《Behind the mask》Outcast


The next morning, his fever was down and though he still had a horrible cough, Hiccup forced himself up and dressed in time for school. And then he realised his first problem: he couldn't be seen getting on the bus with Astrid. He was thinking hard as he wandered downstairs, coughing slightly and then he paused, hovering at the door of the kitchen, seeing the Hoffersons all sitting at the table. He stared for a long minute, not feeling as if he had the right to disturb the family...and then he walked in, forcing himself to smile.

"Morning," he greeted them cheerfully. Astrid looked up from her muesli and smiled but Mr Hofferson gave a stony look. With a sigh, Hiccup sat down as Ingrid placed some toast and a coffee in front of him. The boy looked up gratefully and tucked in, eating rapidly.

"Wow, slow down!" Astrid murmured but he cast her a sharp look.

"Gotta see Toothless and start walking to school," he told her directly.

"But the bus..." she began and he sighed.

"D'you want to be seen getting on the bus with me?" he asked her pointedly. She paused and her eyes widened. "Just as I suspected," he said with a vague hint of triumph.

"Astrid? I thought you said you were friends with this boy?" Martin Hofferson asked her shortly, peering over his paper.

"Yeah," she said hastily and cast a look at Hiccup. He shrugged and took another mouthful of toast. "But doesn't mean I want to be seen with!" Martin frowned.

"Um, Mr Hofferson, you daughter is...well, popular and cool," Hiccup explained after an awkward moment. "I'm...well, not. So we can be friends...just not...obviously..." Astrid nodded urgently. Martin looked from the boy to his daughter and sighed.

"Kids," he muttered and turned his attention back to his paper as Astrid almost breathed a sigh of relief. Hiccup gave a small shrug and rose, grabbing his bag and coat.


"I'll...um...just see Toothless," he mumbled and headed out into the yard. Once the door was closed behind him, he took a deep breath of the cold air and coughed...and then heard an excited bark. His face lit as the black shape galloped across the yard and leapt at the boy. "Toothless! Bud! I'm so glad to see you!"

The dog bounced up and the boy crouched down, wrapping his arms round the excited dog and hugged him. "At least you don't mind being seen with me," he sighed. Toothless barked and raced away to go and bound around Stormfly. "Yeah, thanks bud," he muttered. "At least you've got a friend!"

He stiffened as the door opened behind him and he heard quick steps approach. Stormfly barked and Astrid said "Hey, girl!" The golden dog bounced over to her as he clambered to his feet...to find Astrid offering him a green knitted scarf. She smiled. "My Mom was worried you'd get cold...with your cough and everything," she said, looking self-conscious. He stared at her so she walked forward and wrapped the scarf firmly around his neck, tucking it in briskly.

"Hey!" he protested but she scowled at him...then punched him on the arm. He yelped, clutching at his arm. "Ow! Why...?"

"That's for being an idiot!" she scolded him. "You should've called me sooner. You could've frozen to death!"

"Well, couldn't really just turn up!" he protested. "It's not like we're actually friends or anything!" And then she lunged forward and pecked a very light, very quick kiss on his cheek.

"And that's for...well, you know...everything else," she said, self - consciously flicking her bangs off her face and running back into the house to pick up her bags for school. He stared after her, his mind blank.

What was that all about?

And the he became aware of the two dogs sitting side by side, watching him with tongues hanging out, almost looking like they were grinning at him.


"What're you looking at?"


He'd caught the school bus a stop up from Astrid's home and slank to the back, not meeting anyone's eye. Heather and Astrid had been deep in conversation as he walked past so he had stared out the window all the way to Berk High.

He'd arrived early and headed straight for his first lesson. Astrid had briskly presented him with his homework and though his head was aching, he had struggled through the equations... which turned out useful since Mr Mildew had singled him out for his absence. The fact he had scored 96% on his work only seemed to anger the teacher.

It continued to lunch, with every teacher singling him out to be quizzed. He'd been sarcastic after the first class and Mr Grimborn had loaded him with extra work for his insubordination in History-despite knowing the incantation for the funeral of a Viking Chief word perfect-and he had gratefully headed for lunch.

"Hiccup!" He flinched at Dagur's words and turned to glare at the bigger boy as he was stopped in the hall, still outside the canteen.

"What do you want?" Hiccup snapped. Dagur pulled a mock-hurt face and dragged the skinny teen round the corner behind the lockers.

"I'm disappointed! Can't I be worried about my buddy?" Dagur asked him.

"Yeah-you were real worried when you ran off and left me!" Hiccup snarled. He turned to face him. "You let your brother threaten me with a knife and you left me for the Gods-damned police!"

"You didn't roll on us-again?" Dagur asked him dangerously and he rolled his eyes.

"Look, I didn't say anything the first time!" he snapped. "Dag...you gotta trust me!"

"Why?" The question was immediate and sharp, sending a shiver down Hiccup's spine.

"How long have we been friends, Dag?" Hiccup asked quietly.

"Since Freshman year."

"And literally how many times have I taken the rap for you?"

"Well, probably about...a hundred?"

"So let me think? Why change now?"

"You tell me? You're the one who hit Dogsbreath!" And Hiccup sighed.

"For the last time, I'm not watching that idiot rape some girl..."

"That wasn't some girl, that was Astrid Hofferson!" Dagur protested.

"So? She was still a girl last time I looked!"

"Then prove you've not gone soft on us!"

"Will never happen, Dag. What d'ya want?" There was a sense of anxiety because he usually got into trouble when Dagur wanted him to do anything...but he desperately wanted to get his friends back. Then Dagur's next words stopped him in his tracks.

"If Dogsbreath couldn't fix her, want you to do it!" Dagur told him coldly. Hiccup backed away and stared at him, jaw slack. This was psychopathic Dagur at his very worst...

"Are you crazy?" he shouted. "We're talking major felony! This isn't some prank...this is a crime that people go to prison for...for years! For Odin's sake, Dag! No!"

There was a long pause as the bigger boy stared at him and finally he snorted.

"So that's how it is, huh? Some girl who thinks you're worthless over your friends?" His face grew hard and he glared at Hiccup. "Keep out of our way, fishbone-or you'll find out what we do to people who cross us."

Staring after him, the auburn haired boy sighed. Even if she hadn't given him shelter, even if he hadn't promised her Mom he would look out for her, there was only one answer he could ever give.

"Thanks, Dagur," he breathed. "Now I am officially an outcast."

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