《Behind the mask》Unwelcome lodger


Sunday morning was awkward, as Hiccup tried his hardest to avoid Martin and not feel too embarrassed with Astrid. The sleet had turned to proper snow overnight but the sidewalks were clear and Astrid had gone out running. Hiccup peeled himself from the bed and trudged to the shower, wearily clicking the water on and sluicing himself clean. He couldn't believe what had happened...and that he wasn't already out of the streets. And he was ashamed and angry at himself for the way that he had reached to Astrid's Dad...the man wasn't Alvin and he had no reason to believe he would physically harm him...but there had been far too much taken from him recently for him to relax.

He face-palmed and dried himself, dressing swiftly in his other pair of jeans, a long-sleeved brown T-shirt and a mismatched pair of socks-which was all he had left- and then made his way downstairs. Neither of Astrid's parents were there so he found himself some toast and grabbed his clothes from the drier. His trainers had dried overnight and he pulled on his hoodie, jumper and jacket as well and let himself out into the yard.

Toothless, at least, was pleased to see him, bouncing up and down and licking his friend thoroughly. Hiccup dropped to his knees and hugged the dog, playing with him for a few minutes before casting around and finding the snow shovel. He rubbed his cold hands to warm them, then sighed.

"C'mon, bud-keep me company," he murmured and the dog walked alongside, his tail wagging wildly as the boy made it to the front drive and began shovelling. His hands were cold but he soon warmed up as he put his back into the effort of clearing the drive. It was a job he had to do whenever it snowed for Alvin and he was used to spending hours, shovelling snow. Unusually, he had Toothless to keep him company and the dog insisted on bounding around and jumping into the pile of now. Despite the fact he was tired and hot, Hiccup couldn't help laughing and stopping to get the dog out of the snow-drifts.

He was almost finished when he heard a voice behind him. "What do you think you're doing?" He spun round, seeing Martin Hofferson. He backed up a pace.

"Um...clearing the drive?" he said, swiping the sweat from his face. "I-I can put the snow back if you want..."

"Who told you to do this?" Martin asked him.


"No one. I'm expected to do this when it snows...so I kinda thought you might want me to do the same," he explained, breathing hard. Martin looked around, his eyes sweeping over the meticulously cleared drive, the neatly piled snow and the cleared sidewalk. He stared at the boy, flushed with exertion and nodded.

"Good job. Thank you," he said briskly and turned back into the house. Hiccup sagged with relief and nuzzled the dog in relief.

"Um...did that just happen?" he murmured.

"Did what just happen?" Astrid asked, panting up, her cheeks flushed with exertion from her run.

"Um...your Dad didn't shout at me..." he murmured. Walking forward, she inspected the drive and grinned.

"Good job!" she complimented him. He twitched a small smile.

"Why thank you. I also clear yards and sidewalks," he announced mildly and gave a small bow. She laughed, walking up to him.

"Thanks for last night," she said softly and he immediately looked embarrassed.

"Um...no sweat," he said awkwardly. "You really don't like horror movies, do you?" She shrugged, blushing.

"Um...the others all like them and when we go to the multiplex we always choose the horror movie but...no..." she admitted.

"Can't you say you'd rather go to another film?" he asked her in surprise. She shook her head.

"Horror is cool," she sighed, "so I have to be cool."

"Even when you hate the films? That's dumb," he scoffed and she stared at him sharply. "I mean, why go through something you hate just for the sake of being cool? If people are your friends, they'll accept your likes and dislikes...and go to something you all wanna see!"

"Well, what do you know? I mean, you hang around wth people who actually hurt you! Going to a film I don't like isn't anywhere near as stupid!"

"I never said I was any smarter!" he shouted at her. "I just hate the idea of you having to put up with something you don't like when it's not necessary!"

"You do far worse! You act like a total ass with them!"

"Maybe I am a total ass!" he shouted. "It goes with everything else everyone says about me! I was just sharing my wisdom with Miss Perfect-but she doesn't wanna listen. Fine!" He handed her the snow shovel. "You can put this away. I'm going for a walk! Toothless!" And he stormed away, the dog bounding along after him. Astrid stared after him and blinked.


