《Behind the mask》Unintended friend


Astrid stared through the window as her father drove her home. The wiper was smearing sleet across the windshield and the evening was looking dark and miserable. Really, she would have wanted to stay but Snotlout was incredibly irritating and she knew her parents would get mad if they found out. She had dodged enough trouble with the party and she had learned to choose her battles: an evening being pestered by Snotlout just wasn't worth the effort.

Her father had been quietly pleased she had been responsible and she smiled. She loved her parents, despite their unrealistic expectations and she wondered how Hiccup had gotten on visiting his Mom. It struck her as weird that his mother wouldn't even worry that he had gone missing...and then she reminded herself that she knew nothing really about his home life. She could only judge him on how he behaved with her parents-and it was very different to the sarcastic boy from school.

Clambering out of the car, she grinned at her Mom and dumped her bag. "Sorry-its me," she said with a smile. "Guess I've ruined your plans for this evening..." Ingrid looked at her husband.

"We were going to go out but we were waiting for Hiccup to come back," she admitted. Astrid started.

"He's not back?" she asked, her blue eyes worried. "He went out early..." Martin Hofferson scowled. He wanted to know the outcome of the visit because he wasn't at all keen on keeping the boy in his home. He was hoping the absence was because Hiccup was safely home with his family...but he accepted the boy would probably let his daughter know if he wasn't coming back.

"I'm sure he'll turn up," he said, casting his wife a look.

"You guys go out," Astrid said. "I'll feed the dogs and relax in front of the TV..."

"Don't forget the tests coming up in a week!" Martin said sternly. "You can't slacken off now..."

"Martin!" Ingrid said reprovingly. "For Thor's sake. It's Saturday night!"

"Harvard Law won't drop their standards because my daughter wants a night off..."

"Even though I was at a sleep-over?" Astrid sighed. He kissed her cheek.

"I just want what's best for you," he said, handing Ingrid her coat. "We'll be back by eleven!"

"Have a good time!" she called, frustrated but forcing a smile. She waved as their car pulled out and groaned once she had closed the door. After dumping her bag in her room, she heard her phone ring: it was Cami and she opened Skype.

"Hey, sister...look what we're up to!" the girl grinned, panning her phone round to show the others entwined in s game of Twister.

"That had to be Ruff's idea!" Astrid smirked.

"Actually, it was Heather's...you know those blue eyes she likes...they belong to Fishlegs!"

"No way!"

"Very much way!" Cami winked. "Snotlout is consoling himself by drinking and trying to win. Eret's totally thrashing him as well."

"Poor Snottykins! Not his day!" Astrid smiled.

"Can I quote you on that?" Cami teased her.

"You're a dead woman if you do!" Astrid threatened her and Cami burst out laughing.

"Okay, okay...I could see you really weren't happy when he turned up...I am actually sorry," she admitted with a sigh. "You know if never do anything to hurt you."

"I know," Astrid said, wandering into the kitchen to get a drink and peered out of the window. She stiffened and then Cami looked around as shouts floated across.


"Gotta go," she said. "I think Snotlout wants to kill Tuff...and Eret is cornered by Ruff!"

"Good luck!" Astrid said as she clicked the phone off and peered into the gloom...and then she quietly fetched her coat, hat and scarf and let herself out into the yard. Quietly she walked to the kennel and paused, then crouched by the shape huddled by the skinny black dog.

Hiccup was sitting against the side of the kennel, his knees hard against his chest. His hair was dark and plastered against his bowed head and his clothes were soaking. Toothless was pressed against his side, his big green eyes fixed on the boy, whining slightly. The girl swiped sleet out of her eyes and sighed.

"Are you okay?" she asked him and he slowly raised his head to look at her.

"Do I look it?" he asked her and coughed into his hand.

"No, you look like a drowned rat," she pointed out.

"Thanks for summing that up. I'm really enjoying the fine Berk weather," he mumbled.

"Mom was worried," she said softly and he swallowed.

"Yeah, rub it in," he shot at her, his tone bitter.

"It didn't go well." Astrid's words made him wince.

"Ya think? I mean however did you guess?" he asked sarcastically.

"You've been gone for hours, you're still here and you're sitting in the yard in the snow, looking utterly miserable..." she ticked off briskly and he blinked.

"Just thinking," he murmured. Toothless nuzzled against him and he sighed. "Yeah, bud. At least I have you..." Astrid's eyes softened with sympathy at the tone. "Aren't you supposed to be at your friend's for a sleepover?" She flinched at the question.

