two snuggled asleep together. Hiccup was on some sort of a final warning from her Dad...which could've explained his temper. But then he had vanished and it was now late afternoon and he was only just back. And he didn't look happy. With a sigh, she got up and walked to his door.

"Go away!" Hiccup called. She ignored him and pushed the door open, peering in. He was curled on his side on the bed, looking away from the door.

"Hiccup?" she asked gently.

"What part of 'go away' don't you understand?" he asked sarcastically, still staring away from her.

"I was worried," she admitted. "You've been out all day...with no lunch..."

"Not hungry," he lied. "Did you want something, Astrid?" She paused.

"You're right!" she said suddenly, feeling self-conscious. "You're right about the movie thing. True friends would respect my choice as well...." There was a pause and he rolled to face her, pushing himself up into a lopsided sitting position. His auburn hair was very messy but his face was twisted in a lopsided smirk and his emerald eyes glittered.

"Did you just say I was right?" he asked her in an amused voice. She blushed.

"I conceded a point," she said tartly. "One tiny small thing..."

"Really? How tiny and small?" He sat up to face her and she sighed.

"Okay...it was a good point," she admitted. "I'm sure my girls wouldn't mind if we saw something different...and if they did...they're not proper friends..."

"And I know not proper friends," he sighed. "I guess everyone who was supposed to be my friend...wasn't..." She caught the edge of his voice and saw the brief misery in his eyes...


"Not everyone..." she found herself saying. He tilted his head and looked at her, still smirking.

"You volunteering?" he asked.

"I was thinking Toothless," she said smugly and then regretted in when she caught the flash of disappointment in his eyes.

"Hey, there's still time for him to go off with Stormfly and leave me hanging!" he said bitterly and she cringed inwardly.

"He'd never do that!" she protested.

"How do you know?"

"He's so cute," she told him. "And he really loves you."

"Thought my Mom did as well," he muttered. "No biggie. Can't be worth the effort..."

"And you've got me!" she blurted out. He stared at her and shook his head.

"Really? So you're willing to be seen in daylight with me?" he asked sarcastically. She opened her mouth and gaped. "Just as I thought!" he snarked.

"Hiccup! You know I have a position to maintain..." she protested. He stared at her and shook his head.

"And that is so much more important that being yourself..." he sighed.

"It's okay for you!" she protested. "I mean...you're Hiccup..." And she saw his face harden.

"And I don't count..."

"No! I never said that!"

"You were thinking it!"

"No! But you don't seem to care for all the social order..." she protested, feeling under attack.

"Um...only because I'm a social leper," he reminded her. She sighed and quietly nodded.

"But you still understand," she murmured and he nodded. She was looking flustered and though he was still hurt, he still remembered how she had grabbed his hand and insisted he watch the movie with her. He sighed.

"Okay," he said finally. "I know. Getting you to go to a movie you like is different to actually being seen talking to me. We can be...what, covert friends?"

"I already thought we were," she said, feeling relieved. It had been troubling her that he was staying while he was still just another kid. It all felt better with him actually being an official sort of friend... He smiled and guessed what she was thinking.

"Has your sense of order been restored?" he teased her and she grinned.

"Why, yes it has. Thank you very much!" she told him brightly. He winked.

"Always happy to oblige, Milady," he smirked.

"Sooooo... what're you doing about the tests?" she asked him and the smile instantly fell from his face.

"Failing them," he told her. She planted her fists on her hips.

"Now that just isn't going to happen..." she told him. "Don't you care?"


"Not really," he said tonelessly. "I doubt Al would let me graduate anyway so why bother...?"

"Or you could get back at him by making him have to award you your Diploma," she said, her eyes narrowing. He shrugged.

"Not happening," he shrugged and she walked to the bed, grabbing his hand. "Hey! Hands off the merchandise!" he protested.

"You, Mister Skinny, are coming with me," she decided. "Even if you don't care, I do...so you can help me revise...and you will learn something as well!"