"What was that all about?" she murmured


The sounds of banging and a very rough engine filled the air as he walked into the front of the Forge, closing the door quietly as he turned back to the workshop. His green eyes scanned the space, looking for the familiar shape and he steeled himself for an argument.

"Whatcha doing here, boy?" Gobber growled, limping forward. He was wiping his hand on an oily rag and his grimy coveralls were stretched over his ample shape. "Yer not welcome here!"

"Oh, come on, Gobber!" Hiccup sighed. "I came to talk...to apologise..."

"Heh! That's rich!" Gobber scoffed. "I only didnae press charges coz yer the son o'my best friend!" Hiccup frowned, talking a few paces closer. He really didn't want to argue with Gobber because he missed his friend, he missed his job and he missed the feeling of belonging to something.

"And you never let me explain anything!" he protested. "Gobber-you were mad at me when I stopped those guys breaking in..."

"Did yer nah see the mess?" Gobber growled.

"I was asleep and it was dark...I was going to clear up when I woke..."

"I didnae give ye permission tae sleep in the shop!" Gobber snapped.

"No...you didn't say no either!" Hiccup pointed up, walking a pace closer. "I asked for help and you were out of your apartment because of the flood...but I had nowhere to go. It was here or outside..."

"Yer could've gone tae the authorities..." Gobber pointed out. Hiccup's brows pulled down in a scowl.

"Yeah, that was going to happen!" he retorted. "I get thrown out by Al and end up in a home? I'd rather freeze!"

"And then yer attack me in revenge!" Gobber snapped as Hiccup backed up a pace, shaking his head.

"Gobber...those guys are dangerous!" he protested. "They ordered me to come with them. They had a knife..."

"Ye could've not come..."

"And the next day, when they found me at school..?" Hiccup asked him shortly, exasperated. "Gobber-that's why I warned you. I had no choice...but I didn't want your shop broken into or burnt down..."

"But ye broke intae the back door! Meh new back door!" Gobber snarled.

"They had a knife!" Hiccup protested, his eyes wide with dismay. "Gobber, I would never hurt you...you know that..."

"Is this person bothering you,sir?" A clear-and familiar-voice had Hiccup groaning as a tall, black-haired and built young man walked forward, his clean coveralls stretched over his muscular shape. Hiccup stared at Eret with incredulity.

"You gave HIM my job?" he scoffed. "Aw, c'mon! He isn't a quarter of the mechanic I am!"

"Gobber?" Eret asked, his fists tightening.

"He's jest a troublemaker!"

"Gee, thanks!" Hiccup said sarcastically. "I reckoned I rated a bit more than that. Great mechanic, security guard and buddy at the very least!"

"Yer not what I thought ye were!" Gobber growled. "Yer a treacherous little bastard who turned on me..."

"Wrong, wrong and wrong!" Hiccup replied angrily. "Gobber, you're my friend and I'm gutted you'd think I'd hurt you. That I would do anything to harm your business! I think my Dad would be ashamed at what you've done!"

"Dinnae play that card, lad-because it cuts both ways!" Goober sneered. "Yer Dad would be spinning in his grave at what yer've become. A disgrace ter your Mother, yer family and yerself!"

"Don't. Mention. Mom!" Hiccup ground out through his teeth. "You have no idea what you're talking about!"

"Yer a troublemaker and a sarcastic little shit!" Goober said. "I can see why yer step-dad would throw ye out! Git outta here. I got nothing more tae say ter ye!" Eret walked forward and grabbed Hiccup's arm.

"The Boss has spoken!" he said and grabbed the boy's arm. Hiccup struggled.

"Get off of me!" he snarled. "Gobber! You are supposed to be my godfather. My Dad trusted you to help and protect me. He would never give up on me! But you-you've abandoned me-like everyone else!" Then he watched as Gobber turned away as well, lumbering back to the shop as Eret hauled the struggling boy to the entrance.

"Never thought you to be so pathetic, Haddock," Eret sneered as he shoved Hiccup through the front door and onto the snowy street. "Don't worry though. Gobber's managing fine without you!" And he slammed the door behind him, leaving Hiccup glaring at the door.

"Gobber..." he sighed. "Why couldn't you just give me a chance..." He pressed his hands to his face. "You were my friend, the one person I could rely on. Why did you have to let me down when I needed you?"

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