"I'll tell you if we can go inside..." she suggested. He swiped the sodden hair off his face.

"You know, I'm good," he said and coughed. She rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand, pulling him to his feet. He didn't resist but he didn't help either and she struggled until he finally straightened up. "See that, bud? She can't keep her hands off of me..."

"Ugh! You're soaking..." she complained as she dragged him towards to kitchen door.

"Sitting in the rain will do that for you," he commented, his cold hand still grasped around hers. She dragged him into the house and began hauling his jacket off. "Hey! Slow down!" he yelped. She dropped his jacket on the floor with a splat, then hauled at his equally drenched hoodie and jumper. She huffed as she stared at the pile of soaked clothing. His baggy jeans were dark and heavy with rain and even his trainers were soaked. He backed up as he saw her eyeing his remaining clothes.

"You'll get hypothermia!" she briskly.

"Hey, I'll keep my pants!" he protested, backing up. She planted her fists on her hips and scowled at him.

"Go upstairs, get out of those soaking clothes and have a warm shower," she ordered him. "Once you're done, I'll get these things washed and dried!" He stared at her and gave a small smile, a hand still clamped protectively over the waistband of his jeans.

"Yes, Milady," he said and trudged up the stairs. She heard the shower turn on and run for a few minutes as she wrung out the jacket and hung it over a radiator. She'd made two mugs of hot chocolate and dashed out to feed the dogs when he reappeared, dressed in the faded training pants and scruffy T-shirt she recognised as his pyjamas. His hair was towelled drier and stuck out wildly but he still looked down as he delivered the dripping clothes.


"You gonna tell me what happened?" she asked him

"Thought you were up first," he shot back. She pushed his chocolate to him and sat opposite, sipping hers and frowning,

"I was supposed to be at Cami's having a girl's night," she said. "Lilah had organised a party and 'forgotten' to invite me so the girls and I decided to miss it. We were having fun when half the Team arrived-invited by Cami. Snotlout was being hugely irritating so I decided I needed to leave. My parents don't like me being at parties anyway-especially if they haven't given permission..."

"You really are Goody Two-Shoes," Hiccup commented, sipping his chocolate and watching her blush slightly. "I'd have stayed."

"But you don't respect authority, have a horrible relationship with your parents and are a guy," she shot back. His face tightened in a grimace and his eyes hardened.

"And why do you say that?"

"Because you won't get grounded for being at a party with the opposite sex," Astrid told him. He frowned.

"Duh...no," he said sarcastically. "Because even with my horrible parental relations, they aren't that insane! I mean...what is the point...?"

"I think my Dad thinks I will get distracted, turn into a rebel and my grades will bomb!" she told him. He quirked an eyebrow and smothered a chuckle.

"So that's why he keeps scowling at me," he said lightly. "He must have guessed my master plan..."

"You? Hah! Snotlout is far more persistent and he's not even got to first base in over three years!"

"Well, he is an ass," Hiccup pointed out cheerfully. "And he's totally oblivious to anyone but Snotlout. If you want, I can make life a little uncomfortable for him...just to cheer you up?" She stared at him, gaping.

"Um...how?" she stammered. He sighed.

"Um...you know personal protective sports equipment?" She nodded slowly. "Well, it's pretty easy to doctor it so that deep heat..or something similar...accidentally gets in there..." She stared at him open-mouthed.

"Why would you even think...?" she asked, aghast. He shrugged.

"You mean apart from it being hilarious? Someone hurts someone you care for-the only option is to hurt them back so they don't do it again..." he told her calmly.

"You realise you just claimed you care for me," she pointed out and he stiffened...then looked at his mug again.

"Just grateful," he mumbled.

"So'm I," she admitted with a sigh. His emerald eyes flicked up and his hands tightened round the mug.

"That was nothing," he murmured softly. "Dad would be ashamed if I let you down, if I left you in danger." He paused and stared hard at the table. "He'd be very ashamed of me now...because I've let Mom down. I left her with him, left her to believe in him...and turn on me..." She stared at him, hearing the lightness leave his voice.

"You had no choice, did you?" she asked softly. He shook his head.

"I could've been braver," he said in a shamed voice. "I should've gone back, no matter what Al said, and made her choose. I should've shown her what he was like..."