"Oh Thor. Being a social leper was much easier," he muttered but allowed himself to be pulled along to her room, taking care to sit a non-threatening distance from her as she lobbed a book at him.

"Okay. Viking history," she said, her blue eyes sparkling with amusement. He flicked through the book.

"First eight Chiefs of Berk," he began.

"Oh please, challenge me!" she scoffed and he watched her brow furrow slightly as she concentrated. She really was very beautiful and he had to concentrate hard to listen to her words rather than just stare at her. "In order they are..."


The days slid by, cold and snowy and really Berkian. Hiccup walked to the next stop every day despite his lack of warm coat and boots so he wasn't seen getting on the bus with Astrid and accepted being blanked by her. He was snarky and sarcastic in class, accepting his detentions with calm resignation. Practice for the Football Team and the Cheerleaders moved into the gym so Astrid had to put up with even more flirting by Snotlout and Lilah was furious with her because apparently she had ruined her party. She had cornered Astrid at Monday lunchtime and slammed down at her table.

"You bitch!" Lilah snapped. Astrid looked up from her lunch and rolled her eyes.

"What?" she asked in exasperation as Ruff and Cami stopped their discussions to focus on the intruder.

"You deliberately told people to steer clear!" Lilah hissed. Astrid smiled.

"Hey, they just asked me if I was going...and as you didn't ask me, I said no..." She gave an innocent look. "If they decide a party without me isn't worth going to, whose fault is that?"

Lilah almost choked. "And what about the team?" she snarled.

"You mean Ruff's brother and his friends? Why shouldn't they come round to spend time with us?" Astrid asked. Then she leaned forward. "I understand your insecurity and your jealousy, Lilah-I really do-but if you had asked me for my help, it would have gone so much better!"

There was silence in the canteen as Lilah slapped her. "I'll get you for this!" she spat and flounced out.

"Bitch!" Cami snapped as Astrid lifted a hand to her stinging cheek. She glanced after Lilah and saw Hiccup staring after her with a calculating look on his face. He turned his head to meet her gaze then gave a slight nod...and then rose and left the canteen. Astrid frowned and then turned back to her friends, who were bitching about Lilah. She sighed: somehow Hiccup was right. Being popular was a pain.

At the end of school, Astrid was going to her locker when she and Heather came across Lilah and Savannah wrestling with Lilah's locker door. Both girls were sweating and muttering. Unusually, Hiccup was lurking, watching the show.

"It...was fine...earlier!" Lilah growled as with a huge tug, she finally managed to hurl the door open...

...and a bucket of fluorescent green goo exploded down and splattered Lilah and Savannah full in the face. Lilah's hair was dripping with the mess and her dress was drenched. She froze for a second, then gave a piercing scream, frantically attempting to wipe the gunk from her beautifully styled hair. Savannah pushed her back, whimpering as well but as she tried to back away, her foot slipped on the puddle of goo and she fell backwards, knocking Savannah over as well. By now, everyone was helpless with laughter at the pair, lying tangled in one another on the ground, drenched in green goo.

"What is the meaning of this commotion?" Mr Treacher roared, elbowing through the crowd of laughing students.

"I think Lilah and Savannah have had an accident," Astrid managed in a strangled voice, trying not to laugh.

"Look at my hair!" Lilah wailed. "What is this stuff?"

"It's your fault for pulling the locker too hard!" Savannah shouted.

"Silence!" Alvin growled, leaning forward to help them up. His foot slid on the goo almost on slow motion and as he fell, Astrid could've sworn the whole hall shook. There was a shocked gasp...until a single laugh sounded, triggering everyone to start again. Astrid looked at Hiccup and saw a triumphant expression on his face. And though she knew it was wrong and mean and someone would certainly get into serious trouble, it had been very funny.

Her phone buzzed.


She looked up to meet Hiccup's smile as he turned to watch Lilah slip over once more.

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