"She chose him, didn't she?" she realised. He swallowed.

"She sent me away...and said she felt better...and was happier without me..." he whispered quietly. He pressed a hand to his face. "I failed Dad." He closed his eyes and leaned his elbows on the table, covering his face with his hands .

"You did everything you could," she reassured him, rising and gently coming to stand by him. She hesitated, then rested a hand on his shoulder. He stiffened and slowly raised his head, craning his neck to stare at her. Then he shook his head.

"I wasn't brave enough to stay," he said bitterly but her grip on his shoulder tightened.

"You were brave enough to save me-no matter the consequences," she said, staring into his eyes. "And you know you have a home here...as long as you need?" He stared into her face, palming his cheek and sighed.

"I think that depends on your Dad," he admitted. "And I guess he thinks I may ruin his Perfect daughter's grades..." She leaned closer to him.

"Can I tell you a secret?" she asked him. His green eyes widened and he nodded. "I choose my battles carefully. Party with Snotlout-not worth the effort. Tutoring...worth it. But I will fight to make sure you have a home no matter what...because you saved me when you didn't need to..."

"Actually, I think I did," he said quietly. "The only decent thing to do."

"You know most people wouldn't consider the words 'decent' and 'Hiccup Haddock' in the same sentence?" she asked him.

"Shows what they know," he muttered.

"I know better," she told him. He managed a faint smile.

"Thanks," he said and slowly rose to his feet. "I...I think I'll turn in," he murmured but she grabbed his hand and hauled him to living room.

"Oh no!" she said, dragging him to the couch and grabbing the TV remote. "I have an evening off and I have every intention spending it with my friends. So here you are..."

"Me?" His green eyes widened in shock.

"No, I'm talking to the other three people in here!" she snapped. He rolled his eyes.

"Have you checked under the couch to make sure no one you know is here?" he asked. "I mean, you can't be seen to actually talk to me or acknowledge I exist..."

"I know you exist..." she protested. "But I am not watching that movie on my own..." His lips twitched at the titles of a horror movie.

"Oh, you need someone brave for this?" he teased her.

"Yeah?" she said, clicking the TV on and settling by him. He sat self-consciously next to her, feeling the warmth from her arm as it almost touched his...and then she gave a small shriek and buried her face in his shoulder.

"Oh...not a fan?" he guessed with a smirk.

"No...I really like these...AAARGH!" she screamed and buried her face in his chest.

"Would it help if I explained that's just a man in a mask?" he suggested.

"No!" she protested. "Has he gone yet?"

"Um...I think he's the main character, Milady," he explained as she looked up, screamed and cuddled against him again. "Oh Thor, I hope Snotlout never hears of this," he muttered to himself.

"What?" she asked, lifting her head. His green eyes popped wide.

"Nothing!" he said quickly as she flinched and buried her face in his chest. "Wow-why do you watch this? Or not?"

"I enjoy being scared," she said, her voice muffled against his chest. He cautiously moved an arm round her. "What are you doing?"

"Getting a cramp" he protested. "You're squashing my arm!" She fidgeted.

"Okay. It's kinda comforting..."

"Oh Thor..." he muttered. "Adios, reputation..."

"Did you just say something?" she asked, staring up at his amused face. Somehow, the despondency from earlier had lifted as she snuggled against him.

"No...just that is a really bad mask," he muttered. She hazarded a glance, screamed and buried her face again. "Boy, you'd be a delight to take to the movies," he added.

"Was that you asking for a date?" she murmured.

"Um...I would have to take you to Berserk to avoid the lynch mob," he told her with a sigh. "I mean, Miss Perfect Class President on a date with Hiccup Haddock the screw-up? As if."

"Mmm...you're warm," she murmured, snuggling against him.

"So're you..." he admitted. "Astrid...thanks. I mean it."

"Y'r welcome," she murmured and relaxed against him. It didn't take long before she was asleep and he managed a smile as he reached for the remote and switched to something less scary.

"Sleep well, Milady," he murmured, pressing a gentle kiss on her forehead. Her lips stretched in a smile and she stirred slightly in her sleep, though her eyes remained closed.

"Sleep well, Hiccup," she mumbled sleepily and wrapped her arms around him. He rested his cheek against her head and felt his eyelids grow heavy as he stared at the screen...

...when Ingrid and Martin returned much later, they found the two curled together, a little smile on Hiccup's face with Astrid snuggled asleep against him.

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